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Statistics Canada provides researchers and policy makers with insight into our society and economy for the benefit of all Canadians; helping to answer questions and provide decision makers with the right information about complex issues that affect us all.
We collect data directly through traditional means such as by paper, by telephone, in person, but also through online and crowdsourcing surveys.
Statistics Canada has also been using existing data sources in official statistics for about 100 years. Today, many of our programs use existing data from government agencies and private sector organizations; which are collected as part of their ongoing operations. Statistics Canada integrates these data into official statistics to meet statistical and research requirements.
Learn more about where data comes from, how they are used in official statistics, and the steps we take to ensure the confidentiality of your data.
Additional information
Where does data come from?
Learn more about where data comes from and how they are used in official statistics.
How data are used
Learn more about how data are used in official statistics.
How we protect the privacy and confidentiality of your personal information
Learn more about how we protect the privacy and confidentiality of your personal information.
Using data from public and private sector sources to produce statistics
Learn more about the use of administrative data sources in the production of official statistics.
Transparency and accountability
How do we inform Canadians in a transparent way? Learn more on our commitment to transparency and accountability.
Frequently asked questions
Answers to frequently asked questions about new and existing data for official statistics.
Learn how we use new data sources to provide Canadians with greater insights.