Description - Infobytes - women in STEM
Did you know?
Among 19 year-olds who began a stem program in 2010, women accounted for the majority of students in biological sciences (60%) and general and integrated sciences (58%), but accounted for less than one in five students in engineering (19%) and computer and information sciences (16%).

Description - Infobytes - STEM program
Did you know?
Women graduate faster than men from STEM undergraduate programs, regardless of field of study. Overall, among 19 year-olds who began a STEM program in 2010, 36% of women completed the degree within 4 years, compared with 25% of men.

Description - Infobytes - cancer survival
Did you know?
The greatest improvements in net cancer survival between 1992-1994 and 2012-2014 were observed among people diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, cancer of the small intestine and multiple myeloma.

Description - Infobytes - cancer
Did you know?
A majority of prostate and female breast cancer cases are diagnosed early (stages I and II), whereas colorectal and lung cancer cases tend to be diagnosed late (stages III and IV).

Description - Infobytes - residential building construction
Did you know?
Investment in residential building construction totalled $121.2 billion in 2018, up from $119.2 billion in 2017 (+1.6%)

Description - Infobytes - Investment in building constuction
Did you know?
Investment in building construction grew from $170.0 billion in 2017 to $175.4 billion in 2018 (+3.4%).

Description - Infobyte - Regular employment insurance beneficiaries
Did you know?
In 2018, 26.9% of regular employment insurance beneficiaries were aged 55 and older, compared to 10.5% in 1997.

Description - Infobyte - Regular employment insurance recipients
Did you know?
During the last economic downturn, from November 2008 to May 2009, the number of regular employment insurance recipients increased by more than 50%.

Description - Infobyte - Self-employed fishing benefits
Did you know?
In any given month in 2018, an average of 12,500 self-employed fishermen received fishing benefits through the employment insurance program.

Description - Infobyte - Leading causes of death in Canada
Did you know?
In 2017, the top three leading causes of death in Canada were cancer, heart disease, and unintentional injuries (accidents).

Description - Infobyte - The total number of new cases of lung cancer
Did you know?
While lung cancer was previously common among males, the total number of new cases was evenly distibuted between both sexes in 2016.

Description - Infobyte - Payroll employment in the manufacturing sector
Did you know?
From February 2016 to February 2019, payroll employment in the manufacturing sector grew by 7.2%.

Description - Infobyte - Employment in care facilities
Did you know?
From 2006 to 2018, employment in nursing care and community care facilities for the elderly has grown by almost 50%, the same rate of growth as the population aged 65 and older.

Description - Infobyte - Payroll employment in computer systems design
Did you know?
Payroll employment in computer system design has increased by 57% over the past few years (June 2012 to February 2019).

Description - Infobyte - Canadians travelling to the United States by car and plane
Did you know?
In 2018, the share of Canadian residents travelling to the United States by car declined by 7%, while plane trips have increased by 9%.

Description - Infobyte - Trips to the United States
Did you know?
In 2018, Canadians made 44.4 million trips to the United States, up to 4.7% from 2017.

Description - Infobyte - Children in lower income families
Did you know?
Children in lower income families (22.6%) are less likely to achieve a university degreee than those in higher income families (59.3%).

Description - Infobyte - Retail trade, and health care and social assistance sectors
Did you know?
Retail trade, and health care and social assistance sectors had nearly 2 million payroll employees in 2018, the highest number among all sectors.

Description - Infobyte - oil and gas extraction
Did you know?
In 2018, oil and gas extraction was the highest-paying industry in Canada (on average $2,727 per week).

Description - Infobyte - Canadian youth accused of crime
Did you know?
The rate of Canadian youth accused of crime dropped 44% from 2007 to 2017.

Description - Infobyte - Motor vehicle theft
Did you know?
In 2017, the rate of motor vehicle theft in Canada was about half of what is was ten years earlier (-48%).

Description - Infobyte - Crime in Canada
Did you know?
Crime increased slightly in Canada in 2017, but remains 24% lower than ten years earlier.

Description - Infobyte - Travel to Canada by US residents
Did you know?
In 2018, travel to Canada by United States residents rose to 24.4 million trips (+0.5%), marking the fourth annual increase in a row.

Description - Infobyte - Travellers from countries other than the United States
Did you know?
In 2018, Canada welcomed 6.9 million travellers from countries other than the United States, the highest level on record and a 1.1% increase from the previous year.

Description - Infobyte - Household wealth
Did you know?
In 2018, the average household wealth in British Columbia ($927,000) was almost double that of the Atlantic provinces ($472,000).

Description - Infobyte - Household consumption
Did you know?
In 2018, the top 20% of Canadian earners accounted for over 31% of the household consumption of food, cars, clothing, and other household goods and services.

Description - Infobyte - Net worth
Did you know?
In 2018, the average net worth of the highest income earners was $1.8 million, nine times that of the lowest income earners ($200,000).

Description - Infobyte - Consumption finance
Did you know?
In 2018, individuals under the age of 35 saved an average of almost $5,000, while those over 65 had to draw down their pensions by about $17,000 to finance their consumption.

Description - Infobyte - Highest Canadian earners
Did you know?
In 2018, the highest income earners saved an average of $41,000, while the lowest earners had to draw on assets or incur debt to the tune of about $28,000 to finance their consumption.

Description - Infobyte - Lowest Canadian earners
Did you know?
In 2018, the lowest 20% of Canadian earners accounted for 12.6% of total spending on food, cars, clothing and other household goods and services.

Description - Infobyte - Canadians with low income
Did you know?
In 2018, Canadians with low income increased their share of consumption from 12.6% to 13.9% due to social transfers in kind from governments and the non-profit sector.

Description - Infobyte - Credit card, mortgage and other debt under 35
Did you know?
In 2016, individuals under the age of 35 held $2.36 in credit card, mortgage and other debt for each $1 earned.

Description - Infobyte - Homeowners with a mortgage
Did you know?
Homeowners with a mortgage held $3 in debt for each $1 earned in 2016.

Description - Infobyte - Top income earners
Did you know?
Top income earners in Ontario held $1.27 in debt for each $1 earned in 2016.