2000 submissions

Survey of Environmental Protection Expenditures
Analysis of Establishment Data on Investment, Capacity Use and Production
Cape Breton Community Employment Innovation Project (CEIP)
Follow-up of the Study of Sarnia Glass Fibre Workers
Polysar Synthetic Rubber Workers Mortality Update Study

Survey of Environmental Protection Expenditures

Purpose: This combined collection and linkage activity would allow the creation of an enhanced analysis file while keeping response burden and collection costs at a minimum. This activity would provide additional information on financial and employment data for the establishments in the survey.

Description: To combine data from the Survey of Environmental Protection Expenditures with the Annual Survey of Manufactures, the Oil and Gas Extraction Survey, the Coal Mines Annual Survey and the Electric Utility Financial Report from Statistics Canada and the Annual Census of Mines, Quarries and Sand Pits collected by Natural Resources Canada. This combined collection and linkage activity would allow the creation of an enhanced analysis file while keeping response burden and collection costs at a minimum.

Output: The combined data file would be used to produce aggregate data and analytical reports. Only aggregate data would be released outside of Statistics Canada. Although respondents were not informed of this proposed linkage activity at the time of the 1997 collection, it is planned to inform respondents at the time of the next collection of this extended use of their survey data. The analysis file will be retained indefinitely.

Analysis of Establishment Data on Investment, Capacity Use and Production

Purpose: To provide additional information on the relationship between reported rates of capacity use, production data and capital spending patterns. The Investment and Capital Stock Division (ICSD) produces Statistics Canada's rates of capacity use. As part of its ongoing efforts to maintain the relevance and accuracy of this series, ICSD would like to analyze establishment-based data on capacity use and production patterns in the manufacturing sector.

Description: This is an internal activity to combine data from the Capital Expenditures Survey and the Monthly Survey of Manufacturing for the years 1995 to the present and annually on an ongoing basis.

Output: The combined data file would be used to produce aggregate data and analytical reports. Only aggregate data would be released outside of Statistics Canada. Although respondents were not informed of this proposed linkage activity at the time of collection, it is planned to inform respondents at the time of the next collection period of this extended use of their survey data. The analysis files will be retained indefinitely.

Cape Breton Community Employment Innovation Project (CEIP)

Purpose: The CEIP is a research demonstration project designed to test the use of the income security system to support the ongoing efforts of local communities to build new and sustainable economies. The CEIP project offers paid community employment to Employment Insurance and Income Assistance recipients for a three year period. Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) is implementing a test of this new initiative in Cape Breton. HRDC has contracted with the Social Research and Demonstration Corporation (SRDC) to manage the overall project. SRDC has contracted with Statistics Canada to select the sample of potential participants, undertake the required data collection activities and create the linked analysis files required in the evaluation of this research demonstration.

Description: The participants are followed for eight years from the start of the project. The evaluation and analysis planned for this project requires the availability of survey data linked to administrative and program records. The files to be linked are from the CEIP baseline enrolment collection form, Employment Insurance records, Income Assistance records, Income Tax and Child Tax Benefits records, and assessment information on project participation. Participants are providing written consent for all aspects of the project, including the linkages and the release of the linked information, after identifying information has been removed.

Output: An analysis file without identifiers will be released to the researchers at SRDC with the written consent of the participants and a disclosure order signed by the Chief Statistician. The composite linked records with identifiers generated for this study will be retained for 10 years after the last enrolment of participants in Personal Information Bank STC PPU 121 - Community Employment Innovation Project. Following the proposed retention period, all identifiers will be removed from the composite file and it will then be retained indefinitely.

Follow-up of the Study of Sarnia Glass Fibre Workers

Purpose: A study undertaken by McMaster University sponsored by the Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Board to examine the long-term health effects on workers of exposure to glass fibres in the manufacturing of glass fibre insulation.

Description: This update will link the Sarnia workforce cohort to the most recent records in the Canadian Mortality Data Base and the Canadian Cancer Data Base to determine if mortality in the glass fibre workers is greater than that in the general male population of Ontario, taking into account age and calendar time. Primary interest will focus on whether there is an increase in lung cancer; but the study will also examine gastro-intestinal cancers and non-malignant respiratory disease. Of secondary interest is whether there is an increase in all cancers combined or in other specific cancer sites. The data will also be used to determine if there are exposure-response relationships for these diseases.

Output: An analysis file will be released to the researchers with the written consent of provincial Vital Statistics Registrars and the Directors of the Cancer Registries. The composite linked records generated for this study will be retained for a minimum of 10 years as part of Personal Information Bank STC PPU 076 - Long-Term Medical Follow-Up Study Files.

Polysar Synthetic Rubber Workers Mortality Update Study

Purpose: A study to update a previously approved linkage of the Polysar Synthetic Rubber Workers Mortality to determine the health risks associated with exposure to chemicals and processes used in the production of synthetic rubber. The current study is the Canadian portion of a combined North American study of synthetic rubber workers, sponsored by the U.S. Health Effects Institute. The Institute is an independent, non-profit corporation chartered to provide scientific information on the health effects of pollutants from motor vehicles and other sources in the environment.

Description: This update will link the Polysar workforce cohort to the most recent records in the Canadian Mortality Data Base to determine if mortality in the workers is greater than that in the general population. Results of previous studies showed that work in jobs entailing high exposure to 1,3-butadiene (BD) was positively associated with leukaemia mortality.

Output: An analysis file without names or identifiers will be released to the researchers with the written consent of the provincial Vital Statistics Registrars. The composite linked records generated for this study will be retained for a minimum of 10 years as part of Personal Information Bank STC PPU 076 - Long-Term Medical Follow-Up Study Files.