Social Media Terms of Use

These Terms of Use provide details as to how Statistics Canada will interact with the public on its social media platforms. Statistics Canada uses these social media platforms as a communication and outreach channel to reach and engage with Canadians.

The terms and conditions detailed below are specific to Statistics Canada. The terms and conditions of the Government of Canada also apply to Statistics Canada.


Statistics Canada has official accounts on the following social media platforms:

Content and frequency

By following Statistics Canada's social media accounts ("following," "liking" or "subscribing"), you can expect to see:

  • interesting facts on various aspects of Canada,
  • information on survey and census collection activities,
  • information on new products and services,
  • information about recruitment at Statistics Canada,
  • announcements on new website features,
  • Canadian statistics depicted using various formats,
  • interesting information about some of our employees who are bringing innovation and modernization to Canada's national statistical organization
  • and much more...

The number of posts published will vary depending on the number of publications, reports and analyses being released by the agency.


Statistics Canada welcomes feedback and ideas that are constructive and relevant from its followers. All comments will be read and any emerging themes or helpful suggestions will be passed along to the appropriate area in the organization.

Statistics Canada cannot commit to replying to every post, message or comment, but will engage in conversations when appropriate and as frequently as possible, in a timely manner. Questions and comments will be handled on a case-by-case basis when they are received: on posts published on our account, through private messages or via direct mentions.

Statistics Canada does not endorse any of the views expressed in comments posted by users, and in no way verifies or confirms the accuracy of those comments. Questions or comments that violate its Rules of engagement may result in the post being deleted and/or the user being blocked from the account.


Statistics Canada recognizes that the Internet is a 24/7 medium, and questions, comments, tags, and direct messages are welcome at any time. Moderating of the accounts will occur during regular office hours, Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., EST. Questions posted after business hours or on weekends and statutory holidays will be addressed as early as possible.

Statistics Canada is committed to serving its clients in a prompt, reliable, courteous, and fair manner. Depending on the nature of the enquiry, response times will vary. To ensure prompt service on social media, Statistics Canada will try to acknowledge receipt and/or answer direct questions within 1 business day.

Social media platforms are managed by third parties, and as such, Statistics Canada is not responsible for a lack of service caused by the platforms becoming unresponsive or unavailable.

Liking, following, and subscribing

There is no implied endorsement of an account, channel, page, individual, group or site should a Statistics Canada social media account decide to:

  • "follow", or some other similar feature, another social media account;
  • share content from another user (e,g., re-tweeting, reposting or linking);
  • use a "like", or other similar feature on content, posted by another user or account.

Statistics Canada may use the "Like" function on publications that contain information that is relevant to its mandate or that share its data.

Statistics Canada will only "Follow" the accounts of other Government of Canada institutions, key partners and other statistical organizations publishing information that is relevant to its mandate.


As part of the Government of Canada, Statistics Canada is committed to achieving a high standard of accessibility. Social media platforms are third-party service providers and are not bound by the Government of Canada policies for web accessibility.

If you have any problems accessing the information on our social media accounts, contact us to receive the information in an appropriate format.


Information posted by Statistics Canada on social media is subject to the Copyright Act. For more information, visit our Ownership and usage of content provided on this site webpage.

Official languages

Statistics Canada respects the Official Languages Act and is committed to ensuring that information is equally available in both English and French.

Posts will be published simultaneously in both official languages on each platform. Questions and comments which require a response will be answered in the official language of origin.

Links shared by Statistics Canada on its social media accounts may direct users to sites of organizations or other entities that are not subject to the Official Languages Act and that these sources may only be available in the language in which they were written. These links are provided solely for your convenience and Statistics Canada is not responsible for the information found through them. If linking to external web content that isn't available in the language of the current page, a mention of "(English only)" or "(French only)" will be added after the link.

Most social media platforms are available in several languages, including English and French. To change the display language, see your account settings.


Statistics Canada is committed to respecting the privacy of individuals. The agency's official social media accounts are hosted by third-party service providers, and are outside the control of the Government of Canada. We encourage you to read the Terms of Use for the platform(s) you are interested in.

Information shared with Statistics Canada on social media is subject to the provisions of the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act. For more information, visit Statistics Canada's Privacy notice.

Please also note that Statistics Canada uses service providers to monitor social media and traditional media in order to adapt its operations and communications as it relates to its mandate, as well as to detect and correct misinformation and disinformation in the social environment.

Employees on social media

Some Statistics Canada employees may be active on social media through their own personal accounts, under their own names or pseudonyms. Despite their professional affiliation with Statistics Canada and the Government of Canada, their posts do not represent the official position of Statistics Canada or that of the Government of Canada, and should be considered the product of each individual as a private citizen.

Media enquiries

Media representatives are asked to refrain from submitting questions or requests through Statistics Canada's social media accounts.

Any media enquiries can be sent directly to our Media Hotline.

General enquiries

For general enquiries on our products and services, contact us.

If you are looking for more information about the organization and its data holdings, please visit the Statistics Canada website.

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