Video - 2021 Census: New Indigenous content

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2021 Census: New Indigenous content - Video transcript

(The Statistics Canada symbol and Canada wordmark appear on screen with the title: "2021 Census: New Indigenous content")

People often wonder if numbers can tell stories.

At Statistics Canada, we believe they can—through something we like to call: a statistical lens.

I'll put it on for you.
You see, this lens brings into focus 25 years worth of important indigenous data that only the Census can capture.

Statistics Canada's Census of population collects socio-demographic information from First Nations people, Métis and Inuit living across the country.

Sometimes, we need to add more information, or questions, to capture changes or to fill data gaps.
Given this, we engage with Canadians across the country to make sure we get these questions right!

Since the last Census, our devoted team travelled around the country to talk to First Nations people,
Métis and Inuit to gather their input to ensure our questions are meaningful and fully representative of these groups.
We wanted these questions to provide important information such as people enrolled under, or beneficiaries of,
an Inuit land claims agreement and membership in a Métis organization or Settlement.

New questions were added to the 2021 Census and they helped us gain a clearer picture of the Inuit and Métis populations, wherever they may live.
Stay tuned for our release on September 21st, 2022.

If you have any questions please reach out to Statistics Canada's Centre for Indigenous Statistics and Partnerships @

(The Canada wordmark is on screen.)