Monthly Survey of Manufacturing: Reporting guide

Mining, Manufacturing and Wholesale Trade Division

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Survey Definitions and Instructions
1. Sales
2. Inventories
3. Orders
4. Production Capacity
5. Production Capacity Percentage

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Survey Definitions and Instructions

Reporting Unit: Activities reported should be comparable to those reported to the Annual Survey of Manufacturing and Logging Industries (ASML). If establishments for which individual reports are prepared for the ASML must be combined for this report, list the establishments included or report them to the interviewer. Report any changes in establishment coverage if they occur.

Frequency: Please submit data at the end of each accounting period either by telephone, mail, fax or electronically. For report due date, please refer to the front page of the questionnaire.

Source of Data: Sales and inventory data should be available from monthly statements. Unfilled orders may be maintained separately. When values are not available by the due date, estimates are acceptable. If previously reported values have been revised, kindly note them in the “remarks” section on the monthly report, submit them on a separate sheet of paper or explain the change to the interviewer.

Note: DO NOT include sales tax (provincial, federal or GST), excise duties, excise tax or discounts.

1. Sales

Report only sales for the accounting period. DO NOT report cumulative or year-to-date values.

  1. Sales of Goods Manufactured: Sales of goods out of the manufacturing establishment, except to warehouses that are part of the same accounting entity and goods on consignment. In addition to normal sales, include transfers to other establishments in the same company, sales from warehouses that are part of the same establishment, sales of goods shipped earlier on consignment, all sales for which an export permit is prepared, revenue for custom and repair work done, charges for installation where they are part of sales. Also include capitalized value of any goods manufactured by this establishment that have been built for subsequent rental.
  2. Sales of goods purchased for resale, as is: Value of sales of goods purchased and resold in the same condition. This category also includes the value of goods purchased in bulk which remain unchanged when resold except for cutting and packaging.
  3. Total: Sum of 1(a) and 1(b).

2. Inventories

This section is for reports of the book value of inventory normally held by the establishment. Include: inventory used for long term contracts involving progress billings or payments without adjustment, goods in transit in Canada, goods held in warehouses that are part of the establishment, goods shipped on consignment in Canada until they are sold. Exclude: inventory owned and held abroad, e.g. purchases that have not cleared customs, finished products in foreign warehouses, or on consignment in foreign countries.

  1. Inventories of Raw materials, fuel, supplies, components: Include all items bought for processing and assembling that have not been charged out to processing. The value of logs and rough lumber may be reported either here or in goods in process but consistent with reports to the Annual Survey of Manufactures and Logging Industries.
  2. Inventories of Goods/Work in process: Report the gross book value before reduction for partial billings or progress payments (in other words payments made as work progresses).
  3. Inventories of Finished goods manufactured: Include goods manufactured or processed by the establishment ready for sale.
  4. Inventories of Goods purchased for resale, as is: Include items of non-manufacturing inventory in addition to any goods purchased for resale in the same condition except for cutting and packaging.
  5. Total inventory: Sum of 2(a), 2(b), 2(c), and 2(d).

3. Orders

For the purpose of this survey, unfilled orders are for goods to be manufactured by the establishment that have not been transferred to sales or treated as a sale. Exclude orders for goods purchased for resale, as is.

Unfilled orders at month end: Report the total value of the unfilled orders less those portions which have been treated as a sale.

4. Production Capacity

This section measures the potential production (production capacity) and the actual production (capacity utilization) of your operations.

Estimate the market value of production of the plant as if it had been operating at full production capability for the whole month.


  • only machinery and equipment in place and ready to operate
  • normal downtime
  • labour, materials, utilities, etc. are fully available
  • the number of shifts, hours of operation and overtime pay that can be sustained under normal conditions and a realistic work schedule in the long run
  • the same product mix as the actual production
  • market value of production can be obtained by adjusting the value of shipments with the change in stocks inventories of Goods/Work in process and of finished goods manufactured.

The production value of a given product is calculated using the following formula:

Value of Production = value of sales of goods manufactured plus (+) [closing value of goods and work in process (-) opening value of goods and work in process] plus (+) [closing value of finished goods manufactured (-) opening value of finished goods manufactured]

Prodt = Salest + (GIPt - GIPt-1) + (FGt – FGt-1)

Cap_Prod = max Prodt = t-i, i = 1, 2…,12

GIP: Good in and or work in process
FGM: Finished Goods manufactured
Cap_Prod: Production Capacity

OPTION 1 – Value (in dollars)

If you report for more than one plant, please determine the production capacity for each plant and provide the sum of these values.

OPTION 2 – Volume and Average Price


If you report for more than one plant, please determine the production capacity for each plant and provide the sum of these figures.

Average Price

If your plant(s) produce(s) different products, please use a product mix at capacity which is most similar to the composition of your output for this reference period.

5. Production Capacity Percentage

The Production Capacity Percentage is calculated by using the following formula:
Divide your actual production estimate by your full production estimate in question 6 and Multiply this ratio by 100 to get a percentage.


The telephone number for the Statistics Canada Regional Office in your area appears on the enclosed letter or the monthly survey form.

Mailed inquiries may be sent to that Regional Office in the postage-paid envelope that accompanies the survey form or to:

Statistics Canada
Mining, Manufacturing and Wholesale Trade Division
Monthly Survey of Manufacturing Section
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0T6