Archived - Coal Monthly

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Reporting guide

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1. Reporting instructions

The following provides information to assist in completing the Monthly Coal Survey.
For assistance in completing this questionnaire, please call: 1-877-604-7828.

  • There are 2 separate coal products: Raw coal and clean coal. Clean coal section further subdivides in Metallurgical and Thermal coal.
  • For each product, please report to the nearest metric tonne and dollar. Do not duplicate amounts.
  • If the exact tonnages are not available, please provide your best estimate.
  • Please keep a copy of the questionnaire for your records.

2. Definitions

Bituminous Coal - A dense, black coal, often with well-defined bands of bright and dull material with a moisture content usually less than 20 per cent. Often referred to as soft coal it is used primarily for generating electricity, making coke and space heating.

Sub-bituminous Coal - A black coal used primarily for thermal generation with moisture content between 15 and 30 per cent.

Lignite - A brownish-black coal of low rank containing 30 to 40 per cent moisture and volatile matter (also known as brown coal in which the texture of the original wood is distinct). Used almost exclusively for electric power generation.

Coal Coke - A hard, porous product made from baking bituminous coal in ovens at high temperatures. Often used as a fuel and a reducing agent in smelting iron ore in a blast furnace.

Raw coal – Any type of coal (bituminous, sub-bituminous and lignite) as it is extracted from underground or surface mines. Raw coal can be used as is (especially lignite and sub-bituminous) in electric power generating plants, residential consume or other industrial activities. Higher quality coals such as bituminous are mostly send to preparation plants (also known as cleaning plants and washeries) in order to remove the moisture and debris.

Metallurgical coal – High quality coal obtained in preparation plants after removing the moisture and debris from bituminous coal. Metallurgical coal includes PCI (pulverized coal injection) weak, soft and hard coals which are destined for coking or steel plants.

Thermal coal – Medium quality coal obtained in preparation plants after removing the moisture and debris from bituminous coal. It is mostly used for electric power generation.

3. Completing the questionnaire

Section 1 - Mining and preparation plant activities

Line 1.1 – Gross underground run-of-mine production
Report the total amount of coal mined in underground facilities.

Line 1.2 – Gross surface run-of-mine production
Report the total amount of coal mined in surface facilities.

Line 1.3 – Sent to discard heap
Report the total amount of coal discarded as unusable from the total amount mined (underground and surface production).

Line 1.4 – Reclaimed from discard heap, tailing pond etc.
Report the total amount of coal reclaimed as usable from discard heap or tailing ponds.

Line 1.5 – Total net production
Obtained by adding gross underground and gross surface productions minus amount discarded plus amount reclaimed. (1.1 + 1.2 – 1.3 + 1.4).

Line 1.6 – Processed at preparation plant(s)
Obtained by adding Total net production and raw inventory – end of previous month, minus raw inventory - end of present month, plus or minus adjustments to or from other producers, minus marketable production of raw coal (1.5 + 1.8 – 1.9 +/-1.10 – 1.11). The amount should equal line 3.1 (total metric tonnes).

Line 3.3 – Plant losses
Report the amount coal lost during the preparation process at the plant (moisture debris etc).

Line 3.4 – Preparation plant output
Report the total amount of clean coal obtained after preparation at plant and eliminating the losses (3.1 – 3.3). The total preparation plant output is the sum of clean metallurgical and clean thermal coal.

Lines 1.8 and 3.5 – Raw/processed inventory – end of previous month
Report the inventories of raw/processed coal reported at the end of previous month. Must equal line 1.9 (3.6 respectively) from previous month report.

Lines 1.9 and 3.6 – Raw/processed inventory – end of present month
Report the inventory of raw/processed coal existent at the end of present month. The amount will be carried over as inventory at the end of previous month in next month report.

Lines 1.10 and 3.7 – Adjustments
Report the amounts of raw or clean coal received from or transferred to other producers.

Lines 1.11 and 3.8 – Marketable production
Report the total amount of raw and clean coal disposed during the month (raw = 1.5 – 1.6 + 1.8 – 1.9 +/- 1.10; clean = 3.4 + 3.5 – 3.6 +/-3.7)

Section 2 – Disposal section

Lines 2.1 and 4.1 – Within province electric power generating plants
Report the amount of raw and clean coal (metallurgical and thermal) sold to electric power generating plants within province and the correspondent dollar values.

Lines 2.2 and 4.2 – Industrial consumers
Report the amount of raw and clean coal (metallurgical and thermal) sold to industrial consumers within province and the correspondent dollar values.

Lines 2.3 and 4.3 – Coke plants (including char)
Report the amount of raw and clean coal (metallurgical and thermal) sold to coke plants within province and the correspondent dollar values.

Lines 2.4 and 4.4 – Residential consumers (including employees)
Report the amount of raw and clean coal (metallurgical and thermal) sold to residential consumers within province and the correspondent dollar values.

Lines 2.5 and 4.5 – Company use (boilers, etc.)
Report the amount of raw and clean coal (metallurgical and thermal) used by your company and the correspondent dollar values.

Lines 2.6 and 4.6 – Other (specify)
Report the amount of raw and clean coal (metallurgical and thermal) sold to other clients (e.g. Farmers) within province and the correspondent dollar values.

Lines 2.7 and 4.7 – Total disposal within province
Report the total amounts of raw and clean coal sold and used within province and the correspondent total dollar value (raw = 2.1 to 2.6; clean = 4.1 to 4.6).

Lines 2 and 4 – Other provinces (specify)
Report the amount of raw and clean coal (metallurgical and thermal) sold to customers in other provinces and the correspondent dollar values. Please specify the total amounts sold and the dollar values for each province.

Lines 2.19, 2.20, 419, and 4.20 – To shipping port – Atlantic or Lake Superior/Pacific
Report the total amount of raw and clean coal shipped to the Atlantic or Lake Superior and Pacific ports and the correspondent dollar values. The value of shipments to port should reflect the real market value. Therefore a value based on the estimated selling value at the port minus transportation costs from mine would be appropriate.

Lines 2.21 and 4.21 – To U.S.A. by road or rail
Report the amount of coal shipped to U.S.A by rail or road and the correspondent dollar value.

Lines 2.22 and 4.22 – Total disposal from mine
Report the total amount of coal disposed within province, to other provinces and to ports and their correspondent dollar values (raw = 2.1 to 2.21; clean = 4.1 to 4.21). Total disposal from mine should equal marketable production.

Section 3 – Atlantic or Lake Superior Ports

Lines 2.23 and 4.23 – Port inventory at end of previous month
Report the inventories of raw/clean coal reported at the end of previous month. Must equal line 2.24 (4.24 respectively) from previous month report.

Lines 2.24 and 4.24 – Port inventory at the end of present month
Report the inventory of raw/processed coal existent at the end of present month. The amount will be carried over as inventory at the end of previous month in next month report.

Lines 2.25 and 4.25 – Shipments from port (specify)
Report the amounts of raw and clean coal shipped from port to specific destinations.

Lines 2.26 and 4.26 – Adjustments to or from other producers (specify)
Report the amounts of raw or clean coal received from or transferred to other producers (raw = 2.19 + 2.23 – 2.24 – 2.25; clean = 4.19 + 4.23 – 4.24 – 4.25).

Section 4 – Pacific Port

Lines 2.27 and 4.27 - Port inventory at end of previous month
Report the inventories of raw/clean coal reported at the end of previous month. Must equal line 2.28 (4.28 respectively) from previous month report.

Lines 2.28 and 4.28 – Port inventory at the end of present month
Report the inventory of raw/processed coal existent at the end of present month. The amount will be carried over as inventory at the end of previous month in next month report.

Lines 2.29.559 and 4.29.559 – Shipments from port – Japan
Report the amounts of coal shipped to Japan during the month and their correspondent dollar values.

Lines 2.29 and 4.29 – Shipments from port (specify)
Report the amounts of raw and clean coal shipped from port to specific destinations and their correspondent dollar value.

Lines 2.38 and 4.38 – Shipments from port to British Columbia customers
Report the amounts of raw and clean coal shipped from port to specific destinations within the province of British Columbia and their correspondent dollar value.

Lines 2.30 and 4.30 – Adjustments to or from other producers (specify)
Report the amounts of raw or clean coal received from or transferred to other producers (raw = 2.20 + 2.27 – 2.28 – 2.29 – 2.38; clean = 4.20 + 4.27 – 4.28 – 4.29 – 4.39).
Estimated Exports Marketing Expenses - Report the average cost/metric tonne for transportation to port, loading and handling at port and other costs related to port activity.

Section 5 – Provincial data (complete the appropriate provincial section)

Report the export marketing expenses as an average cost/metric tonne for transportation to port, loading and handling at port and other port expenses (specify). The information in this section refers to staff employed at each mine and the number of hours worked.

Provincial data – Section 1 – Alberta
Report the average daily work force during reporting month. Include all employees at site (staff, hourly), mine number and the staff employed by run of mine production (metallurgical or thermal).

Provincial data – Section 1 – British Columbia
Report the number of employees receiving pay on last working day of the month whether paid on monthly, weekly, hourly or piece work basis. Provide the number of workers employed at the site by type of activity (Mine and related, administrative and office, and other) and by location of activity (surface, underground, preparation plant). Report the salaries and wages in thousands of dollars. If Pulverized Coal Injection is produced / sold please provide the volume (metric tonnes) and dollar value for marketable production, total disposal from mine and total shipment from port (Atlantic or Pacific).