Environment, Energy and Transportation Statistics Division
Energy Section
This guide is designed to assist you as you complete the
2019 Monthly Oil and Other Liquid Petroleum Products Pipeline Survey.
Help Line: 1-877-604-7828
This monthly survey covers the activities of all pipelines in Canada receiving and delivering crude oils, liquefied petroleum gases (propane, butane and ethane) and refined petroleum products.
Amounts: Report amounts in cubic metres of crude oil and equivalent products; and of propane, butane, and other products received and delivered during the month under review.
The Statistics Act protects the confidentiality of information collected by Statistics Canada.
Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information it collects which could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Statistics Canada will use the information from this survey for statistical purposes.
Table of Contents
- A – Reporting instructions
- B – Receipts from imports
- C – Receipts from Canadian sources
- D – Opening inventories for the month
- E – Deliveries to exports
- F – Deliveries to Canadian destinations
- G – Company own use
- H – Closing inventories for the month
- I – Line losses and adjustments
- J – Thousands of cubic metres kilometres
- K – In transit movements
- L – Ex transit movements
A – Reporting Instructions
Please report information for a specific reference month in 2019.
Please complete all sections as applicable.
If the information requested is unknown, please provide your best estimate.
This guide is designed to assist you as you complete the Monthly Oil and Other Liquid Petroleum Products Pipeline Survey. If you need more information, please call 1-877-604-7828.
B – Receipts from imports
Report the volume of receipts, in cubic metres, of crude oil and equivalent products; and of propane, butane, and other products, which are imported from foreign countries, by province of operation. Do not include receipts of Canadian crude oil and equivalent products. These volumes should be reported as other receipts if they are not coming directly from fields, plants, other pipelines.
C – Receipts from Canadian Sources
Select the type of receipts of crude oil and equivalent products from Canadian sources, which are:
- From fields: Report the volume of receipts, in cubic metres, of crude oil and equivalent products; and of propane, butane, and other products, from fields, by province of operation.
- From plants: Report the volume of receipts, in cubic metres, of crude oil and equivalent products; and of propane, butane, and other products, from bulk plants, processing plants and upgraders, by province of operation.
- From other pipelines, internal to the province of operation: Report the volume of receipts, in cubic metres, of crude oil and equivalent products; and of propane, butane, and other products, from other pipelines, by province of operation.
- From other sources: Report the volume of all other receipts, in cubic metres, of crude oil and equivalent products; and of propane, butane, and other products, which are received into the pipeline, by province of operation. This would include receipts from trucks, tanker cars, barges, etc. to the pipeline.
D – Opening inventories for the month
The opening inventories must be equivalent to the closing inventories of the previous month, by provinces and countries of operation.
- Held in pipelines: Report the volume of opening inventories, in cubic metres, of crude oil and equivalent products; and of propane, butane, and other products, held in pipeline lines, by provinces and countries of operation. Do not include volumes held in tanks. Inventories should be actual physical volumes remaining in lines at the end of the previous reporting month.
- Held in tanks and terminals: Report the volume of opening inventories, in cubic metres, of crude oil and equivalent products; and of propane, butane, and other products, held in tanks and terminals, by province and countries of operation. Do not include pipeline fill. Inventories should be actual physical volumes in tanks at the end of the previous reporting month.
E – Deliveries to exports
Report the volume of exports, in cubic metres, of crude oil and equivalent products; and of propane, butane, and other products, which are exported directly to the U.S. by this pipeline, by province of operation. Do not include exports of Canadian crude oil and equivalent products which are not exported directly by the pipeline (i.e. product is loaded onto a barge, tanker, truck, tanker car, etc.). These volumes should be reported as other deliveries.
F – Deliveries to Canadian destinations
Select the type of deliveries of crude oil and equivalent products; and of propane, butane, and other products, to Canadian destinations, which are:
- To other pipelines, internal to the province of operations: Report the volume of deliveries, in cubic metres, of crude oil and equivalent products; and of propane, butane, and other products, which are delivered to another pipeline, by province of operation.
- To refineries: Report the volume of deliveries, in cubic metres, of crude oil and equivalent products; and of propane, butane, and other products, which are delivered to refineries in Canada, by province of operation.
- To bulk plants, terminals, processing plants, or upgraders: Report the volume of deliveries, in cubic metres, of crude oil and equivalent products; and of propane, butane, and other products, which are delivered to bulk plants, terminals, processing plants, or upgraders by province of operation.
- To 'other deliveries': Report the volume of deliveries, in cubic metres, of crude oil and equivalent products; and of propane, butane, and other products, which are delivered to a category not covered by the previous deliveries, by province of operation. This would include deliveries to barges, tankers, trucks, tanker cars, etc.
G – Company own use
Please report the volume consumed for own pipeline operations, in cubic metres, of propane, butane, and other products, by province of operation.
H – Closing inventories for the month
Report the type and volume of closing inventories, in cubic metres, of crude oil and equivalent products; and of propane, butane, and other products, by provinces and countries of operation.
- Held in pipelines: Please report the volume of closing inventories, in cubic metres, of crude oil and equivalent products; and of propane, butane, and other products, held in pipeline lines, by provinces and countries of operation. Do not include volumes held in tanks. Inventories should be actual physical volumes remaining in lines at the end of the reporting month.
- Held in tanks and terminals: Please report the volume of closing inventories, in cubic metres, of crude oil and equivalent products; and of propane, butane, and other products, held in tanks and terminals, by provinces and countries of operation. Do not include pipeline fill. Inventories should be actual physical volumes in tanks at the end of the reporting month.
I – Line losses and adjustments
Report the volume of all losses, in cubic metres, of crude oil and equivalent products; and of propane, butane, and other products, due to metering differences, shrinkage, spillage, etc., by province of operation. Include also any adjustments caused by inventory revisions. Use this column to make adjustments to add to total deliveries. The total deliveries must equal total receipts by product. Use a "-" to report losses and adjustments, where it applies.
J – Thousands of cubic metre kilometres
Please report the volume in thousands of cubic metres of crude oil and equivalent products; and of propane, butane, and other products, multiplied by the distance each shipment has moved, by province. e.g. 2000 cubic metres transported over 5 km is 10 thousand cubic metre kilometres. Volumes are reported in thousands of cubic metres, by province of operation.
Foreign crude oil and equivalent products via Canadian pipelines for destinations in the United States by province of operation
K – In transit movements
Report the volume of foreign crude oil and equivalent products; and of propane, butane, and other products in cubic metres, received via Canadian pipelines for destination in the United States (In transit shipments), by province of operation.
Domestic crude oil via United States pipelines for Canadian destinations by province of operation
L – Ex transit movements
Report the volume of Canadian crude oil and equivalent products; and of propane, butane, and other products, in cubic metres, received via United States pipelines for destination in Canada (Ex transit Shipments), by province of operation.
Thank you for your participation.