Non-durable goods
- Fresh or frozen beef
- Fresh or frozen pork
- Other fresh or frozen meat (excluding poultry)
- Fresh or frozen chicken
- Other fresh or frozen poultry
- Ham and bacon
- Other processed meat
- Fresh or frozen fish (including portions and fish sticks)
- Canned and other preserved fish
- Seafood and other marine products
- Fresh milk
- Butter
- Cheese
- Ice cream and related products
- Other dairy products
- Eggs
- Bread, rolls and buns
- Cookies and crackers
- Other bakery products
- Rice and rice-based mixes
- Breakfast cereal and other cereal products (excluding baby food)
- Pasta products
- Flour and flour-based mixes
- Apples
- Oranges
- Bananas
- Other fresh fruit
- Fruit juices
- Other preserved fruit and fruit preparations
- Nuts and seeds
- Potatoes
- Tomatoes
- Lettuce
- Other fresh vegetables
- Frozen and dried vegetables
- Canned vegetables and other vegetable preparations
- Sugar and syrup
- Confectionery
- Margarine
- Other edible fats and oils
- Coffee
- Tea
- Condiments, spices and vinegars
- Soup
- Baby foods
- Frozen food preparations
- All other food preparations
- Non-alcoholic beverages
- Electricity
- Natural gas
- Fuel oil and other fuels
- Detergents and soaps (other than personal care)
- Other household cleaning products
- Paper supplies
- Plastic and aluminum foil supplies
- Pet food and supplies
- Seeds, plants and cut flowers
- Other horticultural goods
- Other household supplies
- Gasoline
- Prescribed medicines (excluding medicinal cannabis)
- Non-prescribed medicines
- Medicinal cannabis
- Other health care goods
- Personal soap
- Toiletry items and cosmetics
- Oral-hygiene products
- Other personal care supplies and equipment
- Fuel, parts and accessories for recreational vehicles
- Beer purchased from stores
- Wine purchased from stores
- Liquor purchased from stores
- Other alcoholic beverages purchased in stores
- Cigarettes
- Other tobacco products and smokers' supplies
- Recreational cannabis
Semi-durable goods
- Window coverings
- Bedding and other household textiles
- Women's clothing
- Men's clothing
- Children's clothing
- Women's footwear (excluding athletic)
- Men's footwear (excluding athletic)
- Children's footwear (excluding athletic)
- Athletic footwear
- Leather clothing accessories
- Other clothing accessories
- Clothing material and notions
- Passenger vehicle parts, accessories and supplies
- Eye care goods
- Toys, games (excluding video games) and hobby supplies
- School textbooks and supplies
- Newspapers
- Magazines and periodicals
- Books and reading material (excluding textbooks)
Durable goods
- Telephone equipment
- Upholstered furniture
- Wooden furniture
- Other furniture
- Cooking appliances
- Refrigerators and freezers
- Laundry and dishwashing appliances
- Other household appliances
- Non-electric kitchen utensils, tableware and cookware
- Household tools (including lawn, garden and snow removal equipment)
- Other household equipment
- Other household furnishings and equipment
- Watches
- Jewellery
- Purchase of passenger vehicles
- Sporting and exercise equipment
- Computer equipment, software and supplies
- Multipurpose digital devices
- Photographic equipment and supplies
- Other recreational equipment
- Purchase of recreational vehicles and outboard motors
- Audio equipment
- Video equipment
- Purchase of digital media
- Food purchased from table-service restaurants
- Food purchased from fast food and take-out restaurants
- Food purchased from cafeterias and other restaurants
- Rent
- Tenants' insurance premiums
- Tenants' maintenance, repairs and other expenses
- Mortgage interest cost
- Homeowners' replacement cost
- Property taxes and other special charges
- Homeowners' home and mortgage insurance
- Homeowners' maintenance and repairs
- Other owned accommodation expenses
- Water
- Telephone services
- Postal and other communications services
- Internet access services
- Child care services
- Housekeeping services
- Other household services
- Financial services
- Services related to household furnishings and equipment
- Laundry services
- Dry cleaning services
- Other clothing services
- Leasing of passenger vehicles
- Rental of passenger vehicles
- Passenger vehicle maintenance and repair services
- Passenger vehicle insurance premiums
- Passenger vehicle registration fees
- Drivers' licences
- Parking fees
- All other passenger vehicle operating expenses
- City bus and subway transportation
- Taxi and other local and commuter transportation services
- Air transportation
- Rail, highway bus and other inter-city transportation
- Other public transportation
- Eye care services
- Dental care services
- Other health care services
- Personal care services
- Recreational services
- Insurance, licences and other services for recreational vehicles
- Rental of digital media
- Other home entertainment equipment, parts and services
- Traveller accommodation
- Travel tours
- Spectator entertainment (excluding video and audio subscription services)
- Video and audio subscription services
- Use of recreational facilities and services
- All other cultural and recreational services
- Tuition fees
- Other lessons, courses and education services
- Other reading material (excluding textbooks)
- Beer served in licensed establishments
- Wine served in licensed establishments
- Liquor served in licensed establishments