Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information it collects which could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent or as permitted by the Statistics Act. The confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act are not affected by either the Access to Information Act or any other legislation. Therefore, for example, the Canada Revenue Agency cannot access identifiable survey records from Statistics Canada.
Information from this survey will be used for statistical purposes only and will be published in aggregate form only.
How to submit
An email invitation is sent to respondents to complete an electronic questionnaire. Please click on the link that you would have received in your email invitation and complete questions 1-3. Data can be entered into the electronic questionnaire or can be attached in a file. There is a link available in the electronic questionnaire to download an Excel spreadsheet based questionnaire to complete. Once complete, return to the electronic questionnaire and attach in question 4.
Please refer to the self-coding guide when completing your report.
Please submit your completed report no later than 10 days after the end of the month.
Do you have questions regarding the survey?
Do you need help in completing the form?
Contact us
1-877-949-9492 (TTY: 1-800-363-7629)
Monday to Friday (except holidays), from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (Eastern Time)
If you use an operator-assisted relay service, you can call us during regular business hours. You do not need to authorize the operator to contact us.
If you choose to transmit the questionnaire or information to Statistics Canada by facsimile or e-mail communication, please be advised that there could be a risk of disclosure during the communication process. However, upon receipt of your communication, Statistics Canada will provide the guaranteed level of protection afforded to all information collected under the authority of the Statistics Act.
Nil report
If no construction or demolition activity took place during the month, simply select no in question 1 in the electronic questionnaire.
Permit number
Please enter the permit number and not the folder number. If there is no permit number, please use the following format YYYYMM_N where YYYY is the reference year, MM is the reference month and N is the sequential numbering (e.g., 1, 2, 3 etc.).
Issue date of permit
The date the building permit was issued. If no specific date is on record, please use the 1st of the month.
Construction or demolition location (site address)
Please indicate the civic address of the structure. If it is not available, provide the legal address.
Type of building code
Please select the intended use of the structure to indicate the type of building. If there are multiple uses for the building (contains more than one building type), please code to the main building type based on building area and provide additional details in the description box for this permit. If you are unsure of the type of building, please code to the best of your knowledge and provide a comment in the permit description or additional permit comments box located on the next page at question 9.
Type of work code
Please select the type of work for which the permit is issued. See reporting guide for detailed descriptions. If you are unsure of the type of work, please code to the best of your knowledge and provide a comment in the permit description or additional permit comments box located on the next page at question 9.
- New construction
- If only one permit is issued for the construction of a new building, the term is "New Construction".
- If more than one permit is issued for the construction of a new building, report the stage of construction for which the permit is issued.
Examples: foundation, installation of pre-fabricated buildings, installation of equipment, etc.
- Conversion of dwelling
This term refers to any modification to an existing building involving the gain of dwelling units.
- Deconversion of dwelling
This term refers to any modification to an existing building involving the loss of dwelling units.
- Addition to existing building (structural extension) for non-residential only
This term describes a non-residential structural extension to an existing building.
- Alteration and improvements
- Any construction work undertaken for the purpose of improving or modifying an existing structure.
- Permits issued for the replacement of built-in equipment (elevator, heating and plumbing system, etc.) should also be included.
- Additional value to previous permits
Please indicate any additional value to an already issued permit.
Secondary suite
Please indicate if this permit is for, or includes, a secondary suite or accessory dwelling unit. e.g. A self-contained dwelling unit that has been created within a larger principal dwelling, or on the same property in a separate structure.
Value of construction
Please round to the nearest dollar or thousand based on your response to question 2 as decimals cannot be entered.
Dwelling units created
Please indicate the number of dwelling units created by the construction of new residential structures or the conversion of existing buildings. e.g. A permit issued for a new duplex would have 2 units created, as there are two separate dwellings. A conversion could be adding additional dwellings units to a residential building, or a change of use from non-residential to residential.
Dwelling units lost
Please indicate the number of dwelling units lost through renovations to existing buildings, usually referred to as a deconversion. e.g. A permit issued to merge two apartment units into one unit would enter 1 in this field. Dwelling units lost can also be the result of a permit issued for the change of use from residential to non-residential.
Units demolished
- Residential buildings
Please indicate the number of dwelling units to be demolished and not the number of buildings. e.g. A permit issued for the demolition of a 10 unit apartment building would enter 10 in this field.
- Non-residential buildings
Please indicate the number of buildings to be demolished.
Gross area
Please round to the nearest square foot or square metre as decimals cannot be entered.
- Residential buildings
Please report the total enclosed living area of all floors in terms of the number of square feet or square metres. Exclude unfinished basement and garage areas.
- Non-residential buildings
Please report the size of all floors in terms of the number of square feet or square metres. Include basement areas.
Start date of construction (if known)
Please provide the intended start date of construction, if available. Please leave blank if unknown.
Number of storeys
Please report the number of floors that are above ground.
Non-residential Building Types
Building categories are defined as follows:
- Industrial Buildings
Buildings used in the transformation of goods or related to transportation and communication.
- Commercial Buildings
Buildings used in the trade or distribution of goods and services, including office buildings.
- Institutional and Government Buildings
Buildings used to house public and semi-public services such as those related to health and welfare, education, or public administration, as well as buildings used for religious services.
Residential Building Types
Single-detached – This type of dwelling is commonly called a "single house". It comprises a one-dwelling unit completely separated on all sides from any other dwelling or structure and includes homes linked below ground.
Semi-detached – This type includes each of two dwellings separated by a common wall or by a garage, but not attached to any other building and surrounded on all other sides by open space.
Row house – One of three or more dwellings joined side by side but not having any other dwellings either above or below.
Apartments – This category includes dwelling units found in a wide range of structures such as duplexes, triplexes, row-duplexes, apartments proper and dwelling units over or at the rear of a store or other non-residential structure.
Mobile home – A dwelling designed and constructed to be transported on its own chassis and capable of being moved on short notice.
Cottage – Refers to a dwelling which is unsuitable for year-round occupancy, since the structure does not have sufficient facilities to provide comfortable accommodation throughout the year.