C.V. Results for ITS Q3 2016, Total Spending ($000,000)

C.V. Results for ITS Q3 2016, Total Spending ($000,000)
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 1: C.V. Results for ITS Q3 2016. The information is grouped by Province (appearing as row headers), Total CanadianSpending (000,000), Canadian Spending C.V., Total Visitor Spending (000,000) and Visitor Spending C.V., calculated using $, % and $ units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Province Total Canadian Spending (000,000) Canadian Spending C.V. Total Visitor Spending (000,000) Visitor Spending C.V.
$ % $ %
Newfoundland and Labrador 50 28.5 13 32.3
Prince Edward Island 13 37.6 6 0.0
Nova Scotia 98 15.9 181 7.0
New Brunswick 182 13.1 187 8.5
Quebec 1,972 3.3 1,350 3.8
Ontario 4,335 2.1 3,282 2.2
Manitoba 439 8.4 59 20.6
Saskatchewan 161 15.5 25 19.3
Alberta 983 4.8 663 6.0
British Columbia 1,652 3.5 2,921 2.9
Yukon 6 55.7 71 22.5
Canada 9,891 1.2 8,758 1.5