Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) – Errata

Date: October 2011

To: CCHS master and share microdata files

Subject: Error corrected in the Smoking Module – Modified version derived variable, SMKDSTY

Product(s) affected: Share and Master microdata files

Year(s) affected: 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2007–2008, 2009

Description of the problem(s):
In 2010, the programming of the response categories for this derived variable was changed. Respondents who answered SMK_202=3, SMK_05D=9, SMK_01A in (7,8), and SMK_01B=1 were being classified as SMKDSTY=5 and should have been classified as SMKDSTY=99. A new condition and brackets were added to ensure that the category was being assigned correctly to all cases.

Suggested correction(s): To correctly process this derived variable for 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2007–2008 and 2009 please use the specifications below.

Correction steps: The correction is highlighted and in bold font.
SKMDSTY = 5 (SMK_202 = 3 AND ((SMK_05D = 2 OR SMK_05D = 6) AND (SMK_01A = 1 OR SMK_01B = 1)))

Contact us: We regret any inconvenience this may have caused you or your organisation and thank you in advance for your understanding.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

Health Statistics Division
Electronic mail:

Date: October 2011

To: Users of the 2009 and 2009–2010 Master and Share files

Subject: Reversed variable labels

Product(s) affected : 2009 and 2009–2010 Master and share files

Year(s) affected: 2009 and 2009–2010

Description of the problem(s):
Two “Sources of Income” response categories, “Child Tax Benefit” and “Social Assistance or Welfare”, in questions INC_6J and INC_6K were reversed in the 2009 and 2009–2010 master and share files. The 2010 files are not affected.

Suggested correction(s): Users should modify the format programs in order to switch the two answer categories i.e. INC_6J should refer to “Child Tax Benefit” and INC_6K should refer to Social Assistance or Welfare.

Correction steps: N/A

Contact us: We regret any inconvenience this may have caused you or your organization and thank you in advance for your understanding.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

Health Statistics Division
Electronic mail:

Date: October 2011

To: SAS and SPSS users of 2005–2009 files

Subject: Incorrect variable labels

Product(s) affected : Cycle 3.1(2005) , Cycle 4.1 (2007,2008 and 2007–2008 files) and 2009 master, share, rapid response and BC buy in share

Year(s) affected: 2005,2007,2008,2007–2008,2009

Description of the problem(s):
The labels attached to the EDUDH04 and EDUDR04 variables are incorrect in the layout file provided for SAS and SPSS users. The labels for EDUDH04 and EDUDR04 should be ‘Highest level/edu. – respond (not household) 4 levels – (D)’

Suggested correction(s): Modify the format *._lbe program with the correct label

Correction steps: N/A

Contact us: We regret any inconvenience this may have caused you or your organization and thank you in advance for your understanding.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

Health Statistics Division
Electronic mail:

Date: June 2011

To: Users of the CCHS 2005, 2007, 2007–2008 Master and Share microdata files, and 2005, 2007–2008 Public Use Microdata Files (PUMF)

Subject: Flow error during collection related to MAM_038 question (on hysterectomy)

Product(s) affected : 2005, 2007, 2007–2008 Master and Share microdata files and 2005, 2007–2008 PUMF.

Year(s) affected: 2005, 2007, and 2007–2008

Description of the problem(s):
The high number of "Not Stated" responses for 2005 and 2007 resulted from an error in the application flow. Women aged 50 and over should have skipped only question MAM_Q037 (in 2005) / HWT_Q1 (in 2007), but instead they also skipped MAM_Q038.

Suggested correction(s): The error was corrected starting with the CCHS 2008 data.

Correction steps: N/A

Contact us: We regret any inconvenience this may have caused you or your organization and thank you in advance for your understanding.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

Health Statistics Division
Electronic mail: HD–

Date: June 2011

To: Users of the 2009 CCHS master and share microdata files

Subject: Error corrected in the Smoking Module – Modified version derived variable, SMKDSTY

Product(s) affected: 2009 Share and Master microdata files.

Year(s) affected: 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2007–2008 2009

Description of the problem(s): In 2010, the programming of the response categories for this derived variable was changed. Respondents who answered SMK_202=3, SMK_05D=5, SMK_01A=2, and SMK_01B=1 were being classified as SMKDSTY=99 and should have been classified as SMKDSTY=5. A new condition and brackets were added to ensure that the category was being assigned correctly to all cases.

Suggested correction(s): To correctly process this derived variable for 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2007–2008 and 2009 please use the specifications below.

Correction process: The correction is highlighted and in bold font. SKMDSTY = 5 (SMK_202 = 3 AND ((SMK_05D = 2 OR SMK_05D = 6) AND (SMK_01A = 1 OR SMK_01B = 1)))

Contact us: We regret any inconvenience this may have caused you or your organization and thank you in advance for your understanding.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

Health Statistics Division
Electronic mail: HD–

Date: June 2011

To: Users of the 2009 CCHS master and share microdata files

Subject: Error corrected in the Physical Activities Module – Modified version derived variable, PACFLTI

Product(s) affected: 2009 Share and Master microdata files.

Year(s) affected: 2007, 2009

Description of the problem(s):
In 2010, the programming of the response categories for this derived variable was changed. Respondents who provided a mix of valid answer and non response to PAC_1V, PAC_7, or PAC_8 have been coded to category 1 or 2 in PACFLTI. Previously, if they provided a non response to either PAC_1V, PAC_7, or PAC_8 they were coded as non response in PACFLTI.

Suggested correction(s): To correctly process this derived variable for 2007, 2008, 2007–2008 and 2009, please use the specifications below.

Correction steps: The order of conditions was changed. The correction is highlighted and in bold font.
9 ADM_PRX = 1
1 PAC_1V = 2 or PAC_7 = 1 or PAC_8 = 1
2 (PAC_1V = 1) and (PAC_7 = 2, 3) and (PAC_8 = 2, 3)

9 (PAC_1V = DK, R, NS) or (PAC_7 = DK, R, NS) or (PAC_8 = DK, R, NS)

Contact us: We regret any inconvenience this may have caused you or your organization and thank you in advance for your understanding.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

Health Statistics Division
Electronic mail:HD–

Date: June 2010

To: Users of the 2007, 2008 and 2007–2008 CCHS master and share microdata files

Subject: Error corrected in the Household Food Security Status – Modified version derived variable, FSCDHFS2

Product(s) affected: 2007, 2008, 2007–2008 Share and Master microdata files.

Year(s) affected: 2007, 2008 and 2007–2008

Description of the problem(s): Some households with children were improperly classified as moderately food insecure but should have been classified as severely food insecure as a result of a specification error. The error was corrected starting with the CCHS 2009 data.

Suggested correction(s): To recalculate this derived variable for 2007, 2008 and 2007–2008, please use the specifications below.

Correction steps: The correction is highlighted and in bold font.

[DHHTDKS = 1 and
(2 <= FSCASUM <= 5) and
(2 <= FSCCSUM <= 4)] or

[DHHTDKS = 1 and
(((2 <= FSCASUM <= 5) and( FSCCSUM <= 4)) or
(( FSCASUM <= 5) and(2 <= FSCCSUM <= 4)))]

or [DHHTDKS = 0 and
(2 <= FSCASUM <= 5)]

Contact us: We regret any inconvenience this may have caused you or your organization and thank you in advance for your understanding.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

Health Statistics Division
Electronic mail: HD–

Date: October 2009

To: Users of the 2008 CCHS master and share microdata files

Subject: Error wth the flow of some answers in question CCC_Q073

Product(s) affected: 2008 Share and Master microdata files.

Year(s) affected: 2008

Description of the problem(s): Respondents who answered question CCC_Q073 as “2 – No”, “Refusal” or “Don’t Know” skipped to question CCC_Q081, while they should have flowed to condition CCC_C073A.

Therefore, respondents who did not take medication for hypertension are automatically excluded from the universe of questions CCC_Q073A and CCC_Q073B.

Suggested correction(s): The error was corrected starting with the CCHS 2009 data.

Correction steps: N/A

Contact us: We regret any inconvenience this may have caused you or your organization and thank you in advance for your understanding.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

Health Statistics Division
Electronic mail: HD–

Date: October 2009

To: Users of the 2007 and 2005 CCHS master and share files

Subject: Certain values were assigned to the wrong variables.

Product(s) affected:
2007: Master file and share files for all provinces and territories.
2005: Master file and its subsamples, share file and its subsamples and public use microdata file and its subsamples.

Year(s) affected: 2007and 2005

Description of the problem(s): When 2007 and 2005 data was processed, the values of certain variables were assigned to other variables. See the table below for the modules and variables affected and the provinces affected in the case of optional content.

Modules: Breast examination (BRX) Home health care services (HMC) Mammography (MAM)
Content type Optional Optional Optional
Provinces affected New Brunswick,
Saskatchewan and
the Northwest Territories
Ontario Newfoundland and Labrador,
Nova Scotia, New Brunswick,
Ontario, Saskatchewan
and the Northwest Territories
Variables containing
incorrect values
Module Breast examination (BRXE) Home health care services (HMCE) Mammography (MAME) Alcohol use (ALCE) Sexual behaviour
Content type Optional Common Common Common Common
territories affected
All All All All
Variables BRXE_16N

Suggested correction(s): Users must recover the correct values from the variables where they are found. The table below shows the correspondence between the variables containing incorrect values (column A) and the names of the variables to which they must be renamed (column B) to obtain the correct values. The table is shown by product year.

Suggested correction(s)
2007 2005
Column A
Variables with incorrect values
Column B
Name of the renamed variable
Column A
Variables with incorrect values
Column B
Name of the renamed variable
    SXBE_13F SXBE_13E
    SXBE_13G SXBE_13F
    SXBE_13E SXBE_13G

Correction process:

  1. Create a temporary file including the variables in column A.
  2. Rename the variables in column A to temporary variables based on the corresponding variables in column B (e.g. BRX_16M to BRX_16N_00, and HMC_10D to HMC_10C_00, etc.).
  3. Rename the temporary variables (e.g. BRX_16N_00, HMC_10C_00, etc.) to the correct variables as indicated in column B (e.g. BRX_16N, HMC_10C, etc.).
  4. Combine the temporary file which now includes the variables with their correct values with the main data file.

Contact us: We regret any inconvenience this may have caused you or your organization and thank you in advance for your understanding.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

Health Statistics Division
Electronic mail: HD–

Date: October 2009

To: 2007 master or share file users

Subject: Incorrect variable labels

Product(s) affected: Master and share files

Year(s) affected: 2007

Description of the problem(s):
The labels attached to certain variables are incorrect in the master file and the share files and in their respective data dictionnary. The table below gives the variable names along with their old and new labels.

Description of the problem(s)
Variable Question Labels in the files and codebooks Must be replaced by:
SXB_13F Contraceptive method
last time
Other Contraceptive injections
SXB_13G Contraceptive method
last time
Contraceptive injections None
SXB_13E Contraceptive method
last time
None Other

Suggested correction(s): Rename the variables with the correct names.

Correction steps: N/A

Contact us: We regret any inconvenience this may have caused you or your organization and thank you in advance for your understanding.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

Health Statistics Division
Electronic mail:HD–

Date: October 2009

To: Users of the 2005 master or share file

Subject: The household weight of the master and all share files is invalid (small error)

Product(s) affected: Household weight file hs_hhwt.txt

Year(s) affected: 2005

Description of the problem(s): The main household weight variable (WTSE_MHH on the master file and WTSE_SHH on the share file) on all the HS_HHWT.txt file is invalid and differs from their corresponding FWGT weight on the B5_HH.txt Bootstrap file.

Since Bootvar uses the variable FWGT to calculate the final estimates, any analysis on the 2005 Households weights using Bootvar would be correct and would not need to be redone. However, any preliminary analysis based only on the variables WTSE_MHH or WTSE_SHH would be incorrect and would need to be revised.

Users should know that the errors were considered minimal.

Suggested correction(s): The master and share files have been redone with the corrected household weight and are available upon request.

Correction steps: N/A

Contact us: We regret any inconvenience this may have caused you or your organization and thank you in advance for your understanding.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

Health Statistics Division
Electronic mail: HD–

Date: December 21, 2007

To: Data users of cycle 2.1, sub–sample 3 – Master and share file

Subject: Error on number of person interviewed in the following document: “Guidelines for the use of sub–sample variables”

Cycle(s) affected: Cycle 2.1

Product(s) affected: Guidelines for the use of sub–sample variables – Master and share file

Description of the problem(s):

Page 7 of the document:

  • Number 18,981 replaces 18,091 in the following sentence:
    “A total of 18,981 respondents were interviewed for HSAS at the same time as their CCHS interview.”
  • Number 13,024 replaces 12,031 in the following sentence:
    “A total of 13,024 respondents were re–contacted after having been interviewed previously for CCHS.”

Suggested correction: N/A

Corrective Pseudo–code: N/A

Contact us: We regret any inconvenience this may have caused you or your organization and thank you in advance for your understanding.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

Health Statistics Division
Electronic mail: HD–

Date: October 12, 2007

To: Data Users and licensees of the Canadian Community Health Survey data, Cycles 2.1 and 3.1, Public Use Microdata File

Subject: Derived variable on work stress scale – Job strain (WSTCDJST and WSTEDJST)

Cycle(s) affected:

Cycle 2.1 (optional content selected by 12 health regions within Newfoundland and Labrador, Ontario and Saskatchewan)

Cycle 3.1 (optional content selected by all health regions in Quebec and Saskatchewan).

Product(s) affected:

Derived variable on work stress scale – Job strain (WSTCDJST and WSTEDJST)

Referred to hereafter as WSTnDJST where n = C or E.

Description of the problem(s):

The Job strain scale should reflect the ratio of the psychological demands and decision making leeway in accordance with the principle that strong demands combined with weak decision making autonomy generate more stress.

Certain variables from the denominator of the WSTnDJST derived variable are incorrectly specified in the Derived Variable (DV) Specifications document for cycles 2.1 and 3.1. The data are therefore erroneous. The ratio of strong demands and decision making leeway result is scores that are too high.

Suggested correction(s):

Public use microdata file (PUMF):
Cannot be corrected by users given the fact that only the derived variables exist on the file. User support via remote access is available upon request.

Share and Master Files:
A temporary reformatting step aiming to invert certain variables must be added to the specifications for the WSTnDJST variable. The step to invert the categories (to arrange them from 4 to 0 rather than from 0 to 4) must be applied to the following variables: WSTn401, WSTn402, WSTn403, WSTn405 and WSTn409.

A “patch file” is available on request.

Corrective Pseudo–code:
The two following temporary reformatting steps are executed and then the WSTnDJST variable is created according to the DV specifications:

Step 1: Temporary Reformatting

Modify the scale of responses for the questions WSTn_401 to WSTn_406 and WSTn_409 from 1 to 5, to 0 to 4

If WSTn_401 <= 5 then WSTn_401 = (WSTn_401 – 1)
If WSTn_402 <= 5 then WSTn_402 = (WSTn_402 – 1)
If WSTn_403 <= 5 then WSTn_403 = (WSTn_403 – 1)
If WSTn_404 <= 5 then WSTn_404 = (WSTn_404 – 1)
If WSTn_405 <= 5 then WSTn_405 = (WSTn_405 – 1)
If WSTn_406 <= 5 then WSTn_406 = (WSTn_406 – 1)
If WSTn_409 <= 5 then WSTn_409 = (WSTn_409 – 1)

Step 2 : Temporary Reformatting

Invert the scale of responses for the questions WSTn_401 to WSTn_403, WSTn_405 and WSTn_409, from 0 to 4, to 4 to 0

If WSTn_401 <= 4 then WSTn_401 = (4 – WSTn_401)
If WSTn_402 <= 4 then WSTn_402 = (4 – WSTn_402)
If WSTn_403 <= 4 then WSTn_403 = (4 – WSTn_403)
If WSTn_405 <= 4 then WSTn_405 = (4 – WSTn_405)
If WSTn_409 <= 4 then WSTn_409 = (4 – WSTn_409)

Step 3:

See WSTnDJST in the Derived Variable (DV) Specifications document.

Contact us: We regret any inconvenience this may have caused you or your organization and thank you in advance for your understanding.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

Health Statistics Division
Electronic mail:HD–

Date: October 12, 2007

To:Data Users and licensees of the Canadian Community Health Survey data, Cycle 3.1, Public Use Microdata File (PUMF)

Subject: Question universes in 6 modules in the PUMF data dictionary for Cycle 3.1 are incorrect.

Cycle(s) affected: Cycle 3.1

Product(s) affected:

Data dictionary of the Cycle 3.1 PUMF in English [English Data Dictionary (Freqs).pdf] and in French [French Data Dictionary (Freqs).pdf].

Description of the problem(s):

The derived variable descriptions for the following modules:

  • Smoking (SMK)
  • Colorectal Cancer Screening (CCS)
  • Exposure to second–hand smoke (ETS)
  • Prostate Cancer Screening (PSA)
  • Smoking – Physician counseling (SPC)
  • Youth Smoking (YSM)

Suggested correction(s):

  • Smoking (SMK):
    • SMKEDYCS: Respondents who answered SMKE_202 = (1, 7 or 8) or SMKE_01A = 8 and SMKE_01B = 8
  • Colorectal Cancer Screening (CCS):
    • CCSEFOPT: All respondents
    • CCSE_180: Respondents aged 35 and over with CCSEFOPT = 1
    • CCSE_182: Respondents who answered CCSE_180 = (1, 7 or 8)
    • CCSE_83A: Respondents who answered CCSE_180 = (1, 7 or 8)
    • CCSE_83B: Respondents who answered CCSE_180 = (1, 7 or 8)
  • Exposure to second–hand smoke (ETS):
    • ETSE_10: Respondents with DHHEDHSZ > 1 or who answered (SMKE_202 = (3, 7 or 8) or (SMKE_01A = 8 and SMKE_01B = 8))
    • ETSE_G11: Respondents who answered ETSE_10 = (1, 7 or 8)
    • ETSE_20: Respondents who answered SMKE_202 = (3, 7 or 8) or (SMKE_01A = 8 and SMKE_01B = 8)
    • ETSE_20B: Respondents who answered SMKE_202 = (3, 7 or 8) or (SMKE_01A = 8 and SMKE_01B = 8)
  • Prostate Cancer Screening (PSA) :
    • PSAEFOPT: All respondents
    • PSAE_170: Males aged 35 and over with PSAEFOPT = 1
    • PSAE_172: Respondents who answered PSAE_170 = (1, 7 or 8)
    • PSAE_73A: Respondents who answered PSAE_170 = (1, 7 or 8)
    • PSAE_73B: Respondents who answered PSAE_170 = (1, 7 or 8)
    • PSAE_73C: Respondents who answered PSAE_170 = (1, 7 or 8)
    • PSAE_73G: Respondents who answered PSAE_170 = (1, 7 or 8)
    • PSAE_73D: Respondents who answered PSAE_170 = (1, 7 or 8)
    • PSAE_73E: Respondents who answered PSAE_170 = (1, 7 or 8)
    • PSAE_73F: Respondents who answered PSAE_170 = (1, 7 or 8)
    • PSAE_174: Males aged 35 and over with PSAEFOPT = 1
    • PSAE_175: Respondents who answered PSAE_174 = (1, 7 or 8) or PSAE_170 = 8
  • Smoking – Physician counseling (SPC):
    • SPCEFOPT: All respondents
    • SPCE_10: Respondents with SPCEFOPT = 1 who answered (SMKE_202 = (1 or 2) or SMKE_06A = 1 or SMKE_09A = 1 and HCUE_1AA = (1, 7 or 8) or SMKE_01A = 8 and SMKE_01B = 8 or SMKE_202 = (7 or 8) or SMKE_06A = (7 or 8) or SMKE_09A = (7 or 8))
    • SPCE_11: Respondents with SPCEFOPT = 1 who answered SPCE_10 = (1, 7 or 8) or SMKE_01A = 8 and SMKE_01B = 8 or SMKE_202 = (7 or 8) or SMKE_06A = (7 or 8) or SMKE_09A = (7 or 8) or HCUE_1AA = (7 or 8) and (SMKE_202 = (1 or 2) or SMKE_06A = 1 or SMKE_09A = 1)
    • SPCE_12: Respondents with SPCEFOPT = 1 who answered SPCE_11 = (1, 7 or 8) or SPCE_10 = (7 or 8) or SMKE_01A = 8 and SMKE_01B = 8 or SMKE_202 = (7 or 8) or SMKE_06A = (7 or 8) or SMKE_09A = (7 or 8) or HCUE_1AA = (7 or 8) and (SMKE_202 = (1 or 2) or SMKE_06A = 1 or SMKE_09A = 1)
    • SPCE_13: Respondents with SPCEFOPT = 1 who answered SPCE_11 = (1, 7 or 8) or SPCE_10 = (7 or 8) or SMKE_01A = 8 and SMKE_01B = 8 or SMKE_202 = (7 or 8) or SMKE_06A = (7 or 8) or SMKE_09A = ( 7 or 8) or HCUE_1AA = (7 or 8) and (SMKE_202 = (1 or 2) or SMKE_06A = 1 or SMKE_09A = 1)
    • SPCE_14A: Respondents with SPCEFOPT = 1 who answered SPCE_13 = (1, 7 or 8) or SPCE_12 = (7 or 8) or SPCE_11 = (7 or 8) or SPCE_10 = (7 or 8) or SMKE_01A = 8 and SMKE_01B = 8 and SMKE_202 = (7 or 8) and SMKE_06A = (7 or 8) and SMKE_09A = ( 7 or 8) and HCUE_1AA = (7 or 8) and (SMKE_202 = (1 or 2) and SMKE_06A = 1 and SMKE_09A = 1)
    • SPCE_14B: Respondents with SPCEFOPT = 1 who answered SPCE_13 = (1, 7 or 8) or SPCE_12 = (7 or 8) or SPCE_11 = (7 or 8) or SPCE_10 = (7 or 8) or SMKE_01A = 8 and SMKE_01B = 8 and SMKE_202 = (7 or 8) and SMKE_06A = (7 or 8) and SMKE_09A = ( 7 or 8) and HCUE_1AA = (7 or 8) and (SMKE_202 = (1 or 2) and SMKE_06A = 1 and SMKE_09A = 1)
    • SPCE_14C: Respondents with SPCEFOPT = 1 who answered SPCE_13 = (1, 7 or 8) or SPCE_12 = (7 or 8) or SPCE_11 = (7 or 8) or SPCE_10 = (7 or 8) or SMKE_01A = 8 and SMKE_01B = 8 and SMKE_202 = (7 or 8) and SMKE_06A = (7 or 8) and SMKE_09A = ( 7 or 8) and HCUE_1AA = (7 or 8) and (SMKE_202 = (1 or 2) and SMKE_06A = 1 and SMKE_09A = 1)
    • SPCE_14D: Respondents with SPCEFOPT = 1 who answered SPCE_13 = (1, 7 or 8) or SPCE_12 = (7 or 8) or SPCE_11 = (7 or 8) or SPCE_10 = (7 or 8) or SMKE_01A = 8 and SMKE_01B = 8 and SMKE_202 = (7 or 8) and SMKE_06A = (7 or 8) and SMKE_09A = ( 7 or 8) and HCUE_1AA = (7 or 8) and (SMKE_202 = (1 or 2) and SMKE_06A = 1 and SMKE_09A = 1)
    • SPCE_14E: Respondents with SPCEFOPT = 1 who answered SPCE_13 = (1, 7 or 8) or SPCE_12 = (7 or 8) or SPCE_11 = (7 or 8) or SPCE_10 = (7 or 8) or SMKE_01A = 8 and SMKE_01B = 8 and SMKE_202 = (7 or 8) and SMKE_06A = (7 or 8) and SMKE_09A = ( 7 or 8) and HCUE_1AA = (7 or 8) and (SMKE_202 = (1 or 2) and SMKE_06A = 1 and SMKE_09A = 1)
    • SPCE_14F: Respondents with SPCEFOPT = 1 who answered SPCE_13 = (1, 7 or 8) or SPCE_12 = (7 or 8) or SPCE_11 = (7 or 8) or SPCE_10 = (7 or 8) or SMKE_01A = 8 and SMKE_01B = 8 and SMKE_202 = (7 or 8) and SMKE_06A = (7 or 8) and SMKE_09A = ( 7 or 8) and HCUE_1AA = (7 or 8) and (SMKE_202 = (1 or 2) and SMKE_06A = 1 and SMKE_09A = 1)
    • SPCE_14G: Respondents with SPCEFOPT = 1 who answered SPCE_13 = (1, 7 or 8) or SPCE_12 = (7 or 8) or SPCE_11 = (7 or 8) or SPCE_10 = (7 or 8) or SMKE_01A = 8 and SMKE_01B = 8 and SMKE_202 = (7 or 8) and SMKE_06A = (7 or 8) and SMKE_09A = ( 7 or 8) and HCUE_1AA = (7 or 8) and (SMKE_202 = (1 or 2) and SMKE_06A = 1 and SMKE_09A = 1)
    • SPCE_20: Respondents with SPCEFOPT = 1 and [DENEFOPT = 2 who answered (SMKE_202 = (1, 2, 7 or 8) or SMKE_06A = (1, 7 or 8) or SMKE_09A = (1, 7 or 8) or SMKE_01A = 8 or SMKE_01B = 8)] and (HCUE_02E > 0 and < 100 or HCUE_02E = (997 or 998) or HCUE_01 = 8)
    • SPCE_21: Respondents with SPCEFOPT = 1 who answered SPCE_20 = (1, 7 or 8) or (DENE_132 = (1, 97 or 98) or with DENEFOPT = 2 who answered HCUE_02E = (997 or 998) or HCUE_01 = 8) and (SMKE_202 = (1, 2, 7 or 8) or SMKE_06A = (1, 7 or 8) or SMKE_09A = (1, 7 or 8) or SMKE_01A = 8 and SMKE_01B = 8)
    • SPCE_22: Respondents with SPCEFOPT = 1 who answered SPCE_21 = (1, 7 or 8) or SPCE_20 = (7 or 8) or (DENE_132 = (97 or 98) or with DENEFOPT = 2 who answered HCUE_02E = (997 or 998) or HCUE_01 = 8) and (SMKE_202 = (1, 2, 7 or 8) or SMKE_06A = (1, 7 or 8) or SMKE_09A = (1, 7 or 8) or SMKE_01A = 8 and SMKE_01B = 8)
  • Youth Smoking (YSM)
    • YSMEG1: Respondents aged less than 20 who answered SMKE_202 = (1, 2, 7 or 8) or (SMKE_01A = 8 and SMKE_01B = 8)
    • YSME_2: Respondents aged less than 20 who answered YSME_1 = (8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 97 or 98) or SMKE_202 = (7 or 8) or SMKE_01A = 8 and SMKE_01B = 8
    • YSME_3: Respondents aged less than 20 who answered YSME_1 = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,97 or 98) or YSME_2 = (1, 7 or 8) or SMKE_202 = (7 or 8) or SMKE_01A = 8 and SMKE_01B = 8
    • YSME_4: Respondents aged less than 20 who answered YSME_1 = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,97 or 98) or YSME_2 = (1, 7 or 8) or SMKE_202 = (7 or 8) or SMKE_01A = 8 and SMKE_01B = 8
    • YSME_5: Respondents aged less than 20 who answered SMKE_202 = (1, 2, 7 or 8) or (SMKE_01A = 8 and SMKE_01B = 8)

Corrective Pseudo–code: N/A

Contact us: We regret any inconvenience this may have caused you or your organization and thank you in advance for your understanding.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

Health Statistics Division
Electronic mail: HD–

Date: October 12, 2007

To: Data Users and licensees of the Canadian Community Health Survey data, Cycle 3.1, Public Use Microdata File (PUMF)

Subject: Derived variable documentation contains misleading information indicating that some variables are included in the PUMF when they are not.

Cycle(s) affected: Cycle 3.1

Product(s) affected:

Cycle 3.1 PUMF derived variable documentation in English (DERIVE_E.pdf) and in French (DERIVE_F.pdf).

Description of the problem(s):

The derived variable descriptions for the following modules:

  • Smoking – Cessation Aids (SCA)
  • Smoking – Nicotine dependence (NDE)
  • Smoking – Stages of change (SCH)

indicate that the derived variables are available in the PUMF, while they are not. Since these modules have only been selected by one or two territories, the information is sensitive to respondent identity disclosure and is therefore not included in the PUMF.

Suggested correction: N/A

Corrective Pseudo–code: N/A

Contact us:

We regret any inconvenience this may have caused you or your organization and thank you in advance for your understanding.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

Data Access and Information Services

Health Statistics Division
Electronic mail: HD–