Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS)

Annual component – 2009–2010
Common Contenet

Derived Variable (DV) Specifications

Table of Contents

ADL Activities of Daily Living (1 DV)
1 ) ADLF6R – Need for help with instrumental activities of daily living

ALC Alcohol use (1 DV)
1 ) ALCDTTM – Type of Drinker (12 Months)

ALD Alcohol use – Dependence (4 DVs)
1 ) ALDDSF – Alcohol Dependence Scale (Short Form Score) – 12–Month
2 ) ALDDPP – Probability of Caseness to Respondents (Alcohol Dependence) – 12–Month
3 ) ALDDINT – Alcohol Interference 12–Month – Mean
4 ) ALDFINT – Flag for Alcohol Interference 12–Month

ALW Alcohol use during the past week (2 DVs)
1 ) ALWDWKY – Weekly Consumption
2 ) ALWDDLY – Average Daily Alcohol Consumption

CCC Chronic conditions (1 DV)
1 ) CCCDDIA – Diabetes type

CHP Contacts with health professionals (2 DVs)
1 ) CHPDMDC – Number of Consultations with Medical Doctor/Paediatrician
2 ) CHPFCOP – Consultations with Health Professionals

CPG Problem gambling (6 DVs)
1 ) CPGFGAM – Gambling Activity – Gambler vs. Non–gambler
2 ) CPGDSEV – Problem Gambling Severity Index (PGSI) – Modified Version
3 ) CPGDTYP – Type of Gambler
4 ) CPGDACT – Number of Types of Gambling Activities in the List Used to Calculate CPGI
5 ) CPGDINT – Gambling Interference – Mean
6 ) CPGFINT – Flag for Gambling Interference

DHH Dwelling and household variables (10 DVs)
1 ) DHHDSAGE – Age of spouse
2 ) DHHDYKD – Number of Persons in Household Less Than 16 Years of Age
3 ) DHHDOKD – Number of Persons in Household 16 or 17 Years of Age
4 ) DHHDLE5 – Number of Persons in Household Less Than 6 Years of Age
5 ) DHHD611 – Number of Persons in Household between 6 and 11 Years of Age
6 ) DHHDL12 – Number of Persons in Household Less Than 12 Years of Age
7 ) DHHDL18 – Number of Persons in Household Less than 18 Years of Age
8 ) DHHDLVG – Living/Family Arrangement of Selected Respondent
9 ) DHHDECF – Economic Family Status (Household Type)
10 ) DHHDHSZ – Household Size

DIS Distress (3 DVs)
1 ) DISDK6 – Distress Scale – K6
2 ) DISDCHR – Chronicity of Distress and Impairment Scale
3 ) DISDDSX – Distress Scale – K10

DPS Depression (4 DVs)
1 ) DPSDSF – Derived Depression Scale – Short Form Score
2 ) DPSDPP – Depression Scale – Probability of Caseness to Respondents
3 ) DPSDWK – Number of Weeks Feeling Depressed – 12–Months
4 ) DPSDMT – Specific Month Last Felt Depressed

DRV Driving and safety (1 DV)
1 ) DRVFSBU – Passenger Seat Belt Use (Motor Vehicle)

DSU Dietary supplement use – Vitamins and minerals (1 DV)
1 ) DSUDCON – Frequency of Consumption of Vitamin or Mineral Supplements

EDU Education (4 DVs)
1 ) EDUDH04 – Highest Level of Education – Household, 4 Levels
2 ) EDUDH10 – Highest Level of Education – Household, 10 Levels
3 ) EDUDR04 – Highest Level of Education – Respondent, 4 Levels
4 ) EDUDR10 – Highest Level of Education – Respondent, 10 Levels

FDC Food choices (3 DVs)
1 ) FDCFAVD – Avoids Certain Foods for Certain Content Reasons
2 ) FDCFCAH – Chooses or Avoids Certain Foods Because of Certain Health Concerns
3 ) FDCFCHO – Chooses Certain Foods for Certain Content Reasons

FSC Food security (3 DVs)
1 ) FSCDHFS2 – Household Food Security Status – Modified version
2 ) FSCDAFS2 – Food Security – Adult Status
3 ) FSCDCFS2 – Food Security – Child Status

FVC Fruit and vegetable consumption (8 DVs)
1 ) FVCDJUI – Daily Consumption – Fruit Juice
2 ) FVCDFRU – Daily Consumption – Other Fruit
3 ) FVCDSAL – Daily Consumption – Green Salad
4 ) FVCDPOT – Daily Consumption – Potatoes
5 ) FVCDCAR – Daily Consumption – Carrots
6 ) FVCDVEG – Daily Consumption – Other Vegetables
7 ) FVCDTOT – Daily Consumption – Total Fruit and Vegetable
8 ) FVCGTOT – Grouping of Daily Consumption – Total Fruit and Vegetable

GEN General health (3 DVs)
1 ) GENDHDI – Perceived Health
2 ) GENDMHI – Perceived Mental Health
3 ) GENGSWL – Satisfaction with life in general – (G)

GEO Geography variables (18 DVs)
1 ) GEODPC – Postal Code
2 ) GEODHR4 – Health Region
3 ) GEODBCHA – Health Authority – British Columbia
4 ) GEODSHR – Quebec Sub–Health Region
5 ) GEODDHA – Nova Scotia District Health Authority (DHA)
6 ) GEODRHA – Regional Health Authority – Alberta
7 ) GEODLHA – British Columbia Local Health Authority (LHA)
8 ) GEODLHN – Ontario Local Health Integration Network
9 ) GEODDA06 – 2006 Census Dissemination Area (DA)
10 ) GEODFED – 2006 Census Federal Electoral District (FED)
11 ) GEODCSD – 2006 Census Subdivision (CSD)
12 ) GEODCD – 2006 Census Division (CD)
13 ) GEODSAT – Statistical Area Classification Type (SAT)
14 ) GEODCMA6 – 2006 Census Metropolitan Area (CMA)
15 ) GEODPG09 – Peer Group
16 ) GEODUR – Urban–Rural Classification
17 ) GEODUR2 – Urban–Rural Classification – Grouped
18 ) GEODPSZ – Population Size Group

HMC Home care services (1 DV)
1 ) HMCFRHC – Received Home Care

HUI Health utilities index (8 DVs)
1 ) HUIDVIS – Vision Health Status
2 ) HUIDHER – Hearing Health Status
3 ) HUIDSPE – Speech Health Status
4 ) HUIDMOB – Ambulation Health Status
5 ) HUIDDEX – Dexterity Health Status
6 ) HUIDEMO – Emotion Health Status
7 ) HUIDCOG – Cognition Health Status
8 ) HUIDHSI – Health Utilities Index

HUP Health utilities index – Pain and discomfort (1 DV)
1 ) HUPDPAD – Pain Health Status

HWT Height and weight – Self–reported (5 DVs)
1 ) HWTDHTM – Height (Metres) – Self–Reported
2 ) HWTDWTK – Weight (Kilograms) – Self–Reported
3 ) HWTDBMI – Body Mass Index (self–reported)
4 ) HWTDISW – BMI classification for adults aged 18 and over (self–reported) – international standard
5 ) HWTDCOL – BMI classification for children aged 12 to 17 (self–reported) – Cole classification system

IDG Illicit drug use (16 DVs)
1 ) IDGFLCA – Cannabis Drug Use – Lifetime (Including "One Time Only" Use)
2 ) IDGFLCM – Cannabis Drug Use – Lifetime (Excluding "One Time Only" Use)
3 ) IDGFYCM – Cannabis Drug Use – 12 month (Excluding "One Time Only" Use)
4 ) IDGFLCO – Cocaine or Crack Drug Use – Lifetime
5 ) IDGFLAM – Amphetamine (Speed) Drug Use – Lifetime
6 ) IDGFLEX – MDMA (ecstasy) Drug Use – Lifetime
7 ) IDGFLHA – Hallucinogens, PCP or LSD Drug Use – Lifetime
8 ) IDGFLGL – Glue, Gasoline, or Other Solvent Use – Lifetime
9 ) IDGFLHE – Heroin Drug Use – Lifetime
10 ) IDGFLST – Steroid Use – Lifetime
11 ) IDGFLA – Any Illicit Drug Use – Lifetime (Including "One Time Only" Use of Cannabis)
12 ) IDGFLAC – Any Illicit Drug Use – Lifetime (Excluding "One Time Only" Use of Cannabis)
13 ) IDGFYA – Any Illicit Drug Use – 12–Month (Including "One Time Only" Use of Cannabis)
14 ) IDGFYAC – Any Illicit Drug Use – 12–Month (Excluding "One Time Only" Use of Cannabis)
15 ) IDGDINT – Illicit Drug Interference 12–Month – Mean
16 ) IDGFINT – Flag for Illicit Drug Interference – 12–Month

INC Income (6 DVs)
1 ) INCDHH – Total Household Income – All Sources
2 ) INCDPER – Personal Income – All Sources
3 ) INCDADR – Adjusted household income ratio – National level
4 ) INCDRCA – Distribution of household income – National level
5 ) INCDRPR – Distribution of household income – Provincial levl
6 ) INCDRRS – Distribution of household income – Health region level

INJ Injuries (4 DVs)
1 ) INJDTBS – Type of Injury by Body Site
2 ) INJDCAU – Cause of Injury
3 ) INJDCBP – Cause of Injury by Place of Occurrence
4 ) INJDSTT – Injury Status

INW Workplace injury (2 DVs)
1 ) INWDOCG – Injury at Work – Occupation Group
2 ) INWDING – Injury at work – Industry Group

LBS Labour force (5 DVs)
1 ) LBSDHPW – Total usual hours worked per week
2 ) LBSDPFT – Full–time/part–time working status (for total usual hours)
3 ) LBSDWSS – Working status last week
4 ) LBSDING – Industry Group
5 ) LBSDOCG – Occupation Group

MAS Mastery (1 DV)
1 ) MASDM1 – Derived Mastery Scale

MEX Maternal experiences – Breastfeeding (2 DVs)
1 ) MEXDEBF – Length of exclusive breastfeeding
2 ) MEXFEB6 – Exclusively breastfed for at least 6 months (or more)

OH2 Oral health 2 (2 DVs)
1 ) OH2FLIM – Social Limitation Due to Oral Health Status
2 ) OH2FOFP – Oral and Facial Pain and Discomfort

PAC Physical activities (9 DVs)
1 ) PACDEE – Daily Energy Expenditure in Leisure Time Physical Activities
2 ) PACFLEI – Participant In Leisure Time Physical Activity
3 ) PACDFM – Average Monthly Frequency of Leisure Time Physical Activity Lasting Over 15 Minutes
4 ) PACDFR – Frequency of All Leisure Time Physical Activity Lasting Over 15 Minutes
5 ) PACFD – Participant In Daily Leisure Time Physical Activity Lasting Over 15 Minutes
6 ) PACDPAI – Leisure Time Physical Activity Index
7 ) PACDLTI – Transportation and Leisure Time Physical Activity Index
8 ) PACDTLE – Daily Energy Expenditure in Transportation and Leisure Time Physical Activities
9 ) PACFLTI – Participant In Transportation or Leisure Time Physical Activity

PAF Physical activities – Facilities at work (1 DV)
1 ) PAFFACC – Access to Physical Activity Facilities at Work

PWB Psychological well–being (1 DV)
1 ) PWBDPWB – Psychological Well–Being Manifestation Scale (WBMMS)

RAC Restriction of activities (2 DVs)
1 ) RACDIMP – Impact of Health Problems
2 ) RACDPAL – Participation and Activity Limitation

SAC Sedentary activities (2 DVs)
1 ) SACDTOT – Total Number of Hours Per Week Spent In Sedentary Activities
2 ) SACDTER – Total number of hours per week spent in sedentary activities (excluding reading)

SAM Sample variables (2 DVs)
1 ) SAMDSHR – Permission to Share Data
2 ) SAMDLNK – Permission to Link

SCA Smoking cessation methods (1 DV)
1 ) SCADQUI – Attempted/Successful Quitting

SCH Smoking – Stages of change (1 DV)
1 ) SCHDSTG – Smoking Stages of Change (Current and Former Smokers)

SDC Socio–demographic characteristics (10 DVs)
1 ) SDCCCB – Country of birth code
2 ) SDCGCB – Country of birth – grouped
3 ) SDCDLHM – Language(s) spoken at home
4 ) SDCDAIM – Age at time of immigration
5 ) SDCFIMM – Immigration flag
6 ) SDCDRES – Length of time in Canada since immigration
7 ) SDCDLNG – Language(s) in which respondent can converse
8 ) SDCDFL1 – First official language learned and still understood
9 ) SDCDABT – Aboriginal Identity
10 ) SDCDCGT – Cultural / Racial Background

SFE Self–esteem (1 DV)
1 ) SFEDE1 – Derived Self–Esteem Scale

SFR Health status (SF–36) (10 DVs)
1 ) SFRDPFS – Physical Functioning Scale
2 ) SFRDSFS – Social Functioning Scale
3 ) SFRDPRF – Role Functioning (Physical) Scale
4 ) SFRDMRF – Role Functioning (Mental) Scale
5 ) SFRDGMH – General Mental Health Scale
6 ) SFRDVTS – Vitality Scale
7 ) SFRDBPS – Bodily Pain Scale
8 ) SFRDGHP – General Health Perceptions Scale
9 ) SFRDPCS – Summary Measure of Physical Health
10 ) SFRDMCS – Summary Measure of Mental Health

SMK Smoking (3 DVs)
1 ) SMKDSTY – Type of Smoker
2 ) SMKDSTP – Number of Years Since Stopped Smoking Completely
3 ) SMKDYCS – Number of Years Smoked Daily (Current Daily Smokers Only)

SSA Social support – Availability (4 DVs)
1 ) SSADTNG – Tangible Social Support – MOS Subscale
2 ) SSADAFF – Affection – MOS Subscale
3 ) SSADSOC – Positive Social Interaction – MOS Subscale
4 ) SSADEMO – Emotional or Informational Support – MOS Subscale

UPE Use of protective equipment (3 DVs)
1 ) UPEFILS – Wears Protective Equipment when In–Line Skating
2 ) UPEFSKB – Wears Protective Equipment when Skateboarding
3 ) UPEFSNB – Wears Protective Equipment when Snowboarding

WTM Waiting times (9 DVs)
1 ) WTMDSO – Number of Waiting Days to See a Medical Specialist – Seen Specialist
2 ) WTMDSN – Number of Waiting Days to See a Medical Specialist – Not Seen Specialist
3 ) WTMDSA – Number of Acceptable Waiting Days to See a Medical Specialist
4 ) WTMDCO – Number of Waiting Days to Receive Non–Emergency Surgery Surgery Done
5 ) WTMDCN – Number of Waiting Days to Receive Non–Emergency Surgery – Surgery Not Done
6 ) WTMDCA – Number of Acceptable Waiting Days to Receive Non–Emergency Surgery
7 ) WTMDTO – Number of Waiting Days for Diagnostic Test – Test Done
8 ) WTMDTN – Number of Waiting Days for Diagnostic Test – Test Not Done
9 ) WTMDTA – Number of Acceptable Waiting Days for Diagnostic Test

For the complete document in PDF format, contact Client Services (613-951-1746;, Health Statistics Division