Cohort A - Education above High School (Institution Roster)
Section: Entry
Variable Name: RecordID
Position: 1
Length: 10
Respondent identification, sequenced from 1 to end.
Variable Name: INST_ID
Position: 11
Length: 1
This number given to the institution corresponds to the order in which the respondent reported it.
Allowed values: 1 : 4
Response | FREQ | WTD | |
1 : 4 | Institution number | 5,990 | N/A |
5,990 | N/A |
Coverage: Respondents with at least one post-secondary institution.
Section: Education and Training Above High School
Variable Name: H6Q227
Position: 12
Length: 2
In order to start at (Institution name), did you move ...?
Response | FREQ | WTD | |
01 | to another country | 72 | N/A |
02 | to another province | 266 | N/A |
03 | to another city | 299 | N/A |
04 | within the same city | 61 | N/A |
05 | Did not move | 1,443 | N/A |
96 | Valid skip | 3,849 | N/A |
5,990 | N/A |
Coverage: Respondents who reported starting a new eligible post-secondary program taken between January 2008 and December 2009.
Note: H12
Fill table variable name: ^NameInst.
Section: Derived Variables
Variable Name: DSAINMD6
Position: 14
Length: 2
Derived variable: Date (month) respondent started post-secondary education at this institution, prior to January 2010.
Response | FREQ | WTD | |
01 | January | 496 | N/A |
02 | February | 72 | N/A |
03 | March | 54 | N/A |
04 | April | 58 | N/A |
05 | May | 133 | N/A |
06 | June | 85 | N/A |
07 | July | 62 | N/A |
08 | August | 404 | N/A |
09 | September | 3,703 | N/A |
10 | October | 120 | N/A |
11 | November | 68 | N/A |
12 | December | 58 | N/A |
96 | Valid skip | 656 | N/A |
99 | Not stated | 21 | N/A |
5,990 | N/A |
Coverage: Respondents who took some post-secondary education between January 2008 and December 2009.
Note: This variable was derived from the variables: C5OPENI, IEF, DSPRMD6, DSPRYD6, (DSAINMD5 and DSAINYD5 from cycle 5).
Indicates the date a respondent started a post-secondary program at this institution either on a full-time or a part-time basis prior to January 2010.
Institution level derived variables refer to respondent's participation at an institution for a specific time frame. Due to the manner in which information is collected, it is possible for respondents to report attendance at the same institution more than once within a cycle and between cycles. For this reason, for analyses that address respondent's participation at a particular institution over time, researchers should use the institution code in addition to the institution level variables.
Variable Name: DSAINYD6
Position: 16
Length: 4
Derived variable: Date (year) respondent started post-secondary education at this institution, prior to January 2010.
Allowed values: 1992 : 2009
Response | FREQ | WTD | |
2000 : 2009 | Year started at this institution | 5,313 | N/A |
9996 | Valid skip | 656 | N/A |
9999 | Not stated | 21 | N/A |
5,990 | N/A |
Coverage: Respondents who took some post-secondary education between January 2008 and December 2009.
Note: This variable was derived from the variables: C5OPENI, IEF, DSPRMD6, DSPRYD6, (DSAINMD5 and DSAINYD5 from cycle 5).
Indicates the date a respondent started a post-secondary program at this institution either on a full-time or a part-time basis prior to January 2010.
Institution level derived variables refer to respondent's participation at an institution for a specific time frame. Due to the manner in which information is collected, it is possible for respondents to report attendance at the same institution more than once within a cycle and between cycles. For this reason, for analyses that address respondent's participation at a particular institution over time, researchers should use the institution code in addition to the institution level variables.
Variable Name: DLINMD6
Position: 20
Length: 2
Derived variable: Date (month) respondent was last at this institution between January 2008 and December 2009.
Response | FREQ | WTD | |
01 | January | 64 | N/A |
02 | February | 56 | N/A |
03 | March | 75 | N/A |
04 | April | 760 | N/A |
05 | May | 751 | N/A |
06 | June | 399 | N/A |
07 | July | 81 | N/A |
08 | August | 208 | N/A |
09 | September | 110 | N/A |
10 | October | 121 | N/A |
11 | November | 89 | N/A |
12 | December | 2,585 | N/A |
96 | Valid skip | 656 | N/A |
99 | Not stated | 35 | N/A |
5,990 | N/A |
Coverage: Respondents who took some post-secondary education between January 2008 and December 2009.
Note: This variable was derived from the variables: DLPRMD6 and DLPRYD6.
Indicates the date a respondent was last taking a post-secondary program at this institution either on a full-time or a part-time basis prior to January 2010.
Institution level derived variables refer to respondent's participation at an institution for a specific time frame. Due to the manner in which information is collected, it is possible for respondents to report attendance at the same institution more than once within a cycle and between cycles. For this reason, for analyses that address respondent's participation at a particular institution over time, researchers should use the institution code in addition to the institution level variables.
Variable Name: DLINYD6
Position: 22
Length: 4
Derived variable: Date (year) respondent was last at this institution between January 2008 and December 2009.
Allowed values: 2008 : 2009
Response | FREQ | WTD | |
2008 : 2009 | Year last at institution | 5,304 | N/A |
9996 | Valid skip | 656 | N/A |
9999 | Not stated | 30 | N/A |
5,990 | N/A |
Coverage: Respondents who took some post-secondary education between January 2008 and December 2009.
Note: This variable was derived from the variables: DLPRMD6 and DLPRYD6.
Indicates the date a respondent was last taking a post-secondary program at this institution either on a full-time or a part-time basis prior to January 2010.
Institution level derived variables refer to respondent's participation at an institution for a specific time frame. Due to the manner in which information is collected, it is possible for respondents to report attendance at the same institution more than once within a cycle and between cycles. For this reason, for analyses that address respondent's participation at a particular institution over time, researchers should use the institution code in addition to the institution level variables.
Variable Name: HLATTD6
Position: 26
Length: 1
Derived variable: Post-secondary status at this institution as of December 2009.
Response | FREQ | WTD | |
1 | Graduate, continuer | 350 | N/A |
2 | Graduate, non-continuer | 2,563 | N/A |
3 | Continuer | 1,982 | N/A |
4 | Leaver | 428 | N/A |
6 | Valid skip | 656 | N/A |
9 | Not stated | 11 | N/A |
5,990 | N/A |
Coverage: Respondents who took some post-secondary education between January 2008 and December 2009.
Note: This variable was derived from the variables: C5OPENI, IEF, PSILNGID, PSPLNGID, CLGPRD6, H6Q102 and HLATTD5 (cycle 5).
Category <1> includes respondents who have graduated from a post-secondary program and were attending an additional post-secondary program at the same institution in December 2009.
Institution level derived variables refer to respondent's participation at an institution for a specific time frame. Due to the manner in which information is collected, it is possible for respondents to report attendance at the same institution more than once within a cycle and between cycles. For this reason, for analyses that address respondent's participation at a particular institution over time, researchers should use the institution code in addition to the institution level variables.
Variable Name: NEPRPID6
Position: 27
Length: 1
Derived Variable: Number of eligible post-secondary programs taken at this institution between January 2008 and December 2009.
Allowed values: 1 : 3
Response | FREQ | WTD | |
1 : 3 | Number of eligible programs | 5,334 | N/A |
6 | Valid skip | 656 | N/A |
5,990 | N/A |
Coverage: Respondents who took some post-secondary education between January 2008 and December 2009.
Note: This variable was derived from the variable PEF.
Programs were checked for eligibility. To be eligible, a program must be above the high school level, towards a diploma, certificate or degree, take at least three months to complete, and started prior to January 2010. Refers to the total number of programs taken in each institution, where the number of programs does not exceed the limit. Thus, 3 programs are collected for institutions 1 and 2, 2 programs for institution 3, and 1 program for institution 4.
Institution level derived variables refer to respondent's participation at an institution for a specific time frame. Due to the manner in which information is collected, it is possible for respondents to report attendance at the same institution more than once within a cycle and between cycles. For this reason, for analyses that address respondents participation at a particular institution over time, researchers should use the institution code in addition to the institution level variables.
Variable Name: DLFINMD6
Position: 28
Length: 2
Derived variable: Date (month) respondent was last taking post-secondary education at this institution on a full-time basis prior to January 2010.
Response | FREQ | WTD | |
01 | January | 78 | N/A |
02 | February | 38 | N/A |
03 | March | 55 | N/A |
04 | April | 774 | N/A |
05 | May | 693 | N/A |
06 | June | 343 | N/A |
07 | July | 66 | N/A |
08 | August | 181 | N/A |
09 | September | 101 | N/A |
10 | October | 97 | N/A |
11 | November | 62 | N/A |
12 | December | 2,070 | N/A |
95 | Never at this institution on a full-time basis | 665 | N/A |
96 | Valid skip | 656 | N/A |
99 | Not stated | 111 | N/A |
5,990 | N/A |
Coverage: Respondents who took some post-secondary education between January 2008 and December 2009.
Note: This variable was derived from the variables: DLFPRMD6, DLFPRYD6, (DLFINMD5 and DLFINYD5 from cycle 5).
Indicates the date a respondent was last at this post-secondary institution on a full-time basis prior to January 2010.
Institution level derived variables refer to respondent's participation at an institution for a specific time frame. Due to the manner in which information is collected, it is possible for respondents to report attendance at the same institution more than once within a cycle and between cycles. For this reason, for analyses that address respondent's participation at a particular institution over time, researchers should use the institution code in addition to the institution level variables.
Variable Name: DLFINYD6
Position: 30
Length: 4
Derived variable: Date (year) respondent was last taking post-secondary education at this institution on a full-time basis prior to January 2010.
Allowed values: 1992 : 2009
Response | FREQ | WTD | |
2003 : 2009 | Year (last full-time basis) | 4,558 | N/A |
9995 | Never at institution on a full-time basis | 665 | N/A |
9996 | Valid skip | 656 | N/A |
9999 | Not stated | 111 | N/A |
5,990 | N/A |
Coverage: Respondents who took some post-secondary education between January 2008 and December 2009.
Note: This variable was derived from the variables: DLFPRMD6, DLFPRYD6, (DLFINMD5 and DLFINYD5 from cycle 5).
Indicates the date a respondent was last at this post-secondary institution on a full-time basis prior to January 2010.
Institution level derived variables refer to respondent's participation at an institution for a specific time frame. Due to the manner in which information is collected, it is possible for respondents to report attendance at the same institution more than once within a cycle and between cycles. For this reason, for analyses that address respondent's participation at a particular institution over time, researchers should use the institution code in addition to the institution level variables.
Variable Name: FPLIND6
Position: 34
Length: 1
Derived variable: Full-time or part-time student when last at this institution between January 2008 and December 2009.
Response | FREQ | WTD | |
1 | Full-time | 4,025 | N/A |
2 | Part-time | 1,250 | N/A |
6 | Valid skip | 656 | N/A |
9 | Not stated | 59 | N/A |
5,990 | N/A |
Coverage: Respondents who took some post-secondary education between January 2008 and December 2009.
Note: This variable was derived from the variables: IEF, PEF, FPLPRD6, DLPRMD6 and DLPRYD6.
If two or more programs at the same institution have the same departure date, a respondent who attends at least one of the programs on a full-time basis will be listed in FPLIND6 as full-time.
Institution level derived variables refer to respondent's participation at an institution for a specific time frame. Due to the manner in which information is collected, it is possible for respondents to report attendance at the same institution more than once within a cycle and between cycles. For this reason, for analyses that address respondent's participation at a particular institution over time, researchers should use the institution code in addition to the institution level variables.
Variable Name: TYPEID6
Position: 35
Length: 2
Derived variable: Type of post-secondary institution.
Response | FREQ | WTD | |
01 | A university | 3,471 | N/A |
02 | A university college (may grant university degrees) | 237 | N/A |
03 | A community college or CEGEP | 920 | N/A |
04 | A publicly-funded technical institute, or a trade/vocational school | 293 | N/A |
05 | A private business school or private training institute | 337 | N/A |
06 | A Quebec secondary school or school board | 0 | N/A |
07 | Another school above high school | 49 | N/A |
96 | Valid skip | 656 | N/A |
99 | Not stated | 27 | N/A |
5,990 | N/A |
Coverage: Respondents who took some post-secondary education between January 2008 and December 2009.
Note: This variable was derived from the variables: H6Q219, TYPEID5 (cycle 5) and PSILNGID.
Institution level derived variables refer to respondent's participation at an institution for a specific time frame. Due to the manner in which information is collected, it is possible for respondents to report attendance at the same institution more than once within a cycle and between cycles. For this reason, for analyses that address respondent's participation at a particular institution over time, researchers should use the institution code in addition to the institution level variables.
Variable Name: PSCMD6
Position: 37
Length: 8
Derived variable: Campus code.
Allowed values: 00000001 : 99999994
Response | FREQ | WTD | |
10001000 : 59082000 | Campus code | 4,191 | N/A |
99999996 | Valid skip | 843 | N/A |
99999999 | Not stated | 956 | N/A |
5,990 | N/A |
Coverage: Respondents who took some post-secondary education in Canada between January 2008 and December 2009.
Note: This variable was derived from the variables: PSPROVD6, INSCDD6, H6Q225, PSCMD5 (cycle 5), IEF and PSILNGID.
Variable Name: PSPROVD6
Position: 45
Length: 2
Derived variable: Province of post-secondary institution.
Response | FREQ | WTD | |
10 | Newfoundland | 302 | N/A |
11 | Prince Edward Island | 161 | N/A |
12 | Nova Scotia | 514 | N/A |
13 | New Brunswick | 327 | N/A |
24 | Quebec | 972 | N/A |
35 | Ontario | 1,033 | N/A |
46 | Manitoba | 384 | N/A |
47 | Saskatchewan | 351 | N/A |
48 | Alberta | 592 | N/A |
59 | British Columbia | 511 | N/A |
60 | Yukon | 0 | N/A |
61 | Northwest Territories | 0 | N/A |
62 | Nunavut | 0 | N/A |
76 | United States | 127 | N/A |
77 | Other country (Outside Canada and the United States | 60 | N/A |
96 | Valid skip | 656 | N/A |
5,990 | N/A |
Coverage: Respondents who took some post-secondary education between January 2008 and December 2009.
Note: This variable was derived from the variables: H6Q221, PSPROVD5 (cycle 5), IEF and PSILNGID.
Institution level derived variables refer to respondent's participation at an institution for a specific time frame. Due to the manner in which information is collected, it is possible for respondents to report attendance at the same institution more than once within a cycle and between cycles. For this reason, for analyses that address respondent's participation at a particular institution over time, researchers should use the institution code in addition to the institution level variables.
Variable Name: INSCDD6
Position: 47
Length: 5
Derived variable: Institution code.
Allowed values: 00001 : 99993
Response | FREQ | WTD | |
10001 : 59082 | Institution code | 4,501 | N/A |
99996 | Valid skip | 843 | N/A |
99999 | Not stated | 646 | N/A |
5,990 | N/A |
Coverage: Respondents who took some post-secondary education in Canada between January 2008 and December 2009.
Note: This variable was derived from the variables: PSPROVD6, H6Q224, INSCDD5 (cycle 5), IEF and PSILNGID.
Variable Name: PSIPOSID
Position: 52
Length: 2
Post-secondary institution position identifier which identifies the cycle and position where the data in this cycle for this program was collected.
Allowed values: 61 : 64
Response | FREQ | WTD | |
61 : 64 | Institution position identifier | 5,990 | N/A |
5,990 | N/A |
Coverage: Respondents with at least one post-secondary institution.
Note: This variable was derived from the variable: INST_ID.
Variable Name: PSILNGID
Position: 54
Length: 2
Post-secondary institution longitudinal identifier which permits following an institution across cycles.
Allowed values: 21 : 64
Response | FREQ | WTD | |
21 : 64 | Institution position identifier | 5,990 | N/A |
5,990 | N/A |
Coverage: Respondents with at least one post-secondary program at this institution.
Note: This variable was derived from the variables: PSILNGID (cycle 5), C5OPENI and INST_ID.
Variable Name: ICYID
Position: 56
Length: 1
Derived Variable: Post-secondary institution cycle identifier, which identifies the cycle where data was first collected for this institution.
Response | FREQ | WTD | |
1 | Collection on this institution began in cycle 1 | 0 | N/A |
2 | Collection on this institution began in cycle 2 | 5 | N/A |
3 | Collection on this institution began in cycle 3 | 1,046 | N/A |
4 | Collection on this institution began in cycle 4 | 943 | N/A |
5 | Collection on this institution began in cycle 5 | 1,855 | N/A |
6 | Collection on this institution began in cycle 6 | 2,141 | N/A |
5,990 | N/A |
Coverage: Respondents with at least one post-secondary institution.
Note: This variable was derived from the variables: ICYID (cycle 5) and C5OPENI.