Postsecondary Student Information System (PSIS) Record Layout, Files, and Data Element Descriptions

For use with DVS 2015/2016, reporting data for 2015/2016 and previous academic years

August 2016

Postsecondary Student Information System (PSIS)

Record Layout, Files and Data Element Descriptions

Data Submission Information at a Glance

This information is collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S-19.

Completion of this questionnaire is a legal requirement under this act.

Survey Purpose

The Postsecondary Student Information System (PSIS) is a national survey that enables Statistics Canada to provide detailed information on enrolments and graduates of Canadian public postsecondary institutions in order to meet policy and planning needs in the field of postsecondary education. The information may also be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes.


Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information it collects which could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Statistics Canada will use the information from this survey for statistical purposes and research purposes.

Please note that in the following record layout, words designating the masculine gender include the feminine gender.

PSIS Database Structure

The PSIS database holds data at two (2) levels: (1) institution, program and course data; and (2) student data. The institution, program and course data includes a list of all public postsecondary institutions in Canada, and an inventory of all programs and courses offered through these institutions. The student data contains demographic, program, and course information for students registered at these institutions.

The information required to feed the PSIS database is stored in the six (6) PSIS data files, which are loaded by the reporting institution via the DVS Data Verification System (DVS) and transmitted to Statistics Canada. The six (6) files describe either the student, or the institution and its available programs. The files and their interrelationships can be described as follow: The Institution Description file is linked to the Institution Program and Institution Course files whereas the Student Description file is linked to the Student Program and Student Course files. In addition, the Student Program file is linked to the Institution Program file and the Institution Course file is linked to the Student Course file.

Note to users: Data elements below are those required to identify a unique record (each column corresponds to a file). Data elements required to link the files between them are identified by row. For example, the data elements required to link the ID and the SC files are: 1005/1000, 1025, 1035, and 1036.

Table A
Data Elements Required to Identify a Unique Record in Each File and the Required Data Elements to Link Them to Files
Table summary
This table displays the results of Data Elements Required to Identify a Unique Record in Each File and the Required Data Elements to Link Them to Files. The information is grouped by Mnemonic (appearing as row headers), Name and File (appearing as column headers).
Mnemonic Name File
RepStartYear Year of start of report cycle 1005 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Instit Institution code 1025 1025 1025 1025 1025 1025
Period (ID) / CourPer (SC) Reporting period 1035 n/a n/a n/a n/a 1035
Sub-period (ID) – CourSubPer (SC) Reporting sub-period 1036 n/a n/a n/a n/a 1036
ProgCode Student's program code n/a 2000 n/a n/a 2000 n/a
CredenTyp Credential type n/a 2010 n/a n/a 2010 n/a
CourCode Student's course code n/a n/a 3000 n/a n/a 3000
StudID Institution's student identifier n/a n/a n/a 4000 4000 4000
ProgStart Original start date in program n/a n/a n/a n/a 5010 n/a
CourStart Date student started course n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 6020
CourSec Student's course number or section n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 6070

Six (6) PSIS Input Files and File Description

Listed below are six (6) PSIS input files which you will need to submit in your annual report cycle (due by February 3rd, 2017). A brief description of each file is also outlined below.

  1. Institution Description (ID) file
  2. Institution Program (IP) file
  3. Institution Course (IC) file
  4. Student Description (SD) file
  5. Student Program (SP) file
  6. Student Course (SC) file
Institution Metadata
1. Institution Description (ID) file

(Postsecondary institution metadata; number of elements = 8; length = 132 bytes)
The Institution Description (ID) file lists and describes the different periods of academic activity by which programs and courses are organized. Specifically, the records contained on the ID file describe how a postsecondary institution divides its year into periods (sessions, terms, or other components) during which courses are commonly offered. Postsecondary institutions provide one (1) ID record for each period that begins or ends during the twelve (12) month report cycle. (For more detailed information, please refer to the Institution Description (ID) file section of this document.)

Please note that the information contained on the ID file is used to validate the Institution Code (element ID1025) provided to all of the six (6) PSIS files. It is also used to validate the period in which student courses are offered (element ID1035). Each period in which courses are reported on the Student Course (SC) file must also be present on the ID file.

2. Institution Program (IP) file

(Postsecondary institution metadata; number of elements = 35; length = 314 bytes)
The Institution Program (IP) file contains program code and program name (IP2000, IP2020), program duration (IP2060 to IP2071), credential type (IP2010, IP2011), educational entrance requirements (IP2150 to IP2155) and other characteristics of each program offered by the postsecondary institution. The IP file is an inventory of the programs offered by the postsecondary institution. It contains one (1) IP record for each program offered during the twelve (12) month cycle.

Please note that there is a logical link between this file and the Student Program (SP) file. The SP file contains one (1) record for each combination of student and program. Each program code reported on the SP file must be present on the IP file. (For more detailed information, please refer to the Institution Program (IP) file section of this document.)

3. Institution Course (IC) file

(Postsecondary institution metadata; number of elements = 16; length = 260 bytes)
The Institution Course (IC) file contains course code and course name (IC3000, IC3020), course duration and course duration units (IC3080, IC3081), course credits normally awarded and course credit units (IC3090, IC3091) and other characteristics of each course offered by the postsecondary institution. The IC file is an inventory of the courses offered by the postsecondary institution. One (1) IC record for each of the courses offered during the twelve (12) month cycle should be reported.

Please note that there is a logical link between this file and the Student Course (SC) file. The SC file contains one (1) record for each combination of student and course. Each course code reported on the SC file must be present on the IC file. (For more detailed information, please refer to the Institution Course (IC) file section of this document.)

Student Metadata
4. Student Description (SD) file

(Student metadata; number of elements = 58; length = 1018 bytes)
The Student Description (SD) file contains demographic and other descriptive information about the students attending the various postsecondary institutions. Among others, it contains student name (SD4040 to SD4050), birth date (SD4230), gender (SD4240), Social Insurance Number (SIN) (SD4020), contact information (SD4060 to SD4180), previous education (SD4320 to SD4350), and characteristics such as whether or not the student has self-identified as a visible minority, Aboriginal person (SD4210) or person with an activity limitation (SD4215). This file contains one (1) record per student per postsecondary institution.

Please note that there is a logical link between this file and the Student Program (SP) file. The SD file contains one (1) record per student enrolled in a program or that has graduated from a program. (For more detailed information, please refer to the Student Description (SD) file section of this document.)

5. Student Program (SP) file

(Student metadata; number of elements = 40; length = 395 bytes)
The Student Program (SP) file contains one (1) record for each program in which the student was enrolled during the reporting cycle. The student program record includes the original dates in which the student started/ended a program (SP5010, SP5090), student status in program at end of report cycle (SP5100), specialization or major field of study (SP5015 to SP5021), total transfer credits (SP5220), fees billed (SP5190 to SP5200), cumulative credits for program (SP5230) and other characteristics of the student's program as recorded by the postsecondary institution.

Please note that there is a logical link between this file and the Institution Program (IP) file. Each program code reported on the SP file must be present on the IP file. In addition, there is a logical link between this file and the Student Description (SD) file. Each student record reported on the SD file must be associated with at least one (1) program record on the SP file. (For more detailed information, please refer to the Student Program (SP) file section of this document.)

6. Student Course (SC) file

(Student metadata; number of elements = 32; length = 258 bytes)
The Student Course (SC) file contains one (1) record for each course in which the student was enrolled during the reporting cycle. Also, include one (1) course record for students that are registered either in a CO-OP work term, writing a thesis, or performing any other academic activities related to their program but not structured as a course. The student course record includes the dates which the student started/ended the course (SC6020, SC6021), status in course at end of report cycle (SC6030), the credits student would receive for course (SC6060), tuition fees billed for course (SC6040) and other characteristics of the student's course as recorded by the postsecondary institution.

Please note that there is a logical link between this file and the Institution Course (IC) file. Each course code reported on the SC file must be present on the IC file. In addition, there is a logical link between this file and the Student Program (SP) file. Each program in which the student was enrolled (SP file) must be associated with at least one (1) course record on the SC file. The SP record for a student who graduates during the report cycle and for which the student did not have any course registrations during the report cycle (e.g., the student applies for and is granted a credential during the current report cycle for work completed in an earlier cycle) should not have an associated SC record. (For more detailed information, please refer to the Student Course (SC) file section of this document.)


  • As previously mentioned, for more detailed information, please refer to the various sections of this document.
  • For questions regarding PSIS, please contact us:
    • Via mail:
      Institutional Surveys Section
      Centre for Education Statistics
      Statistics Canada
      100 Tunney's Pasture Driveway
      R.H. Coats Building, Floor 13 G
      Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0T6
    • Via email:

Postsecondary Student Information System (PSIS)

Institution Description (ID) File

The following data elements are required to identify unique records: Start date of report cycle (ID1005), Institution Code (ID1025), Period Code (ID1035), and Sub-period Code (ID1036)

Record Layout, Files and Data Element Descriptions

First, select your start date of report cycle and store it in element ID1005. Please see the description of ID1005 for guidance on how to select your report cycle.

The Institution Description (ID) file lists and describes the different periods of academic activity by which programs and courses are organized. Specifically, the records contained on the ID file describe how a postsecondary institution divides its year into periods (sessions, terms, or other components) during which courses are commonly offered. Postsecondary institutions provide one (1) ID record for each period that begins or ends during the twelve (12) month report cycle. Periods can be of any length (although not many courses span twelve (12) consecutive months or more). Periods include the time allocated for exams. Your periods can begin before your report start date and can extend beyond the end of your report cycle. See data element ID1035, (Period Code) for suggestions on how to report periods.

Institution Code (element 1025 on all six (6) PSIS files)

You will find your code(s) on the list of postsecondary institution codes supplied by Statistics Canada.

Each eight (8)-digit code comprises a two (2)-digit province, a three (3)-digit postsecondary institution and a three (3)-digit campus. The list contains one (1) code for the parent postsecondary institution and one (1) for each campus. The parent institution code has 000 in the last three (3) digits, while the campuses are numbered sequentially beginning with 001. Postsecondary institutions without campuses have only a parent institution code. Examples: Postsecondary institution XXX in province P1 has two (2) campuses and postsecondary institution YYY in province P2 has none. Their codes would appear on the code list as follows: Postsecondary institution XXX includes P1XXX000 for Parent Institution; P1XXX001, Campus 1; P1XXX002; Campus 2; and Postsecondary institution YYY includes P2YYY000 for Parent Institution.

If your postsecondary institution has campuses, you can choose to report your PSIS data at the campus level or at the parent (000) level depending on how you store your postsecondary institution metadata and student metadata on your own administrative systems. We recommend reporting at the lowest level available, as more detailed analysis can potentially be done.

The following combinations of reporting level and file type are valid. Choose one (1) reporting level for all three (3) postsecondary institution metadata files and one (1) for all three (3) student metadata files; (i.e., do not combine parent- and campus-level reporting within the three (3) postsecondary institution metadata files or within the three (3) student metadata files).

Postsecondary institution metadata (ID, IP, IC) Parent Institution and Campus is paired with Student metadata (SD, SP, SC) Parent Institution and Campus.

Table 1
Institution Code - ID Files
Table summary
This table displays the results of Institution Code - ID Files. The information is grouped by Element Number (appearing as row headers), Mnemonic, Name, Description, Codes, Alternate Codes, Core, Type, Position and Size (appearing as column headers).
Element Number Mnemonic Name Description Codes Alternate Codes Core Type Position Size
1005 RepstartDate Start date of report cycle Your report cycle should start on the day after the end of your previous year's winter session (or academic year if you do not have a winter session), including the time allocated for exams. If your institution has no activity during the summer, only use September 1 as the start of your report cycle if your academic year ends on August 31.

Possible scenarios (for illustrative purposes only; your data may vary) for the 2015/2016 report:
• if last year's winter session ended on April 15, use April 16, 2015 (20150416) as your start date and April 15, 2016 (20160415) as your end date, or
• if the academic year ends on June 30 then use July 1, 2015 (20150701) as your start date and June 30, 2016 (20160630) as your end date.

If your institution changes its report cycle, (i.e., if your winter session now ends on a different date such as April 30 instead of May 31 or your academic year now ends on August 1 instead of July 31), this will affect your start date of report cycle (RepStartDate). Be aware of any gaps between, or overlaps of, reporting periods that will occur from the previous year's PSIS submission. Please make the necessary adjustments to this year's PSIS submission to ensure the data is complete but not duplicated.

Postsecondary institutions that deliver programs only by non-traditional methods such as distance education, and therefore do not have a defined academic year or sessions, should use May 1 as their start date (or another date close to May 1 if more appropriate).

Repeat the same value on all ID records.
YYYYMMDD (YearMonthDay) None Yes Text 1-8 8
1025 Instit Institution code Reporting PSIS postsecondary institution code Refer to the Postsecondary Institution Codes in Section 4 of the document titled "PSIS Reporting Documentation 2015/2016". None Yes Text 9-16 8
1035 Period Period code The ID file describes how the postsecondary institution divides its year into periods (sessions, terms, or other components) during which courses are commonly offered. Periods can be of any length (although, not many courses span twelve (12) consecutive months or more). Periods include the time allocated for exams.

Provide one (1) ID record for each of your periods. Periods can start before the beginning of your report cycle (ID1005 above) and/or continue beyond the end of your report cycle.

Use this element and the next one to record your own code or name you use to describe the period and sub-period. You can use both elements if a period is divided into shorter units. If not, leave the next element blank. Elements ID1035 and ID1036 are also used in the Student Course (SC1035 and SC1036) File to specify the period in which the student took the course.

Example 1: a university offers courses during a spring/summer session, which it designates as SS, comprising an intersession (I) and a summer term (S); and during a fall session (F); and during a winter session (W); and during an academic year (AY). The university would report six (6) ID records having the following codes in this element and the next one:
The ID file describes how the postsecondary institution divides its year into periods (sessions, terms, or other components) during which courses are commonly offered. Periods can be of any length (although, not many courses span twelve (12) consecutive months or more). Periods include the time allocated for exams.

Provide one (1) ID record for each of your periods. Periods can start before the beginning of your report cycle (ID1005 above) and/or continue beyond the end of your report cycle.

Use this element and the next one to record your own code or name you use to describe the period and sub-period. You can use both elements if a period is divided into shorter units. If not, leave the next element blank. Elements ID1035 and ID1036 are also used in the Student Course (SC1035 and SC1036) File to specify the period in which the student took the course.

Example 1: a university offers courses during a spring/summer session, which it designates as SS, comprising an intersession (I) and a summer term (S); and during a fall session (F); and during a winter session (W); and during an academic year (AY). The university would report six (6) ID records having the following codes in this element and the next one: Period SS, no Sub-period; Period SS, Sub-Period I; Period SS, Sub-Period S; Periods F, W, AY; no Sub-period.

Example 2: a college offers courses during a fall session, which it designates as FALL; a winter session (WIN); and the academic year (YEAR). The college also offers courses during two (2) half-semesters in the fall, which it designates FALL1 and FALL2, and, for the summer period, one six (6)-weeks and two (2) 4-week periods, which it designates SUM1, SUM2 and SUM3. The college would report a total of eight (8) ID records having the following period codes in this element and sub-period codes for the next element: Period SUM, Sub-period 1; Period SUM, Sub-period 2; Period SUM, Sub-period 3; FALL, no sub-period; FALL, sub-periods, 1, 2; Period WIN, no Sub-period; YEAR, no sub-period.
The shorter periods could alternatively be coded SUM1, SUM2, SUM3, FALL1 and FALL2 in this element and the next element (Sub-period) will be blank.
The postsecondary institution's code or name of the period within which courses are offered. None Yes Text 17-22 6
1036 Sub_period Sub-period code Sub-period code during which courses are commonly offered. See previous element for more details. The postsecondary institution's code or name of the sub-period. None Yes Text 23-28 6
1045 StartDate Start date of period The start date of the period. YYYYMMDD (YearMonthDay) None Yes Text 29-36 8
1055 EndDate End date of period The end date of the period. Include the days allocated for the writing of exams. YYYYMMDD (YearMonthDay) None Yes Text 37-44 8
1065 WithDate Last date for withdrawal The last date in the period for withdrawal from courses without academic penalty. Leave blank if there is no withdrawal date for this period. YYYYMMDD (YearMonthDay) None No Text 45-52 8
1100 ProvID Provincial ID elements Provincial ministries wanting to define additional elements for provincial reporting can use this composite element. Leave any unused portion of the 80 characters blank. Components and codes as defined by provincial ministry. None No Text 53-132 80

Postsecondary Student Information System (PSIS)

Institution Program (IP) File

The following data elements are required to identity unique records: Year of Start of Report Cycle (IP1000), Institution Code (IP1025), Program Code (IP2000), and Credential Type (IP2010)

Record Layout, Files and Data Element Descriptions

The Institution Program (IP) file contains program code and program name (IP2000, IP2020), program duration (IP2060 to IP2071), credential type (IP2010, IP2011), educational entrance requirements (IP2150 to IP2155) and other characteristics of each program offered by the postsecondary institution. The IP file is an inventory of the programs offered by the postsecondary institution. It contains one (1) IP record for each program offered during the twelve (12) month cycle.

There is a logical link between this file and the Student Program (SP) file. The SP file contains one (1) record for each combination of student and program. Each program code reported on the SP file must be present on the IP file.

If students are taking courses without registration in a program, create as many non-program records on the IP file for each of the non-program categories appropriate to your institution (see element IP2015). This will involve:
1) putting a program name in element IP2020;
2) putting a program code in element IP2000;
3) putting a value of "98 - Not applicable" in element IP2010;
4) assigning the students to this program in the SP file; and
5) following the instructions in the other elements for the assignment of "Not Applicable" code for this non-program record. 
Please refer to the "Program type" and "Non-credit" entries of the Reporting Guide for Program Type and Credential Type for additional information on the non-programs.

Universities that store their program data with separate fields for degree and specialization(s) or major field(s) of study may be able to report just the degree code in element SP2000 and the student's specialization(s) or major field(s) of study in elements SP5015, SP5016 and SP5017 on the SP file. For example, if all BA programs have the same duration, credit requirement, provincial funding code, entrance requirements, on-the-job training (OJT) components, etc., then you could report only one (1) IP record for all BA's, with element IP2000 = "BA", and then show the different majors on the SP records of individual students. But if some of the BA programs have different durations or credit requirements, etc., then you must provide separate IP records for them. In these cases, you could combine the degree code and the specialization(s) or major field(s) of study in element IP2000 of the IP and SP records.

For programs that award two (2) credentials, please refer to the "Joint credential program" entry of the Reporting Guide for Program Type and Credential Type.

For programs that may lead to the option of several qualifications in terms of successful outcomes, such as one program (same code) which leads to a certificate or a diploma, please refer to the "programs with multiple exit options" entry of the Reporting Guide for Program Type and Credential Type.

For apprenticeship programs, provide one (1) IP record for each year or level of the program.

For the entire reporting period, describe all the programs offered during the twelve (12) months beginning on your Report Cycle Start Date.

Table 2
Institution Program (IP) codes
Table summary
This table displays the results of Institution Program (IP) codes. The information is grouped by Element Number (appearing as row headers), Mnemonic, Name, Description, Codes, Alternate Codes, Core, Type, Position and Size (appearing as column headers).
Element Number Mnemonic Name Description Codes Alternate Codes Core Type Position Size
1000 RepStartYear Year of start of report cycle The year in which the current report cycle starts. Assign the same first four (4) digits of the start date of the report cycle (as found in element ID1005 on the ID file). YYYY (Year) None Yes Text 1-4 4
1025 Instit Institution code Reporting PSIS postsecondary institution code. Refer to the Postsecondary Institution Codes in Section 4 of the document titled "PSIS Reporting Documentation 2015/2016". None Yes Text 5-12 8
2000 ProgCode Program code A program is a structured collection of educational activities (courses and other learning activities) arrayed to meet a set of learning objectives.

A program "proxy" may be used in PSIS to identify educational activities which fall outside the definition of "program."

Note: For degrees granted in Canadian universities, programs should fall within the parameters detailed in the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC) Ministerial Statement on Quality Assurance of Degree Education in Canada (2007), which uses similar descriptors as those used in the Bologna process.
Please refer to the Reporting Guide for Program Type and Credential Type for additional information on how to report programs.

Please report the program code as stored in the postsecondary institution's administrative files. For more details, refer to element SP2000 on the SP file. All program codes on the SP file must be present on this file including the non-program record(s) as element Program Code is used as a key field to match record on IP and SP files. Universities that store their program data with separate fields for degree and specialization(s) or major field(s) of study may be able to report just the degree code in element IP2000 and the students' specialization(s) or major field(s) of study in elements SP5015, SP5016 and SP5017 on the SP file. For example, if all BA programs have the same duration, credit requirement, provincial funding code, entrance requirements, co-op requirements, etc., you could report only one (1) IP record for all BA's, with element IP2000 = "BA", and then show the different majors on the SP records of individual students. But if some of the BA programs have different durations or credit requirements etc., then you must provide separate IP records for them. In these cases, you would combine the degree code and the specialization(s) or major field(s) of study in element 2000 of the IP and SP records.

The combination of the previous element (IP1025), this one and the next one (IP2010) constitute a key and therefore must be unique. Do not report duplicate combinations of these three (3) elements.
None None Yes Text 13-32 20
2010 CredenTyp Credential type The type of formal qualification awarded for successful completion of a program, excluding certificates of attendance.

A "qualification" acknowledges successful completion of a program of study containing evaluative components. A "formal qualification" is a qualification that is recognized by an official body such as ministries of education, boards of governors or other ministry appointed bodies, federal departments or ministries, industry associations or sectors, apprenticeship and trades commissions, regulatory bodies or licensing agencies.
Definitions of the categories:
01: A non-postsecondary credential awarded as a high school diploma or its equivalent.
02: A credential awarded and recognized by official bodies as a "certificate".
03: A credential awarded and recognized by official bodies as a "diploma".
04: This category must only be used to assign "degree" credentials which are supported by the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC) Ministerial Statement on Quality Assurance of Degree Education in Canada.
10: Formal qualifications granted upon successful completion of programs that are shorter than programs where a certificate is the formal qualification awarded.
11: A credential granted upon completion of sixty (60) transferable credits of an undergraduate program.
97: A credential from programs that do not fit in any of the other categories.
98: This category is used for non-programs (where no formal qualification can be obtained), credentials for programs where the learning or performance is not measured or evaluated, such as for certificates of attendance, as well as for any other program where no formal qualification is offered.

Please refer to the "Credential type" entry in the Reporting Guide for Program Type and Credential Type for inclusions, exclusions and additional information on each of the categories.

If the same program can award two (2) credentials, one for completing a certain level and a higher one for completing a longer version of the program, then provide two (2) records having the same program code (element IP2000) but different values in this element; e.g., a program awarding a certificate after one (1) year or a diploma after two (2) years would have two (2) records for this data element, the first with code "02 - Certificate" and the second with code "03 - Diploma".

For joint programs in which a student normally receives two (2) credentials, please refer to the "Joint credential program" entry in the Reporting Guide for Program Type and Credential Type to code the credential type.

For programs offered under an agreement with another (other) institution(s), please refer to the "Programs offered under an agreement" entry of the Reporting Guide for Program Type and Credential Type to code the credential type.

Please refer to Appendix B for acceptable reporting combinations between Credential type (IP/SP2010) and Program type (IP2015).
01 - General Equivalency Diploma/high school diploma
02 - Certificate
03 - Diploma
04 - Degree (includes applied degree)
10 - Attestation and other short program credentials
11 - Associate degree
97 - Other type of credential associated with a program
98 - Not applicable
None No Text 35-36 2
2011 JCredenTyp Joint credent type For joint programs in which a student normally receives two (2) credentials, please refer to the "Joint credential program" entry in the Reporting Guide for Program Type and Credential Type. If there is no joint credential or it is a non-program, assign code "98 - Not applicable". See element IP2010 None No Text 35-36 2
2015 ProgType Program type A classification of programs that is based on a combination of factors such as the general purpose of the program; the type of instruction offered in terms of educational content; and the expected outcome of the program.
Definition of the categories:
01: Non-postsecondary programs that are offered in postsecondary institutions.
10: In-class or technical components of apprenticeship training when offered in postsecondary institutions.
20: Postsecondary programs that prepare students for entry into career, technical or pre-university programs.
21: Postsecondary skills programs that usually lead to a specific career path and into the labour market that is neither apprenticeship, pre-university, undergraduate nor graduate program. Educational requirements for this program are usually not greater than the secondary school diploma.
22: Postsecondary skills programs that usually lead to a specific career path and into the labour market and requires a certificate or a diploma from a career, technical or professional training program.
30: Postsecondary programs that prepare students for undergraduate studies but is not an undergraduate program.
40: Programs that prepare students for entry into a bachelor's degree program. It is an access or bridging option for a student who does not fully meet the requirements for entry into a bachelor's degree program. While this program does not generally lead to a qualification, some credits may be granted towards a bachelor's degree.
46: These are programs that are more academically-based programs which normally require a secondary school diploma or a college diploma in Quebec. Educational activities in these programs can be counted towards a bachelor's degree (applied, general or honours) or a professional degree. Undergraduate degrees normally allow entry into a second cycle graduate program.
47: Postsecondary programs that are not graduate programs and require a bachelor's degree for admission either explicitly or implicitly, such as is the case for concurrent bachelor's degree programs (where the outcome of these programs is equivalent to a program requiring a bachelor's degree, but the degree is not a requirement because of the concurrent nature of the program).
In Saskatchewan and British Columbia, this category also captures postsecondary programs at the undergraduate level for which degree completion requires a scope beyond a bachelor's degree due to its breadth and depth of learning.
50: Postsecondary programs that prepare students for entry into a master's degree program. A bachelor's degree is normally required for entry into this program.
53: Postsecondary programs that prepare students for entry into a doctoral degree program, without the student being admitted to the doctoral program.
58: This category covers health-related residency programs. At a minimum, these programs require undergraduate degrees for entry.
59: Graduate programs that normally require a bachelor's degree. Educational activities in these programs can be counted towards a master's degree. Degrees from second cycle graduate programs normally allow entry into third cycle graduate programs.
62: Graduate programs that normally require a master's degree. Educational activities in these programs can be counted towards a doctoral degree.
63: Graduate programs that normally require a doctoral degree. Post-doctorate activities that do not meet the definition of a "program," such as those in the labour market, are excluded from this category.
89: Any postsecondary program that does not fit in any of the program categories listed above.
91, 92, 93 and 94: Categories that serve to identify students registered in educational activities without being registered in a program. It includes students enrolled in courses who have not declared a program of intent.
91: These are courses or other educational activities that are not within a program and have no evaluative component.
92: These are undergraduate courses or other educational activities not within a program and have an evaluative component.
93: These are graduate courses or other educational activities that are not within a program and have an evaluative component.
94: These are postsecondary courses or other educational activities that are neither undergraduate nor graduate, are not within a program and have an evaluative component.

Please refer to the Reporting Guide for Program Type and Credential Type for inclusions, exclusions and additional information on each of the categories. Please refer also to Appendix B for acceptable reporting combinations between Credential type (IP/SP2010) and Program type (IP2015).

For joint programs in which a student normally receives two (2) credentials, please refer to the "Joint credential program" entry in the Reporting Guide for Program Type and Credential Type.
01 - Basic education and skills program
10 - Apprenticeship program
20 - Qualifying program for career, technical or pre-university
21 - Career, technical or professional training program
22 - Post career, technical or professional training program
30 - Pre-university program
40 - Undergraduate qualifying program
46 - Undergraduate program
47 - Post-baccalaureate non-graduate program
50 - Graduate qualifying program (second cycle)
53 - Graduate qualifying program (third cycle)
58 - Health-related residency program
59 - Graduate program (second cycle)
62 - Graduate program (third cycle)
63 - Graduate program (above the third cycle)
89 - Other programs
91 - Non-program (non-credit)
92 - Non-program (credit, undergraduate)
93 - Non-program (credit, graduate)
94 - Non-program (credit, other postsecondary)
None Yes Text 37-38 2
2016 JProgTyp Joint program type For joint programs in which a student normally receives two (2) credentials, please refer to the "Joint credential program" entry in the Reporting Guide for Program Type and Credential Type.

If there is no joint credential or it is a non-program, assign code "96 - Not applicable".
See element IP2015. This data element also includes the category:
96 - Not applicable
None No Text 39-40 2
2020 ProgName Program name The program name as stored in the postsecondary institution's own administrative files. None None Yes Text 41-140 100
2030 ProvProgCat Provincial program category The program category as defined by the provincial ministry or other administrative body. Leave this element blank if your postsecondary institution does not report this information to the provincial ministry or other agency, or for non program records. See provincial ministry codes None No Text 141-148 8
2040 ProvProgFund Provincial program funding code The program funding code as defined by the provincial ministry or other administrative body. Leave this element blank if your postsecondary institution does not report this information to the provincial ministry or other agency, or for non program records. See provincial ministry codes None No Text 149-154 6
2060 ProgHour Program duration (in hours) The sum of the hours of instruction of the courses normally required to complete the entire program by traditional program delivery. Include the whole program, not just the portion in the current report cycle.

This element is intended to measure workload for programs of two (2) years duration or less, including intensive programs. Leave blank for programs that normally require more than two (2) years (four (4) semesters) to complete. Also leave blank for non-program records and programs having no set duration, such as graduate programs.

Exclude courses or program segments that are mainly on-the-job training or field placement or co-op work experience. Include compulsory labs, seminars, studio time, and tutorials etc., that are a standard part of the program. Exclude private study time.

For example, a four (4) semester program with five (5) courses per semester and 36 hours per course would total 720 hours (36 hours X 5 courses X 4 semesters).

Leave this element blank for non-program records.
Blank or numeric value with no decimals None No Numeric 155-159 5
2070 ProgDur Program duration The normal instructional time to complete the course work for the entire program for a full-time student by traditional program delivery.

Use the next element (IP2071) to specify which unit of measure you are using. Use half-semesters (code 10), quarters or trimesters (code 12) or semesters or trimesters (code 15) if possible. Use weeks or months (code 08 or 09) only for programs shorter than one (1) year or for programs specifically organized in weeks or months. Use academic years or years (code 25 or 30) only if the program's courses are not delivered in shorter periods such as semesters or half-semesters or quarters.

Exclude program segments that are mainly on-the-job training or field placement or co-op work terms.

Leave this element blank only for non-program records and programs having no set duration, such as graduate programs.
Blank or numeric value including decimal point and two (2) decimal places.
1016.50 = 1016.5 units required
1.00 = 1 unit required
None Yes Numeric 160-165 6
2071 ProgDurUnit Program duration units Identifies the unit of measure used in the previous element (IP2070). Assign "98 - Not applicable" only for non-program records and programs having no set duration, such as graduate programs. 08 - Weeks
09 - Months (a period of about 30 days)
10 - Half-semesters (a period of about 2 months)
12 - Quarters or trimesters (a period of about 3 months)
15 - Semesters or trimesters (a period of about 4 months)
25 - Academic years (a period of about 8 months)
30 - Years (a period of about 12 months)
98 - Not applicable
None Yes Text 166-167 2
2080 ProgCred Credits needed to graduate The number of credits or units of academic achievement required for graduating from or completing the entire program. Credits refer to the value that a postsecondary institution attaches to successful completion of a formal course of instruction and that can be applied by the recipient towards the requirements for a credential.

Use the next element (IP2081) to specify which unit of measure you are using. If the program is not organized by credits but instead requires the successful completion of some number of courses, report the number of courses here and assign code "06 - Courses" in the next element (IP2081). Exclude credits for on-the-job training (OJT) segments that cover most or all of a semester or other period (e.g., co-op work terms).

Leave this element blank only for non-credit programs or programs with no set credit or course requirements, such as graduate programs.
Blank or numeric value including decimal point and two (2) decimal places.
1.00 = 1 unit required
1016.50 = 1,016.5 units required
10000.00 = 10,000 units required
None No Numeric 168-175 8
2081 ProgCredUnit Program credit units Identifies the unit of measure used in the previous element (IP2080).

Assign code "98 - Not applicable" only for non-credit programs or programs with no set credit or course requirements, such as graduate programs.
01 - Credits
02 - Credit hours
03 - Semester hours
04 - Course hours
05 - Credit points
06 - Courses
07 - Student contact hours
96 - Other units
98 - Not applicable (non-credit program or no set credit requirement)
None No Text 176-177 2
2090 N/a N/a Element deleted. Leave blank. N/a N/a N/a N/a N/a N/a
2100 ProgFullPart Program delivered full-time, part-time or both Indicates whether the program is delivered on a full-time or part-time basis only, or both either, at the student's option. Full-time and part-time statuses are defined by the reporting postsecondary institution.

For non-program records, assign code "8 - Not applicable".
1 - Program delivered on a full-time basis only
2 - Program delivered on a part-time basis only
3 - Program delivered full-time or part-time, at student's option
8 - Not applicable (non-program)
9 - Unknown
None No Text 180 1
2150 EdEntry Educational entrance requirements The normal educational entrance requirements to begin the program. For non-program records, assign code "98 - No educational entrance requirement". If the program has more than one (1) educational entrance requirement, report the one that is farther down the code list.

High School matriculation (code 14) is oriented toward and usually required for entrance to University or to University Transfer programs at colleges. High School diploma (code 13) does not usually qualify a student for entrance to university.
19 - Primary/elementary education
18 - Some secondary attendance
14 - High School matriculation
13 - High School diploma

College (Trade School, Community College, CEGEP, Technical Institute, Hospital/ Nursing School or other college level):
29 - Non-professional health certificate (CPR, First Aid, etc.)
21 - Registered Apprenticeship
22 - Trade/ vocational certificate or diploma
23 - College postsecondary certificate
24 - College postsecondary diploma
28 - Other college credential

University undergraduate:
49 - Some undergraduate attendance
46 - Undergraduate certificate
47 - Undergraduate diploma
48 - Other undergraduate credential
41 - Bachelor's degree
42 - First Professional degree

University graduate:
59 - Some graduate attendance
52 - Graduate certificate
53 - Graduate diploma
58 - Other graduate credential
51 - Master's degree
54 - Doctorate
55 - Equivalent earned doctorate

96 - Other
98 - No educational entrance requirement or not a program
99 - Unknown
None No Text 181-182 2
2151 LegalEntry Legal entrance requirements Indicates whether any legal entrance requirements exist for the program.

For non-program records, assign code "8 - Not applicable".
1 - Yes
2 - No
8 - Not applicable (non-program)
9 - Unknown
Y - Yes
N - No
W -Not applicable (non-program)
U - Unknown
No Text 183 1
2152 MedEntry Medical or psychological entrance requirements Indicates whether any medical or psychological entrance requirements exist for the program.

For non-program records, assign code "8 - Not applicable".
See element IP2151 See element IP2151 No Text 184 1
2153 AptEntry Aptitude or proficiency entrance requirements Indicates whether successful completion of an aptitude and/or proficiency test or interview is an entrance requirement for the program.

For non-program records, assign code "8 - Not applicable".
See element IP2151 See element IP2151 No Text 185 1
2154 ExpEntry Related experience entrance requirements Indicates whether previous related experience is an entrance requirement for the program.

For non-program records, assign code "8 - Not applicable".
See element IP2151 See element IP2151 No Text 186 1
2155 OthEntry Other program entrance requirements Indicates whether any entrance requirements other than those listed in the previous five (5) elements exist for the program.

For non-program records, assign code "8 - Not applicable".
See element IP2151 See element IP2151 No Text 187 1
2210 ProgCont Program delivered under contract Indicates whether the postsecondary institution specifically offers the program to an outside party under contract. For programs in this category, the postsecondary institution may supply the instructor or simply provide facilities.

For non-program records, assign code "8 - Not applicable".
1 - Yes
2 - No
8 - Not applicable (non-program)
9 - Unknown
Y - Yes
N - No
W -Not applicable (non-program)
U - Unknown
No Text 188 1
2220 ProgLimited Program enrolment limits Indicates whether enrolment in the program is limited, either by an internally- or externally-imposed quota.

For non-program records, assign code "8 - Not applicable".
1 - Yes, limit imposed by postsecondary institution
2 - Yes, limit imposed by a professional organization
3 - Yes, limit imposed by a government or funding agency
6 - No
8 - Not applicable (non-program)
9 - Unknown
None No Text 189 1
2225 ProgCap Program capacity if limited If the program has limited enrolment (element IP2220 = 1, 2 or 3), report the maximum number of new students that would have been admitted to the program during the report cycle if all available seats or space had been taken.

If the previous element is coded to 6, 8 or 9, leave this element blank.
Blank or numeric value with no decimals None No Numeric 190-194 5
2300 ManPaidDur Mandatory paid on-the-job training (OJT) duration Use all elements related to OJT (elements IP2300-IP2331) to report the duration of on-the-job training activities that are a regular part of the program.

OJT is occupational training given in the normal work situation. OJT includes practicum, field placement, co-op work terms and any other formal work experience activities.

A practicum is a unit of supervised work that involves practical application of previously studied theory.

A field placement is a period of work taken as part of a specific academic course curriculum. A co-operative education program is a program that formally integrates a student's academic studies with work experience in their field of study.

Students in a co-op program will alternate periods of time spent in school with paid work in business, industry, or government.

OJT activities are classified by two (2) criteria: Mandatory or Optional, and Paid or Unpaid.

"Mandatory" refers to work experiences that students must participate in to successfully complete the program.

"Optional" refers to work experiences that are normally available to but not required of students enrolled in the program.

"Paid" refers to work experiences for which the postsecondary institution expects that the student will be paid.

"Unpaid" refers to work experiences for which the postsecondary institution does not expect that the student will be paid.

Example 1: For programs that are Co-op only, the Co-op work term is normally considered Mandatory Paid because it is compulsory that the students do the work term and those students are normally paid for the work. Alternatively, if the program usually has some Co-op students and some non-Co-op, report the work term component as Optional Paid.
Example 2: A Nursing or teaching practicum is normally considered Mandatory Unpaid because it is compulsory that students do the practicum but there is usually no requirement that students be paid, although some students may in fact be paid.

Use the next element (IP2301) to specify which unit of measure you are using; e.g., if the duration is 80 hours for the whole program, report 80.00 here and code "06 - hours" in the next element. Another example: if the program has six (6) mandatory paid co-op work terms, report 6.00 here and code "15 - semesters" in the next element. If the duration of this component is variable, report the highest normal duration; e.g., if the student can take either two (2) or three (3) units of OJT, report three (3).

If it is unknown whether the mandatory experience is paid or unpaid, report as unpaid (element IP2320).

If the program does not have this category of OJT, leave this element blank and report code "98 - Not applicable" in the next element (IP2301).

Leave this element blank for non-program records.
Blank or numeric value including decimal point and two (2) decimal places.
e.g., 1.00 = 1 unit required
1016.50 = 1,016.5 units required
10000.00 = 10,000 units required
None No Numeric 195-202 8
2301 ManPaidUnit Mandatory paid OJT duration units Identifies the unit of measure used in the previous element (IP2300).

Assign code "98 - Not applicable" for non-program records.
06 - Hours
07 - Days
08 - Weeks
09 - Months (a period of about 30 days)
10 - Half-Semesters or trimesters (a period of about 2 months)
12 - Quarters or trimesters (a period of about 3 months)
15 - Semesters or trimesters (a period of about 4 months)
25 - Academic years (a period of about 8 months)
30 - Years (a period of about 12 months)
95 - No set duration
96 - Other units
97 - Unknown if program includes this category of OJT
98 - Not applicable (non-program or program does not include this category of OJT)
99 - Program includes this category of OJT but duration unknown
None No Text 203-204 2
2310 OpPaidDur Optional paid OJT duration The duration of optional paid on-the-job training (OJT) activities that is a regular part of the program. See element IP2300 for more details. If the duration of this component is variable, report the highest normal duration. If it is unknown whether the optional experience is paid or unpaid, report as unpaid (element IP2330).

Leave this element blank for non-program records.
See element IP2300 None No Numeric 205-212 8
2311 OpPaidUnit Optional paid OJT duration units Identifies the unit of measure used in the previous element (IP2310).

Assign code "98 - Not applicable" for non-program records.
See element IP2301 None No Text 213-214 2
2320 ManUnpaidDur Mandatory unpaid OJT duration The duration of mandatory unpaid on-the-job training (OJT) activities that is a regular part of the program. See element IP2300 for more details. If the duration of this component is variable, report the highest normal duration.

Leave this element blank for non-program records.
See element IP2300 None No Numeric 215-222 8
2321 ManUnpaidUnit Mandatory unpaid OJT duration units Identifies the unit of measure used in the previous element (IP2320).

Assign code "98 - Not applicable" for non-program records.
See element IP2301 None No Text 223-224 2
2330 OpUnpaidDur Optional unpaid OJT duration The duration of optional unpaid on-the-job training (OJT) activities that is a regular part of the program. See element IP2300 for more details. If the duration of this component is variable, report the highest normal duration.

Leave this element blank for non-program records.
See element IP2300 None No Numeric 225-232 8
2331 OpUnpaidUnit Optional unpaid OJT duration units Identifies the unit of measure used in the previous element (IP2330).

Assign code "98 - Not applicable" for non-program records.
See element IP2301 None No Text 233-234 2
2400 ProvIP Provincial IP elements Provincial ministries wanting to define additional elements for provincial reporting can use this composite element. Leave any unused portion of the 80 characters blank. Components and codes as defined by provincial ministry None No Text 235-314 80

Postsecondary Student Information System (PSIS)

Institution Course (IC) File

The following data elements are required to identify unique records: Year of Start of Report Cycle (IC1000), Institution Code (IC1025), and Course Code (IC3000)

Record Layout, Files and Data Element Descriptions

The Institution Course (IC) file contains course code and course name (IC3000, IC3020), course duration and course duration units (IC3080, IC3081), course credits normally awarded and course credit units (IC3090, IC3091) and other characteristics of each course offered by the postsecondary institution. The IC file is an inventory of the courses offered by the postsecondary institution. One (1) IC record for each of the courses offered during the twelve (12) month cycle should be reported.
There is a logical link between this file and the Student Course (SC) file. The SC file contains one (1) record for each combination of student and course. Each course code reported on the SC file must be present on the IC file.

For the entire reporting period, describe all the courses offered during the twelve (12) months beginning on your Report Cycle Start Date.

Table 3
Institution Course (IC) File Codes
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 3: Institution Course (IC) File Codes. The information is grouped by Element Number (appearing as row headers), Mnemonic, Name, Description, Codes, Alternate codes, Core, Type, Position and Size (appearing as column headers).
Element Number Mnemonic Name Description Codes Alternate Codes Core Type Position Size
1000 RepStartYear Year of start of report cycle The year in which the current report cycle starts. Assign the first four (4) digits of the start date of the report cycle (as found in element ID1005 on the ID file). YYYY (Year) None No Text 01-Apr 4
1025 Instit Institution code Reporting PSIS postsecondary institution code. Refer to the Postsecondary Institution Codes in Section 4 of the document titled "PSIS Reporting Documentation 2015/2016". None No Text 05-Dec 8
3000 CourCode Course code The unique code for the course as it is stored in the postsecondary institution's administrative files; e.g., the course code "CHEM 101" might represent "Introduction to Chemistry".

Include non-credit courses.

In cases where a lab and a lecture have independent course codes in the postsecondary institution's administrative system, report separate courses on the IC file, e.g., "CHEM 101 Lecture" would be a different course from "CHEM 101 Lab".

All course codes in element SC3000 on the SC file must also be present on this file.
None None No Text 13-32 20
3020 CourName Course name The course name as it is stored in the postsecondary institution's administrative files. In the above example for "CHEM 101", "Introduction to Chemistry" would be recorded here. None None No Text 33-132 100
3040 CourCont Course delivered under contract Indicates whether the postsecondary institution specifically offers the course to an outside party under contract. For courses in this category the postsecondary institution may supply the instructor or simply provide facilities. If some sections, but not all, are delivered under contract, code "2 - No". 1 - Yes
2 - No
9 - Unknown
Y - Yes
N - No
U - Unknown
No Text 133 1
3050 CourRetrain Course intended as workplace retraining or skills upgrading Indicates whether the course is intended for the purpose of workplace retraining or skills upgrading. These courses are specially designed for persons already working in, or planning to return to, a specific occupational group. The objective of these courses is instruction in new occupational methods and techniques.

Students engaged in skills upgrading have usually had prior training and work experience in their occupation, but have fallen behind in their qualifications due to technological changes or other developments.

Such courses are usually not offered as part of the postsecondary institution's regular programs, for example, refresher or updating courses for nurses, tradespersons or paramedics.
1 - Yes
2 - No
9 - Unknown
Y - Yes
N - No
U - Unknown
No Text 134 1
3080 CourDur Course duration The normal time to complete the course for a full-time student by traditional course delivery. Include the duration of labs or on-the-job training (OJT) components that are an integral part of the course, as reported in elements IC3110 and IC3140. Report time units, not credits. If possible, report in hours to permit easier standardization across postsecondary institutions. Use the next element (IC3081) to specify which unit of measure you are using; e.g., if a course is offered three (3) hours per week and normally takes two (2) Semesters or trimesters of twelve (12) weeks each to complete, report 72.00 (12 weeks X 3 hours per week X 2 semesters) here and code "06 - Hours" in the next element. If the course is delivered by a non-traditional method such as Distance Education, report what the normal duration would be for a full-time student by traditional delivery.

Leave blank only for courses having no set duration, such as theses, and for courses in which students continue until achieving a certain mastery level and for which duration therefore cannot be assigned.
Numeric value including decimal point and two (2) decimal places. None No Numeric 135-142 8
3081 CourDurUnit Course duration units Identifies the unit of measure used in the previous element (IC3080). 06 - Hours
07 - Days
08 - Weeks
09 - Months (a period of about 30 days)
10 - Half-semesters (a period of about 2 months)
12 - Quarters or trimesters (a period of about 3 months)
15 - Semesters or trimesters (a period of about 4 months)
25 - Academic years (a period of about 8 months)
30 - Years (a period of about 12 months)
96 - Other units
98 - Not applicable or no set duration (e.g., thesis)
None No Text 143-144 2
3090 CourCred Course credits normally awarded The number of course credits or units of academic achievement normally awarded for successful completion of the course. Use the next element (IC3091) to specify which unit of measure you are using. If possible, use the same unit of measure as in elements IP2080 or IP2081 on the IP file.

For non-credit courses or courses having no credit or course value assigned, leave this element blank and assign code "98 - Not applicable" in the next element. Also, leave blank for continuing education courses that do not count for academic credit.

In some cases, the credits awarded for a course will vary from student to student depending on the student's program. In those cases, report the normal number of credits here and show the variation on the students' course records in element SC6060.
Blank or numeric value including decimal point and two (2) decimal places.
e.g., 1.00 = 1 unit awarded
16.50 = 16.5 units awarded
No No Numeric 145-152 8
3091 CourCredUnit Course credit units Identifies the unit of measure used in the previous element (IC3090). 01 - Credits
02 - Credit hours
03 - Semester hours
04 - Course hours
05 - Credit points
06 - Courses
07 - Student contact hours
96 - Other units
98 - Not applicable (non-credit course or course having no credit or course value assigned)
None No Text 153-154 2
3110 LabDur Laboratory duration The duration of practical skills development included as a compulsory part of the course, such as laboratory, shop training, studio time, seminars and tutorials. E.g., if the course normally includes three (3) hours of laboratory time per week and runs for twelve (12) weeks, then assign 36.00 here and code "06 - Hours" in the next element (IC3111). If possible, report in hours to permit easier standardization across postsecondary institutions. Exclude on-the-job training (OJT) components reported in element IC3140.

If the course does not include practical skills development as defined above, leave this element blank and assign code "98 - Not applicable" in the next element.
Blank or numeric value including decimal point and two (2) decimal places. None No Numeric 155-162 8
3111 LabDurUnit Laboratory duration units Identifies the unit of measure used in the previous element (IC3110). 06 - Hours
07 - Days
08 - Weeks
09 - Months (a period of about 30 days)
10 - Half-semesters (a period of about 2 months)
12 - Quarters or trimesters (a period of about 3 months)
15 - Semesters or trimesters (a period of about 4 months)
25 - Academic years (a period of about 8 months)
30 - Years (a period of about 12 months)
95 - No set duration
96 - Other units
97 - Unknown if course includes lab
98 - Not applicable (no lab)
99 - Course includes lab but duration unknown
None No Text 163-164 2
3140 CourOJTDur Course OJT duration Use elements IC3140 and IC3141 to report the duration of on-the-job training (OJT) activities that are a regular part of the course. OJT includes practicum/field placement, co-op work term and any other formal work experience activities. See element IP2300 on the IP file for a more detailed description.

Report the duration of the OJT here and use the next element (IC3141) to specify which unit of measure you are using; e.g., if the duration is 20 hours, report 20.00 here and code "06 - Hours" in the next element. If possible, report in hours to permit easier standardization across postsecondary institutions.

If the entire course is OJT then OJT duration (IC3140) should equal the course duration (IC3080) and OJT duration units (IC3141) should equal course duration units (IC3081).

If the course does not include OJT, leave this element blank and assign code "98 - Not applicable" in the next element.
Blank or numeric value including decimal point and two (2) decimal places.
e.g., 1.00 = 1 unit
16.50 = 16.5 units
No No Numeric 165-172 8
3141 CourOJTUnit Course OJT duration units Identifies the unit of measure used in the previous element (IC3140). 06 - Hours
07 - Days
08 - Weeks
09 - Months (a period of about 30 days)
10 - Half-semesters (a period of about 2 months)
12 - Quarters or trimesters (a period of about 3 months)
15 - Semesters or trimesters (a period of about 4 months)
25 - Academic years (a period of about 8 months)
30 - Years (a period of about 12 months)
95 - No set duration
96 - Other units
97 - Unknown if course includes OJT
98 - Not applicable (no OJT)
99 - Course includes OJT but duration unknown
None No Text 173-174 2
3160 ProvCourFund Provincial course funding code The course funding code as defined by the provincial ministry or other administrative body. Leave this element blank if your postsecondary institution does not report this information to the provincial ministry or other agency. See provincial ministry codes No No Text 175-180 6
3200 ProvIC Provincial IC elements Provincial ministries wanting to define additional elements for provincial reporting can use this composite element. Leave any unused portion of the 80 characters blank. Components and codes as defined by provincial ministry None No Text 181-260 80

Postsecondary Student Information System (PSIS)

Student Description (SD) File

The following data elements are required to identity unique records: Year of Start of Report Cycle (SD1000), Institution Code (SD1025), and Institution's Student Identifier (SD4000)

Record Layout, Files, and Data Elements Descriptions

The Student Description (SD) file contains demographic and other descriptive information about the students attending the various postsecondary institutions. Among others, it contains student name (SD4040 to SD4050), birth date (SD4230), gender (SD4240), Social Insurance Number (SIN) (SD4020), contact information (SD4060 to SD4180), previous education (SD4320 to SD4350), and characteristics such as whether or not the student has self-identified as a visible minority, Aboriginal person (SD4210) or person with an activity limitation (SD4215). This file contains one (1) record per student per postsecondary institution.

The Report is to be submitted by February 3rd, 2016 for the report cycle 2015/2016. You are requested to provide one (1) record for each student registered at the postsecondary institution at any time between your Start Date of report cycle (ID1005) and the end of your winter term, or the end of your academic year if your postsecondary institution does not have a winter term. Also, include one (1) SD record for a student who graduates during the report cycle, even if the student did not have any course registrations during the report cycle (e.g., the student applies for, and is granted a credential during the current report cycle for work completed in an earlier cycle).

Also, include any students who were last registered in the previous report year and whose status in the program was "Unknown" at the time the previous year's Report was produced. The "Unknown" status refers to element SP5100 on the SP file: Status was unknown (under review or not yet determined or dependent on the completion or grading of courses that normally would have ended by the end of the report cycle). These students should be included in the Report to ensure that Statistics Canada can update their end status.

If the student was registered in more than one (1) program during the report cycle, provide only one (1) SD record and multiple Student Program (SP) records.

There is a logical link between this file and the Student Program (SP) file. The SD file contains one (1) record per student enrolled in a program or that has graduated from a program.

Table 4
Student Description (SD) File Codes
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 4: Student Description (SD) File Codes. The information is grouped by Element Number (appearing as row headers), Mnemonic, Name, Description, Codes, Alternate codes, Core, Type, Position and Size (appearing as column headers).
Element Number Mnemonic Name Description Codes Alternate Codes Core Type Position Size
1000 RepStartYear Year of start of report cycle The year in which the current report cycle starts. Assign the same first four (4) digits of the start date of report cycle (as found in element ID1005 on the ID file). YYYY (Year) None Yes Text 01-Apr 4
1010 RepTyp Report type Report F for an entire Full-year reporting period (twelve (12) months). F - Entire Full Year reporting period None No Text 5 1
1025 Instit Institution code Reporting PSIS postsecondary institution code. Refer to the Postsecondary Institution Codes in Section 4 of the document titled "PSIS Reporting Documentation 2015/2016". None Yes Text Jun-13 8
4000 StudID Institution's Student Identifier The postsecondary institution's permanent identifier for the student while in this postsecondary institution. Use the same number for this student from year to year. None None Yes Text 14-27 14
4010 TStudID Type of Student I.D. Indicates the type of I.D. number reported in the previous element (SD4000). 01 - I.D. number assigned by postsecondary institution independently of any provincial or national numbering system
02 - Provincial student Identification number
None Yes Text 28-29 2
4020 SIN Social Insurance Number The student's Social Insurance Number (SIN) if the student is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident. Otherwise, leave blank. Do not report dummy SIN's. SIN's failing the check-digit routine will be deleted at Statistics Canada. 9-digit SIN None Yes Text 30-38 9
4030 PSIS_NSN PSIS National Student Number Report the PSIS National Student Number (PSIS_NSN) as stored on your administrative files. If your postsecondary institution has not yet implemented the PSIS_NSN, leave this element blank for all students. None None Yes Text 39-68 30
4040 FirstName First name Student's first (given) name. None None Yes Text 69-108 40
4041 MidName Middle name(s) and/or initials Student's middle name(s) and/or initials.

If your postsecondary institution stores first name and middle name(s)/initials together as one (1) field, enter both in the previous element (SD4040) and leave this element blank.
None None Yes Text 109-148 40
4042 Surname Surname Student's surname (last name). None None Yes Text 149-188 40
4050 PrevSurname Previous surname Student's previous surname; e.g., name prior to marriage. If the postsecondary institution stores more than one (1) previous surname report the most recent only. None None Yes Text 189-228 40
4060 CurrPostal Current postal/zip code Student's postal or zip code while enrolled in the program or course(s). None None Yes Text 229-238 10
4070 CurrCntry Current country of residence Student's country of residence (where the student is living) while enrolled in the program or course(s).

For most students this is Canada, but some students live in the U.S. and commute to Canada for classes, and others study by Distance Education from other countries.
Refer to the Standard Classification of Countries and Areas of Interest Codes in Section 4 of the document titled "PSIS Reporting Documentation 2015/2016". Country Codes Yes Text 239-243 5
4071 CurrCntryTxt Current country of residence (Text) Student's country of residence (where the student is living) as reported in the postsecondary institutions administrative records. Leave this element blank if the country code is reported in the previous element (SD4070). None None No Text 244-273 30
4080 CurrPhone Current telephone number Student's telephone number while enrolled in the program or course(s). Include the area code. None None Yes Text 274-293 20
4090 CurrEmail Current e-mail address Student's Internet e-mail address while enrolled in the program or course(s). None None Yes Text 294-373 80
4100 PermLine1 Permanent address line 1 Line 1 of the permanent address reported by the student on their application for admission or the most current address maintained by the postsecondary institution for follow-up surveys of students after graduation. Ensure that city/town, county, province, country and postal or zip code are reported in their own respective elements (SD4110 onwards) and not included in this element or the subsequent address lines. None None Yes Text 374-428 55
4101 PermLine2 Permanent address line 2 If applicable, line 2 of the permanent address. Lines 1 and 2 should contain all the address information up to but not including the city/town. See element SD4100 for more details. None None Yes Text 429-483 55
4102 PermLine3 Permanent address line 3 If applicable, line 3 of the permanent address. Note that this element is smaller than lines 1 and 2. See element SD4100 for more details. None None Yes Text 484-513 30
4103 PermLine4 Permanent address line 4 If applicable, line 4 of the permanent address. Note that this element is smaller than lines 1 and 2. See element SD4100 for more details. None None Yes Text 514-543 30
4104 PermLine5 Permanent address line 5 If applicable, line 5 of the permanent address. Note that this element is smaller than lines 1 and 2. See element SD4100 for more details. None None Yes Text 544-573 30
4110 PermCity City or town of permanent address City or town of the permanent address reported by the student on their application for admission or the most current city or town of the permanent address maintained by the postsecondary institution for follow-up surveys of students after graduation. None None Yes Text 574-608 35
4120 PermCounty County in Canada of permanent address County of the permanent address reported by the student on their application for admission or the most current county of the permanent address maintained by the postsecondary institution for follow-up surveys of students after graduation. Assign 9898 (Not applicable) for addresses outside Canada. Refer to the County Codes in Section 4 of the document titled "PSIS Reporting Documentation 2015/2016". None Yes Text 609-612 4
4121 PermCountyTxt County in Canada of permanent address (text) County (text) reported by the student on their application for admission or the most current county of the permanent address maintained by the postsecondary institution for follow-up surveys of students after graduation.

Leave this element blank if the code is reported in the previous element (SD4120). Leave blank for addresses outside Canada.
None None No Text 613-647 35
4130 PermProvUpdt Province or state of permanent address (updated) Province or state of the permanent address reported by the student on their application for admission or the most current province or state of the permanent address maintained by the postsecondary institution for follow-up surveys of students after graduation.

Assign ZY (Not applicable) for addresses outside Canada and the U.S.
Refer to the Province and State Codes in Section 4 of the document titled "PSIS Reporting Documentation 2015/2016". None Yes Text 648-649 2
4140 PermGeo Geographic area of permanent address For permanent addresses outside Canada and the U.S., report the next geographic area above city or town; e.g., a shire or a county. Leave blank for addresses inside Canada or the U.S., unless the province or state cannot be translated into a code in the previous element (SD4130); in that case, report the name of the province or state here. None None No Text 650-684 35
4150 PermCntry Country of permanent address Country of the permanent address reported by the student on their application for admission or the most current country of the permanent address maintained by the postsecondary institution for follow-up surveys of students after graduation. Refer to the Standard Classification of Countries and Areas of Interest Codes in Section 4 of the document titled "PSIS Reporting Documentation 2015/2016". Country Codes Yes Text 685-689 5
4151 PermCntryTxt Country of the permanent address (text) Country (text) of the permanent address reported by the student on their application for admission or the most current country (text) of the permanent address maintained by the postsecondary institution for follow-up surveys of students after graduation.

Leave this element blank if the code is reported in the previous element (SD4150).
None None No Text 690-719 30
4160 PermPostal Postal or zip code of permanent address Postal or zip code of the permanent address. None None Yes Text 720-729 10
4180 PermPhone Telephone number at permanent address Telephone number at the permanent address reported by the student on their application for admission or the most current telephone number at the permanent address maintained by the postsecondary institution for follow-up surveys of students after graduation. Area code must be included. None None Yes Text 730-749 20
4200 SensRec Sensitive record Identifies sensitive records. Report Code "1 - Yes" only for deceased students or students who might be endangered by being included in a follow-up survey, such as students who are under the witness protection program. If you do not carry this information, assign code "2 - No". 1 - Yes, sensitive record
2 - No
Y - Yes, sensitive record
N - No
Yes Text 750 1
4210 AborVisMin Aboriginal or visible minority Indicates whether or not the student is an Aboriginal person or a member of a visible minority group, as reported by the student.

A visible minority is defined as someone (other than an Aboriginal person as defined below) who is non-white in colour/race, regardless of place of birth.

An Aboriginal person is defined as someone who is a North American Indian or a member of a First Nation, a Métis or an Inuit. North American Indians or members of a First Nation include status, treaty and registered Indians, as well as non-status and non-registered Indians.

If both characteristics are reported by the student, assign code "2 - Aboriginal ".
1 - Visible Minority
2 - Aboriginal
3 - Not a member of a visible minority or Aboriginal group
9 - Unknown if student is a member of a visible minority or Aboriginal group
None No Text 751 1
4215 Disab Activity limitations Indicates whether the student is a person with activity limitations, as reported by the student. 1 - Yes
2 - No
9 - Unknown
Y - Yes
N - No
U - Unknown
No Text 752 1
4220 ResStat Residence status Indicates whether the student lives in a residence owned or managed by the postsecondary institution. Report the student's residence status as of the end of the report cycle (end of winter term). If your postsecondary institution does not have residences, assign the code "2 - No". 1 - Yes
2 - No
9 - Unknown
Y - Yes
N - No
U - Unknown
No Text 753 1
4230 Birth Birth date Student's birth date. If your postsecondary institution uses a fictitious date to represent "Unknown" (e.g., 19010101 or 19000101), do not report the fictitious date here. Leave blank if unknown. YYYYMMDD (YearMonthDay) None Yes Text 754-761 8
4240 Gender Gender Student's gender. 1 - Male
2 - Female
9 - Unknown
M - Male
F - Female
U - Unknown
Yes Text 762 1
4250 Tongue Mother tongue Mother tongue, defined as the language first spoken by the student and still understood. Note that code 123 is "Other" and 999 is "Unknown". Refer to the Mother Tongue Codes in Section 4 of the document titled "PSIS Reporting Documentation 2015/2016". None Yes Text 763-765 3
4260 ProvFundCitiz Provincial funding classification by citizenship Classifies students by citizenship for grant purposes in accordance with the funding agency's policy. Leave this element blank if your postsecondary institution does not report this information to the provincial ministry or other agency. See provincial ministry codes None No Text 766-771 6
4270 FeeCategory Student tuition fee category The student's tuition fee category as of the end of the report cycle (end of winter). The "unknown" category is not permitted for this element. If your postsecondary institution's in-province and out-of province tuition fees are the same, assign "01 - Student pays standard in-province domestic tuition fees".

If the student and/or the student's sponsor paid full cost recovery tuition fees for half or more of the student's courses, assign "04 - Student pays mainly full cost recovery tuition fee". If the student paid full cost tuition recovery fees for fewer than half the courses, assign the category for the majority of his courses. Full cost recovery fees are fees paid by the student and/or the student's sponsor that are equal to or greater than the combined costs of instructor salary and benefits plus classroom supplies and course materials.

The "96 - Other" category indicates students classified as paying "partial cost recovery" fees or other fees not better described by categories 01 to 20.
01 - Student pays standard in-province domestic tuition fees
02 - Student pays standard out-of-province domestic tuition fees
03 - Student pays standard international tuition fees
04 - Student pays mainly full cost recovery tuition fees
05 - Student pays senior citizen tuition fees
06 - Student pays staff tuition fees
07 - Student pays staff dependent tuition fees
15 - Fees waived or reduced: recruitment package
20 - Fees waived or reduced: other reason
96 - Other
None No Text 772-773 2
4273 StudTuit Tuition fees billed to student Total tuition fees, including lab fees but excluding living fees, billed to the student during the report cycle.

Report this element even if fees are also reported at the program or course level (elements SP5190 and SC6040).
Blank or numeric value including decimal point and two (2) decimal places; e.g., report $2850 as 2850.00 None No Numeric 774-782 9
4276 StudOtherFee Other fees billed to student Total of other compulsory fees, excluding tuition and living fees, billed to the student during the report cycle. Include all compulsory fees such as library fees (but not library fines), student union fees, field trip fees, etc.

Report this element whether or not fees are also reported at the program or course level (elements SP5195 and SC6045).
Blank or numeric value including decimal point and two (2) decimal places; e.g., report $3175 as 3175.00 None No Numeric 783-791 9
4280 Citiz Country of citizenship Country of citizenship as of the end of the report cycle (end of winter term).

For permanent resident (formerly called "landed immigrant"), code the country of which the student is currently a citizen, not Canada.

For students with dual citizenship, one of which is Canadian, code Canada.

For students from a colony or a dependency, code the colony or dependency and not the parent country; for example, code St. Pierre-et-Miquelon as the country of citizenship for students from that dependency even though France is the country from which they hold citizenship.

If a student is registered in a department, faculty or division of continuing education or adult training extension, and the information on the country of citizenship is not available, code Canada as country of citizenship.
Refer to the Standard Classification of Countries and Areas of Interest Codes in Section 4 of the document titled "PSIS Reporting Documentation 2015/2016". Country Codes Yes Text 792-796 5
4281 CitizTxt Country of citizenship (text) Country (text) of citizenship as stored in the postsecondary institution's files. Leave this element blank if the code is reported in the previous element (SD4280). N/a None No Text 797-826 30
4290 ImmStat Immigration status of student The student's immigration status as of the end of the report cycle (end of winter term).

If a student is registered in a department, faculty or division of continuing education or adult training extension, and the information on the immigration status of the student is not available, code "0 - Canadian citizen" as immigration status of the student.
0 - Canadian citizen (including Inuit, North American Indian and Métis)
1 - Permanent resident (formerly called landed immigrant)
2 - Student Visa: a permit obtained by a student to enter Canada for the sole purpose of attending an educational postsecondary institution
3 - Other visa: including students who are in Canada on diplomatic, trade or other missions
4 - Non-Canadian, status unknown: refugees and other foreign students in Canada whose status is unknown
5 - Non-Canadian, no visa status (as student is studying outside Canada; e.g., by Internet)
9 - Unknown
None Yes Text 827 1
4300 PrevCntry Previous country If the student moved from another country for the purpose of studying in Canada, report the code of the country from which they came. If the previous country is unknown, code the previous country as not reported (ZZ). If the student is a Canadian citizen and has always lived in Canada, code the previous country as not applicable (ZY). Refer to the Standard Classification of Countries and Areas of Interest Codes in Section 4 of the document titled "PSIS Reporting Documentation 2015/2016". Country Codes No Text 828-832 5
4301 PrevCntryTxt Previous country (text) If the student moved from another country for the purpose of studying in Canada, give the country (text) from which they came, as it is stored in the postsecondary institution's files. Leave this element blank if the country code is reported in the previous element (SD4300) or if the student did not move from another country. None None No Text 833-862 30
4310 Outside Student studying outside Canada Indicates whether the student is studying outside Canada as of the end of the report cycle; e.g., at a postsecondary institution with a reciprocal agreement with a Canadian postsecondary institution or at an affiliated postsecondary institution or studying by distance education outside Canada. 1 - Yes, studying outside Canada
2 - No, not studying outside Canada
9 - Unknown
Y - Yes
N - No
U - Unknown
No Text 863 1
4320 ElSecComp Elementary/ secondary education The highest level of elementary/secondary education completed by the student as of the end of the report cycle (end of winter term).

Use codes "40 - Completed at least some elementary school" or "50 - Completed at least some secondary school" only if the exact grade completed is unknown. Do not code foreign students as "96 - Other" instead, code the years of schooling to the appropriate grade; e.g., seven (7) years of schooling would be coded as "07 - Completed Grade 7".
00 - No formal education completed
01 - Completed Grade K to 1
02 - Completed Grade 2
03 - Completed Grade 3
04 - Completed Grade 4
05 - Completed Grade 5
06 - Completed Grade 6
07 - Completed Grade 7
08 - Completed Grade 8
09 - Completed Grade 9
10 - Completed Grade 10
11 - Completed Grade 11
12 - General Equivalency Diploma (granted Grade 12 equivalency)
13 - Completed Grade 12 (general diploma)
14 - Completed Grade 12 (matriculation (advanced or academic orientation))
15 - Completed Grade 13 (Ontario graduates only)
30 - Completed more than eleven (11) years of schooling outside North America
40 - Completed at least some elementary school
50 - Completed at least some secondary school
96 - Other
99 - Elementary/secondary education unknown
None No Text 864-865 2
4325 ElSecDate Date last attended elementary/Date last attended elementary/
secondary school
The date the student last attended an elementary/secondary school.

If the exact day is unknown report the year and month followed by two (2) blanks.

If the month is unknown report the year followed by four (4) blanks.
YYYYMMDD (YearMonthDay) None No Text 866-873 8
4330 ElSecCntry Country where last attended elementary/ secondary school The country in which the student last attended elementary/secondary school. Refer to the Standard Classification of Countries and Areas of Interest Codes in Section 4 of the document titled "PSIS Reporting Documentation 2015/2016". Country Codes No Text 874-878 5
4331 ElSecCntryTxt Country where last attended elementary/ secondary school (text) The country (text) in which the student last attended elementary/secondary school. Leave this element blank if the code is reported in the previous element (SD4330). None or blank None No Text 879-908 30
4332 ElSecProv Province or state of elementary/
secondary school last attended
The province or state in which the student last attended elementary/secondary school.

Assign ZY (Not applicable) if not Canada or U.S.A.

Assign ZZ if unknown.
Refer to the Province and State Codes in Section 4 of the document titled "PSIS Reporting Documentation 2015/2016". None No Text 909-910 2
4335 ElSecInst Institution code of Canadian elementary/ secondary school last attended The institution code of the Canadian elementary/secondary school last attended by the student.

Leave blank if not Canada.
Refer to the Elementary-Secondary Institution Codes in Section 4 of the document titled "PSIS Reporting Documentation 2015/2016". None No Text 911-924 14
4340 PrevEdAct Previous educational activity The most recent educational activity completed by the student outside your postsecondary institution prior to enrolling in the current program. If the student completed two (2) activities at the same time, report the higher one. 01 - Basic Literacy
02 - Academic upgrading
03 - High school diploma/General Equivalency Diploma
04 - College Program Admission upgrading
05 - Second language training (e.g., ESL, FSL)
06 - Apprenticeship program
07 - Job readiness training
08 - Skills upgrading (workplace related)
09 - Special or contract training
10 - College preliminary year
11 - Trade/Vocational or pre-employment program (College non-postsecondary or vocational)
12 - College postsecondary
13 - College post-diploma program
14 - College unknown program
15 - No credential: took college courses
16 - Collaborative college non-postsecondary program
17 - Collaborative degree program (combined college and university postsecondary)
18 - Other collaborative postsecondary program
19 - Non-credit continuing education or personal interest courses (e.g., intro to computers, fitness instructor, sign language)
40 - University preliminary year or pre-Bachelor
41 - Bachelor's degree
42 - First Professional degree
43 - License undergraduate
44 - Licentiate or testamur
45 - Undergraduate certificate or diploma
46 - No credential: took undergraduate courses
47 - Other university undergraduate diploma
50 - Master's qualifying year
51 - Master's degree
52 - Ph.D. qualifying year or probationary
53 - Doctorate
54 - Equivalent earned doctorate
55 - Graduate certificate or diploma
56 - No credential: took graduate courses
57 - Post-doctoral
58 - Double Bachelor's degrees
59 - Combination Master's and Ph.D.
60 - University, unknown level
99 – Unknown
None No Text 925-926 2
4350 PrevCredenTyp Previous postsecondary credential type The type of credential the student received for completing the most recent postsecondary activity outside your postsecondary institution prior to enrolling in the current program. Report the normal credential whether the student completed the program or not. 01 - General Equivalency Diploma
02 - Certificate
03 - Diploma
04 - Degree
05 - Declaration of academic achievement
06 - Other college postsecondary credential
07 - Other college non-postsecondary credential
08 - Other undergraduate credential
09 - Other graduate credential
96 - Other type of credential
98 - Not applicable (no credential or formal certification)
99 - Unknown
None No Text 927-928 2
4360 PrevLFS Previous labour force activity The student's labour force activity over the twelve (12) months preceding their registration or application for admission for the current report cycle. Leave blank for now. Blank N/a No Text 929-936 8
4370 PermProv1st Permanent province of residence declared upon admission Permanent province or state of residence reported by the student on their application at admission.

For Canadian citizens and permanent residents, report the permanent home province in Canada as follows:
(a) For those students entering your institution immediately after high school/Cégep completion (i.e., within the last twelve (12) months), report the province of the last high school/Cégep attended.
(b) For all other students (i.e., not coming immediately after high school/Cégep completion), report the province of permanent home address on the date of application for admission.

The information should not be updated for students who were enrolled at the reporting postsecondary institution within the last twelve (12) months (returning/on-going students). However, the information for this element should be updated for students who were not enrolled at the reporting postsecondary institution within the last twelve (12) months but had attended the reporting postsecondary institution at some time in the past (re-entering students).

This element may or may not be the same as Province or state of the permanent address (element SD4130) declared on the SD file.

The element SD4130 requires the permanent address maintained by the postsecondary institution for follow-up surveys of students after graduation.

No blanks permitted.
Refer to the Province and State Codes in Section 4 of the document titled "PSIS Reporting Documentation 2015/2016". None Yes Text 937-938 2
4400 ProvSD Provincial SD elements Provincial ministries wanting to define additional elements for provincial reporting can use this composite element.

Leave any unused portion blank.
Components and codes as defined by provincial ministry None No Text 939-1018 80

Postsecondary Student Information System (PSIS)

Student Program (SP) File

The following data elements are required to identity unique records: Year of Start of Report Cycle (SP1000), Institution Code (SP1025), Institution's Student Identifier (SP4000), Student's Program Code (SP2000), Credential Type (SP2010), and Original Start Date in Program (SP5010)

Record Layout, Files, and Data Elements Descriptions

The Student Program (SP) file contains one (1) record for each program in which the student was enrolled during the reporting cycle. The student program record includes the original dates in which the student started/ended a program (SP5010, SP5090), student status in program at end of report cycle (SP5100), specialization or major field of study (SP5015 to SP5021), total transfer credits (SP5220), fees billed (SP5190 to SP5200), cumulative credits for program (SP5230) and other characteristics of the student's program as recorded by the postsecondary institution.

Report one (1) SP record for each program in which the student is registered at any time during the report cycle. Also, include one (1) SP record for a student who graduates during the report cycle, even if the student did not have any course registrations during the report cycle (e.g., the student applies for and is granted a credential during the current report cycle for work completed in an earlier cycle).

If the student was registered in more than one (1) program during the report cycle, provide only one (1) SD record and multiple Student Program (SP) records.

There is a logical link between this file and the Institution Program (IP) file. Each program code reported on the SP file must be present on the IP file. In addition, there is a logical link between this file and the Student Description (SD) file. Each student record reported on the SD file must be associated with at least one (1) program record on the SP file.

Universities that store their program data with separate fields for degree and specialization(s) or major field(s) of study should report the student's degree in element SP2000 and the student's specialization(s) or major field(s) of study in elements SP5015, SP5016 and SP5017.

For programs that award two (2) credentials, please consult the "Joint credential program" entry of the Reporting Guide for Program Type and Credential Type.

If the student is taking courses without being registered in a program, do not omit the student from the SP file. Create one (1) SP record with a non-program code in element SP2000 to match the non-program record created on the IP file. Follow the instructions in the other elements of the SP file for the assignment of "Not applicable" codes for this non-program record. Please refer to the "Program type" and "Non-credit" entries of the Reporting Guide for Program Type and Credential Type for additional information on the non-program records.

Table 5
Student Program (SP) File
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 5: Student Program (SP) File. The information is grouped by Element Number (appearing as row headers), Mnemonic, Name, Codes, Alternate codes, Core, Type, Position and Size (appearing as column headers).
Element Number Mnemonic Name Description Codes Alternate Codes Core Type Position Size
1000 RepStartYear Year of start of report cycle The year in which the current report cycle starts. Assign the same first four (4) digits of the start date of the report cycle (as found in element ID1005 on the ID file). YYYY (Year) None Yes Text 1-4 4
5005 N/a N/a The Continuing education indicator is no longer required. Please leave blank. N/a N/a N/a N/a 5 1
1025 Instit Institution code Reporting PSIS postsecondary institution code. Refer to the Postsecondary Institution Codes in Section 4 of the document titled "PSIS Reporting Documentation 2015/2016". None Yes Text 6-13 8
4000 StudID Institution's Student Identifier The postsecondary institution's permanent identifier for the student while in this postsecondary institution. Use the same identifier for this student from year to year.

There must be a record on the SD file for this student.

Report one (1) SP record for each program in which the student is registered at any time during the report cycle.
None None Yes Text 14-27 14
2000 ProgCode Student's program code The student's program code as stored in the postsecondary institution's administrative files. There must be one (1) record on the IP file for this program; i.e., this code must be present in element IP2000 on the IP file.

For students taking courses without being registered in a program, create one (1) SP non-program record for each of the appropriate non-program categories. Note that there must be a corresponding record on the Institution program (IP) file in element IP2000. Follow the instructions in the other elements for the assignment of "Not applicable" codes. Please refer to the "Program type" and "Non-credit" entries of the Reporting Guide for Program Type and Credential Type for additional information on the non-program records.

Universities that store their program data with separate fields for degree and specialization(s) or major field(s) of study should report the student's degree in element IP/SP2000 and the student's specialization(s) or major field(s) of study in elements SP5015, SP5016 and SP5017.
None None Yes Text 28-47 20
2010 CredenTyp Credential type The type of formal qualification awarded for successful completion of a program, excluding certificates of attendance.

A "qualification" acknowledges successful completion of a program of study containing evaluative components. A "formal qualification" is a qualification that is recognized by an official body such as ministries of education, boards of governors or other ministry appointed bodies, federal departments or ministries, industry associations or sectors, apprenticeship and trades commissions, regulatory bodies or licensing agencies.

See element IP2010 for more details.

The combination of information of the previous data element (SP2000) and this one must also be present on the IP file in data elements IP2000 and IP2010.
01 - General Equivalency Diploma/high school diploma
02 - Certificate
03 - Diploma
04 - Degree (includes applied degree)
10 - Attestation and other short program credentials
11 - Associate degree
97 - Other type of credential associated with a program
98 - Not applicable
None Yes Text 48-49 2
5010 ProgStart Original start date in program The date the student started (first enrolled or registered) in the program as defined in element SP2000 above. Report the date the student originally started in the program, not the date the student continued in the current report cycle. The start date will remain unchanged for subsequent enrolments by the same student in the same program, even if the student quits the program and then resumes it. For a student who completed a common first year and is now enrolled in the next phase of the program, report the start date of the common first year.

Do not leave this data element blank.

For students in non-programs, report the first date the student registered for courses in the non-program.
YYYYMMDD (YearMonthDay) None Yes Text 50-57 8
5015 Major1 First specialization or major field of study The student's first specialization or major field of study code as stored in the postsecondary institution's administrative files. Do not report "minors".
Postsecondary institutions that assign unique program codes for each combination of Degree and Specialization/Major(s) should report those codes as part of element SP2000 and leave elements SP5015, SP5016 and SP5017 blank.

Leave this data element blank for students in non-programs.
None None Yes Text 58-67 10
5016 Major2 Second specialization or major field of study The student's second specialization or major field of study code as stored in the postsecondary institution's administrative files. Do not report "minors".
Postsecondary institutions that assign unique program codes for each combination of Degree and Specialization/Major(s) should report those codes as part of element SP2000 and leave elements SP5015, SP5016 and SP5017 blank.

Leave this data element blank for students in non-programs.
None None Yes Text 68-77 10
5017 Major3 Third specialization or major field of study The student's third specialization or major field of study code as stored in the postsecondary institution's administrative files. Do not report "minors".
Postsecondary institutions that assign unique program codes for each combination of Degree and Specialization/Major(s) should report those codes as part of element SP2000 and leave elements SP5015, SP5016 and SP5017 blank.

Leave this data element blank for students in non-programs.
None None No Text 78-87 10
5020 ProvMajor Provincial major field of study The field of study code assigned by the provincial ministry or other administrative body to identify the program. Leave this element blank if your postsecondary institution does not report this information to the provincial ministry or other agency.

Leave this data element blank for students in non-programs.
See provincial ministry codes None No Text 88-95 8
5021 ProvJMajor Provincial joint or second major field of study The joint or second field of study code used by the provincial ministry or other administrative body to identify the program. Leave this element blank if your postsecondary institution does not report this information to the provincial ministry or other agency.

Leave this data element blank for students in non-programs.
See provincial ministry codes None No Text 96-103 8
5025 ProvStudProg Student and program approved for funding by funding agency Indicates whether the student has been approved for funding in the program. Leave this element blank if your postsecondary institution does not report this information to the provincial ministry or other agency.

Leave this data element blank for students in non-programs.
See provincial ministry codes None No Text 104-109 6
5030 Credent Credential The name of the credential, qualification or document of recognition the student received or will receive, as stored in the postsecondary institution's administrative files.

Leave this data element blank for students in non-programs.
None None No Text 110-169 60
5040 Jcredent Joint credential The name of the joint credential, qualification or document of recognition the student received or will receive, as stored in the postsecondary institution's administrative files. This may be a certification from an outside body to which the reporting postsecondary institution has given authority to award a credential. If there is no joint credential, leave this element blank.

Leave this data element blank for students in non-programs.
None None No Text 170-229 60
5050 NormEnt Met normal entrance requirements Indicates whether the student met the normal entrance requirements of the program.

For students in non-programs, report code "98 - Not applicable".
01 - Student met normal entrance requirements
02 - Student did not meet normal entrance requirements (e.g., admitted as a mature student or based on prior learning assessment)
98 - Not applicable (no formal entrance requirements or non-program)
99 - Unknown
None No Text 230-231 2
5060 SpecInit Special Initiative code The Special Initiative code associated with the student in the program, as specified by the provincial ministry, postsecondary institution or other agency. If the provincial ministry or other agency specifies no code set and the postsecondary institution does not record Special Initiative codes, leave this element blank. See provincial ministry or agency codes or postsecondary institution's own codes. None No Text 232-237 6
5070 Co_op Co-op program indicator Indicates whether the student was classified as a Co-op student in this program as of the end of the report cycle (end of winter term). A co-operative education program is a program that formally integrates a student's academic studies with work experience in their field of study. Students in a co-op program will alternate periods of time spent in school with paid work in business, industry, or government.
Assign "1 - Yes" for all Co-op students whether they are on work terms or in class at the end of the report cycle.

For students in non-programs, report code "8 - Not applicable".
1 - Yes
2 - No
8 - Not applicable (non-program)
9 - Unknown
Y - Yes
N - No
W - Not applicable (non-program)
U - Unknown
Yes Text 238 1
5073 ProgArtic Articulated program indicator An articulated program is a transfer program that two (2) or more postsecondary institutions have planned to permit students to move from one stage of the program at one postsecondary institution to another stage of the program at another postsecondary institution. The learning achieved in one (or more) postsecondary institution(s) is recognized in the other postsecondary institution(s) in the planned arrangement. Articulated programs differ from collaborative programs in that there is no shared ownership of the program. Articulated programs may be referred to as: Collaborative, University Transfer, or some other name.
Examples are the collaborative nursing programs in Alberta and Ontario. In these programs, learners generally take the first two (2) years of the program at a college and the second two (2) years at a partner university.

For students in non-programs, report code "8 - Not applicable".
1 - Yes
2 - No
8 - Not applicable (non-program)
9 - Unknown
Y - Yes
N - No
W - Not applicable (non-program)
U - Unknown
No Text 239 1
5076 ProgBroker Brokered program indicator A brokered program is a program that is owned by one (1) postsecondary institution and delivered either in whole or in part by another postsecondary institution. The postsecondary institution that owns the program generally awards the credential.
For students in non-programs, report code "8 - Not applicable".
1 - Yes, and the reporting postsecondary institution is the sponsor
2 - Yes, and the reporting postsecondary institution is the host
3 - No
8 - Not applicable (non-program)
9 - Unknown if student is taking the program under a brokering agreement
None No Text 240 1
5079 ProgCollab Collaborative program indicator A collaborative program is one (1) for which ownership of two (2) or more postsecondary institutions share responsibility and the postsecondary institutions involved develop the program jointly. Each postsecondary institution involved in the collaborative program delivers part of the program and the required administration and services, and each postsecondary institution involved recognizes academic achievement at the other postsecondary institution(s). Collaborative programs may be referred to as: Consecutive, Concurrent, Accelerated, Degree-completion, Joint-integrated programs, or some other name.
The Ontario College University Transfer Guide (OCUTG) provides this example: A collaborative program in applied communications leading to a Bachelor's degree in which students take courses offered by both the university and the college in order to complete degree requirements; the planning, maintenance and administration of the program are undertaken jointly by a team of college and university faculty administrators.

For students in non-programs, report code "8 - Not applicable".
1 - Yes
2 - No
8 - Not applicable (non-program)
9 - Unknown
Y - Yes
N - No
W - Not applicable (non-program)
U - Unknown
No Text 241 1
5083 GradStatJun1 Grad student registration status on June 1 Full-time/part-time status as of June 1 for students registered in graduate programs on June 1. Full-time/part-time status is defined by the reporting postsecondary institution.

You can assign a value for students in non-programs, where the Program type is "93 - Non-program (credit, graduate)". However, it is unlikely to be coded to "01 - Full-time".

For all other students, assign code "98 - Not applicable", including students who were registered as graduate students sometime in the report cycle but not on June 1.
01 - Full-time graduate student
02 - Part-time graduate student
98 - Not applicable (not a grad student or not registered on this date)
None No Text 242-243 2
5084 GradStatAug1 Grad student registration status on August 1 Full-time/part-time status as of August 1 for students registered in graduate programs on August 1. Full-time and part-time status is defined by the reporting postsecondary institution.

You can assign a value for students in non-programs, where the Program type is "93 - Non-program (credit, graduate)". However, it is unlikely to be coded to "01 - Full-time".

For all other students, assign code "98 - Not applicable", including students who were registered as graduate students sometime in the report cycle but not on August 1.
See element SP5083 None No Text 244-245 2
5085 RegStat Student's registration status Registration status (full-time/part-time) of all students enrolled at the postsecondary institution at the time of the fall snapshot date, that is, a single date chosen by the institution which falls from September 30 to December 1. A student is considered to be enrolled if they are registered in at least one (1) educational activity (course or other learning activity) on the day of the fall snapshot.

The designation of full-time versus part-time registration status is defined by the reporting postsecondary institution.

If a student is not registered on the fall snapshot date, assign code "98 - Not applicable".

For students in non-programs, they are unlikely to be coded to "01 - Full-time".
01 - Full-time student
02 - Part-time student
98 - Not applicable (not registered on this date)
None Yes Text 246-247 2
5086 GradStatApr1 Grad student registration status on April 1 Full-time/part-time status as of April 1 for students registered in graduate programs on April 1. Full-time/part-time status is defined by the reporting postsecondary institution.

You can assign a value for students in non-programs, where the Program type is "93 - Non-program (credit, graduate)". However, it is unlikely to be coded to "01 - Full-time".

For all other students, assign code "98 - Not applicable", including students who were registered as graduate students sometime in the report cycle but not on April 1.
See element SP5083 None No Text 248-249 2
5090 ProgEnd End date in program The date the student completed or withdrew from the program or else transferred to another program. This element refers to the entire program, not just the component taken during the report cycle.

If the next element (SP5100) is coded "02 - Successfully completed" or "04 - Graduated from program", give the date the program was completed. If SP5100 is coded 05, 06, 07 or 08, give the date the student ended the program or transferred to another program. Otherwise, leave this element blank.
YYYYMMDD (YearMonthDay) None Yes Text 250-257 8
5100 ProgEndStat Status in program at end of report cycle The student's status in the program as of the end of the report cycle, as known by the postsecondary institution.

If the student completed the program during the report cycle by meeting the minimum academic requirements to receive credit for the whole program, and the graduation date is more than one (1) month after the end of the report cycle, assign code "02 - Successfully completed" and report the program end date in element SP5090 ProgEnd.

If the graduation date is before or within one (1) month of the end of the report cycle, assign code "04 - Graduated from program" and report the program end date in element SP5090 ProgEnd as well as graduation date in element SP5120 GradDate.

If the student's status was under review or dependent on the completion or grading of courses which would normally have ended by the end of the report cycle, assign "99 - Status Unknown". Note: A student with "99 - Status Unknown" is to be included in the next report cycle with an updated program end status.

If the student enrols in the next phase of program (e.g. at the end of report cycle, the student is registered to return next fall), assign code "01- Eligible to enrol in next phase of program". Note: For students completing a prerequisite program (e.g., common first year), assign code 01.

If the student is enrolled in a program and the current year registration continues through the end of the report cycle, assign code "03 - Still enrolled in program".

If the student has not completed the program and will probably not be continuing in or returning to the program, assign code 05, 06, 07 or 08. For students who have transferred to another program within the same faculty or to another faculty, assign code "06 - Withdrew from program" and report the transfer date in SP5090 ProgEnd. Students under suspension as of the end of the report cycle should be coded "07 - Not eligible to enrol at same institution" even if the suspension is likely to be lifted later.

If a student is enrolled in a non-program, assign code '98 - Not-applicable".
01 - Eligible to enrol in next phase of program
02 - Successfully completed course-work requirements for whole program but had not officially graduated as of date PSIS files were produced
03 - Still enrolled in program (registration continued through end date of report cycle)
04 - Graduated from program (officially received qualification at the end of the report cycle)
05 - Not eligible to enrol in same program
06 - Withdrew from program (e.g., discontinued studies in program) or transferred to another program within the same faculty or not, at the same institution
07 - Not eligible to enrol at same institution or under suspension
08 - Student deceased
96 - Other
98 - Not applicable (non-program)
99 - Status unknown (under review or not yet determined when the PSIS files were produced)
None Yes Text 258-259 2
5120 GradDate Convocation or graduation date The date the student received the degree, diploma or certificate for completing the program. The graduation date reported must be within the reporting cycle or within one (1) month of the end of the report cycle. Students coded "04 - Graduated from program" in the previous element (SP5100 ProgEndStat) must have a convocation or graduation date reported.

Leave blank if the student is not in a program that leads to a credential.
YYYYMMDD (YearMonthDay) None Yes Text 260-267 8
5140 Excel Indicator of academic excellence Indicates whether the academic performance attained by the student in this program as of the end of the report cycle is at a level that is classified by the postsecondary institution to be above the norm (academic excellence). Academic excellence would typically be acknowledged by honours such as installation on the President's list, Dean's list, etc. If there is no such designation for this program, or if the designation applies only to the end of the program and the student has not completed the program, assign "8 - Not applicable". Do not automatically assign "1 - Yes" for students in Honours programs.

For students in non-programs, report code "8 - Not applicable".
1 - Yes, student attained academic excellence
2 - No, student did not attain academic excellence
8 - Not applicable (no such designation available for this program)
9 - Unknown
Y - Student attained academic excellence
N - Student did not attain academic excellence
W - Not applicable (no such designation available for this program)
U - Unknown
No Text 268 1
5150 ManPaid Completed mandatory paid on-the-job training (OJT) Indicates whether the student has completed the mandatory paid on-the-job training (OJT) requirements for the full program. See element IP2300 on the Institution Program (IP) File for details and examples.

For students in non-programs, report code "8 - Not applicable".
1 - Yes, student has completed this OJT category
2 - No, student has not completed this OJT category
8 - Not applicable (non-program or this category of OJT does not apply to the program)
9 - Unknown
Y - Yes, student has completed
N - No, student has not completed
W - Not applicable
U - Unknown
No Text 269 1
5160 OpPaid Completed optional paid OJT Indicates whether the student has completed the optional paid on-the-job training (OJT) requirements for the full program. See element IP2300 on the Institution Program (IP) File for details and examples.

For students in non-programs, report code "8 - Not applicable".
See element SP5150 See element SP5150 No Text 270 1
5170 ManUnpaid Completed mandatory unpaid OJT Indicates whether the student has completed the mandatory unpaid on-the-job training (OJT) requirements for the full program. See element IP2300 on the Institution Program (IP) File for details and examples.

For students in non-programs, report code "8 - Not applicable".
See element SP5150 See element SP5150 No Text 271 1
5180 OpUnpaid Completed optional unpaid OJT Indicates whether the student has completed the optional unpaid on-the-job training (OJT) requirements for the full program. See element IP2300 on the Institution Program (IP) File for details and examples.

For students in non-programs, report code "8 - Not applicable".
See element SP5150 See element SP5150 No Text 272 1
5190 ProgTuit Tuition fees billed for program Tuition fees, including lab fees and excluding living fees, billed to the student for attendance in this program during the report cycle. If the student is billed for the entire program at the beginning of the program, report the full amount when it is billed and leave blank in subsequent report cycles.

If there are no fees for this program, or if the student pays fees course by course, for example, students in non-programs, leave this element blank.
Blank or numeric value including decimal point and two (2) decimal places; e.g., report $2435 as 2435.00 None No Numeric 273-281 9
5195 ProgOtherFee Other compulsory fees billed for program Total of other compulsory fees, excluding tuition and living fees, billed to the student specifically for this program during the report cycle. If the student is billed for other fees for the entire program at the beginning of the program, report the full amount when it is billed and leave blank in subsequent report cycles.

If there are no fees for this program, or if the student pays fees course by course, for example, students in non-programs, leave this element blank.
Blank or numeric value including decimal point and two (2) decimal places; e.g., report $128 as 128.00 None No Numeric 282-290 9
5200 ProgCostRec Student took program on cost recovery Indicates whether the student took the program on a cost recovery basis. If the student and/or the student's sponsor paid full cost recovery fees for half or more of the student's courses in the program, assign code "1 - Yes". If the student paid full cost recovery fees for fewer than half the courses, assign code "2 - No". Full cost recovery fees are fees paid by the student and/or the student's sponsor that are equal to or greater than the combined costs of instructor salary and benefits plus classroom supplies and course materials. 1 - Yes
2 - No
9 - Unknown
Y - Yes
N - No
U - Unknown
No Text 291 1
5210 Scholarship Scholarship or bursary amount The total amount of scholarships and bursaries awarded to the student by the postsecondary institution during the report cycle. Report all awards known by the postsecondary institution's departments where the award decisions were made. Blank or numeric value including decimal point and two (2) decimal places; e.g., report $935 as 935.00 None No Numeric 292-299 8
5220 TotTranCred Total transfer credits The total number of credits or units of academic achievement granted by this postsecondary institution toward this program for education taken at other postsecondary institutions, including prior learning assessment (PLA). Report the total number granted from the time the student first enrolled in the program until the end of the report cycle. Use the same units of measure as reported in elements IP2080 or IP2081 on the IP file (credits needed to graduate). Leave blank for students not in a program or in non-credit programs or programs with no set credit or course requirements. Blank or numeric value with decimal point and two (2) decimal places. None No Numeric 300-307 8
5230 TotCred Cumulative credits for program The cumulative number of credits or units granted to the student for this program as of the end of the report cycle. Report the total number granted from the time the student first enrolled in the program until the end of the current report cycle. Include credits earned at this postsecondary institution and transfer credits reported in the previous element (SP5220). Use the same units of measure as reported in element IP2080 or IP2081 on the Institution Program (IP) File (credits needed to graduate). Leave blank for students not in a program or in non-credit programs or programs with no set credit or course requirements. Blank or numeric value with decimal point and two (2) decimal places. None No Numeric 308-315 8
5300 ProvSP Provincial SP elements Provincial ministries wanting to define additional elements for provincial reporting can use this composite element. Leave any unused portion of the 80 characters blank. Components and codes as defined by provincial ministry None No Text 316-395 80

Postsecondary Student Information System (PSIS)

Student Course (SC) File

The following data elements are required to identity unique records: Year of Start of Report Cycle (SC1000), Institution Code (SC1025), Institution's Student Identifier (SC4000), Student's Course Code (SC3000), Date Student Started Course (SC6020), and Number or Code of Student's Course Section (SC6070)

Record Layout, Files, and Data Elements Descriptions

The Student Course (SC) file contains one (1) record for each course in which the student was enrolled during the reporting cycle. Also, include one (1) course record for students that are registered either in a CO-OP work term, writing a thesis, or performing any other academic activities related to their program but not structured as a course. The student course record includes the dates which the student started/ended the course (SC6020, SC6021), status in course at end of report cycle (SC6030), the credits student would receive for course (SC6060), tuition fees billed for course (SC6040) and other characteristics of the student's course as recorded by the postsecondary institution.

Report one (1) SC record for each course in which the student is registered at any time during the report cycle after the final day for course additions and deletions (as defined by your postsecondary institution: usually about two (2) weeks after classes begin). Exclude courses for which the student is wait listed. Also, exclude courses for which the student was not registered and did not actually attend, even if the student received credit for the course by means of a challenge or by some other administrative method.

There is a logical link between this file and the Institution Course (IC) file. Each course code reported on the SC file must be present on the IC file. In addition, there is a logical link between this file and the Student Program (SP) file. Each program in which the student was enrolled (SP file) must be associated with at least one (1) course record on the SC file. The SP record for a student who graduates during the report cycle and for which the student did not have any course registrations during the report cycle (e.g., the student applies for and is granted a credential during the current report cycle for work completed in an earlier cycle) should not have an associated SC record.

Include courses taken under a formal brokering agreement (see element SC6080) only if the course is present in your postsecondary institution's inventory of courses and reported on your IC file. Exclude courses taken at another postsecondary institution for which you do not have a course record on your IC file.

Table 6
Student Course (SC) File
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 6: Student Course (SC) File. The information is grouped by Element Number (appearing as row headers), Mnemonic, Name, Codes, Alternate codes, Core, Type, Position and Size (appearing as column headers).
Element Number Mnemonic Name Description Codes Alternate Codes Core Type Position Size
1000 RepStartYear Year of start of report cycle The year in which the current report cycle starts. Assign the same first four (4) digits of the start date of the report cycle (element ID1005 on the ID file). YYYY (Year) None No Text 1-4 4
5005     The Continuing education indicator is no longer required. Please leave blank. None None No   5 1
1025 Instit Institution code Reporting PSIS postsecondary institution code. Refer to the Postsecondary Institution Codes in Section 4 of the document titled "PSIS Reporting Documentation 2015/2016". None No Text 6-13 8
4000 StudID Institution's Student Identifier The postsecondary institution's permanent identifier for the student while in this postsecondary institution. Use the same number for this student from year to year.
There must be a record on the Student Description (SD) File for this student.
None None No Text 14-27 14
3000 CourCode Student's course code The unique code for the course as it is stored in the postsecondary institution's administrative files. All course codes on this file must also be present in element IC3000 on the IC file. Include a course record for students that are registered either in a CO-OP work term, writing a thesis, or performing any other academic activities related to their program but not structured as a course. Also include non-credit courses. See element IC3000 on the IC file for more details.

Report each course the student was enrolled in after the final day for course additions and deletions (as defined by the postsecondary institution: usually about two (2) weeks after classes begin). Exclude courses for which the student is wait listed. Also, exclude courses for which the student was not registered and did not actually attend, even if the student received credit for the course by means of a challenge or by some other administrative method.

Include courses taken under a formal brokering agreement (see element SC6080) only if the course is present in your postsecondary institution's inventory of courses as given on the IC file. Exclude courses taken at another postsecondary institution for which you do not have a course record on your IC file.
None None No Text 28-47 20
1035 CourPer Period in which course was delivered to student The period (session, term or other interval) that describes when the course was delivered to the student. Use your code or name as defined in element ID1035 of the ID record. This element combined with the next one (ID1036) must be present on the ID file. The postsecondary institution's code or name of the period as reported in element ID1035 of the ID file None No Text 48-53 6
1036 CourSubPer Sub-period in which course was delivered to student The sub-period that best describes when the course was delivered to the student. Use your code or name as defined in element ID1036 of the ID record. This element combined with the previous one (ID1035) must be present on the ID file. The postsecondary institution's code or name of the period as reported in element ID1036 of the ID file None No Text 54-59 6
6020 CourStart Date student started course The date the student started the course. This date may be before the start of the report cycle.
Do not leave this element blank. If the actual date the student started the course is not recorded in the postsecondary institution's student record, use the start date of the course as it appears in the postsecondary institution's timetable.
YYYYMMDD (YearMonthDay) None No Text 60-67 8
6021 CourEnd Date student ended course The date for which the student withdrew from, has completed or will complete the course. If the course extends beyond the end of the report cycle, report the date the course will end.

If the date for which the student has completed or will complete the course is not recorded in the postsecondary institution's student record, use the end date of the course as it appears in your timetable or calendar, or estimate when the course would end for a full-time student taking the course by traditional course delivery. Leave this element blank only if the student has not yet completed the course and the end date cannot be predicted because the course has no set duration, such as a thesis or a course in which the student continues until achieving a certain mastery level.
YYYYMMDD (YearMonthDay) None No Text 68-75 8
6030 CourEndStat Status in course at end of report cycle The student's status in the course at the end of the report cycle. A student who completes a course and has met the minimum academic requirements to receive credit for the course should be assigned code "01 - Successfully completed". If the course extends beyond the end of the report cycle, assign code "02 - Still enrolled". If the student is repeating the course to improve his grade, report the end status as if the student were taking the course for normal credit.
Assign code "98 - Not applicable" only for non-credit courses.
01 - Successfully completed
02 - Still enrolled
03 - Withdrew without academic penalty
04 - Did not complete (failed course or withdrew with academic penalty)
05 - Not applicable (student audited course)
07 - Student deceased
96 - Other
98 - Not applicable (non-credit course)
99 - Status unknown (incomplete or under review or not yet determined)
None No Text 76-77 2
6040 CourTuit Tuition fees billed for course Tuition fees, including lab fees and excluding living fees, billed to the student for this course during the report cycle. If there are no fees for this course, or if the student pays fees at the program level, leave this element blank. Blank or numeric value including decimal point and two (2) decimal places; e.g., report $935 as 935.00 None No Numeric 78-86 9
6045 CourOtherFee Other compulsory fees billed for course Total other compulsory fees, excluding tuition and living fees, billed to the student specifically for this course during the report cycle. If there are no fees for this course, or if the student pays fees at the program level, leave this element blank. Blank or numeric value including decimal point and two (2) decimal places; e.g., report $128 as 128.00 None No Numeric 87-95 9
6050 CourCostRec Student took course on cost recovery Indicates whether the student took the course on a cost recovery basis. Full cost recovery fees are fees paid by the student and/or the student's sponsor that are equal to or greater than the combined costs of instructor salary and benefits plus classroom supplies and course materials. 1 - Yes
2 - No
9 - Unknown
Y - Yes
N - No
U - Unknown
No Text 96 1
6060 StudCourCred Credits student would receive for course The number of credits or units of academic achievement the student would receive for successfully completing this course. Even if the student withdraws or fails or is audited for the course, report the number of credits he would have received for successful completion. Similarly, if the student is repeating the course to improve the grade, report the normal credit value of the course, not zero. For students in non-programs, report the credit value of the course. Leave blank only for non-credit courses or for courses having no credit or value assigned in element IC3090 on the Institution Course (IC) File, such as practicum courses that must be completed but have no credit value.

Use the same units of measure as reported for the course in element IC3091 on the Institution Course (IC) File.

Normally, this element will have the same value as element IC3090 on the Institution Course (IC) File, but sometimes the credit value will vary with the student's program; e.g., a science course may have a standard credit value for science students and a different credit value for non-science students.
Blank or numeric value including decimal point and two (2) decimal places.
e.g., 1.00 = 1 unit
16.50 = 16.5 units
None No Numeric 97-104 8
6070 CourSec Student's course number or section The postsecondary institution's section number or code of the course section in which the student is enrolled. Leave blank only if the course is not organized into sections. If the student has two (2) section numbers for one (1) course, as may be the case for a course having a lecture section and a lab section, report the lecture section number here. None None No Text 105-116 12
6080 CourBroker Brokered course indicator Indicates whether the student is taking the course under a brokering agreement (or "study agreement"). A brokered course is a course that is owned by one (1) postsecondary institution and delivered either in whole or in part by another postsecondary institution. 1 - Yes, and the reporting postsecondary institution is the sponsor
2 - Yes, and the reporting postsecondary institution is the host
3 - No
9 - Unknown
None No Text 117 1
6100 DistEd Student's course considered to be "distance education" Indicates whether the student's course section or class is considered by the postsecondary institution to be a "distance education" course. Distance education usually means the geographic separation of instructor and student and the use of non-traditional mean of communication, for example: the Internet, television, correspondence, etc., to overcome constraints due to geographic separation. 1 - Yes
2 - No
9 - Unknown
Y - Yes
N - No
U -Unknown
No Text 118 1
6110 Classroom Course delivered to student by classroom instruction Indicates whether the student received instruction in this course in whole or in part by classroom instruction (including labs), in which the instructor is physically located in the same room or lecture hall as the student. See element SC6100 See element SC6100 No Text 119 1
6120 Corresp Course delivered to student by correspondence Indicates whether the student received instruction in this course in whole or in part by postal correspondence, including tapes, compact discs, etc., sent by mail. See element SC6100 See element SC6100 No Text 120 1
6130 Internet Course delivered to student by Internet Indicates whether the student received instruction in this course in whole or in part by the Internet, including e-mail and Internet conferencing. See element SC6100 See element SC6100 No Text 121 1
6140 VideoConf Course delivered to student by video conferencing Indicates whether the student received instruction in this course in whole or in part by video conferencing, excluding conferencing on the Internet. See element SC6100 See element SC6100 No Text 122 1
6145 AudioConf Course delivered to student audio conferencing Indicates whether the student received instruction in this course in whole or in part by audio conferencing. See element SC6100 See element SC6100 No Text 123 1
6150 TV Course delivered to student by television Indicates whether the student received instruction in this course in whole or in part by television. See element SC6100 See element SC6100 No Text 124 1
6160 Radio Course delivered to student by radio Indicates whether the student received instruction in this course in whole or in part by radio. See element SC6100 See element SC6100 No Text 125 1
6180 DelOther Course delivered to student by some other method Indicates whether the student received instruction in this course in whole or in part by some other method of instruction not listed above. See element SC6100 See element SC6100 No Text 126 1
6190 CourCanInst PSIS Canadian institution where student received course instruction The Canadian postsecondary institution where the student received instruction in this course. In most cases, this will be the reporting postsecondary institution. If so, assign your PSIS postsecondary institution code. If the instruction was given at another postsecondary institution in Canada, report the PSIS postsecondary institution code provided by Statistics Canada of the other postsecondary institution. If the other postsecondary institution is not found on the code list or is outside Canada, leave this element blank and give the postsecondary institution's name in the next element (SC6195). If the course is delivered by your institution by Distance Education, report your PSIS postsecondary institution code. PSIS Postsecondary Institution Codes None No Text 127-134 8
6195 CourInstText Institution (text) where student received course instruction The name of the postsecondary institution where the student received instruction in this course. If you reported a postsecondary institution code in the previous element (SC6190), leave this element blank. If the postsecondary institution is outside Canada, or if the postsecondary institution is not found on the coding list provided by Statistics Canada for the previous element, report the name of the postsecondary institution in this element. None None No Text 135-174 40
6210 CourCampus Instruction on-campus This element and the next three (3) elements indicate the location(s) at which the student received instruction for this course. "Received instruction" includes receiving materials or information by distance education. A student may have received instruction for a single course in multiple locations.

In each of these four (4) elements, report code "1 - Yes" for the locations where the student was intended or scheduled to receive the instruction, and report code "2 - No" for the locations where the student would not have received the instruction if the student took the course at the place it was intended to be delivered to the student.

For this element, "on-campus" means any physical site owned by this or another postsecondary institution, at which instruction is normally given. Excludes temporary space such as High Schools or church basements.
1 - Yes
2 - No
9 - Unknown
Y - Yes
N - No
U - Unknown
No Text 175 1
6220 CourStudRes Instruction at student's home Indicates whether the student received instruction for this course at their home. See element SC6210 for more details. See element SC6210 See element SC6210 No Text 176 1
6260 CourWork Instruction at workplace Indicates whether the student received instruction for this course at his workplace. See element SC6210 for more details. See element SC6210 See element SC6210 No Text 177 1
6270 CourOther Instruction at another location Indicates whether the student received instruction for this course at a location not in element SC6210 - SC6260. See element SC6210 for more details. See element SC6210 See element SC6210 No Text 178 1
6300 ProvSC Provincial SC elements Provincial ministries wanting to define additional elements for provincial reporting can use this composite element. Leave any unused portion of the 80 characters blank. Components and codes as defined by provincial ministry None No Text 179-258 80
Table B
List of data elements for each PSIS file
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table B: List of data elements for each PSIS file Element Number, Name, Mnemonic and Core (appearing as column headers).
Label Element Number Name Mnemonic Core
Institution Description (ID) file 8 Start date of report cycle RepStartDate Yes
1025 Institution Code Instit Yes
1035 Period Code Period Yes
1036 Sub-period code Sub-period Yes
1045 Start date of period StartDate Yes
1055 End date of period EndDate Yes
1065 Last date for withdrawal WithDate No
1100 Provincial ID Elements ProvID No
Institution Program (IP) file 35 Year of start of report cycle RepStartYear Yes
1025 Institution code Instit Yes
2000 Program code ProgCode Yes
2010 Credential type CredenTyp Yes
2011 Joint credential type JCredenTyp No
2015 Program type ProgTyp Yes
2016 Joint program type JProgTyp No
2020 Program name Progname Yes
2030 Provincial program category ProvProgCat No
2040 Provincial program funding code ProvProgFund No
2060 Program duration (in hours) ProgHour No
2070 Program duration ProgDur Yes
2071 Program duration units ProgDurUnit Yes
2080 Credits needed to graduate ProgCred No
2081 Program credit units ProgCredUnit No
2090 Element deleted. Leave blank. N/a N/a
2100 Program delivered full-time, part-time or both ProgFullPart No
2150 Educational entrance requirements EdEntry No
2151 Legal entrance requirements LegalEntry No
2152 Medical or psychological entrance requirements MedEntry No
2153 Aptitude or proficiency entrance requirements AptEntry No
2154 Related experience entrance requirements ExEntry No
2155 Other program entrance requirements OthEntry No
2210 Program delivered under contract ProgCont No
2220 Program enrolment limits ProgLimited No
2225 Program capacity if limited ProgCap No
2300 Mandatory paid on-the-job (OJT) duration ManPaidDur No
2301 Mandatory paid OJT duration units ManPaidUnit No
2310 Optional paid OJT duration OpPaidDur No
2311 Optional paid OJT duration units OpPaidUnit No
2320 Mandatory unpaid OJT duration ManUnpaidDur No
2321 Mandatory unpaid OJT duration units ManUnpaidUnit No
2330 Optional unpaid OJT duration OpUnpaidDur No
2331 Optional unpaid OJT duration units OpUnpaidUnit No
2400 Provincial IP elements ProvIP No
Institution Course (IC) file 16 Year of start of report cycle RepStartYear No
1025 Institution code Instit No
3000 Course code CourCode No
3020 Course name CourName No
3040 Course delivered under contract CourCont No
3050 Course intended as workplace retraining or skills upgrading CourRetrain No
3080 Course duration CourDur No
3081 Course duration units CourDurUnit No
3090 Course credits normally awarded CourCred No
3091 Course credit units CourCredUnit No
3110 Laboratory duration LabDur No
3111 Laboratory duration units LabDurUnit No
3140 Course OJT duration CourOJTDur No
3141 Course OJT duration units CourOJTUnit No
3160 Provincial course funding code ProvCourFund No
3200 Provincial IC elements ProvIC No
Student Description (SD) file 58 Year of start of report cycle RepStartYear Yes
1010 Report type RepTyp No
1025 Institution code Instit Yes
4000 Institution's student identifier StudID Yes
4010 Type of student ID TStudID Yes
4020 Social Insurance Number SIN Yes
4030 PSIS National Student Number ESIS_NSN No
4040 First name FirstName Yes
4041 Middle name(s) and /or initials MidName Yes
4042 Surname Surname Yes
4050 Previous surname PrevSurname Yes
4060 Current Postal/zip code CurrPostal Yes
4070 Current country of residence CurrCntry Yes
4071 Current country of residence (text) CurrCntry Txt No
4080 Current telephone Number CurrPhone Yes
4090 Current e-mail address CurrEmail Yes
4100 Permanent address line 1 PermLine1 Yes
4101 Permanent address line 2 PermLine2 Yes
4102 Permanent address line 3 PermLine3 Yes
4103 Permanent address line 4 PermLine4 Yes
4104 Permanent address line 5 PermLine5 Yes
4110 City or town of permanent address PermCity Yes
4120 County in Canada of permanent address PermCounty No
4121 County in Canada of permanent address (text) PermCounty Txt No
4130 Province or state of permanent address (updated) PermProvUpdt Yes
4140 Geographic area of permanent address PermGeo No
4150 Country of permanent address PermCntry Yes
4151 Country of the permanent address (text) PermCntry Txt No
4160 Postal or zip code of permanent address PermPostal Yes
4180 Telephone number of permanent address PermPhone Yes
4200 Sensitive record SensRec Yes
4210 Aboriginal or visible minority AborVisMin No
4215 Activity limitations Disab No
4220 Residence status ResStat No
4230 Birth date Birth Yes
4240 Gender Gender Yes
4250 Mother tongue Tongue Yes
4260 Provincial funding classification by citizenship ProvFundCitiz No
4270 Student tuition fee category FeeCategory No
4273 Tuition fees billed to student StudTuit No
4276 Other fees billed to student StudtherFee No
4280 Country of citizenship Citiz Yes
4281 Country of citizenship (text) CitizTxt No
4290 Immigration status of student ImmStat Yes
4300 Previous country PrevCntry No
4301 Previous country (text) PrevCntryTxt No
4310 Student studying outside Canada Outside No
4320 Elementary/secondary education ElSecComp No
4325 Date last attended elementary/secondary school ElSecDate No
4330 Country where last attended elementary/secondary school ElSecCntry No
4331 Country where last attended elementary/secondary school (text) ElSecCntryTxt No
4332 Province or state of elementary/secondary school last attended ElSecProv No
4335 Institution code of Canadian elementary/secondary school last attended ElSecInst No
4340 Previous educational activity PrevEdAct No
4350 Previous postsecondary credential type PrevCredenTyp No
4360 Previous labour force activity PrevLFS No
4370 Permanent province of residence declared upon admission PermProv1st Yes
4400 Provincial SD elements ProvSD No
Student Program (SP) file 40 Year of start of report cycle RepStartYear Yes
5005 n/a n/a Yes
1025 Institution code Instit Yes
4000 Institution's student identifier StudID Yes
2000 Student's program code ProgCode Yes
2010 Credential type Credentyp Yes
5010 Original start date in program ProgStart Yes
5015 First specialization or major field of study Major1 Yes
5016 Second specialization or major field of study Major2 Yes
5017 Third specialization or major field of study Major3 No
5020 Provincial major field of study ProvMajor No
5021 Provincial joint or second major field of study ProvJMajor No
5025 Student and program approved for funding by funding agency ProvStudProg No
5030 Credential Credent No
5040 Joint credential Jcredent No
5050 Met normal entrance requirements NormEnt No
5060 Special initiative code SpecInt No
5070 Co-op program indicator Co-op Yes
5073 Articulated program indicator ProgArtic No
5076 Brokered program indicator ProgBroker No
5079 Collaborative program indicator ProgCollab No
5083 Grad student registration status on June 1 GradStatJun1 No
5084 Grad student registration status on August 1 GradStatAug1 No
5085 Student's registration status RegStat Yes
5086 Grad student registration status on April 1 GradStatApr1 No
5090 End date in program ProgEnd Yes
5100 Status in program at end of report cycle ProgEndStat Yes
5120 Convocation or graduation date GradDate Yes
5140 Indicator of academic excellence Excel No
5150 Completed mandatory paid on-the-job training (OJT) ManPaid No
5160 Completed optional paid OJT OpPaid No
5170 Completed mandatory unpaid OJT ManUnpaid No
5180 Completed optional unpaid OJT OpUnpaid No
5190 Tuition fees billed for program ProgTuit No
5195 Other compulsory fees billed for program ProgOtherFee No
5200 Student took program on cost recovery ProgCostRec No
5210 Scholarship or bursary amount Scholarship No
5220 Total transfer credits TotTranCred No
5230 Cumulative credits for program TotCred No
5300 Provincial SP elements ProvSP No
Student Course (SC) file 32 Report start year RepStartYear No
5005 n/a n/a n/a
1025 Institution code Instit No
4000 Institution's student identifier StudID No
3000 Student's course code CourCode No
1035 Period in which course was delivered to student CourPer No
1036 Sub-period in which course was delivered to student CourSubPer No
6020 Date student started course CourStart No
6021 Date student ended course CourEnd No
6030 Status in course at end of report cycle CourEndStat No
6040 Tuition fees billed for course CourTuit No
6045 Other compulsory fees billed for course CourOtherFee No
6050 Student took course on cost recovery CourCostRec No
6060 Credits student would receive for course StudCourCred No
6070 Student's course number or section CourSec No
6080 Brokered course indicator CourBroker No
6100 Student's course considered to be "distance education" DistEd No
6110 Course delivered to student by classroom instruction ClassRoom No
6120 Course delivered to student by correspondence Corresp No
6130 Course delivered to student by internet Internet No
6140 Course delivered to student by video conferencing VideoConf No
6145 Course delivered to student by audio conferencing AudioConf No
6150 Course delivered to student by television TV No
6160 Course delivered to student by radio Radio No
6180 Course delivered to student by some other method DelOther No
6190 PSIS Canadian institution where student received course instruction CourCanInst No
6195 Institution (text) where student received course instruction CourInstText No
6210 Instruction on-campus CourCampus No
6220 Instruction at student's home CourStudRes No
6260 Instruction at workplace CourWork No
6270 Instruction at another location CourOther No
6300 Provincial SC elements ProvSC  
Table C
Reporting of acceptable combinations between Credential type (IP2010/SP2010) and Program type (IP2015)
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table C: Reporting of acceptable combinations between Credential type (IP2010/SP2010) and Program type (IP2015). The information is grouped by Program Type (IP2015) (appearing as row headers), Credential type (IP2010/SP2010) (appearing as column headers).
Program Type (IP2015) Credential type (IP2010/SP2010)
1 2 3 4 10 11 97 98
1 Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes
10 No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes
20 No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes
21 No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes
22 No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes
30 No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes
40 No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes
46 No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
47 No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
50 No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes
53 No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes
58 No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
59 No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
62 No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
63 No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
89 No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
91 No No No No No No No Yes
92 No No No No No No No Yes
93 No No No No No No No Yes
94 No No No No No No No Yes