Canadian Health Measures Survey bibliography 2015

Background documentation
Preliminary releases, cycle 1
Cycle 1 (2007 to 2009)
Cycle 2 (2009 to 2011)
Cycle 3 (2012-2013)
Cycles 1 and 2 combined (2007 to 2011)
Cycles 1, 2 and 3 combined (2007 to 2013)

Background documentation

Health Reports articles

Bryan, Shirley, Marc St-Denis and Dana Wojtas. 2007. " 10366_eng.pdf (PDF, 0 bytes) ." Health Reports. Supplement to Vol. 18. December. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-SPE. pp. 53 to 70.
ARCHIVED - Alternative Format

Day, Brent, Renée Langlois, Mark Tremblay and Bartha-Maria Knoppers. 2007. " 10364_eng.pdf (PDF, 0 bytes) ." Health Reports. Supplement to Vol. 18. December. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-SPE. pp. 37 to 51.

Giroux, Suzelle. 2007. " 10363_eng.pdf (PDF, 0 bytes) ." Health Reports. Supplement to Vol. 18.
December. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-SPE. pp. 31 to 36.
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Shields, Margot, Sarah Conner Gorber and Mark S. Tremblay. 2008. "Estimates of obesity based on self-report versus direct measures." Health Reports. Vol. 19, no. 2. June. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-X. pp. 61 to 76.
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Tremblay, Mark, Michael Wolfson and Sarah Connor Gorber. 2007. " 10361_eng.pdf (PDF, 0 bytes) ." Health Reports. Supplement to Vol. 18. December. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-SPE. pp. 7 to 20.
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Tremblay, Mark, Renée Langlois, Shirley Bryan, Dale Esliger and Julienne Patterson. 2007. " 10362_eng.pdf (PDF, 0 bytes) ." Health Reports. Supplement to Vol. 18. December. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-SPE. pp. 21 to 30.
ARCHIVED - Alternative Format

External articles and publications

Canadian Institute for Health Information. 2004. "The Canadian Health Measures Survey." Health of the Nation. Vol. 1. Winter. p. 7.

Connor Gorber, S., M. Tremblay, D. Moher and B. Gorber. 2007. "A comparison of direct vs. self-report measures for assessing height, weight and body mass index: a systemic review." Obesity Reviews. Vol. 8, no. 4. pp. 307 to 326.

Dietitians of Canada. 2006. "New Statistics Canada survey to take direct physical measures of nutritional health." Members in Action. November. pp. 4 to 5.

Équipe de l'Enquête canadienne sur les mesures de la santé. 2008. "Biosurveillance des substances chimiques de l'environnement." Bulletin d'information en santé environnementale. Vol. 19, no. 2. March-June. pp. 7-8.
Exposition aux métaux d'origine environmentale au Nunavik

Esliger, Dale W., Adam Probert, Sarah Connor Gorber, Shirley Bryan, Manon Laviolette and Mark S. Tremblay. 2007. "Validity of the Actical accelerometer step-count function." Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. Vol. 39, no. 7. pp. 1200 to 1204.

Journal of the Canadian Dental Association. 2007. "Canadian Health Measures Survey Gets Underway." Journal of the Canadian Dental Association. Vol. 73, no. 2. March. p. 116.

Journal of the Canadian Dental Association. 2009. "The JCDA Interview: Dr. Peter Cooney: Canada's Chief Dental Officer." Journal of the Canadian Dental Association. Vol. 75, no. 1. February. pp. 29 to 31.

Office of the Chief Dental Officer. 2007. "Statistics Canada's Canadian Health Measures Survey." Canadian Journal of Dental Hygiene. Vol. 41, no. 3. May-June. pp. 151 to 153.
Dr. Peter Cooney: Canada's Chief Dental Officer.

Probert, Adam W., Mark S. Tremblay and Sarah Conner Gorber. 2008. "Desk Potatoes—The Importance of Occupational Physical Activity on Health." Canadian Journal of Public Health. Vol. 99, no. 4. July-August. pp. 311 to 318.

Spence, John C. 2004. "The Canadian Health Measures Survey: Introduction: Why Should We Give a Hoot about this Survey?" WellSpring. Vol. 15, no. 3. October. p. 1.

Tremblay, Mark. 2004. "The Canadian Health Measures Survey: Background to the Canadian Health Measures Survey" WellSpring. Vol. 15, no. 3. October. pp. 2 to 4.

Tremblay, Mark. 2004. "The Need for Directly Measured Health." Canadian Journal of Public Health. Vol. 95, no. 3. May-June. pp. 165-166.

Tremblay, Mark S. and Sarah Connor Gorber. 2007. "Canadian Health Measures Survey: Brief overview." Canadian Journal of Public Health. Vol. 98, no. 6. November-December. pp. 453 to 456.

Preliminary releases, cycle 1

Health Reports articles

Wong, Suzy and Ellen J.D. Lye. 2008. "Lead, mercury and cadmium levels in Canadians." Health Reports. Vol. 19, no. 4. December. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-X. pp. 31 to 36.

The Daily releases

Statistics Canada. 2008. "Study: Lead, mercury and cadmium levels in Canadians." The Daily. November 19. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 11-001-X.

Statistics Canada. 2009. "Canadian Health Measures Survey: Vitamin D blood plasma concentrations in the population, 2007/2008." The Daily. July 2. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 11-001-X.

Cycle 1 (2007 to 2009)

Health Reports articles

Bryan, Shirley, Mathieu Saint-Pierre Larose, Norm Campbell, Janine Clarke and Mark S. Tremblay. 2010. "Resting blood pressure and heart rate measurement in the Canadian Health Measures Survey, cycle 1." Health Reports. Vol. 21, no. 1. March. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-X. pp. 71 to 78.

Bushnik, Tracey, Douglas A. Haines, Patrick Levallois, Johanne Levesque, Jay Van Oostdam and Claude Viau. 2010. "Lead and bisphenol A concentrations in the Canadian population." Health Reports. Vol. 21, no. 3. September. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-X. pp. 7 to 18.

Colapinto, Cynthia K., Deborah L. O'Connor, Lise Dubois and Mark S. Tremblay. 2012. "Prevalence and correlates of folic acid supplement use in Canada." Health Reports. Vol. 23, no. 2. June. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-X. pp. 39 to 44.

Colley, Rachel, Sarah Connor Gorber and Mark S. Tremblay. 2010. "Quality control and data reduction procedures for accelerometry-derived measures of physical activity." Health Reports. Vol. 21, no. 1. March. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-X. pp. 63 to 69.

Colley, Rachel C., Didier Garriguet, Ian Janssen, Cora L. Craig, Janine Clarke and Mark S. Tremblay. 2011. "Physical activity of Canadian adults: Accelerometer results from the 2007 to 2009 Canadian Health Measures Survey." Health Reports. Vol. 22, no. 1. March. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-X. pp. 7 to 14.

Colley, Rachel C., Didier Garriguet, Ian Janssen, Cora L. Craig, Janine Clarke and Mark S. Tremblay. 2011. "Physical activity of Canadian children and youth: Accelerometer results from the 2007 to 2009 Canadian Health Measures Survey." Health Reports. Vol. 22, no. 1. March. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-X. pp. 15 to 23.

Colley, Rachel C., Suzy L. Wong, Didier Garriguet, Ian Janssen, Sarah Connor Gorber and Mark S. Tremblay. 2012. "Physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep in Canadian children: Parent-report versus direct measures and relative associations with health risk." Health Reports. Vol. 23, no. 2. June. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-X. pp. 45 to 52.

Dales, R.E., S. Cakmak, J. Leech and L. Liu. 2013. "The association between personal care products and lung function." Annals of Epidemiology. Vol. 23, no. 2. February. pages 49 to 53.

Evans Jessica, Yue Chen, Pat G. Camp, Dennis M. Bowie and Louise McRae. 2014. "Estimating the prevalence of COPD in Canada: Reported diagnosis versus measured airflow obstruction." Health Reports. Vol. 25, no. 3. March. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-X. 11 p.

Garriguet, Didier and Rachel C. Colley. 2012. "Daily patterns of physical activity among Canadians." Health Reports. Vol. 23, no. 2. June. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-X. pp. 27 to 32.

L'Abbe, M. R., Yin. Qi, Marcia Cooper and Wendy Lou. 2011. "Iron bioavailability of the diets of Canadians." Mississauga, ON: Beef Information Centre. Vol. 25, no. 607.

Langlois, Kellie, Linda Greene-Finestone, Julian Little, Nick Hidiroglou and Susan Whiting. 2010. "Vitamin D status of Canadians as measured in the 2007 to 2009 Canadian Health Measures Survey." Health Reports. Vol. 21, no. 1. March. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-X. pp. 47 to 54.

Paradis, Gilles, Mark S. Tremblay, Ian Janssen, Arnaud Chiolero and Tracey Bushnik. 2010. "Blood pressure in Canadian children and adolescents." Health Reports. Vol. 21, no. 2. June. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-X. pp. 15 to 22.

Shields, Margot, Sarah Connor Gorber, Ian Janssen and Mark S. Tremblay. 2011. "Bias in self-reported estimates of obesity in Canadian health surveys: An update on correction equations for adults." Health Reports. Vol. 22, no. 3. September. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-X. pp. 35 to 45.

Shields, Margot, Sarah Connor Gorber, Ian Janssen and Mark S. Tremblay. 2011. "Obesity estimates for children based on parent-reported versus direct measures." Health Reports. Vol. 22, no. 3. September. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-X. pp. 47 to 58.

Shields, Margot, Mark S. Tremblay, Sarah Connor Gorber and Ian Janssen. 2012. "Abdominal obesity and cardiovascular disease risk factors within body mass index categories." Health Reports. Vol. 23, no. 2. June. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-X. pp. 7 to 15.

Shields, Margot, Mark. S. Tremblay, Sarah Connor Gorber and Ian Janssen. 2012. "Measures of abdominal obesity within body mass index categories, 1981 and 2007 to 2009." Health Reports. Vol. 23, no. 2. June. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-X. pp. 33 to 38.

Shields, Margot, Mark S. Tremblay, Manon Laviolette, Cora L. Craig, Ian Janssen and Sarah Connor Gorber. 2010. "Fitness of Canadian adults: Results from the 2007-2009 Canadian Health Measures Survey." Health Reports. Vol. 21, no. 1. March. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-X. pp. 21 to 35.

Tremblay, Mark S., Margot Shields, Manon Laviolette, Cora L. Craig, Ian Janssen and Sarah Connor Gorber. 2010. "Fitness of Canadian children and youth: Results from the 2007-2009 Canadian Health Measures Survey." Health Reports. Vol. 21, no. 1. March. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-X. pp. 7 to 20.

Wilkins, Kathryn, Norman R.C. Campbell, Michel R. Joffres, Finlay A. McAlister, Marianne Nichol, Susan Quach, Helen L. Johansen and Mark S. Tremblay. 2010. "Blood pressure in Canadian adults." Health Reports. Vol. 21, no. 1. March. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-X. pp. 37 to 46.

Wilkins, Kathryn, Marianne Gee and Norm Campbell. 2012. "The difference in hypertension control between older men and women." Health Reports. Vol. 23, no. 4. December. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-X. pp. 33 to 40.

Wong, Suzy L., Margot Shields, Scott Leatherdale, Eric Malaison and David Hammond. 2012. "Assessment of validity of self-reported smoking status." Health Reports. Vol. 23, no. 1. February. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-X. pp. 37 to 46. pp. 47 to 53.

The Daily releases

Statistics Canada. 2010. "Canadian Health Measures Survey: Body composition and fitness, 2007 to 2009." The Daily. January 13. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 11-001-X.

Statistics Canada. 2010. "Canadian Health Measures Survey: Blood pressure in adults, 2007 to 2009." The Daily. February 17. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 11-001-X.

Statistics Canada. 2010. "Canadian Health Measures Survey: Cholesterol and vitamin D levels, 2007 to 2009." The Daily. March 23. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 11-001-X.

Statistics Canada. 2010. "Canadian Health Measures Survey: Blood pressure in children and adolescents, 2007 to 2009." The Daily. May 19. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 11-001-X.

Statistics Canada. 2010. "Canadian Health Measures Survey: Lead, bisphenol A and mercury, 2007 to 2009." The Daily. August 16. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 11-001-X.

Statistics Canada. 2010. "Canadian Health Measures Survey: data on physical activity, 2007 to 2009." The Daily. November 23. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 11-001-X.

Statistics Canada. 2011. "Canadian Health Measures Survey: Physical activity of youth and adults, 2007 to 2009." The Daily. January 19. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 11-001-X.

Statistics Canada. 2011. "Canadian Health Measures Survey: Adult obesity prevalence in Canada and the United States, 2007 to 2009." The Daily. March 2. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 11-001-X.

Health fact sheets

Statistics Canada. 2010. "Aerobic fitness in Canada, 2007 to 2009." Health Fact Sheets. January 13. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

Statistics Canada. 2010. "Body composition of Canadian adults, 2007 to 2009." Health Fact Sheets. January 13. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

Statistics Canada. 2010. "Body mass index (BMI) for children and youth, 2007 to 2009." Health Fact Sheets. January 13. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

Statistics Canada. 2010. "Lung function results, 2007 to 2009." Health Fact Sheets. January 13. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

Statistics Canada. 2010. "Muskuloskeletal fitness in Canada, 2007 to 2009." Health Fact Sheets. January 13. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

Statistics Canada. 2010. "Oral health: Edentulous people in Canada, 2007 to 2009." Health Fact Sheets. January 13. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

Statistics Canada. 2010. "Heart health and cholesterol levels of Canadians, 2007 to 2009." Health Fact Sheets. March 23. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

Statistics Canada. 2010. "Vitamin D status of Canadians, 2007 to 2009." Health Fact Sheets. March 23. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

Statistics Canada. 2010. "Bisphenol A concentrations in the Canadian population, 2007 to 2009." Health Fact Sheets. August 16. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

Statistics Canada. 2010. "Lead concentrations in the Canadian population, 2007 to 2009." Health Fact Sheets. August 16. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

Statistics Canada. 2010. "Mercury concentrations in the Canadian population, 2007 to 2009." Health Fact Sheets. August 16. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

Statistics Canada. 2011. "Adult obesity prevalence in Canada and the United States." Health Fact Sheets. March 2. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

Statistics Canada. 2011. "Physical activity levels of Canadian adults, 2007 to 2009." Health Fact Sheets. September 28. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

Statistics Canada. 2011. "Physical activity levels of Canadian children and youth, 2007 to 2009." Health Fact Sheets. September 28. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

Data tables

Statistics Canada. 2010. Canadian Health Measures Survey: Cycle 1 Data Tables, 2007 to 2009. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-623-X.Ottawa, Ontario. 70 p.

External articles and publications

Adamo, Kristi B., Kellie A. Langlois, Kendra E. Brett and Rachel C. Colley. 2012. "Young children and parental physical activity levels: Findings from the Canadian Health Measures Survey." American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Vol. 43, no. 2. August. pp. 168 to 175.

Angerer, Jurgen, Lesa L. Aylward, Sean M. Hays, Birger Heinzow and Michael Wilhelm. 2011. "Human biomonitoring assessment values: Apporaches and data requirements." International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. Vol. 214, no. 5. pages 348 to 360.

Arora, Paul, Priya Vasa, Darren Brenner, Karl Iglar, Phil McFarlane, Howard Morrison and Alaa Badawi. 2013. "Prevalence estimates of chronic kidney disease in Canada: Results of a nationally representative survey." Canadian Medical Association Journal. Vol. 185, no. 9. June. pp. E417 to E423.

Atwood, Kristin M., Cynthia J. Robitaille, Kim Reimer, Sulan Dai, Helen L. Johansen and Mark J. Smith. 2013. "Comparison of diagnosed, self-reported, and physically-measured hypertension in Canada." Canadian Journal of Cardiology. Vol. 29, no. 5. May. pp. 606 to 612.

Aylward, L.L., E. Green, M. Porta, L.M. Toms, E. Den Hond, C. Schulz, M. Gasull, J. Pumarega, A. Conrad, M. Kolossa-Gehring, G. Schoeters and J.F. Mueller. 2014. "Population variation in biomonitoring data for persistent organic pollutants (POPs): an examination of multiple population-based datasets for application to Australian pooled biomonitoring data." Environment International. Vol. 68. July. pages 127 to 138.

Brenner, Darren R., Paul Arora, Bibiana García-Bailo, Howard Morrison, Ahmed El-Sohemy, Mohamed Karmali and Alaa Badawi. 2011. "The relationship between inflammation, metabolic syndrome and markers of cardiometabolic disease among Canadian adults." Journal of Diabetes & Metabolism. December.

Brenner, Darren R., Paul Arora, Bibiana García-Bailo, Thomas M.S. Wolever, Howard Morrison, Ahmed El-Sohemy, Mohamed Karmali and Alaa Badawi. 2011. "Plasma vitamin D levels and risk of metabolic syndrome in Canadians." Clinical and Investigative Medicine. Vol. 34, no. 6. December. pp. E377 to E384.

Cakmak, Sabit, Robert Dales, Judith Leech and Ling Liu. 2011. "The influence of air pollution on cardiovascular and pulmonary function and exercise capacity: Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS)." Environmental Research. Vol. 111, no. 8. November. pp. 1309 to 1312.

Cakmak, S, R. E. Dales, C. Hebbern and G. Saravanabhavan. 2014. "The association between urinary phthalates and lung function." Journal of occupational and environmental medicine. Vol. 56, no. 4. April. pages 376 to 381.

Clarke, Janine and Ian Janssen. 2014. "Sporadic and bouted physical activity and the metabolic syndrome in adults." Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. Vol. 46, no. 1. January. pp. 76 to 83.

Colapinto, Cynthia K., Deborah L. O'Connor and Mark S. Tremblay. 2011. "Folate status of the population in the Canadian Health Measures Survey." Canadian Medical Association Journal. Vol. 183, no. 2. February. pp. E100 to E106.

Colapinto, C. K., O'Connor D. L., Dubois L., and Mark S. Tremblay. 2012. "Folic acid supplement use is the most significant predictor of folate concentrations in Canadian women of childbearing age". Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism. Vol. 37, no. 2. pages 284 to 292.

Colapinto, Cynthia K., Tremblay Mark S., Aufreiter Susanne, Bushnik Tracey, Pfeiffer Christine M. and O'Connor Deborah L. 2014. "The direction of the difference between Canadian and American erythrocyte folate concentrations is dependent on the assay method employed:a comparison of the Canadian Health Measures Survey and National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey". British Journal of Nutrition. August. pages 1 to 9.

Colley, Rachel C., Didier Garriguet, Kristi B. Adamo, Valerie Carson, Ian Janssen, Brian W. Timmons and Mark S. Tremblay. 2013. "Physical activity and sedentary behavior during the early years in Canada: a cross-sectional study." International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. Vol. 10, no. 54.

Colley, Rachel C., Didier Garriguet, Ian Janssen, Suzy L. Wong, Travis J. Saunders, Valerie Carson and Mark S. Tremblay. 2013. "The association between accelerometer-measured patterns of sedentary time and health risk in children and youth: results from the Canadian Health Measures Survey." BMC Public Health. Vol. 13, March.

Colley, Rachel C., Ian Janssen and Mark S. Tremblay. 2012. "Daily step target to measure adherence to physical activity guidelines in children." Medicine & Science in Sport & Exercise. Vol. 44, no. 5. May. pp. 977 to 982.

Colley, Rachel C. and Mark S. Tremblay. 2011. "Moderate and vigorous physical activity intensity cut-points for the Actical accelerometer." Journal of Sports Sciences. Vol. 29, no. 8. May. pp. 783 to 789.

Craig, Cora L., Margot Shields, Allana G. Leblanc, and Mark S. Tremblay. 2012. "Trends in aerobic fitness among Canadians, 1981 to 2007–2009." Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism. Vol. 37, no. 3. pp. 511 to 519.

Crane, Connie Jeske. 2014. "Getting girls to stay in the game." Herizons. Vol. 27, no. 3. Winter. pages 7 to 9.

Da Costa, Laura A., Paul Arora, Bibiana García-Bailo, Mohamed Karmali, Ahmed El-Sohemy and Alaa Badewi. 2012. "The association between obesity, cardiometabolic disease biomarkers, and innate immunity-related inflammation in Canadian adults." Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy. Vol. 2012, no. 5. October. pp. 347 to 355.

Duncan, L. and A. Bonner. 2014. "Effects of income and dental insurance coverage on need for dental care in Canada." Journal of Canadian Dental Association. Vol. 80, no. 6. pages 1 to 9.

Elani, H.W., S. Harper, P.J. Allison, C. Bedos and J.S. Kaufman. 2012."Socio-economic inequalities and oral health in Canada and the United States." Journal of Dental Research. Vol. 9, no. 91. September. pp. 865 to 870.

Fernandez, Lois, Penny Jee, Mari-Jill Klein, Peter Fischer, Sherry L. Perkins and Stephen P.J. Brooks. 2013. "A comparison of glucose concentration in paired specimens collected in serum separator and fluoride/potassium oxalate blood collection tubes under survey 'field' conditions." Clinical Biochemistry. Vol. 46, no. 4 to 5. March. pp. 285 to 288.

Fisher, Mandy, Tye E. Arbuckle, Mike Wade and Douglas A. Haines. 2013. "Do perfluoroalkyl substances affect metabolic function and serum lipids?—Analysis of the 2007–2009 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Cycle 1." Environmental Research. Vol. 121. February. pp. 95 to 103.

García-Bailo, Bibiana, Laura Da Costa, Paul Arora, Mohamed Karmali, Ahmed El-Sohemy and Alaa Badewi. 2013. "Plasma vitamin D and biomarkers of cardiometabolic disease risk in adult Canadians." Preventing Chronic Disease. Vol. 10.

Gee, Marianne E., Asako Bienek, Finlay A. McAlister, Cynthia Robitaille, Michel Joffres, Mark S. Tremblay, Helen Johansen and Norman R.C. Campbell. 2012. "Factors associated with lack of awareness and uncontrolled high blood pressure among Canadian adults with hypertension." Canadian Journal of Cardiology. Vol. 28, no. 3. May. pp. 375 to 382.

Gee, Marianne E., Ian Janssen, William Pickett, Finlay A. McAlister, Christina M. Bancej, Michel Joffres, Helen Johansen and Norman R.C. Campbell. 2012. "Prevalence, Awareness, Treatment, and Control of Hypertension Among Canadian Adults With Diabetes, 2007 to 2009." Canadian Journal of Cardiology. Vol. 28, no. 3. May. pp. 367 to 374.

Greenfield, Jamie, Philip S. Park, Ellie Farahani, Suneil Malik, Reinhold Vieth, Norman A McFarlane, Theodore G. Shepherd and Julia A Knight. 2012. "Solar ultraviolet-B radiation and vitamin D: a cross-sectional population-based study using data from the 2007 to 2009 Canadian Health Measures Survey." BMC Public Health. Vol. 12, no. 1. Pages 660 to 669.

Greene-Finestone, Linda S., Kellie A. Langlois and Susan J. Whiting. 2013. "Characteristics of users of supplements containing vitamin D in Canada and associations between dose and 25-hydroxvitamin D." Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism. Vol. 38, no. 7, July. pp. 707 to 715.

Gurusankar, Saravanabhavan, Mireille Guay, Éric Langlois, Suzelle Giroux, Janine Murray and Douglas Haines. 2013. "Biomonitoring of phthalate metabolites in the Canadian population through the Canadian Health Measures Survey (2007-2009)." International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. Vol. 216, no. 6. November. pp. 652 to 661.

Gurusankar, Saravanabhavan, Mireille Guay, Mike Walker, Lesa Aylward. 2014. "Urinary excretion and daily intake rates of diethyl phthalate in the general Canadian population." Science of the Total Environment. Vol. 500-501, December. pp. 191 to 198.

Haines, Douglas A. and Janine Murray. 2012. "Human biomonitoring of environmental chemicals—Early results of the 2007-2009 Canadian Health Measures Survey for males and females." International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. Vol. 215, no. 2. February. pp. 133 to 137.

Haines, Douglas A., Tye E. Arbuckle, Ellen Lye, Melissa Legrand, Mandy Fisher, Renée Langlois and William Fraser. 2011. "Reporting results of human biomonitoring of environmental chemicals to study participants: a comparison of approaches followed in two Canadian studies." Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. Vol. 65, no. 3. March. pp. 191 to 198.

Haines, Douglas A., Melissa Legrand, Tye E. Arbuckle, Jay Van Oosldam, Robert W. Dabeka, Constantine Tikhonov and William Fraser. 2012. "Biomarkers and Human Biomonitoring : Vol. 1 : Examples of Ongoing International Surveys: Canada." Royal Society of Chemistry. pages 79 to 106.!divabstract

Hayes, Alyssa, Amir Azarpazhooh, Laura Dempster, Vahid Ravaghi and Carlos Quiñonez. 2013. "Time loss due to dental problems and treatment in the Canadian population: analysis of a nationwide cross-sectional survey." BMC Oral Health. Vol.13, April.

Health Canada. 2013. Final Human Health State of the Science Report on Lead. Ottawa, Ontario. Minister of Health. 101 p.

Health Canada. 2013. Risk Management Strategy for Lead. Ottawa, Ontario. Minister of Health. 63 p.

Health Canada. 2010. Overview of the Report on Human Biomonitoring of Environmental Chemicals in Canada. Ottawa, Ontario. Minister of Health. 7 p.

Health Canada. 2010. Report on Human Biomonitoring of Environmental Chemicals in Canada Results of the Canadian Health Measures Survey Cycle 1 (2007–2009). Ottawa, Ontario. Minister of Health. 283 p.

Health Canada. 2010. Report on the Findings of the Oral Health Component of the Canadian Health Measures Survey 2007–2009. Ottawa, Ontario. Minister of Health. 111 p.

Health Canada. 2010. Summary Report on the Findings of the Oral Health Component ofthe Canadian Health Measures Survey 2007–2009. Ottawa, Ontario. Minister of Health. 19 p.

Higgins, B. 2013. "Exploring relationships between socio-economic status and the health correlates of excess weight among Canadians." Department of Sociology. Calgary, AB: University of Calgary.

Janssen, Ian. 2012. "Health care costs of physical inactivity in Canadian adults." Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism. Vol. 37, no. 4. pp. 803 to 806.

Janssen, Ian, Margot Shields, Cora L. Craig and Mark. S. Tremblay. 2012. "Changes in the obesity phenotype within Canadian children and adults, 1981 to 2007-2009." Obesity. Vol. 20, no. 4. April. pp. 916 to 919.

Janssen, Ian, Margot Shields, Cora L. Craig and Mark S. Tremblay. 2011. "Prevalence and secular changes in abdominal obesity in Canadian adolescents and adults, 1981 to 2007-2009." Obesity Reviews. Vol. 12, no. 6. June. pp. 397 to 405.

Janssen, Ian, Suzy L. Wong, Rachel Colley and Mark S. Tremblay. 2013. "The fractionalization of physical activity throughout the week is associated with the cardiometabolic health of children and youth." BMC Public Health. Vol. 13. June.

Joffres, Michel, Margot Shields, Mark S. Tremblay and Sarah Connor Gorber. 2013. "Dyslipidemia prevalence, treatment, control, and awareness in the Canadian Health Measures Survey." Canadian Journal of Public Health. Vol. 104, no. 3. May-June. pp. E252 to E257.

Khan, S., Mai X-M. and Chen Y. 2013. "Plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D associated with pulmonary function in Canadian adults with excess adiposity." American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Vol. 98, no. 1. pages 174 to 179.

Khan, S., Mai X-M. and Chen Y. 2014. "The link between plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D and lung function in general and asthmatic children." Pediatric allergy, immunology and pulmonology. Vol. 27, no. 2. pages 87 to 91.

Kuhle, Stefan, Christina Fung and Paul J. Veugelers. 2013. "Medication use in normal weight and overweight children in a nationally representative sample of Canadian children." Archives of Diseases in Childhood. Vol. 97, no. 9, September. pp. 842 to 847.

L'Abbe, M. R., Yin. Qi, Marcia Cooper et Wendy Lou. 2011. "Iron bioavailability of the diets of Canadians." Mississauga, ON: Beef Information Centre. Vol. 25, no. 607.

LaKind, Judy S., Johanne Levesque, Pierre Dumas, Shirley Bryan, Janine Clarke, Daniel Q. Naiman. 2012. "Comparing United States and Canadian population exposures from national biomonitoring surveys: Bisphenol A intake as a case study." Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology. Vol. 22, no. 3, May. pp. 219 to 226.

Landry, D. 2013. "Interrelationships between vitamin D and body mass index and waist circumference in Canada." Epidemiology & Community Medicine. Ottawa, ON: University of Ottawa. 120 p.

Larouche, R., G. E. J. Faulkner, M. Fortier and M.S. Tremblay. 2014. "Active transportation and adolescents' health: The Canadian Health Measures Survey." American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Vol. 46, no. 5. pages 507 to 515.

Larouche, Richard, Louis Laurencelle, Roy J. Shephard and François Trudeau. 2012. "Life transitions in the waning of physical activity from childhood to adult life in the Trois-Rivières study." Journal of Physical Activity and Health. Vol. 9, no. 4. May. pp. 516 to 524.

Larouche, Richard, Meghann Lloyd, Emily Knight and Mark S. Tremblay. 2011. "Relationship between active school transport and body mass index in grades 4 to 6 children." Pediatric Exercise Science. Vol. 23, no. 3. August. pp. 322 to 330.

Lye, Ellen, Melissa Legrand, Janine Clarke and Adam Probert. 2013. "Blood total mercury concentrations in the Canadian population: Canadian Health Measures Survey cycle 1, 2007-2009." Canadian Journal of Public Health. Vol. 104, no. 3. May-June. pp. E246 to E251.

MacFarlane, Amanda J., Linda S. Greene-Finestone and Yipu Shi. 2011. "Vitamin B-12 and homocysteine status in a folate-replete population: results from the Canadian Health Measures Survey." American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Vol. 94, no. 4. October. pp. 1079 to 1087.

Maximova, K., S. Kuhle, Z. Davidson, C. Fung, and P.J. Veugelers P. J. 2013. "Cardiovascular risk factor profiles of normal and overweight children and adolescents: insights from the Canadian Health Measures Survey." Canadian Journal of Cardiology. Vol. 29, no. 8. August. pages 976 to 982.

McAlister, Finlay A., Cynthia Robitaille, Cathleen Gillespie, Keming Yuan, Deepa P. Rao, Steven Grover, Sulan Dai, Helen Johansen, Michel Joffres, Fleetwood Loustalot and Norm Campbell. 2013. "The impact of cardiovascular risk-factor profiles on blood pressure control rates in adults from Canada and the United States." Canadian Journal of Cardiology. Vol. 29, no. 5. May. pp. 598 to 605.

McAlister, Finlay A., Kathryn Wilkins, Michel Joffres, Frans H.H. Leenen, George Fodor, Marianne Gee, Mark S. Tremblay, Robin Walker, Helen Johansen and Norm Campbell. 2011. "Changes in the rates of awareness, treatment and control of hypertension in Canada over the past two decades." Canadian Medical Association Journal. Vol. 183, no. 9. June, pp. 1007-1013.

Mohottalage, Susantha, 2015 "Population Exposure to Tobacco: Results of the Canadian Health Measures Survey Cycle 1 (2007-2009). S. Mohottalage, P. Saner, C. Uhlik, and E. Soo. Health Canada Science Forum, 2014/2015, Ottawa poster"

Nicolae, Alexandra, Harry Ames and Carlos Quiñonez. 2013. "Dental amalgam and urinary mercury concentrations: a descriptive study ." BMC Oral Health. Vol. 13, no. 44. September.

Niruban, S.J., K. Alagiakrishnan, J. Beach and A. Senthilselvan. 2014. "Association of vitamin D with respiratory outcomes in Canadian children."European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Vol. 68, no. 12. July.

Ordre des dentistes du Québec. 2010. "Rapport des résultats du module sur la santé buccodentaire de l'Enquête canadienne sur les mesures de la santé 2007-2009." Journal de l'Ordre des dentistes du Québec. Vol. 47, no. 3. June-July. p. 24.

Oulhote, Youssef and Maryse Bouchard. 2013. "Pyrethroid and organophosphate insecticides and behavioural problems, CHMS." American Journal of Epidemiology. Vol. 177. June.

Oulhote, Y. and M.F. Bouchard. 2013. "Urinary metabolites of organophosphate and pyrethroid pesticides and behavioral problems in Canadian children." Environmental Health Perspectives. Vol. 121, no. 11-12. November-December. pages 1378 to 1384.

Padwal, Raj S., Hsui-Ju Chang, Scott Klarenbach, Arya M. Sharma and Sumit R. Majumdar. 2012. "Characteristics of the population eligible for and receiving publicly funded bariatric surgery in Canada." International Journal for Equity in Health. Vol. 11. September.

Ramraj, C. 2012. "Dental treatment needs in the Canadian population." Faculty of Dentistry. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto. pages 1 to 103.

Ramraj, Chantel, Amir Azarpazhooh, Laura Dempster, Vahid Ravaghi and Carlos Quiñonez. 2012. "Dental treatment needs in the Canadian population: analysis of a nationwide cross-sectional survey." BMC Oral Health. Vol. 12. October.

Ramraj, C., L. Sadeghi, H.P. Lawrence, L. Dempster, and C. Quiñonez. 2013. "Is accessing dental care becoming more difficult? Evidence from Canada's middle-income population." PLOS ONE. Vol. 8, no. 2. February.

Rao, Deepa P, Dai, Sulan, Claudia Lagacé and Daniel Krewski. 2013. "Metabolic Syndrome and Chronic Disease." Chronic Diseases and Injuries in Canada. Vol. 34, no. 1. December .

Ravaghi, V., C. Quiñonez and P.J. Allison. 2013. "Oral pain and its covariates: Findings from a Canadian population study." Journal of the Canadian Dental Association. Vol. 79, no. (d3). pages 1 to 9.

Ravaghi, V., C. Quiñonez and P.J. Allison. 2013. "The magnitude of oral health inequalities in Canada: Findings of the Canadian Health Measures Survey." Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology. Vol. 41, no. 6. pages 490 to 498.

Ravaghi, V., C. Quiñonez and P.J. Allison. 2013. "Comparing inequalities in oral and general health: Findings of the Canadian Health Measures Survey." Canadian Journal of Public Health. Vol. 104, no. 7. pages E466 to E471.

Rawn, Dorothea F.K., J. Jake Ryan, Amy R. Sadler, Wing-Fun Sun, Douglas Haines, Kristin Macey and Jay Van Oostdam. 2012. "PCDD/F and PCB concentrations in sera from the Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) from 2007 to 2009." Environment International. Vol. 47, no. 15. October. pp. 48 to 55.

Rawn, Dorothea F.K., J. Jake Ryan, Amy R. Sadler, Wing-Fun Sun, Dorcas Weber, Patrick Laffey, Douglas Haines, Kristin Macey and Jay Van Oostdam. 2014. "Brominated flame retardant concentrations in sera from the Canadian Health Measures survey (CHMS) from 2007 to 2009." Environment International. Vol. 63. February. pages 26 to 34

Richardson, G. M. 2014. "Mercury exposure and risks from dental amalgam in Canada: The Canadian Health Measures Survey 2007-2009." Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal. Vol.20, no. 2. pages 433 to 447.

Richardson, G.M. 2013. (Sanche, J., Ed.), "2013 Canadian exposure factors handbook: Life expectancy, body dimensions, inhalation, time-activity, and soil ingestion." Saskatoon, SK: University of Saskatchewan, Toxicology Centre. 60 p.

Richardson, G.M. 2012. "Evidence that bisphenol-a exposure is not associated with composite resin dental fillings." Pediatrics. Vol. 130, no. 2. p. 1.

Riediger, Natalie D. and Ian Clara. 2011. "Prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in the Canadian adult population." Canadian Medical Association Journal. Vol. 183, no. 15. October. pp. E1127 to E1134.

Saravanabhavan, Gurusankar, Mireille Guay, Éric Langlois, Suzelle Giroux, Janine Murray and Douglas Haines. 2013. "Biomonitoring of phthalate metabolites in the Canadian population through the Canadian Health Measures Survey (2007-2009)." International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. Vol. 216, no. 6. November. pages 652 to 661.

Saravanabhavan, G. and J. Murray. 2012. "Human biological monitoring of diisononyl phthalate and diisodecyl phthalate: a review." Journal of Environmental and Public Health. Vol. 2012. 11 p.

Setayeshgar, S., S.J. Whiting and H. Vatanparast. 2013. "Prevalence of 10-year risk of cardiovascular diseases and associated risks in Canadian adults: The contribution of cardiometabolic risk assessment introduction." International Journal of Hypertension. Vol. 201. pages 1 to 8.

Setayeshgar, S., J.Whiting S. and H. Vatanparast, 2012. "Metabolic syndrome in Canadian adults and adolescents: Prevalence and associated dietary intake." ISRN Obesity. Vol. 2 012. pages 1 to 8.

Shi, Yipu, Margaret de Groh and Howard Morrison. 2013. "Perinatal and early childhood factors for overweight and obesity in young Canadian children." Canadian Journal of Public Health. Vol. 104, no. 1. January-February. pp. e69 to e74.

Shi, Yipu, Margaret de Groh and Howard Morrison. 2012. "Increasing blood pressure and its associated factors in Canadian children and adolescents from the Canadian Health Measures Survey."BMC Public Health. Vol. 12. May.

Shields, Margot, Margaret D. Carroll and Cynthia L. Ogden. 2011. "Adult Obesity Prevalence in Canada and the United States". NCHS Data Brief, no. 56. March. 7 p.

Stone, M.R., G.E. Faulkner and R.N. Buliung. 2013. "How active are children in Toronto? A comparison with accelerometry data from the Canadian Health Measures Survey". Chronic Diseases and Injuries in Canada. Vol. 33, no. 2. March. pp. 61 to 68.

Theis, B., R. Raut, E. Candido, S. Young, and L.D. Marrett. 2011. "Risk factor and screening report, national and provincial, incorporating sociodemographic variables." Colorectal Cancer Network (CRCNet), Cancer Care Ontario. September. pages 1 to 122.

Theis, B., R. Raut, J.P.K. Chan, E. Candido, L.D. and Marrett. 2011. "Risk factors and screening by age and sex, national and provincial." Colorectal Cancer Network (CRCNet), Cancer Care Ontario. June. pages 1 to 84.

Thompson, B., P. Cooney, H. Lawrence, V. Ravaghi and C. Quiñonez. 2014. "Cost as a barrier to accessing dental care: findings from a Canadian population-based study." Journal of Public Health Dentistry. Vol. 74, no. 3. January.

Votova, K.M.E, R. Blais, M.J. Penning, and M.K. Maclure. 2013 "Polypharmacy meets polyherbacy: Pharmaceutical, over-the-counter and natural health product use among Canadian adults." Canadian Journal of Public Health. Vol. 104, no. 3. May-June. pages 222 to 228.

Whiting, Susan J., Kellie A. Langlois, Hassanali Vatanparast and Linda S. Greene-Finestone. 2011. "The vitamin D status of Canadians relative to the 2011 Dietary Reference Intakes: an examination in children and adults with and without supplement use." American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Vol. 93, no. 7. July. 8 p.

Wong, Suzy L., Eric Malaison, David Hammond and Scott T. Leatherdale. 2013. "Secondhand smoke exposure among Canadians: Cotinine and self-report measures from the Canadian Health Measures Survey 2007–2009." Nicotine & Tobacco Research. Vol. 15, no. 3. March pp. 693 to 700.

Wong, Suzy Lai, Rachel Colley, Sarah Connor Gorber and Mark Tremblay. 2011. "Actical accelerometer sedentary activity thresholds for adults." Journal of Physical Activity and Health. Vol. 8, no. 4. May. pp. 587 to 591.

Yao, Chao Shu and Michael I. MacEntee. 2013. "Inequity in Oral Health Care for Elderly Canadians: Part 1. Oral Health Status." Journal of the Canadian Dental Association. Vol. 79.

Ye, Ming, Jeremy Beach, Jonathan W. Martin and Ambikaipakan Senthilselvan. 2015. "Association between Lung Function in Adults and Plasma DDT and DDE Levels Results from the Canadian Health Measures Survey." Environmental Health Perspectives. Vol. 123, no. 5. May, pages 422 to 427.

Zinck, John, Margaret de Groh, Amanda MacFarlane. 2015. "Genetic modifiers of folate, vitamin B-12, and homocysteine status in a cross-sectional study of the Canadian population." The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Cycle 2 (2009 to 2011)

Health at a Glance articles

Janz, Teresa, and Caryn Pearson. 2013. "Vitamin D blood levels of Canadians." Health at a Glance. January 10. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-624-X.

Health Reports articles

Cooper, Marcia, Linda Greene-Finestone, Hélène Lowell, Johanne Levesque and Stacey Robinson. 2012. "Iron sufficiency of Canadians." Health Reports. Vol. 23, no. 4. December. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-X. pp. 41 to 48.

Patry-Parisien, Jennifer, Margot Shields and Shirley Bryan. 2012. "Comparison of waist circumference using the World Health Organization and National Institutes of Health protocols." Health Reports. Vol. 23, no. 3. September. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-X. pp. 53 to 60.

Patry-Parisien, Jennifer, Jiping Zhu and Suzy L. Wong. 2013. "Implementation of the indoor air component of cycle 2 of the Canadian Health Measures Survey." Health Reports. Vol. 24, no. 5. May. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-X. pp. 3 to 10.

Roberts, Karen C., Margot Shields, Margaret de Groh, Alfred Aziz and Jo-Anne Gilbert. 2012. "Overweight and obesity in children and adolescents: Results from the 2009 to 2011 Canadian Health Measures Survey." Health Reports. Vol. 23, no. 3. September. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-X. pp. 37 to 41.

Rotermann, Michelle, Kellie A. Langlois, Alberto Severini and Stephanie Totten. 2013. " Prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis and herpes simplex virus type 2: Results from the 2009 to 2011 Canadian Health Measures Survey." Health Reports. Vol. 24, no. 4. April. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-X. pp. 10 to 15.

Wheeler, Amanda J., Suzy L. Wong, Cheryl Khoury and Jiping Zhu. 2013. "Predictors of indoor BTEX concentrations in Canadian residences." Health Reports. Vol. 24, no. 5. May. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-X. pp. 11 to 17.

The Daily releases

Statistics Canada. 2012. "Canadian Health Measures Survey: Household and physical measures data, 2009 to 2011." The Daily. September 20. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 11-001-X.

Statistics Canada. 2012. "Canadian Health Measures Survey: Select laboratory, activity monitor and indoor air data, 2009 to 2011." The Daily. November 21. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 11-001-X.

Statistics Canada. 2012. "Canadian Health Measures Survey: Fact sheets and tables related to select laboratory data, 2009 to 2011." The Daily. November 29. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 11-001-X.

Statistics Canada. 2013. "Study: Vitamin D blood levels of Canadians, 2009-2011." The Daily. January 10. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 11-001-X.

Statistics Canada. 2013. "Canadian Health Measures Survey: Laboratory environmental data, 2009 to 2011." The Daily. April 17. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 11-001-X.

Health fact sheets

Statistics Canada. 2012. "Aerobic fitness of Canadians, 2009 to 2011." Health Fact Sheets. October 29. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

Statistics Canada. 2012. "Blood pressure of Canadian adults, 2009 to 2011." Health Fact Sheets. October 29. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

Statistics Canada. 2012. "Blood pressure of Canadian children and youth, 2009 to 2011." Health Fact Sheets. October 29. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

Statistics Canada. 2012. "Body composition of Canadian adults, 2009 to 2011." Health Fact Sheets. October 29. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

Statistics Canada. 2012. "Body mass index of Canadian children and youth, 2009 to 2011." Health Fact Sheets. October 29. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

Statistics Canada. 2012. "Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in Canadians, 2009 to 2011." Health Fact Sheets. October 29. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

Statistics Canada. 2012. "Muscular strength of Canadians, 2009 to 2011." Health Fact Sheets. October 29. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

Statistics Canada. 2012. "Cholesterol levels of Canadians, 2009 to 2011." Health Fact Sheets. November 29. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

Statistics Canada. 2012. "Iodine status of Canadians, 2009 to 2011." Health Fact Sheets. November 29. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

Statistics Canada. 2012. "Iron sufficiency of Canadians, 2009 to 2011." Health Fact Sheets. November 29. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

Statistics Canada. 2012. "Metabolic syndrome in Canadians, 2009 to 2011." Health Fact Sheets. November 29. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

Statistics Canada. 2012. "Vitamin B12 status of Canadians, 2009 to 2011." Health Fact Sheets. November 29. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

Statistics Canada. 2013. "Bisphenol A concentrations in Canadians, 2009 to 2011." Health Fact Sheets. April 17. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

Statistics Canada. 2013. "Blood lead concentrations in Canadians, 2009 to 2011." Health Fact Sheets. April 17. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

Data tables

Statistics Canada. 2012. Canadian Health Measures Survey: Cycle 2 Data Tables, 2009 to 2011. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-626-X. Ottawa, Ontario. 80 p.

External articles and publications

Betancourt, Marisol T, K.C. Roberts, T-L Bennett, E.R. Driscoll, G. Jayaraman and L. Pelletier. 2014. "Monitoring chronic diseases in Canada: the chronic diseases indicator framework." Chronic diseases and injuries in Canada. Vol. 34, Supplement 1. Spring 2014. 34 p.

Health Canada. 2013. Second report on human biomonitoring of environmental chemicals in Canada: Results of the Canadian Health Measures Survey Cycle 2 (2009- 2011). Ottawa, Ontario. Minister of Health. 434 p.

Jee, Penny, Lois Fernandez, Sherry L. Perkins and Stephen P.J. Brooks. 2014. "Effect of storage and repeated freeze/thaw on (S) vitamin B12." Clinical Biochemistry. Vol. 47, no. 18. December. p. 344.

Katz, Sherri, Jean-Philippe Vaccani, Janine Clarke, Lynda Hoey, Rachel C. Coley and Nicholas J. Barrowman. 2014. "Creation of a reference dataset of neck sizes in children: standardizing a potential new tool for prediction of obesity-associated diseases?" BioMed Central. Vol. 14, no. 23. June.

MacFarlane, A.J., Y. Shi and L.S. Greene-Finestone. "High dose compared to low dose vitamin B12 supplement use is not associated with higher vitamin B12 status in children, adolescents and older adults." J Nutr 144(6):915-20. 2014.

Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion (Public Health Ontario). "Child and youth health data sources project: summary of processes and findings. " Toronto, ON: Queen's Printer for Ontario; 2015.

Roberts, Karen C. and G. Jayaraman. 2014. "Childhood Obesity – FPT Framework."

Shi, Y., M. de Groh and A.J. MacFarlane. "Sociodemographic and lifestyle factors associated with folate status among non-supplement-consuming Canadian women of child-bearing age." Canadian J Public Health 105(3): e166-e171. 2014.

St-Amand, A. 2015. "Biomonitoring Equivalents for interpretation of urinary fluoride." Regul Toxicol Pharmacol. 2015 Jun;72(1):158-67. doi: 10.1016/j.yrtph.2015.04.005. Epub 2015 Apr 8.

Zhu, Jiping, Suzy L. Wong and Sabit Cakmak. 2013. "Nationally representative levels of selected volatile organic compounds in Canadian residential indoor air: Population-based survey." Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 47, no. 23. October. pp. 13276 to 13283.

Cycle 3 (2012 to 2013)

Health Reports articles

Feder, Katya, David Michaud, Pamela Ramage-Morin, James McNamee and Yves Beauregard. 2015. " Prevalence of hearing loss among Canadians aged 20 to 79: Audiometric results from the 2012/2013 Canadian Health Measures Survey." Health Reports. Vol. 25, no. 7. July. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-X. pages 18-25.

The Daily releases

Statistics Canada. 2014. "Canadian Health Measures Survey: Household and physical masures data, 2012 to 2013." The Daily. October 29. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 11-001-X.

Statistics Canada. 2014. "Canadian Health Measures Survey: Selected laboratory and activity monitor data, 2012 and 2013." The Daily. December 16. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 11-001-X.

Statistics Canada. 2015. "Canadian Health Measures Survey: Directly measured physical activity of Canadians, 2012 and 2013." The Daily. February 18. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 11-001-X.

Statistics Canada. 2015. "Canadian Health Measures Suvey: Hearing loss of Canadians, 2012 and 2013." The Daily. April 15. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 11-001-X.

Statistics Canada. 2015. "Canadian Health Measures Survey: Laboratory environmental data, 2012 and 2013." The Daily. July 15. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 11-001-X.

Statistics Canada, 2015. "Canadian Health Measures Survey: Indoor air volatile organic compound data 2012 and 2013." The Daily. September 16. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 11-001-X

Statistics Canada, 2015. "Canadian Health Measures Survey: Medication use and nutrient intake, 2012 and 2013." The Daily. October 20. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 11-001-X

Health fact sheets

Statistics Canada. 2014. "Body composition of adults, 2012 to 2013." Health Fact Sheets. October 29. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

Statistics Canada. 2014. "Body mass index of children and youth, 2012 to 2013." Health Fact Sheets. October 29. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

Statistics Canada. 2014. "Blood pressure of adults, 2012 to 2013." Health Fact Sheets. October 29. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

Statistics Canada. 2014. "Blood pressure of children and youth, 2012 to 2013." Health Fact Sheets. October 29. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

Statistics Canada. 2014. "Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in adults, 2012 to 2013." Health Fact Sheets. October 29. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

Statistics Canada. 2014. "Cholesterol levels of adults, 2012 to 2013." Health Fact Sheets. December 16. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

Statistics Canada. 2014. "Metabolic syndrome in adults, 2012 to 2013." Health Fact Sheets. December 16. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

Statistics Canada. 2014. "Vitamin D levels of Canadians, 2012 to 2013." Health Fact Sheets. December 16. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

Statistics Canada. 2014. "Vitamin C levels of Canadians, 2012 to 2013." Health Fact Sheets. December 16. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

Statistics Canada. 2015. "Directly measured physical activity of adults, 2012 and 2013." Health Fact Sheets. February 18. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X. //

Statistics Canada. 2015. "Directly measured physical activity of children and youth, 2012 and 2013." Health Fact Sheets. February 18. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

Statistics Canada. 2015. "Hearing loss of Canadians, 2012 and 2013." Health Fact Sheets. April 15. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

Statistics Canada, 2015. "Tobacco use of Canadians, 2012 and 2013." Health Fact Sheets. July 15. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X

Statistics Canada, 2015. "Lead, mercury and cadmium concentrations in Canadians, 2012 and 2013." Health Fact Sheets. July 15. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X

Statistics Canada, 2015. "Bisphenol A concentrations in Canadians, 2012 and 2013." Health Fact Sheets. July 15. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X

Statistics Canada, 2015. "Omega-3 fatty acid levels of adults, 2012 and 2013." Health Fact Sheets. November 18. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X

External Releases

Data tables

Statistics Canada. CANSIM (database). Last updated April 15, 2015. (accessed June 13, 2015).

Cycles 1 and 2 combined (2007 to 2011)

Health Reports articles

Bushnik, Tracey, Patrick Levallois, Monique D'Amour, Todd J. Anderson and Finlay A. McAlister. 2014. "Association between blood lead and blood pressure: Results from the Canadian Health Measures Survey (2007 to 2011)." Health Reports. Vol. 25, no. 7. July. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-X. 13 p.

Findlay, Leanne, Dafna Kohen. 2015. "Bisphenol A and child and youth behaviour: Canadian Health Measures Survey 2007 to 2011." Health Reports. Vol. 26 No. 08. August. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-x.

Fowles, Jonathon, Joel Roy, Janine Clarke and Shilpa Dogra. 2014. "Are the fittest Canadian adults also the healthiest?" Health Reports. Vol. 25, no. 5. May. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-X. 8 p.

Garriguet, Didier and Rachel C. Colley. 2014. "A comparison of self-reported leisure-time physical activity and measured moderate to vigorous physical activity in adolescents and adults." Health Reports. Vol. 25, no. 7. July. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-X. 11 p.

Ng, Edward. 2015. "Canadian Health Measures Survey: A new tool for immigrant health research?" Health Reports. Vol. 26, no. 3. March. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-X. 9 p.

Rotermann, Michelle, Claudia Sanmartin, Deirdre Henness and Michele Arthur. 2014. "Prescription medication use by Candians aged 6 to 79." Health Reports. Vol. 25, no. 6. June. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-X. 9 p.

Rotermann, Michelle, Kellie Langlois, Anton Andonov and Maxim Trubnikov. 2013. "Seroprevalence of hepatitis B and C virus infections: Results from the 2007 to 2009 and 2009 to 2011 Canadian Health Measures Survey." Health Reports. Vol. 24, no. 11. November. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-X. pages 3 to 13.

The Daily releases

Statistics Canada. 2013. "Canadian Health Measures Survey: Directly measured physical activity of Canadians, 2007 to 2011." The Daily. May 30. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 11-001-X.

Health fact sheets

Statistics Canada. 2013. "Directly measured physical activity of Canadian adults, 2007 to 2011." Health Fact Sheets. May 30. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

Statistics Canada. 2013. "Directly measured physical activity of Canadian children and youth, 2007 to 2011." Health Fact Sheets. May 30. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-625-X.

External articles and publications

Adeli, Khosrow, Victoria Higgins, Michelle Nieuwesteegl, Joshua Raizman, Yungi Chen, Suzy Wong and David Blais. 2015. "Biochemical Marker Reference Values across Pediatric, Adult, and Geriatric Ages: Establishment of Robust Pediatric and Adult Reference Intervals on the Basis of the Canadian Health Measures Survey." Clinical Chemistry. Aug;61(8):1049-62. doi: 10.1373/clinchem.2015.240515. Epub 2015 Jun 4.

Adeli, Khosrow, Victoria Higgins, Michelle Nieuwesteegl, Joshua Raizman, Yungi Chen, Suzy Wong, David Blais and M. Abdelhaleem. 2015. "Complex biological profile of hematologic markers across pediatric, adult, and geriatric ages: establishment of robust pediatric and adult reference intervals on the basis of the Canadian Health Measures Survey." Clinical Chemistry. Aug;61(8):1075-86. doi: 10.1373/clinchem.2015.240531. Epub 2015 Jun 4.

Adeli, Khosrow, Victoria Higgins, Michelle Nieuwesteegl, Joshua Raizman, Yungi Chen, Suzy Wong, David Blais and M. Abdelhaleem. 2015."Complex reference values for endocrine and special chemistry biomarkers across pediatric, adult, and geriatric ages: establishment of robust pediatric and adult reference intervals on the basis of the Canadian Health Measures Survey." Clinical Chemistry.
Aug;61(8):1063-74. doi: 10.1373/clinchem.2015.240523. Epub 2015 Jun 4.

Aranda-Rodriquez, Rocio, Ashley Cabecinha, Jeromy Harvie, Zhiyun Jin, Axelle Marchand, Robert Tardif, Andy Nong and Sami Haddad. 2015. "A method for quantification of volatile organic compounds in blood by SPME-GC-MS/MS with broader application: From non-occupational exposure population to exposure studies."Journal of Chromatography B. Vol. 992. June. Pages 76 to 85.

Betancourt, Marisol T. K.C. Roberts, T-L Bennett, E.R. Driscoll and G. Jayaraman. 2014. "Chronic Disease Indicator Framework." CDIC. Vol. 34, Supplement 1. June 2014.

Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology Annual General Meeting — Extreme Human Physiology: From Pathology to Performance.

Carson, Valerie. 2014. "Patterns of sedentary time and cardiometabolic risk among Canadian adults." Preventative Medicine. Vol. 65. August. pages 23 to 27.

Clarke, J., J. Roy, J. Fowles and S. Dogra. 2013. "Should qualified exercise professionals measure skinfolds when assessing health-related fitness in the general population?" Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism. Vol. 38, no. 10, October. p. 1032. Proceedings of the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology Annual General Meeting — Extreme Human Physiology: From Pathology to Performance.

Clarke, Janine and Ian Janssen. 2013. "Is the frequency of weekly moderate-to-vigorous physical activity associated with the metabolic syndrome in Canadian adults?" Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism. Vol. 38, no. 7. July. pp. 773 to 778.

Copeland, Jennifer L., Janine Clarke and Shilpa Dogra. 2015. "Objectively measured and self-reported sedentary time in older Canadians." Preventive Medicine Reports. Vol. 2. pages 90 to 95.

Dogra, Shilpa, Janine Clarke, Joel Roy and Jonathan Fowles. 2015. "BMI-specific waist circumference is better than skinfolds for health-risk determination in the general population." Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism. Vol. 40, no. 2. pages 134 to 141.

Langlois, É, G. Saravanabhavan G, T.E. Arbuckle and S. Giroux. 2014. "Correction and comparability of phthalate metabolite measurements of Canadian biomonitoring studies (2007-2012)." Environment International. Vol. 64. March. pages 129 to 133.

Roy, J., J. Clarke, S. Dogra and J. Fowles. 2013. "The health of Canadian adults across fitness categories." Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism. Vol. 38, no. 10. October. p. 1074. Proceedings of the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology Annual General Meeting — Extreme Human Physiology: From Pathology to Performance.

St-Amand, A, K. Werry, L. Aylward, S. Hayes, A. Nong. 2014. "Screening of population level biomonitoring data from the Canadian Health Measures Survey in a risk-based context." Toxicol Lett. 2014 Dec 1;231(2):126-34. doi: 10.1016/j.toxlet.2014.10.019. Epub 2014 Oct 17.

Cycles 1, 2 and 3 combined (2007 to 2013)

External articles and publications

Gibson, Deborah. 2015. "Nutrition Biomarkers in the CHMS, Cycle 1" Cost-recovery for HC.