National vaccination coverage1 by antigen for children two years of age, 2015

National vaccination coverageNote 1 by antigen for children two years of age, 2015
Table summary
This table displays the results of National vaccination coverage by antigen for children two years of age. The information is grouped by Vaccine (appearing as row headers), 2 years of age, calculated using # doses, % and 95% confidence intervals units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Vaccine 2 years of age
# doses % 95% confidence intervals
Diptheria ≥ 4 76.9 71.7 81.5
Pertussis ≥ 4 77.0 71.7 81.5
Tetanus ≥ 4 76.7 71.4 81.3
Polio (IPV) ≥ 3 91.2 87.0 94.1
Haemophilus influenzae type B (Hib) ≥ 4 71.9 66.4 76.8
Measles ≥ 1 89.2 85.0 92.3
Mumps ≥ 1 88.9 84.6 92.1
Rubella ≥ 1 88.9 84.6 92.1
Hepatitis B ≥ 1Note 69.2 52.6 82.0
Varicella ≥ 1 74.8 69.3 79.7
Meningococcal C conjugate ≥ 1 87.8 83.2 91.4
Pneumococcal conjugate ≥ 3-4Note 80.3 75.1 84.7
Rotavirus ≥ 2Note § 75.4 69.2 80.6