National Travel Survey: C.V.s for Visit-Expenditures by Duration of Visit, Main Trip Purpose and Country or Region of Expenditures - Q3 2024

National Travel Survey: C.V.s for Visit-Expenditures by Duration of Visit, Main Trip Purpose and Country or Region of Expenditures, including expenditures at origin and those for air commercial transportation in Canada, in Thousands of Dollars (x 1,000)
Table summary
This table displays the results of C.V.s for Visit-Expenditures by Duration of Visit, Main Trip Purpose and Country or Region of Expenditures. The information is grouped by Duration of trip (appearing as row headers), Main Trip Purpose, Country or Region of Expenditures (Total, Canada, United States, Overseas) calculated using Visit-Expenditures in Thousands of Dollars (x 1,000) and c.v. as units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Duration of Visit Main Trip Purpose Country or Region of Expenditures
Total Canada United States Overseas
$ '000 C.V. $ '000 C.V. $ '000 C.V. $ '000 C.V.
Total Duration Total Main Trip Purpose 40,660,694 A 27,437,493 A 6,413,674 B 6,809,526 A
Holiday, leisure or recreation 24,678,057 A 15,439,601 A 4,733,574 B 4,504,883 B
Visit friends or relatives 9,520,467 A 7,154,524 B 687,698 B 1,678,245 B
Personal conference, convention or trade show 368,160 C 274,488 C 55,011 D 38,662 E
Shopping, non-routine 1,296,369 C 1,036,451 C 252,427 C 7,491 F
Other personal reasons 1,647,742 B 1,367,687 B 145,326 D 134,729 D
Business conference, convention or trade show 1,194,447 C 599,206 C 425,845 C 169,396 E
Other business 1,955,451 B 1,565,536 C 113,793 D 276,121 E
Same-Day Total Main Trip Purpose 7,769,001 A 7,169,446 A 492,662 B 106,893 E
Holiday, leisure or recreation 3,857,087 B 3,495,395 B 257,011 B 104,681 E
Visit friends or relatives 1,738,303 B 1,695,469 B 42,700 D 134 F
Personal conference, convention or trade show 76,393 D 76,256 D 137 F ..  
Shopping, non-routine 969,073 C 795,347 C 172,737 C 989 F
Other personal reasons 647,703 C 637,142 C 9,611 E 950 F
Business conference, convention or trade show 36,674 D 34,243 E 2,420 F 11 F
Other business 443,768 C 435,594 C 8,046 E 128 F
Overnight Total Main Trip Purpose 32,891,693 A 20,268,047 A 5,921,012 B 6,702,633 A
Holiday, leisure or recreation 20,820,970 A 11,994,206 A 4,476,563 B 4,400,202 B
Visit friends or relatives 7,782,164 B 5,459,055 B 644,998 B 1,678,111 B
Personal conference, convention or trade show 291,767 C 198,232 C 54,874 D 38,662 E
Shopping, non-routine 327,296 E 241,104 E 79,690 D 6,501 F
Other personal reasons 1,000,040 B 730,545 C 135,715 D 133,779 D
Business conference, convention or trade show 1,157,774 C 564,963 C 423,425 C 169,385 E
Other business 1,511,682 C 1,129,942 C 105,747 D 275,993 E
data not available

Estimates contained in this table have been assigned a letter to indicate their coefficient of variation (c.v.) (expressed as a percentage). The letter grades represent the following coefficients of variation:

c.v. between or equal to 0.00% and 5.00% and means Excellent.
c.v. between or equal to 5.01% and 15.00% and means Very good.
c.v. between or equal to 15.01% and 25.00% and means Good.
c.v. between or equal to 25.01% and 35.00% and means Acceptable.
c.v. greater than 35.00% and means Use with caution.
too unreliable to be published