Reporting instructions
- Report dollar amounts rounded to the nearest Canadian dollar.
- When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimates.
- Exclude federal, provincial and territorial sales taxes and excise duties and taxes.
- Report goods manufactured as part of an environmental service provided under Service provider, and include the sales of related machinery, equipment, and products.
Reporting period information
1. What are the start and end dates of this business or organization's most recently completed fiscal year that ended any time between April 1, 2022 and March 31, 2023?
- Fiscal Year Start date:
- Fiscal Year-End date:
2. What is the reason the reporting period does not cover a full year?
Select all that apply.
- Seasonal operations
- New business
- Change of ownership
- Temporarily inactive
- Change of fiscal year
- Ceased operations
- Other:
Specify other reason:
Activity sectors
1. Which of the following activity sectors apply to this business or organization?
Select all that apply.
- Manufacturer
Report goods (machinery and equipment) sold as part of an environmental service contract under service provider. - Wholesaler
Report goods (machinery and equipment) sold as part of an environmental service contract under service provider. - Service provider
Include turnkey project management, integrators, asset management, consulting, software development, development and integration. - OR None of the above
2. Which of the following categories are applicable to your manufacturing operations?
Select all that apply.
- Clean energy equipment
For example: wind, geothermal, hydro, solar, nuclear energy, and waste to energy.
Indicate the destination market.- Domestic
- Export
- Non-hazardous waste management technologies
For example: collection, separating and sorting, compaction, centralized biological reprocessing, and disposal equipment.
Indicate the destination market.- Domestic
- Export
- Industrial air pollution or flue gas management technologies
For example: physical and chemical treatment equipment
Indicate the destination market.- Domestic
- Export
- Monitoring and reduction of greenhouse gases and air pollution technologies
For example: low emitting burners, clean coal, carbon capture and sequestration, and leak detection technologies.
Indicate the destination market.- Domestic
- Export
- Industrial wastewater and municipal sewage treatment technologies
For example: physical, chemical and biological treatment of wastewater and sewage.
Indicate the destination market.- Domestic
- Export
- Water management, recycling and treatment of drinking water technologies
For example: information and communication technologies; equipment to reduce consumption; equipment for collection; and filtration, oxidation, and adjustment technologies.
Indicate the destination market.- Domestic
- Export
- Remediation of ground water, surface water and leachate technologies
For example: biological treatment, physical and chemical treatment, containment, air emissions and off-gas treatment, and radioactive contamination remediation technologies.
Indicate the destination market.- Domestic
- Export
- Remediation of soil, sediment and sludge technologies
For example: biological treatment, physical and chemical treatment, containment, thermal treatment and radioactive contamination remediation technologies.
Indicate the destination market.- Domestic
- Export
- Smart grid and energy storage technologies
For example: inverters, meters, batteries, fuel cells and storage systems.
Indicate the destination market.- Domestic
- Export
- Bioenergy production equipment
For example: biofuel reactors, combined heat and power bioenergy systems, filtration systems, biomass processing.
Indicate the destination market.- Domestic
- Export
- Biofuel, biomaterial and biochemical production
For example: pellets, biocrude, biodiesel, ethanol, biopesticides, biopolymers, nanomaterials, and engineered wood products.
Indicate the destination market.- Domestic
- Export
- Precision agriculture technologies
For example: variable rate equipment, sensors, UAV and drones, software and feeding technologies.
Indicate the destination market.- Domestic
- Export
- Energy efficiency technologies
For example: industrial, commercial, and residential equipment.
Indicate the destination market.- Domestic
- Export
- Transportation technologies
For example: fuel efficient automotive and aerospace equipment.
Indicate the destination market.- Domestic
- Export
- Other environmental-related manufacturing
- Specify other environmental manufacturing
- Other manufacturing
- Specify other manufacturing
3. Which of the following categories are applicable to your wholesale operations?
Select all that apply.
- Clean energy equipment
For example: wind, geothermal, hydro, solar, nuclear energy, and waste to energy.
Indicate the source and destination market.- Imported goods sold within Canada
- Domestic goods sold within Canada
- Exported goods, any source
- Non-hazardous waste management technologies
For example: collection, separating and sorting, compaction, centralized biological reprocessing, and disposal equipment.
Indicate the source and destination market.- Imported goods sold within Canada
- Domestic goods sold within Canada
- Exported goods, any source
- Industrial air pollution or flue gas management technologies
For example: physical and chemical treatment equipment
Indicate the source and destination market.- Imported goods sold within Canada
- Domestic goods sold within Canada
- Exported goods, any source
- Monitoring and reduction of greenhouse gases and air pollution technologies
For example: low emitting burners, clean coal, carbon capture and sequestration, and leak detection technologies.
Indicate the source and destination market.- Imported goods sold within Canada
- Domestic goods sold within Canada
- Exported goods, any source
- Industrial wastewater and municipal sewage treatment technologies
For example: physical, chemical and biological treatment of wastewater and sewage.
Indicate the source and destination market.- Imported goods sold within Canada
- Domestic goods sold within Canada
- Exported goods, any source
- Water management, recycling and treatment of drinking water technologies
For example: information and communication technologies; equipment to reduce consumption; equipment for collection; and filtration, oxidation, and adjustment technologies.
Indicate the source and destination market.- Imported goods sold within Canada
- Domestic goods sold within Canada
- Exported goods, any source
- Remediation of ground water, surface water and leachate technologies
For example: biological treatment, physical and chemical treatment, containment, air emissions and off-gas treatment, and radioactive contamination remediation technologies.
Indicate the source and destination market.- Imported goods sold within Canada
- Domestic goods sold within Canada
- Exported goods, any source
- Remediation of soil, sediment and sludge technologies
For example: biological treatment, physical and chemical treatment, containment, thermal treatment and radioactive contamination remediation technologies.
Indicate the source and destination market.- Imported goods sold within Canada
- Domestic goods sold within Canada
- Exported goods, any source
- Smart grid and energy storage technologies
For example: inverters, meters, batteries, fuel cells and storage systems.
Indicate the source and destination market.- Imported goods sold within Canada
- Domestic goods sold within Canada
- Exported goods, any source
- Bioenergy production equipment
For example: biofuel reactors, combined heat and power bioenergy systems, filtration systems, biomass processing.
Indicate the source and destination market.- Imported goods sold within Canada
- Domestic goods sold within Canada
- Exported goods, any source
- Biofuel, biomaterial and biochemical production
For example: pellets, biocrude, biodiesel, ethanol, biopesticides, biopolymers, nanomaterials, and engineered wood products.
Indicate the source and destination market.- Imported goods sold within Canada
- Domestic goods sold within Canada
- Exported goods, any source
- Precision agriculture technologies
For example: variable rate equipment, sensors, UAV and drones, software and feeding technologies.
Indicate the source and destination market.- Imported goods sold within Canada
- Domestic goods sold within Canada
- Exported goods, any source
- Energy efficiency technologies
For example: industrial, commercial, and residential equipment.
Indicate the source and destination market.- Imported goods sold within Canada
- Domestic goods sold within Canada
- Exported goods, any source
- Transportation technologies
For example: fuel efficient automotive and aerospace equipment.
Indicate the source and destination market.- Imported goods sold within Canada
- Domestic goods sold within Canada
- Exported goods, any source
- Other environmental-related wholesale
- Specify other environmental wholesale
- Other wholesale
- Specify other wholesale
Service provider
4. Which of the following categories are applicable to your service operations?
Include turnkey project management, integrators, asset management, development and integration.
Select all that apply.
- Site remediation or monitoring services and environmental emergency response services
For example: remediation of soil, water, air, and radioactive contamination; control, containment, and monitoring services; and environmental emergency response services.
Indicate the destination market.- Domestic
- International
- Energy efficiency, industrial design and related services
For example: sustainability consulting; certification services and audits; monitoring and demand control services; analysis, modelling, and consulting services; advanced insulation activities; retrofits; and aerodynamic and emission control design and testing.
Indicate the destination market.- Domestic
- International
- Monitoring and reduction of greenhouse gases and air pollution services
For example: emissions and air quality management services, monitoring and trading services, development of compliance and reporting systems, and risk assessments and management.
Indicate the destination market.- Domestic
- International
- Clean energy services
For example: installation, operations, maintenance, engineering and design services for wind, geothermal, hydro, solar, and nuclear energy projects.
Indicate the destination market.- Domestic
- International
- Water management and efficiency services
For example: planning and design; efficiency consulting; piloting, validation and verification; pipe inspection; training and plant operation; water quality testing and instrumentation services.
Indicate the destination market.- Domestic
- International
- Sustainable resource services
For example: support, consulting, and GPS and GIS services for precision agriculture; mass wood design, bioenergy and bioproduct services; silviculture and sustainable forestry services.
Indicate the destination market.- Domestic
- International
- Transportation services
For example: intelligent traffic control, traffic management, vehicle fleet logistics, traffic infrastructure, inspection services for air emissions, and alternative fuel retrofits.
Indicate the destination market.- Domestic
- International
- Smart grid services
For example: energy storage and microgrid solutions; cyber security services; data management, monitoring, and communication solutions; engineering, installation, maintenance, and design solutions.
Indicate the destination market.- Domestic
- International
- Other environmental-related service
- Specify other environmental service
- Other service
- Specify other service
Total revenue
5. What was this business or organization's total revenue?
Total revenue is the sum of the value of sales (before royalties, taxes and other charges) and all other revenues, except contributions from owners.
When precise figures are not available please provide your best estimates.
- sales of all goods and services
- other operating revenue
- non-operating revenue.
Report in CAN$:
Sales of goods
Report domestic and export sales of selected environmental goods or clean technology goods.
Include (where applicable):
- sales (domestic sales and export sales) of goods manufactured at a Canadian location
- sales of goods manufactured outside Canada and imported for sale
- federal, provincial and territorial sales taxes
- excise duties and taxes.
- subsidies.
Some goods listed may be used for more than one of the environmental functions listed. Report sales under the environmental function category that best reflects the ultimate use of your product.
Sales of environmental goods are defined as revenues derived from the sale of goods (cash or credits) falling within a business's ordinary activities. Sales should be reported net of excise and federal, provincial or territorial sales taxes.
For the purposes of this survey, clean technology can be considered to consist of any product, process, or service designed with the primary purpose of contributing to remediating or preventing any type of environmental damage.
Manufacturer — clean energy equipment — domestic sales
6. Report sales of goods manufactured in Canada.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Exclude revenues from sales of electricity.
Sales of goods manufactured in Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Wind | |
Wind turbine equipment, nacelle, blades, tower
Switchgear, transformers
Geothermal | |
Heat pumps, other equipment used in geothermal energy systems
Hydrothermal equipment | |
Hot dry rock (HDR) equipment
Advanced drilling and exploration equipment
Hydro | |
Turbines and related components
e.g., Francis, Kaplan, Pelton Exclude wave and tidal energy. |
Turbines and related components for wave and tidal energy
Generators, valves, gates, transformers, switchgear
Include components. |
Solar | |
Active solar heating equipment
e.g., glazed flat plate collectors, glazed evacuated tubes and collectors, unglazed panels and collectors for heating pools, perforated cladding for solar air heating. |
Active solar-power generation equipment
e.g., concentrating mirrors, receivers |
Photovoltaic energy equipment
e.g., photovoltaic cells, modules, panels and arrays, inverters for solar photovoltaic systems. |
Nuclear energy | |
Nuclear reactors, or nuclear island components
e.g., primary circuit, steam generators, primary side auxiliaries, nuclear island electrical supply, and instrumentation and controls. |
Nuclear fuel handling, processing, and fabrication equipment
Balance of plant components
e.g., electric generators, turbines for electricity generation, piping. |
Waste to Energy | |
Liquid organic waste to energy equipment
Solid organic waste to energy equipment
Anaerobic digesters
Other | |
All other clean energy equipment
Total |
Manufacturer — clean energy equipment — export sales
7. Report sales of exported goods manufactured in Canada.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Exclude revenues from sales of electricity.
Sales of exported goods manufactured in Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Wind | |
Wind turbine equipment, nacelle, blades, tower
Switchgear, transformers
Geothermal | |
Heat pumps, other equipment used in geothermal energy systems
Hydrothermal equipment
Hot dry rock (HDR) equipment
Advanced drilling and exploration equipment
Hydro | |
Turbines and related components
e.g., Francis, Kaplan, Pelton Exclude wave and tidal energy. |
Turbines and related components for wave and tidal energy
Generators, valves, gates, transformers, switchgear
Include components. |
Solar | |
Active solar heating equipment
e.g., glazed flat plate collectors, glazed evacuated tubes and collectors, unglazed panels and collectors for heating pools, perforated cladding for solar air heating. |
Active solar-power generation equipment
e.g., concentrating mirrors, receivers |
Photovoltaic energy equipment
e.g., photovoltaic cells, modules, panels and arrays, inverters for solar photovoltaic systems. |
Nuclear energy | |
Nuclear reactors, or nuclear island components
e.g., primary circuit, steam generators, primary side auxiliaries, nuclear island electrical supply, and instrumentation and controls. |
Nuclear fuel handling, processing, and fabrication equipment
Balance of plant components
e.g., electric generators, turbines for electricity generation, piping |
Waste to Energy | |
Liquid organic waste to energy equipment
Solid organic waste to energy equipment
Anaerobic digesters
Other | |
All other clean energy equipment
Total |
Wholesaler — clean energy equipment — domestic sales of imported goods
8. Report sales for wholesale of imported goods.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Exclude revenues from sales of electricity.
Sales for wholesale of imported goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Wind | |
Wind turbine equipment, nacelle, blades, tower
Switchgear, transformers
Geothermal | |
Heat pumps, other equipment used in geothermal energy systems
Hydrothermal equipment
Hot dry rock (HDR) equipment
Advanced drilling and exploration equipment
Hydro | |
Turbines and related components
e.g., Francis, Kaplan, Pelton Exclude wave and tidal energy. |
Turbines and related components for wave and tidal energy
Generators, valves, gates, transformers, switchgear
Include components. |
Solar | |
Active solar heating equipment
e.g., glazed flat plate collectors, glazed evacuated tubes and collectors, unglazed panels and collectors for heating pools, perforated cladding for solar air heating. |
Active solar-power generation equipment
e.g., concentrating mirrors, receivers |
Photovoltaic energy equipment
e.g., photovoltaic cells, modules, panels and arrays, inverters for solar photovoltaic systems. |
Nuclear energy | |
Nuclear reactors, or nuclear island components
e.g., primary circuit, steam generators, primary side auxiliaries, nuclear island electrical supply, and instrumentation and controls. |
Nuclear fuel handling, processing, and fabrication equipment
Balance of plant components
e.g., electric generators, turbines for electricity generation, piping |
Waste to Energy | |
Liquid organic waste to energy equipment
Solid organic waste to energy equipment
Anaerobic digesters
Other | |
All other clean energy equipment
Total |
Wholesaler — clean energy equipment — domestic sales of domestic goods
9. Report sales for wholesale of domestic goods.
Domestic goods are goods that are manufactured in Canada
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Exclude revenues from sales of electricity.
Sales for wholesale of domestic goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Wind | |
Wind turbine equipment, nacelle, blades, tower
Switchgear, transformers
Geothermal | |
Heat pumps, other equipment used in geothermal energy systems
Hydrothermal equipment
Hot dry rock (HDR) equipment
Advanced drilling and exploration equipment
Hydro | |
Turbines and related components
e.g., Francis, Kaplan, Pelton Exclude wave and tidal energy. |
Turbines and related components for wave and tidal energy
Generators, valves, gates, transformers, switchgear
Include components. |
Solar | |
Active solar heating equipment
e.g., glazed flat plate collectors, glazed evacuated tubes and collectors, unglazed panels and collectors for heating pools, perforated cladding for solar air heating. |
Active solar-power generation equipment
e.g., concentrating mirrors, receivers |
Photovoltaic energy equipment
e.g., photovoltaic cells, modules, panels and arrays, inverters for solar photovoltaic systems. |
Nuclear energy | |
Nuclear reactors, or nuclear island components
e.g., primary circuit, steam generators, primary side auxiliaries, nuclear island electrical supply, and instrumentation and controls. |
Nuclear fuel handling, processing, and fabrication equipment
Balance of plant components
e.g., electric generators, turbines for electricity generation, piping |
Waste to Energy | |
Liquid organic waste to energy equipment
Solid organic waste to energy equipment
Anaerobic digesters
Other | |
All other clean energy equipment
Total |
Wholesaler — clean energy equipment — sales of exported goods
10. Report sales for wholesale of exported goods.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Exclude revenues from sales of electricity.
Sales for wholesale of exported goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Wind | |
Wind turbine equipment, nacelle, blades, tower
Switchgear, transformers
Geothermal | |
Heat pumps, other equipment used in geothermal energy systems
Hydrothermal equipment
Hot dry rock (HDR) equipment
Advanced drilling and exploration equipment
Hydro | |
Turbines and related components
e.g., Francis, Kaplan, Pelton Exclude wave and tidal energy. |
Turbines and related components for wave and tidal energy
Generators, valves, gates, transformers, switchgear
Include components. |
Solar | |
Active solar heating equipment
e.g., glazed flat plate collectors, glazed evacuated tubes and collectors, unglazed panels and collectors for heating pools, perforated cladding for solar air heating. |
Active solar-power generation equipment
e.g., concentrating mirrors, receivers |
Photovoltaic energy equipment
e.g., photovoltaic cells, modules, panels and arrays, inverters for solar photovoltaic systems. |
Nuclear energy | |
Nuclear reactors, or nuclear island components
e.g., primary circuit, steam generators, primary side auxiliaries, nuclear island electrical supply, and instrumentation and controls. |
Nuclear fuel handling, processing, and fabrication equipment
Balance of plant components
e.g., electric generators, turbines for electricity generation, piping |
Waste to Energy | |
Liquid organic waste to energy equipment
Solid organic waste to energy equipment
Anaerobic digesters
Other | |
All other clean energy equipment
Total |
Manufacturer — non-hazardous waste management technologies — domestic sales
11. Report sales of goods manufactured in Canada.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales of goods manufactured in Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Collection | |
Collection vehicles for non-hazardous waste, recycling and organics
Containers for collection of non-hazardous waste, recycling and organics
Recycling equipment
Separating and sorting | |
Air classifiers, magnetic separators, eddy current separators
Compaction | |
Balers, densifiers, compactors, shredders, granulators
Centralized biological reprocessing | |
Centralized composters
e.g., turned-windrow, aerated static pile, mechanically agitated in-vessel. |
Disposal | |
Equipment for landfill leachate collection and containment
Equipment for landfill gas management
Equipment for thermal treatment
e.g., rotary kiln incinerator, mass burning, starved air incinerator, fluidized bed. |
Other | |
All other non-hazardous waste management technologies
Total |
Manufacturer — non-hazardous waste management technologies — export sales
12. Report sales of exported goods manufactured in Canada.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales of exported goods manufactured in Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Collection | |
Collection vehicles for non-hazardous waste, recycling and organics
Containers for collection of non-hazardous waste, recycling and organics
Recycling equipment
Separating and sorting | |
Air classifiers, magnetic separators, eddy current separators
Compaction | |
Balers, densifiers, compactors, shredders, granulators
Centralized biological reprocessing | |
Centralized composters
e.g., turned-windrow, aerated static pile, mechanically agitated in-vessel. |
Disposal | |
Equipment for landfill leachate collection and containment
Equipment for landfill gas management
Equipment for thermal treatment
e.g., rotary kiln incinerator, mass burning, starved air incinerator, fluidized bed. |
Other | |
All other non-hazardous waste management technologies
Total |
Wholesaler — non-hazardous waste management technologies — domestic sales of imported goods
13. Report sales for wholesale of imported goods
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales for wholesale of imported goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Collection | |
Collection vehicles for non-hazardous waste, recycling and organics
Containers for collection of non-hazardous waste, recycling and organics
Recycling equipment
Separating and sorting | |
Air classifiers, magnetic separators, eddy current separators
Compaction | |
Balers, densifiers, compactors, shredders, granulators
Centralized biological reprocessing | |
Centralized composters
e.g., turned-windrow, aerated static pile, mechanically agitated in-vessel. |
Disposal | |
Equipment for landfill leachate collection and containment
Equipment for landfill gas management
Equipment for thermal treatment
e.g., rotary kiln incinerator, mass burning, starved air incinerator, fluidized bed. |
Other | |
All other non-hazardous waste management technologies
Total |
Wholesaler — non-hazardous waste management technologies — domestic sales of domestic goods
14. Report sales for wholesale of domestic goods.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales for wholesale of domestic goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Collection | |
Collection vehicles for non-hazardous waste, recycling and organics
Containers for collection of non-hazardous waste, recycling and organics
Recycling equipment
Separating and sorting | |
Air classifiers, magnetic separators, eddy current separators
Compaction | |
Balers, densifiers, compactors, shredders, granulators
Centralized biological reprocessing | |
Centralized composters
e.g., turned-windrow, aerated static pile, mechanically agitated in-vessel. |
Disposal | |
Equipment for landfill leachate collection and containment
Equipment for landfill gas management
Equipment for thermal treatment
e.g., rotary kiln incinerator, mass burning, starved air incinerator, fluidized bed. |
Other | |
All other non-hazardous waste management technologies
Total |
Wholesaler — non-hazardous waste management technologies — sales of exported goods
15. Report sales for wholesale of exported goods.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales for wholesale of exported goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Collection | |
Collection vehicles for non-hazardous waste, recycling and organics
Containers for collection of non-hazardous waste, recycling and organics
Recycling equipment
Separating and sorting | |
Air classifiers, magnetic separators, eddy current separators
Compaction | |
Balers, densifiers, compactors, shredders, granulators
Centralized biological reprocessing | |
Centralized composters
e.g., turned-windrow, aerated static pile, mechanically agitated in-vessel. |
Disposal | |
Equipment for landfill leachate collection and containment
Equipment for landfill gas management
Equipment for thermal treatment
e.g., rotary kiln incinerator, mass burning, starved air incinerator, fluidized bed. |
Other | |
All other non-hazardous waste management technologies
Total |
Manufacturer — industrial air pollution or flue gas management technologies — domestic sales
16. Report sales of goods manufactured in Canada.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales of goods manufactured in Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Physical or chemical treatment | |
Filters and cyclones
e.g., membrane, baghouse, granular bed |
Electrostatic precipitators
e.g., venturi, spray tower, mechanical, plate tower, packed tower |
Waste gas absorbers and waste gas flare or incinerators
Industrial catalytic converters
Pollutant recovery condensers
Other | |
All other industrial air pollution or flue gas management technologies
Total |
Manufacturer — industrial air pollution or flue gas management technologies — export sales
17. Report sales of exported goods manufactured in Canada.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales of exported goods manufactured in Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Physical or chemical treatment | |
Filters and cyclones
e.g., membrane, baghouse, granular bed |
Electrostatic precipitators
e.g., venturi, spray tower, mechanical, plate tower, packed tower |
Waste gas absorbers and waste gas flare or incinerators
Industrial catalytic converters
Pollutant recovery condensers
Other | |
All other industrial air pollution or flue gas management technologies
Total |
Wholesaler — industrial air pollution or flue gas management technologies — domestic sales of imported goods
18. Report sales for wholesale of imported goods.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales for wholesale of imported goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Physical or chemical treatment | |
Filters and cyclones
e.g., membrane, baghouse, granular bed |
Electrostatic precipitators
e.g., venturi, spray tower, mechanical, plate tower, packed tower |
Waste gas absorbers and waste gas flare or incinerators
Industrial catalytic converters
Pollutant recovery condensers
Other | |
All other industrial air pollution or flue gas management technologies
Total |
Wholesaler — industrial air pollution or flue gas management technologies — domestic sales of domestic goods
19. Report sales for wholesale of domestic goods.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales for wholesale of domestic goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Physical or chemical treatment | |
Filters and cyclones
e.g., membrane, baghouse, granular bed |
Electrostatic precipitators
e.g., venturi, spray tower, mechanical, plate tower, packed tower |
Waste gas absorbers and waste gas flare or incinerators
Industrial catalytic converters
Pollutant recovery condensers
Other | |
All other industrial air pollution or flue gas management technologies
Total |
Wholesaler — industrial air pollution or flue gas management technologies — sales of exported goods
20. Report sales for wholesale of exported goods.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales for wholesale of exported goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Physical or chemical treatment | |
Filters and cyclones
e.g., membrane, baghouse, granular bed |
Electrostatic precipitators
e.g., venturi, spray tower, mechanical, plate tower, packed tower |
Waste gas absorbers and waste gas flare or incinerators
Industrial catalytic converters
Pollutant recovery condensers
Other | |
All other industrial air pollution or flue gas management technologies
Total |
Manufacturer — monitoring and reduction of greenhouse gases and air pollution technologies — domestic sales
21. Report sales of goods manufactured in Canada.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales of goods manufactured in Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Greenhouse gas control technologies | |
Clean coal processing technologies
Carbon capture and sequestration technologies and storage
All other greenhouse gas control technologies
Air quality and air pollution technologies | |
Low emitting burners
e.g., low NOx, low SOx |
All other air quality and air pollution technologies
Monitoring and compliance technologies | |
Leak detection technologies
e.g., ultrasonic detection and measurement, gas leak detection |
Environmental measurement apparatus
All other monitoring and compliance technologies
Other | |
All other monitoring and reduction of greenhouse gases and air pollution technologies
Total |
Manufacturer — monitoring and reduction of greenhouse gases and air pollution technologies — export sales
22. Report sales of exported goods manufactured in Canada.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales of exported goods manufactured in Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Greenhouse gas control technologies | |
Clean coal processing technologies
Carbon capture and sequestration technologies and storage
All other greenhouse gas control technologies
Air quality and air pollution technologies | |
Low emitting burners
e.g., low NOx, low SOx |
All other air quality and air pollution technologies
Monitoring and compliance technologies | |
Leak detection technologies
e.g., ultrasonic detection and measurement, gas leak detection |
Environmental measurement apparatus
All other monitoring and compliance technologies
Other | |
All other monitoring and reduction of greenhouse gases and air pollution technologies
Total |
Wholesaler — monitoring and reduction of greenhouse gases and air pollution technologies — domestic sales of imported goods
23. Report sales for wholesale of imported goods.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales for wholesale of imported goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Greenhouse gas control technologies | |
Clean coal processing technologies
Carbon capture and sequestration technologies and storage
All other greenhouse gas control technologies
Air quality and air pollution technologies | |
Low emitting burners
e.g., low NOx, low SOx |
All other air quality and air pollution technologies
Monitoring and compliance technologies | |
Leak detection technologies
e.g., ultrasonic detection and measurement, gas leak detection |
Environmental measurement apparatus
All other monitoring and compliance technologies
Other | |
All other monitoring and reduction of greenhouse gases and air pollution technologies
Total |
Wholesaler — monitoring and reduction of greenhouse gases and air pollution technologies — domestic sales of domestic goods
24. Report sales for wholesale of domestic goods.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales for wholesale of domestic goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Greenhouse gas control technologies | |
Clean coal processing technologies
Carbon capture and sequestration technologies and storage
All other greenhouse gas control technologies
Air quality and air pollution technologies | |
Low emitting burners
e.g., low NOx, low SOx |
All other air quality and air pollution technologies
Monitoring and compliance technologies | |
Leak detection technologies
e.g., ultrasonic detection and measurement, gas leak detection |
Environmental measurement apparatus
All other monitoring and compliance technologies
Other | |
All other monitoring and reduction of greenhouse gases and air pollution technologies
Total |
Wholesaler — monitoring and reduction of greenhouse gases and air pollution technologies — sales of exported goods
25. Report sales for wholesale of exported goods.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales for wholesale of exported goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Greenhouse gas control technologies | |
Clean coal processing technologies
Carbon capture and sequestration technologies and storage
All other greenhouse gas control technologies
Air quality and air pollution technologies | |
Low emitting burners
e.g., low NOx, low SOx |
All other air quality and air pollution technologies
Monitoring and compliance technologies | |
Leak detection technologies
e.g., ultrasonic detection and measurement, gas leak detection |
Environmental measurement apparatus
All other monitoring and compliance technologies
Other | |
All other monitoring and reduction of greenhouse gases and air pollution technologies
Total |
Manufacturer — industrial wastewater and municipal sewage treatment technologies — domestic sales
26. Report sales of goods manufactured in Canada.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales of goods manufactured in Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Physical or chemical treatment of industrial wastewater | |
Tanks and related components for dilution or equalization, neutralization, sedimentation, chemical precipitation
Oil separator, skimmers
Ion exchange beds
Air stripping tanks or columns
Liquid extraction columns
Micro-porous membrane adsorbers
Equipment for advanced chemical oxidation or UV radiation
Pre-treatment filters
Chemicals used in industrial wastewater treatment
Centralized physical or chemical and biological treatment of municipal sewage | |
Intake screens
Air sparging grit chambers
Oil separators, skimmers
Tanks and related components for sedimentation, chemical precipitation or flocculation, aerobic biological treatment, aeration, clarification, disinfection
Membrane bioreactors
Trickling filters
Anaerobic digesters
Chemicals used in municipal sewage treatment
Other | |
All other industrial wastewater and municipal sewage treatment technologies
Total |
Manufacturer — industrial wastewater and municipal sewage treatment technologies — export sales
27. Report sales of exported goods manufactured in Canada.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales of exported goods manufactured in Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Physical or chemical treatment of industrial wastewater | |
Tanks and related components for dilution or equalization, neutralization, sedimentation, chemical precipitation
Oil separator, skimmers
Ion exchange beds
Air stripping tanks or columns
Liquid extraction columns
Micro-porous membrane adsorbers
Equipment for advanced chemical oxidation or UV radiation
Pre-treatment filters
Chemicals used in industrial wastewater treatment
Centralized physical or chemical and biological treatment of municipal sewage | |
Intake screens
Air sparging grit chambers
Oil separators, skimmers
Tanks and related components for sedimentation, chemical precipitation or flocculation, aerobic biological treatment, aeration, clarification, disinfection
Membrane bioreactors
Trickling filters
Anaerobic digesters
Chemicals used in municipal sewage treatment
Other | |
All other industrial wastewater and municipal sewage treatment technologies
Total |
Wholesaler — industrial wastewater and municipal sewage treatment technologies — domestic sales of imported goods
28. Report sales for wholesale of imported goods.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales for wholesale of imported goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Physical or chemical treatment of industrial wastewater | |
Tanks and related components for dilution or equalization, neutralization, sedimentation, chemical precipitation
Oil separator, skimmers
Ion exchange beds
Air stripping tanks or columns
Liquid extraction columns
Micro-porous membrane adsorbers
Equipment for advanced chemical oxidation or UV radiation
Pre-treatment filters
Chemicals used in industrial wastewater treatment
Centralized physical or chemical and biological treatment of municipal sewage | |
Intake screens
Air sparging grit chambers
Oil separators, skimmers
Tanks and related components for sedimentation, chemical precipitation or flocculation, aerobic biological treatment, aeration, clarification, disinfection
Membrane bioreactors
Trickling filters
Anaerobic digesters
Chemicals used in municipal sewage treatment
Other | |
All other industrial wastewater and municipal sewage treatment technologies
Total |
Wholesaler — industrial wastewater and municipal sewage treatment technologies — domestic sales of domestic goods
29. Report sales for wholesale of domestic goods.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales for wholesale of domestic goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Physical or chemical treatment of industrial wastewater | |
Tanks and related components for dilution or equalization, neutralization, sedimentation, chemical precipitation
Oil separator, skimmers
Ion exchange beds
Air stripping tanks or columns
Liquid extraction columns
Micro-porous membrane adsorbers
Equipment for advanced chemical oxidation or UV radiation
Pre-treatment filters
Chemicals used in industrial wastewater treatment
Centralized physical or chemical and biological treatment of municipal sewage | |
Intake screens
Air sparging grit chambers
Oil separators, skimmers
Tanks and related components for sedimentation, chemical precipitation or flocculation, aerobic biological treatment, aeration, clarification, disinfection
Membrane bioreactors
Trickling filters
Anaerobic digesters
Chemicals used in municipal sewage treatment
Other | |
All other industrial wastewater and municipal sewage treatment technologies
Total |
Wholesaler — industrial wastewater and municipal sewage treatment technologies — sales of exported goods
30. Report sales for wholesale of exported goods.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales for wholesale of exported goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Physical or chemical treatment of industrial wastewater | |
Tanks and related components for dilution or equalization, neutralization, sedimentation, chemical precipitation
Oil separator, skimmers
Ion exchange beds
Air stripping tanks or columns
Liquid extraction columns
Micro-porous membrane adsorbers
Equipment for advanced chemical oxidation or UV radiation
Pre-treatment filters
Chemicals used in industrial wastewater treatment
Centralized physical or chemical and biological treatment of municipal sewage | |
Intake screens
Air sparging grit chambers
Oil separators, skimmers
Tanks and related components for sedimentation, chemical precipitation or flocculation, aerobic biological treatment, aeration, clarification, disinfection
Membrane bioreactors
Trickling filters
Anaerobic digesters
Chemicals used in municipal sewage treatment
Other | |
All other industrial wastewater and municipal sewage treatment technologies
Total |
Manufacturer — water management, recycling and treatment of drinking water technologies — domestic sales
31. Report sales of goods manufactured in Canada.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales of goods manufactured in Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Treatment of drinking water technologies | |
Alkalinity adjustment for process control
Corrosion control (negative pH adjustment)
Greensand filtration
Microfiltration and ultrafiltration
Reverse osmosis
Electrodeionization technologies
Desalination processes
Equipment for advanced chemical oxidation and UV radiation
Chemicals used in drinking water treatment
All other treatment of drinking water technologies
Water management and water recycling technologies | |
Information and communication technologies
e.g., sensors, platform, software |
Equipment to reduce water consumption
e.g., low flow shower heads, low flow toilets, filters |
Equipment for rainwater collection
e.g., reservoirs, tanks |
Greywater reuse systems
All other water management and water recycling technologies
Other | |
All other water management, recycling and treatment of drinking water technologies
Total |
Manufacturer — water management, recycling and treatment of drinking water technologies — export sales
32. Report sales of exported goods manufactured in Canada.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales of exported goods manufactured in Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Treatment of drinking water technologies | |
Alkalinity adjustment for process control
Corrosion control (negative pH adjustment)
Greensand filtration
Microfiltration and ultrafiltration
Reverse osmosis
Electrodeionization technologies
Desalination processes
Equipment for advanced chemical oxidation and UV radiation
Chemicals used in drinking water treatment
All other treatment of drinking water technologies
Water management and water recycling technologies | |
Information and communication technologies
e.g., sensors, platform, software |
Equipment to reduce water consumption
e.g., low flow shower heads, low flow toilets, filters |
Equipment for rainwater collection
e.g., reservoirs, tanks |
Greywater reuse systems
All other water management and water recycling technologies
Other | |
All other water management, recycling and treatment of drinking water technologies
Total |
Wholesaler — water management, recycling and treatment of drinking water technologies — domestic sales of imported goods
33. Report sales for wholesale of imported goods.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales for wholesale of imported goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Treatment of drinking water technologies | |
Alkalinity adjustment for process control
Corrosion control (negative pH adjustment)
Greensand filtration
Microfiltration and ultrafiltration
Reverse osmosis
Electrodeionization technologies
Desalination processes
Equipment for advanced chemical oxidation and UV radiation
Chemicals used in drinking water treatment
All other treatment of drinking water technologies
Water management and water recycling technologies | |
Information and communication technologies
e.g., sensors, platform, software |
Equipment to reduce water consumption
e.g., low flow shower heads, low flow toilets, filters |
Equipment for rainwater collection
e.g., reservoirs, tanks |
Greywater reuse systems
All other water management and water recycling technologies
Other | |
All other water management, recycling and treatment of drinking water technologies
Total |
Wholesaler — water management, recycling and treatment of drinking water technologies — domestic sales of domestic goods
34. Report sales for wholesale of domestic goods.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales for wholesale of domestic goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Treatment of drinking water technologies | |
Alkalinity adjustment for process control
Corrosion control (negative pH adjustment)
Greensand filtration
Microfiltration and ultrafiltration
Reverse osmosis
Electrodeionization technologies
Desalination processes
Equipment for advanced chemical oxidation and UV radiation
Chemicals used in drinking water treatment
All other treatment of drinking water technologies
Water management and water recycling technologies | |
Information and communication technologies
e.g., sensors, platform, software |
Equipment to reduce water consumption
e.g., low flow shower heads, low flow toilets, filters |
Equipment for rainwater collection
e.g., reservoirs, tanks |
Greywater reuse systems
All other water management and water recycling technologies
Other | |
All other water management, recycling and treatment of drinking water technologies
Total |
Wholesaler — water management, recycling and treatment of drinking water technologies — sales of exported goods
35. Report sales for wholesale of exported goods.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales for wholesale of exported goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Treatment of drinking water technologies | |
Alkalinity adjustment for process control
Corrosion control (negative pH adjustment)
Greensand filtration
Microfiltration and ultrafiltration
Reverse osmosis
Electrodeionization technologies
Desalination processes
Equipment for advanced chemical oxidation and UV radiation
Chemicals used in drinking water treatment
All other treatment of drinking water technologies
Water management and water recycling technologies | |
Information and communication technologies
e.g., sensors, platform, software |
Equipment to reduce water consumption
e.g., low flow shower heads, low flow toilets, filters |
Equipment for rainwater collection
e.g., reservoirs, tanks |
Greywater reuse systems
All other water management and water recycling technologies
Other | |
All other water management, recycling and treatment of drinking water technologies
Total |
Manufacturer — remediation of ground water, surface water and leachate technologies — domestic sales
36. Report sales of goods manufactured in Canada.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales of goods manufactured in Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
In situ biological treatments e.g., enhanced bioremediation, phytoremediation |
Ex situ biological treatments e.g., bioreaction |
In situ physical and chemical treatments Include sales of chemicals for remediation of ground water, surface water and leachate. e.g., air sparging, bioslurping, chemical oxidation, directional wells, dual phase extraction, thermal treatment, hydrofracturing enhancements, in-well air stripping, passive and reactive treatment walls |
Ex situ physical and chemical treatments Include sales of chemicals for remediation of ground water, surface water and leachate. e.g., adsorption and absorption, advanced oxidation, air stripping, ion exchange, precipitation, flocculation, coagulation, separation, sprinkler irrigation |
Containment e.g., physical barriers, deep well injection |
Air emissions and off-gas treatments e.g., oxidation, scrubbing, vapour phase carbon adsorption |
Radioactive waste management, decommissioning, and site remediation | |
All other remediation of ground water, surface water and leachate technologies | |
Total |
Manufacturer — remediation of ground water, surface water and leachate technologies — export sales
37. Report sales of exported goods manufactured in Canada.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales of exported goods manufactured in Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
In situ biological treatments e.g., enhanced bioremediation, phytoremediation |
Ex situ biological treatments e.g., bioreaction |
In situ physical and chemical treatments Include sales of chemicals for remediation of ground water, surface water and leachate. e.g., air sparging, bioslurping, chemical oxidation, directional wells, dual phase extraction, thermal treatment, hydrofracturing enhancements, in-well air stripping, passive and reactive treatment walls |
Ex situ physical and chemical treatments Include sales of chemicals for remediation of ground water, surface water and leachate. e.g., adsorption and absorption, advanced oxidation, air stripping, ion exchange, precipitation, flocculation, coagulation, separation, sprinkler irrigation |
Containment e.g., physical barriers, deep well injection |
Air emissions and off-gas treatments e.g., oxidation, scrubbing, vapour phase carbon adsorption |
Radioactive waste management, decommissioning, and site remediation | |
All other remediation of ground water, surface water and leachate technologies | |
Total |
Wholesaler — remediation of ground water, surface water and leachate technologies — domestic sales of imported goods
38. Report sales for wholesale of imported goods.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales for wholesale of imported goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
In situ biological treatments e.g., enhanced bioremediation, phytoremediation |
Ex situ biological treatments e.g., bioreaction |
In situ physical and chemical treatments Include sales of chemicals for remediation of ground water, surface water and leachate. e.g., air sparging, bioslurping, chemical oxidation, directional wells, dual phase extraction, thermal treatment, hydrofracturing enhancements, in-well air stripping, passive and reactive treatment walls |
Ex situ physical and chemical treatments Include sales of chemicals for remediation of ground water, surface water and leachate. e.g., adsorption and absorption, advanced oxidation, air stripping, ion exchange, precipitation, flocculation, coagulation, separation, sprinkler irrigation |
Containment e.g., physical barriers, deep well injection |
Air emissions and off-gas treatments e.g., oxidation, scrubbing, vapour phase carbon adsorption |
Radioactive waste management, decommissioning, and site remediation | |
All other remediation of ground water, surface water and leachate technologies | |
Total |
Wholesaler — remediation of ground water, surface water and leachate technologies — domestic sales of domestic goods
39. Report sales for wholesale of domestic goods.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales for wholesale of domestic goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
In situ biological treatments e.g., enhanced bioremediation, phytoremediation |
Ex situ biological treatments e.g., bioreaction |
In situ physical and chemical treatments Include sales of chemicals for remediation of ground water, surface water and leachate. e.g., air sparging, bioslurping, chemical oxidation, directional wells, dual phase extraction, thermal treatment, hydrofracturing enhancements, in-well air stripping, passive and reactive treatment walls |
Ex situ physical and chemical treatments Include sales of chemicals for remediation of ground water, surface water and leachate. e.g., adsorption and absorption, advanced oxidation, air stripping, ion exchange, precipitation, flocculation, coagulation, separation, sprinkler irrigation |
Containment e.g., physical barriers, deep well injection |
Air emissions and off-gas treatments e.g., oxidation, scrubbing, vapour phase carbon adsorption |
Radioactive waste management, decommissioning, and site remediation | |
All other remediation of ground water, surface water and leachate technologies | |
Total |
Wholesaler — remediation of ground water, surface water and leachate technologies — sales of exported goods
40. Report sales for wholesale of exported goods.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales for wholesale of exported goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
In situ biological treatments e.g., enhanced bioremediation, phytoremediation |
Ex situ biological treatments e.g., bioreaction |
In situ physical and chemical treatments Include sales of chemicals for remediation of ground water, surface water and leachate. e.g., air sparging, bioslurping, chemical oxidation, directional wells, dual phase extraction, thermal treatment, hydrofracturing enhancements, in-well air stripping, passive and reactive treatment walls |
Ex situ physical and chemical treatments Include sales of chemicals for remediation of ground water, surface water and leachate. e.g., adsorption and absorption, advanced oxidation, air stripping, ion exchange, precipitation, flocculation, coagulation, separation, sprinkler irrigation |
Containment e.g., physical barriers, deep well injection |
Air emissions and off-gas treatments e.g., oxidation, scrubbing, vapour phase carbon adsorption |
Radioactive waste management, decommissioning, and site remediation | |
All other remediation of ground water, surface water and leachate technologies | |
Total |
Manufacturer — remediation of soil, sediment and sludge technologies — domestic sales
41. Report sales of goods manufactured in Canada.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales of goods manufactured in Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
In situ biological treatments e.g., bioventing, enhanced bioremediation, phytoremediation |
Ex situ biological treatments e.g., biopiles, composting, landfarming, slurry phase biological treatment |
In situ physical and chemical treatments Include sales of chemicals for remediation of soil, sediment and sludge, i.e., biochar, soil amendments e.g., chemical oxidation, fracturing, soil flushing, soil vapour extraction, solidification and stabilization. |
Ex situ physical and chemical treatments Include sales of chemicals for remediation of soil, sediment and sludge e.g., chemical extraction, chemical reduction and oxidation, dehalogenation, separation, soil washing, solidification and stabilization. |
In situ thermal treatments e.g., hot air injection, electrical resistance |
Ex situ thermal treatments e.g., incineration, pyrolysis, thermal desorption |
Containment e.g., landfill cap, landfill cap enhancements and alternatives |
Remediation of radioactive contamination | |
All other remediation of soil, sediment and sludge technologies | |
Total |
Manufacturer — remediation of soil, sediment and sludge technologies — export sales
42. Report sales of exported goods manufactured in Canada.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales of exported goods manufactured in Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
In situ biological treatments e.g., bioventing, enhanced bioremediation, phytoremediation |
Ex situ biological treatments e.g., biopiles, composting, landfarming, slurry phase biological treatment |
In situ physical and chemical treatments Include sales of chemicals for remediation of soil, sediment and sludge, i.e., biochar, soil amendments e.g., chemical oxidation, fracturing, soil flushing, soil vapour extraction, solidification and stabilization. |
Ex situ physical and chemical treatments Include sales of chemicals for remediation of soil, sediment and sludge e.g., chemical extraction, chemical reduction and oxidation, dehalogenation, separation, soil washing, solidification and stabilization. |
In situ thermal treatments e.g., hot air injection, electrical resistance |
Ex situ thermal treatments e.g., incineration, pyrolysis, thermal desorption |
Containment e.g., landfill cap, landfill cap enhancements and alternatives |
Remediation of radioactive contamination | |
All other remediation of soil, sediment and sludge technologies | |
Total |
Wholesaler — remediation of soil, sediment and sludge technologies — domestic sales of imported goods
43. Report sales for wholesale of imported goods.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales for wholesale of imported goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
In situ biological treatments e.g., bioventing, enhanced bioremediation, phytoremediation |
Ex situ biological treatments e.g., biopiles, composting, landfarming, slurry phase biological treatment |
In situ physical and chemical treatments Include sales of chemicals for remediation of soil, sediment and sludge, i.e., biochar, soil amendments e.g., chemical oxidation, fracturing, soil flushing, soil vapour extraction, solidification and stabilization. |
Ex situ physical and chemical treatments Include sales of chemicals for remediation of soil, sediment and sludge e.g., chemical extraction, chemical reduction and oxidation, dehalogenation, separation, soil washing, solidification and stabilization. |
In situ thermal treatments e.g., hot air injection, electrical resistance |
Ex situ thermal treatments e.g., incineration, pyrolysis, thermal desorption |
Containment e.g., landfill cap, landfill cap enhancements and alternatives |
Remediation of radioactive contamination | |
All other remediation of soil, sediment and sludge technologies | |
Total |
Wholesaler — remediation of soil, sediment and sludge technologies — domestic sales of domestic goods
44. Report sales for wholesale of domestic goods.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales for wholesale of domestic goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
In situ biological treatments e.g., bioventing, enhanced bioremediation, phytoremediation |
Ex situ biological treatments e.g., biopiles, composting, landfarming, slurry phase biological treatment |
In situ physical and chemical treatments Include sales of chemicals for remediation of soil, sediment and sludge, i.e., biochar, soil amendments e.g., chemical oxidation, fracturing, soil flushing, soil vapour extraction, solidification and stabilization |
Ex situ physical and chemical treatments Include sales of chemicals for remediation of soil, sediment and sludge e.g., chemical extraction, chemical reduction and oxidation, dehalogenation, separation, soil washing, solidification and stabilization. |
In situ thermal treatments e.g., hot air injection, electrical resistance |
Ex situ thermal treatments e.g., incineration, pyrolysis, thermal desorption |
Containment e.g., landfill cap, landfill cap enhancements and alternatives |
Remediation of radioactive contamination | |
All other remediation of soil, sediment and sludge technologies | |
Total |
Wholesaler — remediation of soil, sediment and sludge technologies — sales of exported goods
45. Report sales for wholesale of exported goods.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales for wholesale of exported goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
In situ biological treatments e.g., bioventing, enhanced bioremediation, phytoremediation |
Ex situ biological treatments e.g., biopiles, composting, landfarming, slurry phase biological treatment |
In situ physical and chemical treatments Include sales of chemicals for remediation of soil, sediment and sludge, i.e., biochar, soil amendments e.g., chemical oxidation, fracturing, soil flushing, soil vapour extraction, solidification and stabilization |
Ex situ physical and chemical treatments Include sales of chemicals for remediation of soil, sediment and sludge e.g., chemical extraction, chemical reduction and oxidation, dehalogenation, separation, soil washing, solidification and stabilization-. |
In situ thermal treatments e.g., hot air injection, electrical resistance |
Ex situ thermal treatments e.g., incineration, pyrolysis, thermal desorption |
Containment e.g., landfill cap, landfill cap enhancements and alternatives |
Remediation of radioactive contamination | |
All other remediation of soil, sediment and sludge technologies | |
Total |
Manufacturer — smart grid and energy storage technologies — domestic sales
46. Report sales of goods manufactured in Canada.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales of goods manufactured in Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Demand management technologies | |
Smart inverters
Smart meters and devices
Phasor measurement units
Management systems (software)
All other demand management technologies
Energy storage technologies | |
Equipment for pumped hydro systems
Equipment for compressed air systems
Advanced batteries
e.g., NiCd, NiMH, Li-ion, NaS, NaNiCl, hybrid flow, redox flow, hydrogen storage, synthetic natural gas |
Fuel cells
Thermal storage systems
Double-layer capacitors (DLC)
Superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES)
All other energy storage technologies
Other | |
All other smart grid and energy storage technologies
Total |
Manufacturer — smart grid and energy storage technologies — export sales
47. Report sales of exported goods manufactured in Canada.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales of exported goods manufactured in Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Demand management technologies | |
Smart inverters
Smart meters and devices
Phasor measurement units
Management systems (software)
All other demand management technologies
Energy storage technologies | |
Equipment for pumped hydro systems
Equipment for compressed air systems
Advanced batteries
e.g., NiCd, NiMH, Li-ion, NaS, NaNiCl, hybrid flow, redox flow, hydrogen storage, synthetic natural gas |
Fuel cells
Thermal storage systems
Double-layer capacitors (DLC)
Superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES)
All other energy storage technologies
Other | |
All other smart grid and energy storage technologies
Total |
Wholesaler — smart grid and energy storage technologies — domestic sales of imported goods
48. Report sales for wholesale of imported goods.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales for wholesale of imported goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Demand management technologies | |
Smart inverters
Smart meters and devices
Phasor measurement units
Management systems (software)
All other demand management technologies
Energy storage technologies | |
Equipment for pumped hydro systems
Equipment for compressed air systems
Advanced batteries
e.g., NiCd, NiMH, Li-ion, NaS, NaNiCl, hybrid flow, redox flow, hydrogen storage, synthetic natural gas |
Fuel cells
Thermal storage systems
Double-layer capacitors (DLC)
Superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES)
All other energy storage technologies
Other | |
All other smart grid and energy storage technologies
Total |
Wholesaler — smart grid and energy storage technologies — domestic sales of domestic goods
49. Report sales for wholesale of domestic goods.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales for wholesale of domestic goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Demand management technologies | |
Smart inverters
Smart meters and devices
Phasor measurement units
Management systems (software)
All other demand management technologies
Energy storage technologies | |
Equipment for pumped hydro systems
Equipment for compressed air systems
Advanced batteries
e.g., NiCd, NiMH, Li-ion, NaS, NaNiCl, hybrid flow, redox flow, hydrogen storage, synthetic natural gas |
Fuel cells
Thermal storage systems
Double-layer capacitors (DLC)
Superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES)
All other energy storage technologies
Other | |
All other smart grid and energy storage technologies
Total |
Wholesaler — smart grid and energy storage technologies — sales of exported goods
50. Report sales for wholesale of exported goods.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales for wholesale of exported goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Demand management technologies | |
Smart inverters
Smart meters and devices
Phasor measurement units
Management systems (software)
All other demand management technologies
Energy storage technologies | |
Equipment for pumped hydro systems
Equipment for compressed air systems
Advanced batteries
e.g., NiCd, NiMH, Li-ion, NaS, NaNiCl, hybrid flow, redox flow, hydrogen storage, synthetic natural gas |
Fuel cells
Thermal storage systems
Double-layer capacitors (DLC)
Superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES)
All other energy storage technologies
Other | |
All other smart grid and energy storage technologies
Total |
Manufacturer — bioenergy production equipment — domestic sales
51. Report sales of goods manufactured in Canada.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales of goods manufactured in Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Mixers and centrifuges | |
Filtration systems | |
Biofuel reactors e.g., distillation towers, pyrolizers, catalyst beds, gasifiers, heat digesters |
Washers | |
Dryers | |
Heaters | |
Storage systems | |
Shredders and chippers | |
Combined heat and power bioenergy systems | |
Domestic woodstoves | |
Biomass-fired industrial boilers | |
Anaerobic digesters | |
All other bioenergy production equipment | |
Total |
Manufacturer — bioenergy production equipment — export sales
52. Report sales of exported goods manufactured in Canada.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales of exported goods manufactured in Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Mixers and centrifuges | |
Filtration systems | |
Biofuel reactors e.g., distillation towers, pyrolizers, catalyst beds, gasifiers, heat digesters |
Washers | |
Dryers | |
Heaters | |
Storage systems | |
Shredders and chippers | |
Combined heat and power bioenergy systems | |
Domestic woodstoves | |
Biomass-fired industrial boilers | |
Anaerobic digesters | |
All other bioenergy production equipment | |
Total |
Wholesaler — bioenergy production equipment — domestic sales of imported goods
53. Report sales for wholesale of imported goods.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales for wholesale of imported goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Mixers and centrifuges | |
Filtration systems | |
Biofuel reactors e.g., distillation towers, pyrolizers, catalyst beds, gasifiers, heat digesters |
Washers | |
Dryers | |
Heaters | |
Storage systems | |
Shredders and chippers | |
Combined heat and power bioenergy systems | |
Domestic woodstoves | |
Biomass-fired industrial boilers | |
Anaerobic digesters | |
All other bioenergy production equipment | |
Total |
Wholesaler — bioenergy production equipment — domestic sales of domestic goods
54. Report sales for wholesale of domestic goods.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales for wholesale of domestic goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Mixers and centrifuges | |
Filtration systems | |
Biofuel reactors e.g., distillation towers, pyrolizers, catalyst beds, gasifiers, heat digesters |
Washers | |
Dryers | |
Heaters | |
Storage systems | |
Shredders and chippers | |
Combined heat and power bioenergy systems | |
Domestic woodstoves | |
Biomass-fired industrial boilers | |
Anaerobic digesters | |
All other bioenergy production equipment Specify all other bioenergy production equipment |
Total |
Wholesaler — bioenergy production equipment — sales of exported goods
55. Report sales for wholesale of exported goods.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales for wholesale of exported goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Mixers and centrifuges | |
Filtration systems | |
Biofuel reactors e.g., distillation towers, pyrolizers, catalyst beds, gasifiers, heat digesters |
Washers | |
Dryers | |
Heaters | |
Storage systems | |
Shredders and chippers | |
Combined heat and power bioenergy systems | |
Domestic woodstoves | |
Biomass-fired industrial boilers | |
Anaerobic digesters | |
All other bioenergy production equipment | |
Total |
Manufacturer — biofuel, biochemical and biomaterial production — domestic sales
56. Report sales of goods manufactured in Canada.
Include sales of fuels.
Sales of goods manufactured in Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Bioenergy and biofuels | |
Chips, cubes, briquettes
Wood pellets
Energy logs
Cellulosic ethanol
Grain ethanol
Corn ethanol
Algae biodiesel
Other biodiesel
Renewable diesel
Synthetic Fuels
e.g., DME, Fisher Tropsch fuels, Biojet fuels |
Biocrude, pyrolysis oil, biomethanol
Renewable natural gas (biomethane)
All other bioenergy and biofuels
Biochemicals | |
Aromatics, amino and organic acids, phenols, polyols
Cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin
Bio-oils, lubricants
Solvents, adhesives, paints, coatings
Biopolymers and resins
Additives and catalysts
e.g., sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, enzymes |
All other biochemicals
Biomaterials | |
Mats, cellulose products
Engineered wood products
e.g., mass timber products, cross laminated timber, building materials, panels, etc. |
Bio-based auto parts
Plastics, films, foams, hydrogels
Include compostable bioplastics and packaging. |
Nanomaterials and nanocomposites
Nanocrystalline cellulose
Cellulose filaments (CF)
All other biomaterials
Other | |
All other biofuel, biomaterial and biochemical production
Total |
Manufacturer — biofuel, biochemical and biomaterial production — export sales
57. Report sales of exported goods manufactured in Canada.
Include sales of fuels.
Sales of exported goods manufactured in Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Bioenergy and biofuels | |
Chips, cubes, briquettes
Wood pellets
Energy logs
Cellulosic ethanol
Grain ethanol
Corn ethanol
Algae biodiesel
Other biodiesel
Renewable diesel
Synthetic Fuels
e.g., DME, Fisher Tropsch fuels, Biojet fuels |
Biocrude, pyrolysis oil, biomethanol
Renewable natural gas (biomethane)
All other bioenergy and biofuels
Biochemicals | |
Aromatics, amino and organic acids, phenols, polyols
Cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin
Bio-oils, lubricants
Solvents, adhesives, paints, coatings
Biopolymers and resins
Additives and catalysts
e.g., sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, enzymes |
All other biochemicals
Biomaterials | |
Mats, cellulose products
Engineered wood products
e.g., mass timber products, cross laminated timber, building materials, panels, etc. |
Bio-based auto parts
Plastics, films, foams, hydrogels
Include compostable bioplastics and packaging. |
Nanomaterials and nanocomposites
Nanocrystalline cellulose
Cellulose filaments (CF)
All other biomaterials
Other | |
All other biofuel, biomaterial and biochemical production
Total |
Wholesaler — biofuel, biochemical and biomaterial production — domestic sales of imported goods
58. Report sales for wholesale of imported goods.
Include sales of fuels.
Sales for wholesale of imported goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Bioenergy and biofuels | |
Chips, cubes, briquettes
Wood pellets
Energy logs
Cellulosic ethanol
Grain ethanol
Corn ethanol
Algae biodiesel
Other biodiesel
Renewable diesel
Synthetic Fuels
e.g., DME, Fisher Tropsch fuels, Biojet fuels |
Biocrude, pyrolysis oil, biomethanol
Renewable natural gas (biomethane)
All other bioenergy and biofuels
Biochemicals | |
Aromatics, amino and organic acids, phenols, polyols
Cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin
Bio-oils, lubricants
Solvents, adhesives, paints, coatings
Biopolymers and resins
Additives and catalysts
e.g., sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, enzymes |
All other biochemicals
Biomaterials | |
Mats, cellulose products
Engineered wood products
e.g., mass timber products, cross laminated timber, building materials, panels, etc. |
Bio-based auto parts
Plastics, films, foams, hydrogels
Include compostable bioplastics and packaging. |
Nanomaterials and nanocomposites
Nanocrystalline cellulose
Cellulose filaments (CF)
All other biomaterials
Other | |
All other biofuel, biomaterial and biochemical production
Total |
Wholesaler — biofuel, biochemical and biomaterial production — domestic sales of domestic goods
59. Report sales for wholesale of domestic goods.
Include sales of fuels.
Sales for wholesale of domestic goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Bioenergy and biofuels | |
Chips, cubes, briquettes
Wood pellets
Energy logs
Cellulosic ethanol
Grain ethanol
Corn ethanol
Algae biodiesel
Other biodiesel
Renewable diesel
Synthetic Fuels
e.g., DME, Fisher Tropsch fuels, Biojet fuels |
Biocrude, pyrolysis oil, biomethanol
Renewable natural gas (biomethane)
All other bioenergy and biofuels
Biochemicals | |
Aromatics, amino and organic acids, phenols, polyols
Cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin
Bio-oils, lubricants
Solvents, adhesives, paints, coatings
Biopolymers and resins
Additives and catalysts
e.g., sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, enzymes |
All other biochemicals
Biomaterials | |
Mats, cellulose products
Engineered wood products
e.g., mass timber products, cross laminated timber, building materials, panels, etc. |
Bio-based auto parts
Plastics, films, foams, hydrogels
Nanomaterials and nanocomposites
Nanocrystalline cellulose
Cellulose filaments (CF)
All other biomaterials
Other | |
All other biofuel, biomaterial and biochemical production
Total |
Wholesaler — biofuel, biochemical and biomaterial production — sales of exported goods
60. Report sales for wholesale of exported goods.
Include sales of fuels.
Sales for wholesale of exported goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Bioenergy and biofuels | |
Chips, cubes, briquettes
Wood pellets
Energy logs
Cellulosic ethanol
Grain ethanol
Corn ethanol
Algae biodiesel
Other biodiesel
Renewable diesel
Synthetic Fuels
e.g., DME, Fisher Tropsch fuels, Biojet fuels |
Biocrude, pyrolysis oil, biomethanol
Renewable natural gas (biomethane)
All other bioenergy and biofuels
Biochemicals | |
Aromatics, amino and organic acids, phenols, polyols
Cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin
Bio-oils, lubricants
Solvents, adhesives, paints, coatings
Biopolymers and resins
Additives and catalysts
e.g., sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, enzymes |
All other biochemicals
Biomaterials | |
Mats, cellulose products
Engineered wood products
e.g., mass timber products, cross laminated timber, building materials, panels, etc. |
Bio-based auto parts
Plastics, films, foams, hydrogels
Nanomaterials and nanocomposites
Nanocrystalline cellulose
Cellulose filaments (CF)
All other biomaterials
Other | |
All other biofuel, biomaterial and biochemical production
Total |
Manufacturer — precision agriculture technologies — domestic sales
61. Report sales of goods manufactured in Canada.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales of goods manufactured in Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Variable rate and precision equipment e.g., seeders, fertilizer applicators and sprayers |
Crop canopy sensors | |
Yield sensors | |
UAV and drones | |
Software packages e.g., for yield maps, soil information |
Livestock precision feeding technologies e.g., RFID sensors, automated feeders |
All other precision agriculture technologies | |
Total |
Manufacturer — precision agriculture technologies — export sales
62. Report sales of exported goods manufactured in Canada.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales of exported goods manufactured in Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Variable rate and precision equipment e.g., seeders, fertilizer applicators and sprayers |
Crop canopy sensors | |
Yield sensors | |
UAV and drones | |
Software packages e.g., for yield maps, soil information |
Livestock precision feeding technologies e.g., RFID sensors, automated feeders |
All other precision agriculture technologies | |
Total |
Wholesaler — precision agriculture technologies — domestic sales of imported goods
63. Report sales for wholesale of imported goods.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales for wholesale of imported goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Variable rate and precision equipment e.g., seeders, fertilizer applicators and sprayers |
Crop canopy sensors | |
Yield sensors | |
UAV and drones | |
Software packages e.g., for yield maps, soil information |
Livestock precision feeding technologies e.g., RFID sensors, automated feeders |
All other precision agriculture technologies | |
Total |
Wholesaler — precision agriculture technologies — domestic sales of domestic goods
64. Report sales for wholesale of domestic goods.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales for wholesale of domestic goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Variable rate and precision equipment e.g., seeders, fertilizer applicators and sprayers |
Crop canopy sensors | |
Yield sensors | |
UAV and drones | |
Software packages e.g., for yield maps, soil information |
Livestock precision feeding technologies e.g., RFID sensors, automated feeders |
All other precision agriculture technologies | |
Total |
Wholesaler — precision agriculture technologies — sales of exported goods
65. Report sales for wholesale of exported goods.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales for wholesale of exported goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Variable rate and precision equipment e.g., seeders, fertilizer applicators and sprayers |
Crop canopy sensors | |
Yield sensors | |
UAV and drones | |
Software packages e.g., for yield maps, soil information |
Livestock precision feeding technologies e.g., RFID sensors, automated feeders |
All other precision agriculture technologies | |
Total |
Manufacturer — energy efficiency technologies — domestic sales
66. Report sales of goods manufactured in Canada.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales of goods manufactured in Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Efficient industrial equipment | |
High efficiency burners and boilers
High efficiency pumps and motors
High efficiency industrial HVAC
Combined heat and power and cogeneration
High efficiency industrial lighting systems
Batteries for portable devices
Automation and control technologies
All other efficient industrial equipment
Efficient commercial and residential equipment | |
High efficiency commercial and residential HVAC
High efficiency pumps and motors
Energy efficient filters and processes
High efficiency lighting systems
Advanced insulation
e.g., spray foam |
Advanced thermostats
All other efficient commercial and residential equipment
Other | |
All other energy efficiency technologies
Total |
Manufacturer — energy efficiency technologies — export sales
67. Report sales of exported goods manufactured in Canada.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales of exported goods manufactured in Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Efficient industrial equipment | |
High efficiency burners and boilers
High efficiency pumps and motors
High efficiency industrial HVAC
Combined heat and power and cogeneration
High efficiency industrial lighting systems
Batteries for portable devices
Automation and control technologies
All other efficient industrial equipment
Efficient commercial and residential equipment | |
High efficiency commercial and residential HVAC
High efficiency pumps and motors
Energy efficient filters and processes
High efficiency lighting systems
Advanced insulation
e.g., spray foam |
Advanced thermostats
All other efficient commercial and residential equipment
Other | |
All other energy efficiency technologies
Total |
Wholesaler — energy efficiency technologies — domestic sales of imported goods
68. Report sales for wholesale of imported goods.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales for wholesale of imported goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Efficient industrial equipment | |
High efficiency burners and boilers
High efficiency pumps and motors
High efficiency industrial HVAC
Combined heat and power and cogeneration
High efficiency industrial lighting systems
Batteries for portable devices
Automation and control technologies
All other efficient industrial equipment
Efficient commercial and residential equipment | |
High efficiency commercial and residential HVAC
High efficiency pumps and motors
Energy efficient filters and processes
High efficiency lighting systems
Advanced insulation
e.g., spray foam |
Advanced thermostats
All other efficient commercial and residential equipment
Other | |
All other energy efficiency technologies
Total |
Wholesaler — energy efficiency technologies — domestic sales of domestic goods
69. Report sales for wholesale of domestic goods.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales for wholesale of domestic goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Efficient industrial equipment | |
High efficiency burners and boilers
High efficiency pumps and motors
High efficiency industrial HVAC
Combined heat and power and cogeneration
High efficiency industrial lighting systems
Batteries for portable devices
Automation and control technologies
All other efficient industrial equipment
Efficient commercial and residential equipment | |
High efficiency commercial and residential HVAC
High efficiency pumps and motors
Energy efficient filters and processes
High efficiency lighting systems
Advanced insulation
e.g., spray foam |
Advanced thermostats
All other efficient commercial and residential equipment
Other | |
All other energy efficiency technologies
Total |
Wholesaler — energy efficiency technologies — sales of exported goods
70. Report sales for wholesale of exported goods.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales for wholesale of exported goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Efficient industrial equipment | |
High efficiency burners and boilers
High efficiency pumps and motors
High efficiency industrial HVAC
Combined heat and power and cogeneration
High efficiency industrial lighting systems
Batteries for portable devices
Automation and control technologies
All other efficient industrial equipment
Efficient commercial and residential equipment | |
High efficiency commercial and residential HVAC
High efficiency pumps and motors
Energy efficient filters and processes
High efficiency lighting systems
Advanced insulation
e.g., spray foam |
Advanced thermostats
All other efficient commercial and residential equipment
Other | |
All other energy efficiency technologies
Total |
Manufacturer — transportation technologies — domestic sales
71. Report sales of goods manufactured in Canada.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales of goods manufactured in Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Fuel efficient automotive equipment | |
Fuel efficient engines and components
Include electrification and hybrids |
Electric vehicle batteries
Battery powered electric vehicle - other components
Fuel cell vehicle FC stack
Fuel cell vehicle - other components
Automobile components using lightweight materials
Electric vehicle infrastructure
e.g., charging stations |
Alternative fuel and refuelling infrastructure
Include hydrogen and natural gas |
LNG and CNG engines
LNG and CNG tanks
LNG and CNG control systems
Aerodynamic devices
Auxiliary power units
Engine control modules
Low rolling resistance tires
Include tires that improve vehicle fuel efficiency
Vehicle emission monitoring
All other fuel efficient automotive equipment
Fuel efficient aerospace equipment | |
Efficient turbines
Fuel efficient engines
Include electrification and other alternative fuels |
Aircraft components using lightweight materials
Powder metallurgy, coatings, polishing, anodizing for fuel efficiency
Composite materials
All other fuel efficient aerospace equipment
Other | |
All other transportation technologies
Total |
Manufacturer — transportation technologies — export sales
72. Report sales of exported goods manufactured in Canada.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales of exported goods manufactured in Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Fuel efficient automotive equipment | |
Fuel efficient engines and components
Include electrification and hybrids |
Electric vehicle batteries
Battery powered electric vehicle - other components
Fuel cell vehicle FC stack
Fuel cell vehicle - other components
Automobile components using lightweight materials
Electric vehicle infrastructure
e.g., charging stations |
Alternative fuel and refuelling infrastructure
Include hydrogen and natural gas |
LNG and CNG engines
LNG and CNG tanks
LNG and CNG control systems
Aerodynamic devices
Auxiliary power units
Engine control modules
Low rolling resistance tires
Include tires that improve vehicle fuel efficiency
Vehicle emission monitoring
All other fuel efficient automotive equipment
Fuel efficient aerospace equipment | |
Efficient turbines
Fuel efficient engines
Include electrification and other alternative fuels |
Aircraft components using lightweight materials
Powder metallurgy, coatings, polishing, anodizing for fuel efficiency
Composite materials
All other fuel efficient aerospace equipment
Other | |
All other transportation technologies
Total |
Wholesaler — transportation technologies — domestic sales of imported goods
73. Report sales for wholesale of imported goods.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales for wholesale of imported goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Fuel efficient automotive equipment | |
Fuel efficient engines and components
Include electrification and hybrids |
Electric vehicle batteries
Battery powered electric vehicle - other components
Fuel cell vehicle FC stack
Fuel cell vehicle - other components
Automobile components using lightweight materials
Electric vehicle infrastructure
e.g., charging stations |
Alternative fuel and refuelling infrastructure
Include hydrogen and natural gas |
LNG and CNG engines
LNG and CNG tanks
LNG and CNG control systems
Aerodynamic devices
Auxiliary power units
Engine control modules
Low rolling resistance tires
Include tires that improve vehicle fuel efficiency
Vehicle emission monitoring
All other fuel efficient automotive equipment
Fuel efficient aerospace equipment | |
Efficient turbines
Fuel efficient engines
Include electrification and other alternative fuels |
Aircraft components using lightweight materials
Powder metallurgy, coatings, polishing, anodizing for fuel efficiency
Composite materials
All other fuel efficient aerospace equipment
Other | |
All other transportation technologies
Total |
Wholesaler — transportation technologies — domestic sales of domestic goods
74. Report sales for wholesale of domestic goods.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales for wholesale of domestic goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Fuel efficient automotive equipment | |
Fuel efficient engines and components
Include electrification and hybrids |
Electric vehicle batteries
Battery powered electric vehicle - other components
Fuel cell vehicle FC stack
Fuel cell vehicle - other components
Automobile components using lightweight materials
Electric vehicle infrastructure
e.g., charging stations |
Alternative fuel and refuelling infrastructure
Include hydrogen and natural gas |
LNG and CNG engines
LNG and CNG tanks
LNG and CNG control systems
Aerodynamic devices
Auxiliary power units
Engine control modules
Low rolling resistance tires
Include tires that improve vehicle fuel efficiency
Vehicle emission monitoring
All other fuel efficient automotive equipment
Fuel efficient aerospace equipment | |
Efficient turbines
Fuel efficient engines
Include electrification and other alternative fuels |
Aircraft components using lightweight materials
Powder metallurgy, coatings, polishing, anodizing for fuel efficiency
Composite materials
All other fuel efficient aerospace equipment
Other | |
All other transportation technologies
Total |
Wholesaler — transportation technologies — sales of exported goods
75. Report sales for wholesale of exported goods.
Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Sales for wholesale of exported goods Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Fuel efficient automotive equipment | |
Fuel efficient engines and components
Include electrification and hybrids |
Electric vehicle batteries
Battery powered electric vehicle - other components
Fuel cell vehicle FC stack
Fuel cell vehicle - other components
Automobile components using lightweight materials
Electric vehicle infrastructure
e.g., charging stations |
Alternative fuel and refuelling infrastructure
Include hydrogen and natural gas |
LNG and CNG engines
LNG and CNG tanks
LNG and CNG control systems
Aerodynamic devices
Auxiliary power units
Engine control modules
Low rolling resistance tires
Include tires that improve vehicle fuel efficiency
Vehicle emission monitoring
All other fuel efficient automotive equipment
Fuel efficient aerospace equipment | |
Efficient turbines
Fuel efficient engines
Include electrification and other alternative fuels |
Aircraft components using lightweight materials
Powder metallurgy, coatings, polishing, anodizing for fuel efficiency
Composite materials
All other fuel efficient aerospace equipment
Other | |
All other transportation technologies
Total |
Revenue from services
Report domestic and international revenues of selected environmental services or clean technology services.
Include (where applicable):
- Revenues from goods sold as part of a service delivered (related machinery, products and equipment)
- domestic and international sales of services provided from a Canadian location.
- federal, provincial and territorial sales taxes
- excise duties and taxes
- subsidies.
Sales of environmental and clean technology services are defined as amounts derived from the provision of environmental and clean technology services falling within a business's ordinary activities. Sales should be reported net of excise and federal, provincial or territorial sales taxes.
For the purposes of this survey, clean technology can be considered to consist of any product, process, or service designed with the primary purpose of contributing to remediating or preventing any type of environmental damage.
Service provider — site remediation or monitoring services and environmental emergency response services — domestic revenue
76. Report revenue from services provided in Canada.
Include sales from machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Revenue from services provided in Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
In situ remediation of soil, sediment, and sludge | |
Ex situ remediation of soil, sediment, and sludge | |
In situ remediation of ground water, surface water, and leachate | |
Ex situ remediation of ground water, surface water, and leachate | |
Remediation of air or off-gas | |
Control, containment and monitoring services of air, water, and soil Include sales of asbestos and mould removal |
Environmental emergency response services | |
Radioactive waste management, decommissioning, and site remediation | |
All other site remediation services and environmental emergency response services | |
Total |
Service provider — site remediation or monitoring services and environmental emergency response services — international revenue
77. Report revenue from services provided outside of Canada.
Include sales from machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Revenue from services provided outside of Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
In situ remediation of soil, sediment, and sludge | |
Ex situ remediation of soil, sediment, and sludge | |
In situ remediation of ground water, surface water, and leachate | |
Ex situ remediation of ground water, surface water, and leachate | |
Remediation of air or off-gas | |
Control, containment and monitoring services of air, water, and soil Include sales of asbestos and mould removal |
Environmental emergency response services | |
Radioactive waste management, decommissioning, and site remediation | |
All other site remediation services and environmental emergency response services | |
Total |
Service provider — energy efficiency, industrial design and related services — domestic revenue
78. Report revenue from services provided in Canada.
Include sales from machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Revenue from services provided in Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Energy efficiency services | |
Sustainability consulting
e.g., green building certification |
Energy efficiency product certification
e.g., Energy Star®, Energuide®, BOMA, ISO 50001, R-2000 |
Home, building, industry and fleet energy audit and air leakage testing
Energy monitoring
Demand control
Data analysis and modelling
Process integration
Advanced insulation activities
Include insulation services that achieve a higher R-value above standard regulations
e.g., spray foam insulation |
Energy efficiency consulting
Building retrofits and refurbishment
All other energy efficiency services
Industrial design and related services | |
Aerodynamic design
Aerodynamic testing
Modelling services
Design of emission control technologies
All other industrial design and related services
Other | |
All other energy efficiency, industrial design and related services
Total |
Service provider — energy efficiency, industrial design and related services — international revenue
79. Report revenue from services provided outside of Canada.
Include sales from machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Revenue from services provided outside of Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Energy efficiency services | |
Sustainability consulting
e.g., green building certification |
Energy efficiency product certification
e.g., Energy Star®, Energuide®, BOMA, ISO 50001, R-2000 |
Home, building, industry and fleet energy audit and air leakage testing
Energy monitoring
Demand control
Data analysis and modelling
Process integration
Advanced insulation activities
Include insulation services that achieve a higher R-value above standard regulations
e.g., spray foam insulation |
Energy efficiency consulting
Building retrofits and refurbishment
All other energy efficiency services
Industrial design and related services | |
Aerodynamic design
Aerodynamic testing
Modelling services
Design of emission control technologies
All other industrial design and related services
Other | |
All other energy efficiency, industrial design and related services
Total |
Service provider — monitoring and reduction of greenhouse gases and air pollution services — domestic revenue
80. Report revenue from services provided in Canada.
Include sales from machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Revenue from services provided in Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Greenhouse gas management services | |
Carbon credit trading, generation of compliance units, surplus allowances, emissions performance credits, and offset credits
Preparation of emissions reports and verification
Allowance auctioning and exchange platform provision
Market monitoring
Offset protocol development and validation
Development of compliance systems and electronic emissions reporting systems
All other greenhouse gas management services
Air pollution management services | |
Measuring and monitoring
Modelling and mapping
Risk assessment and management
Development of compliance and electronic emissions reporting systems
All other air pollution management services
Other | |
All other monitoring and reduction of greenhouse gases and air pollution services
Total |
Service provider — monitoring and reduction of greenhouse gases and air pollution services — international revenue
81. Report revenue from services provided outside of Canada.
Include sales from machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Revenue from services provided outside of Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Greenhouse gas management services | |
Carbon credit trading, generation of compliance units, surplus allowances, emissions performance credits, and offset credits
Preparation of emissions reports and verification
Allowance auctioning and exchange platform provision
Market monitoring
Offset protocol development and validation
Development of compliance systems and electronic emissions reporting systems
All other greenhouse gas management services
Air pollution management services | |
Measuring and monitoring
Modelling and mapping
Risk assessment and management
Development of compliance and electronic emissions reporting systems
All other air pollution management services
Other | |
All other monitoring and reduction of greenhouse gases and air pollution services
Total |
Service provider — clean energy services — domestic revenue
82. Report revenue from services provided in Canada.
Include sales from machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Include installation, operations, maintenance, engineering, and design services.
Exclude revenues from sales of electricity.
Revenue from services provided in Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Wind | |
Biomass | |
Geothermal | |
Hydro | |
Solar | |
Nuclear Include uranium processing, conversion, nuclear fuel fabrication services and licensing support |
Waste to energy | |
All other clean energy services | |
Total |
Service provider — clean energy services — international revenue
83. Report revenue from services provided outside of Canada.
Include sales from machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Include installation, operations, maintenance, engineering, and design services.
Exclude revenues from sales of electricity.
Revenue from services provided outside of Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Wind | |
Biomass | |
Geothermal | |
Hydro | |
Solar | |
Nuclear Include uranium processing, conversion, nuclear fuel fabrication services and licensing support |
Waste to energy | |
All other clean energy services | |
Total |
Service provider — water management and efficiency services — domestic revenue
84. Report revenue from services provided in Canada.
Include sales from machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Revenue from services provided in Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Planning and design | |
Efficiency consulting | |
Piloting, validation and verification | |
Pipe inspection | |
Training and plant operation | |
Water quality testing and instrumentation services | |
All other water management and efficiency services | |
Total |
Service provider — water management and efficiency services — international revenue
85. Report revenue from services provided outside of Canada.
Include sales from machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Revenue from services provided outside of Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Planning and design | |
Efficiency consulting | |
Piloting, validation and verification | |
Pipe inspection | |
Training and plant operation | |
Water quality testing and instrumentation services | |
All other water management and efficiency services | |
Total |
Service provider — sustainable resource services — domestic revenue
86. Report revenue from services provided in Canada.
Include sales from machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Revenue from services provided in Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Precision agriculture services | |
Support services for precision agriculture technologies
e.g., installation, software and hardware configuration |
Precision agriculture consulting
Precision agriculture GPS or GIS services
All other precision agriculture services
Bioproduct services | |
Mass wood design and architectural services
Bioenergy feedstock planning and management
Bioenergy feedstock valuation
All other bioproduct services
Sustainable forestry services | |
Planning, management, and monitoring of forest areas
e.g., silviculture |
Minimization and efficient intake of forest resources
Measurement, control and laboratories for forest management
Include GPS and GIS, software, data management |
Training, consulting, and administrative activities related to forest management
All other sustainable forestry services
Other | |
All other sustainable resource services
Total |
Service provider — sustainable resource services — international revenue
87. Report revenue from services provided outside of Canada.
Include sales from machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Revenue from services provided outside of Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Precision agriculture services | |
Support services for precision agriculture technologies
e.g., installation, software and hardware configuration |
Precision agriculture consulting
Precision agriculture GPS or GIS services
All other precision agriculture services
Bioproduct services | |
Mass wood design and architectural services
Bioenergy feedstock planning and management
Bioenergy feedstock valuation
All other bioproduct services
Sustainable forestry services | |
Planning, management, and monitoring of forest areas
e.g., silviculture |
Minimization and efficient intake of forest resources
Measurement, control and laboratories for forest management
Include GPS and GIS, software, data management |
Training, consulting, and administrative activities related to forest management
All other sustainable forestry services
Other | |
All other sustainable resource services
Total |
Service provider — transportation services — domestic revenue
88. Report revenue from services provided in Canada.
Include sales from machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Revenue from services provided in Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Intelligent traffic control | |
Traffic management | |
Vehicle fleet management and logistics Exclude revenues from sales of trucks. |
Integrated traffic infrastructure | |
Technical inspection related to air emissions | |
Alternative fuel retrofits e.g., conversion to hybrid, electric, low carbon, biofuel |
All other transportation services | |
Total |
Service provider — transportation services — international revenue
89. Report revenue from services provided outside of Canada.
Include sales from machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.
Revenue from services provided outside of Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Intelligent traffic control | |
Traffic management | |
Vehicle fleet management and logistics Exclude revenues from sales of trucks. |
Integrated traffic infrastructure | |
Technical inspection related to air emissions | |
Alternative fuel retrofits e.g., conversion to hybrid, electric, low carbon, biofuel |
All other transportation services | |
Total |
Service provider — smart grid services — domestic revenue
90. Report revenue from services provided in Canada.
Include sales from machinery, equipment, products, and technologies for smart grid infrastructure.
Revenue from services provided in Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Energy storage solutions | |
Microgrid solutions | |
Cyber security Include activities which protect and prevent critical smart grid infrastructure assets from threats. e.g., detection, software and support, consulting services, and compliance management |
Data management and communications solutions | |
Demand management e.g., peak load management and load following |
Monitoring solutions e.g., self-healing grids |
Engineering, installation, maintenance, and design solutions | |
All other smart grid services | |
Total |
Service provider – smart grid services – international revenue
91. Report revenue from services provided outside of Canada.
Include sales from machinery, equipment, products, and technologies for smart grid infrastructure.
Revenue from services provided outside of Canada Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
Energy storage solutions | |
Microgrid solutions | |
Cyber security Include activities which protect and prevent critical smart grid infrastructure assets from threats. e.g., detection, software and support, consulting services, and compliance management |
Data management and communications solutions | |
Demand management e.g., peak load management and load following |
Monitoring solutions e.g., self-healing grids |
Engineering, installation, maintenance, and design solutions | |
All other smart grid services | |
Total |
Exports of environmental or clean technology goods and services
92. Report the number of countries to which your business or organization exports environmental or clean technology goods and services.
Number of countries:
Exports of environmental or clean technology goods and services
93. What was the percentage breakdown of sales and revenue from environmental or clean technology goods and services received from clients outside Canada, by country?
Percentage of exported sales | |
a. United States | |
b. Mexico | |
c. France | |
d. Germany | |
e. Italy | |
f. The Netherlands | |
g. United Kingdom | |
h. Turkey | |
i. China | |
j. Hong Kong | |
k. India | |
l. Japan | |
m. Korea, South | |
n. Australia | |
o. Singapore |
Specify additional countries receiving exported goods and services and include the percentage of exported sales.
Country name | Percentage of exported sales | |
p. Other country 1 | ||
q. Other country 2 | ||
r. Other country 3 | ||
s. Other country 4 | ||
t. Other country 5 | ||
u. Other country 6 | ||
v. Other country 7 | ||
w. Other country 8 | ||
x. Other country 9 | ||
y. Other country 10 | ||
z. Other country 11 | ||
aa. Other country 12 | ||
ab. Other country 13 | ||
ac. Other country 14 | ||
ad. Other country 15 |
94. List all other countries to which your business or organization exports, including their respective percentage of sales and revenue from environmental or clean technology goods and services.
e.g., Cameroon (2%), Brazil (5%)
All other countries and percentage breakdown:
95. For 2022 report the total number of Canadian-based full-time equivalents (FTE) at your business or organization.
Full-time equivalent (FTE) is the equivalent of one full-time (at least 30 hours per week) position, which may comprise several part-time or temporary positions, occupied by more than one employee.
Number of full-time equivalents:
96. Of the total number of FTEs reported above, indicate the percentage involved in producing or providing the environmental or clean technology goods and services sold by your business or organization.
Percentage of full-time equivalents:
Direct sales to government and public utilities
97. Does this business or organization sell products or provide services directly to Canadian or foreign governments or public utilities?
- Yes
- No
- Don't know
98. Please provide the percentage of the total revenues that was sold to governments or public utilities.
If yes, what percentage of the revenue was sold to governments or public utilities?
Investment in environmental and clean technology business lines
The following questions relate to investments made for the purpose of expanding the operations of your environmental and clean technology business lines.
99. For 2022, did you make investments for the purpose of expanding the environmental and clean technology portion of your business, at this location?
If yes - report the following investment expenditures made for the purpose of expanding the operations of your environmental and clean technology business lines.
Investments Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
a. Capital expenditures on equipment, technologies or processes purchased with the intent of starting or increasing the production of environmental goods and services or clean technologies | |
b. Research and development on environmental and clean technology production or processes | |
c. Investments (majority or non-majority) made by your company in other companies that produce environmental goods and services and clean technologies | |
Total investments |
100. Indicate any changes or events that affected the reported values for this business or organization, compared with the last reporting period.
Select all that apply.
- Strike or lock-out
- Exchange rate impact
- Price changes in goods or services sold
- Contracting out
- Organisational change
- Price changes in labour or raw materials
- Natural disaster
- Recession
- Change in product line
- Sold business units
- Expansion
- New/lost contract
- Plant closures
- Acquisition of business units
- Other - Specify the other changes or events
- No changes or events