Annex to the 2021 Annual Survey of Manufacturing Industries

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This information is collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S-19.

Completion of this questionnaire is a legal requirement under this act.

Confidential once completed

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Survey purpose

This survey collects the financial and operating data needed to develop national and regional economic policies and programs.

Data from this survey are used by the business community, manufacturing associations, federal and provincial departments, and international organizations to:

  • profile the manufacturing and logging industries
  • undertake market studies
  • forecast demand
  • develop trade tariff policies.

In addition, businesses use the data to track their performance against industry averages, evaluate expansion plans, and prepare business plans for investors.

Your information may also be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes.

Your participation in this survey is required under the authority of the Statistics Act.

Security of emails and faxes

Statistics Canada advises you that there could be a risk of disclosure during facsimile or email. However upon receipt, Statistics Canada will provide the guaranteed level of protection afforded all information collected under the authority of the Statistics Act.

Note: Our online questionnaires are secure, there is no risk of data interception when responding to Statistics Canada online surveys.


The Statistics Act protects the confidentiality of information collected by Statistics Canada.

Data-sharing agreements

To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into data-sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government organizations, which have agreed to keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes.

Information on confidentiality, data-sharing agreements and record linkages can be found on the last page of this questionnaire.

Please return the questionnaire within 21 days.
Please mail the completed questionnaire in the enclosed envelope or fax it to Statistics Canada at 1-888-883-7999.
If you are unable to complete within 21 days OR if you need help,
call us at 1-800-858-7921 or TTY 1-800-363-7629.
Statistics Canada
Operations and Integration Division
150 Tunney's Pasture Driveway
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0T6


The Government of Canada is implementing a comprehensive agenda focused on addressing the causes of plastic pollution and waste along the lifecycle of plastics. The agenda is also being supported by efforts from other levels of government, businesses and community partners. Data on plastics and plastic waste management is necessary to enable the Government of Canada and its partners to measure progress towards its commitments. To this end, we require a comprehensive system of plastics data collection and material flow account to characterize the production, use and fate of materials and products containing plastics in Canada.

Specific plastic resins questions

The questions in this annex were added to the Annual Survey of Manufacturing Industries to get relevant information on plastic resins produced and used by the manufacturing sector. They are an extension of the questions that appear in the 2021 Annual Survey of Manufacturing Industries questionnaires, in the sections titled: Sales of goods manufactured, logs and wood residue; and Purchases of raw materials and components to be used in manufacturing or logging process. However, this annex only applies if your business sold, or purchased as a raw material or component, one or more of the following resins.

Product code Product description
28111111 Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) resins
28111112 Other thermoplastic polyester resins
28111210 Low-density polyethylene resins
28111220 Linear low-density polyethylene resins
28111230 High-density polyethylene resins
28111240 Other polyethylene resins
28111310 Polystyrene resins
28111410 Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene resins
28111420 Polyvinyl chloride resins
28111431 Polypropylene resins
28111432 Thermoplastic polyurethane resins
28111433 Polyamide (nylon) resins
28111434 All other thermoplastic resins
28111511 Phenolic resins
28111512 Urea formaldehyde resins
28111513 All other formaldehyde based resins
28111611 Unsaturated polyester (thermosetting) resins
28111612 Thermosetting polyurethane resins
28111613 Other thermosetting resins

The questions in this annex are only for plastic resins. If your business sold products or purchased raw materials or components other than resins, these should still be reported in the 2021 Annual Survey of Manufacturing Industries.
If you sell or use a plastic resin that is not mentioned in the list above, you can search which category it belongs to by using this link.
Working your way down from the suggested categories to the different subcategories that match the list above, consult the list of 'All examples' using the links available at the bottom.

Sales of goods manufactured, logs and wood residue

Please answer the next question for each of the resins mentioned on the previous page. If you sold many of these products, you might need to print this page multiple times.

1. Please provide your sales of goods manufactured, logs and wood residue by product in thousands of Canadian dollars.

For each product, report sales net of shipping charges by common or contract carriers, discounts, sales allowances, returned sales, sales taxes, and excise duties and taxes. The total net sales for all products should equal the amount reported in question 3a. of the Industry characteristics section.

Product description:

Product code:

Was this product sold during this reporting period?

  • Yes
    • Quantity sold (in kilograms)
    • Value of sales (CAN$ '000)
  • No

Please answer the next questions for each of the resins listed below. If you purchased multiple resins, you might need to print the next questions many times.

Product code Product description
28111111 Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) resins
28111210 Low-density polyethylene resins
28111220 Linear low-density polyethylene resins
28111230 High-density polyethylene resins
28111310 Polystyrene resins
28111410 Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene resins
28111420 Polyvinyl chloride resins
28111431 Polypropylene resins
28111432 Thermoplastic polyurethane resins
28111433 Polyamide (nylon) resins
28111511 Phenolic resins
28111512 Urea formaldehyde resins
28111611 Unsaturated polyester (thermosetting) resins
28111612 Thermosetting polyurethane resins

Purchases of raw materials and components to be used in manufacturing or logging process

This section asks for a breakdown of this business's purchases of raw materials and components. The total cost of purchases for all raw materials and components should match the amount reported in question 5a. of the Industry characteristics section.

Note : If your only activity is contract logging and your business unit only provides a labour service, this section does not apply to your business.

Product description:

Product code:

1. Was this raw material or component purchased this reporting period?

  • Yes
    • Quantity purchased (in kilograms)
    • Cost of purchase (CAN$ '000)
  • No

2. Of the total kilograms reported in the previous question, what were the quantities purchased from the following sources?
When precise figures are not available, provide your best estimates.

Virgin resin

Resin produced from nonrenewable fossil fuels, e.g., petroleum or natural gas sources.

a. Virgin resin…………………………………………………………Quantity purchased (in kilograms)

Pre-consumer (post-production) recycled resin
Pre-consumer recycled resin consists of material resulting from a manufacturing process that is diverted from the waste stream. It is the reutilization of materials such as rework, regrind, or scrap generated in a process. It can be reused within the same process that initially generated it or waste material originating (purchased or given) from another facility.

b. Resin recycled within the same process that initially generated it…………………………………………………………Quantity reused or given (in kilograms)

c. Pre-consumer recycled resin originating from another facility…………………………………………………………Quantity purchased (in kilograms)

Post-consumer recycled resin

Post-consumer recycled resin comes from plastic that was used by the end-consumer, and recycled by a recycling facility. If this post-consumer recycled material is a blend of resins, report it in this section only if the resins identified in the Product description are the main component of the blend. The entire amount of the blended post-consumer resins should be reported here (i.e., not just the amount of resins in the Product description.)

d. Post-consumer recycled resin – mechanical recycling source Mechanical recycling refers to recovering plastics wastes via mechanical processes (i.e., grinding, washing, separating, drying, regranulating and compounding).. . Quantity purchased (in kilograms)

e. Post-consumer recycled resin – chemical recycling source Chemical recycling changes the chemical structure of a polymeric material using processing methods such as high heat, high pressure, solvents and catalysts. The chemical recycling processes includes, but may not be limited to, purification, depolymerisation and decomposition…………………………………………………………Quantity purchased (in kilograms)

f. Post-consumer recycled resin – unknown source…………………………………………………………Quantity purchased (in kilograms)

Bio-based resin

These are resins produced from renewable biomass sources, such as vegetable fats and oils, corn starch, straw, woodchips, sawdust, recycled food waste, etc.

g. Bio-based resin…………………………………………………………Quantity purchased (in kilograms)

Quantity purchased (in kilograms)
Quantity reused or given (in kilograms)

3. Please provide comments if you have difficulties responding to the previous question or if you would like to provide additional information regarding the product.
Comment box:

Please answer the next questions for each of the resins listed below. If you purchased multiple resins, you might need to print the next questions many times.

Product code Product description
28111112 Other thermoplastic polyester resins
28111240 Other polyethylene resins
28111434 All other thermoplastic resins
28111513 All other formaldehyde based resins
28111613 Other thermosetting resins

Purchases of raw materials and components to be used in manufacturing or logging process

This section asks for a breakdown of this business's purchases of raw materials and components. The total cost of purchases for all raw materials and components should match the amount reported in question 5a. of the Industry characteristics section.
Note: If your only activity is contract logging and your business unit only provides a labour service, this section does not apply to your business.

Product description:

Product code:

1. Was this raw material or component purchased this reporting period?

  • Yes
    • Quantity purchased (in kilograms)
    • Cost of purchase (CAN$ '000)
  • No