2021 Annual Survey on End-Use of Refined Petroleum Products

Coverage statement: Please report for the business unit(s) identified above. Include only the operation(s) located in Canada.

This information is collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S-19.

Completion of this questionnaire is a legal requirement under this act.

Survey purpose

The purpose of this survey is to obtain information on the supply of, and/or demand for, energy in Canada. This information serves as an important indicator of Canadian economic performance and is used by all levels of government in establishing informed policies in the energy area. The private sector also uses this information in the corporate decision-making process. Your information may also be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes.


Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information it collects which could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Statistics Canada will use the information from this survey for statistical and research purposes.

This questionnaire should be completed and mailed to:
Statistics Canada, Operations and Integration Division,
JT2-B17, 150 Tunney's Pasture,
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0T6
or fax it to 1-800-755-5514 in time to be in Ottawa by the 15th of the month following the month under review.

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Statistics Canada advises you that there could be a risk of disclosure during facsimile or e-mail. However, upon receipt, Statistics Canada will provide the guaranteed level of protection afforded to all information collected under the authority of the Statistics Act.

Data-sharing agreements

To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into data sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government organizations, which have agreed to keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes.

Information on data sharing agreements and record linkage can be found on the last page of this questionnaire.

Reporting instructions

Please refer to the reporting instruction and list of reporting companies before completing this report. NAICS, 32411, 32419

Please return the questionnaire within 20 days.

If you need help, call us at 1-888-881-3666 or write to us:

Statistics Canada, Operations and Integration Division,
150 Tunney's Pasture Driveway,
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0T6

Visit our website at Statistics Canada

List of Reporting Companies

  • 02 Federated Co-operatives Limited
  • 03 Valero Energy Inc.
  • 05 Husky Energy Inc
  • 06 Imperial Oil Limited
  • 07 Irving Oil Company, Limited
  • 11 Shell Canada
  • 13 Suncor Energy Inc
  • 16 NARL Refining Limited Partnership
  • 19 Parkland Refining (B.C.) Ltd.
  • 32 Gibson Energy Inc
  • 54 Petro-canada Lubricants Inc. (Hollyfrontier Corporation)
  • 55 North West Redwater Partnership (Sturgeon Refinery)

*Do not include sales to the companies listed above.

Aviation Gasoline
Aviation Gasoline (Cubic metres) NL PE NS NB QC ON MB SK AB BC YT NT NU
Cubic metres
1. Iron mines                          
2. Oil and gas extraction                          
3. Other mining                          
4. Food, beverage, tobacco manufacturing                          
5. Pulp and paper manufacturing                          
6. Iron and steel manufacturing                          
7. Aluminum and non-ferrous metal manufacturing                          
8. Cement manufacturing                          
9. Refined petroleum products manufacturing                          
10. Chemical manufacturing                          
11. All other manufacturing                          
12. Forestry, logging and support activities                          
13. Agriculture, fishing, hunting and trapping                          
14. Construction                          
15. Public administration                          
16. Electric power generation and distribution                          
17. Railways                          
18. Canadian airlines                          
19. Foreign airlines                          
20. Road transport and urban transit                          
21. Canadian marine                          
22. Foreign marine                          
23. Pipelines                          
24. Retail pump sales                          
25. Commercial and other institutional                          
26. Secondary distributors                          
27. Residential                          
Total manufacturing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Net Sales, All Categories 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Motor Gasoline
Motor Gasoline (Cubic metres) NL PE NS NB QC ON MB SK AB BC YT NT NU
Cubic metres
1. Iron mines                          
2. Oil and gas extraction                          
3. Other mining                          
4. Food, beverage, tobacco manufacturing                          
5. Pulp and paper manufacturing                          
6. Iron and steel manufacturing                          
7. Aluminum and non-ferrous metal manufacturing                          
8. Cement manufacturing                          
9. Refined petroleum products manufacturing                          
10. Chemical manufacturing                          
11. All other manufacturing                          
12. Forestry, logging and support activities                          
13. Agriculture, fishing, hunting and trapping                          
14. Construction                          
15. Public administration                          
16. Electric power generation and distribution                          
17. Railways                          
18. Canadian airlines                          
19. Foreign airlines                          
20. Road transport and urban transit                          
21. Canadian marine                          
22. Foreign marine                          
23. Pipelines                          
24. Retail pump sales                          
25. Commercial and other institutional                          
26. Secondary distributors                          
27. Residential                          
Total manufacturing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Net Sales, All Categories 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kerosene-type jet fuel
Kerosene-type jet fuel (Cubic metres) NL PE NS NB QC ON MB SK AB BC YT NT NU
Cubic metres
1. Iron mines                          
2. Oil and gas extraction                          
3. Other mining                          
4. Food, beverage, tobacco manufacturing                          
5. Pulp and paper manufacturing                          
6. Iron and steel manufacturing                          
7. Aluminum and non-ferrous metal manufacturing                          
8. Cement manufacturing                          
9. Refined petroleum products manufacturing                          
10. Chemical manufacturing                          
11. All other manufacturing                          
12. Forestry, logging and support activities                          
13. Agriculture, fishing, hunting and trapping                          
14. Construction                          
15. Public administration                          
16. Electric power generation and distribution                          
17. Railways                          
18. Canadian airlines                          
19. Foreign airlines                          
20. Road transport and urban transit                          
21. Canadian marine                          
22. Foreign marine                          
23. Pipelines                          
24. Retail pump sales                          
25. Commercial and other institutional                          
26. Secondary distributors                          
27. Residential                          
Total Manufacturing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Net Sales, All Categories 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Propane (Cubic metres) NL PE NS NB QC ON MB SK AB BC YT NT NU
Cubic metres
1. Iron mines                          
2. Oil and gas extraction                          
3. Other mining                          
4. Food, beverage, tobacco manufacturing                          
5. Pulp and paper manufacturing                          
6. Iron and steel manufacturing                          
7. Aluminum and non-ferrous metal manufacturing                          
8. Cement manufacturing                          
9. Refined petroleum products manufacturing                          
10. Chemical manufacturing                          
11. All other manufacturing                          
12. Forestry, logging and support activities                          
13. Agriculture, fishing, hunting and trapping                          
14. Construction                          
15. Public administration                          
16. Electric power generation and distribution                          
17. Railways                          
18. Canadian airlines                          
19. Foreign airlines                          
20. Road transport and urban transit                          
21. Canadian marine                          
22. Foreign marine                          
23. Pipelines                          
24. Retail pump sales                          
25. Commercial and other institutional                          
26. Secondary distributors                          
27. Residential                          
Total manufacuring 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Net Sales, All Categories 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kerosene and stove oil
Kerosene and stove oil (Cubic metres) NL PE NS NB QC ON MB SK AB BC YT NT NU
Cubic metres
1. Iron mines                          
2. Oil and gas extraction                          
3. Other mining                          
4. Manufacturing                          
5. Forestry, logging and support activities                          
6. Agriculture, fishing, hunting and trapping                          
7. Construction                          
8. Public administration                          
9. Electric power generation and distribution                          
10. Railways                          
11. Canadian airlines                          
12. Foreign airlines                          
13. Road transport and urban transit                          
14. Canadian marine                          
15. Foreign marine                          
16. Pipelines                          
17. Retail pump sales                          
18. Commercial and other institutional                          
19. Secondary distributors                          
20. Residential                          
Total Net Sales, All Categories 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Diesel fuel oil
Diesel fuel oil (Cubic metres) NL PE NS NB QC ON MB SK AB BC YT NT NU
Cubic metres
1. Iron mines                          
2. Oil and gas extraction                          
3. Other mining                          
4. Manufacturing                          
5. Forestry, logging and support activities                          
6. Agriculture, fishing, hunting and trapping                          
7. Construction                          
8. Public administration                          
9. Electric power generation and distribution                          
10. Railways                          
11. Canadian airlines                          
12. Foreign airlines                          
13. Road transport and urban transit                          
14. Canadian marine                          
15. Foreign marine                          
16. Pipelines                          
17. Retail pump sales                          
18. Commercial and other institutional                          
19. Secondary distributors                          
20. Residential                          
Total Net Sales, All Categories 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Light fuel oils
Light fuel oils (Cubic metres) NL PE NS NB QC ON MB SK AB BC YT NT NU
Cubic metres
1. Iron mines                          
2. Oil and gas extraction                          
3. Other mining                          
4. Manufacturing                          
5. Forestry, logging and support activities                          
6. Agriculture, fishing, hunting and trapping                          
7. Construction                          
8. Public administration                          
9. Electric power generation and distribution                          
10. Railways                          
11. Canadian airlines                          
12. Foreign airlines                          
13. Road transport and urban transit                          
14. Canadian marine                          
15. Foreign marine                          
16. Pipelines                          
17. Retail pump sales                          
18. Commercial and other institutional                          
19. Secondary distributors                          
20. Residential                          
Total Net Sales, All Categories 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Residual and heavy fuel oils
Residual and heavy fuel oils (Cubic metres) NL PE NS NB QC ON MB SK AB BC YT NT NU
Cubic metres
1. Iron mines                          
2. Oil and gas extraction                          
3. Other mining                          
4. Manufacturing                          
5. Forestry, logging and support activities                          
6. Agriculture, fishing, hunting and trapping                          
7. Construction                          
8. Public administration                          
9. Electric power generation and distribution                          
10. Railways                          
11. Canadian airlines                          
12. Foreign airlines                          
13. Road transport and urban transit                          
14. Canadian marine                          
15. Foreign marine                          
16. Pipelines                          
17. Retail pump sales                          
18. Commercial and other institutional                          
19. Secondary distributors                          
20. Residential                          
Total Net Sales, All Categories 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Asphalt (Cubic metres) NL PE NS NB QC ON MB SK AB BC YT NT NU
Cubic metres
1. Construction                          
2. Manufacturing                          
3. Commercial and other institutional                          
4. Secondary distributors                          
Total Net Sales, All Categories 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lubricants (Cubic metres) NL PE NS NB QC ON MB SK AB BC YT NT NU
Cubic metres
1. Iron mines                          
2. Oil and gas extraction                          
3. Other mining                          
4. Food, beverage, tobacco manufacturing                          
5. Pulp and paper manufacturing                          
6. Iron and steel manufacturing                          
7. Aluminum and non-ferrous metal manufacturing                          
8. Cement manufacturing                          
9. Refined petroleum products manufacturing                          
10. Chemical manufacturing                          
11. All other manufacturing                          
12. Forestry, logging and support activities                          
13. Agriculture, fishing, hunting and trapping                          
14. Construction                          
15. Public administration                          
16. Electric power generation and distribution                          
17. Railways                          
18. Canadian airlines                          
19. Foreign airlines                          
20. Road transport and urban transit                          
21. Canadian marine                          
22. Foreign marine                          
23. Pipelines                          
24. Retail pump sales                          
25. Commercial and other institutional                          
26. Secondary distributors                          
27. Residential                          
Total manufacturing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Net Sales, All Categories 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Summary of Net Sales, All Categories Totals

Summary of Net Sales, All Categories Totals
Aviation gasoline                           0
Motor Gasoline                           0
Kerosene-type jet fuel                           0
Propane                           0
Kerosene and stove oil                           0
Diesel fuel oil                           0
Light fuel oils                           0
Residual and heavy fuel oils                           0
Asphalt                           0
Lubricants                           0