Retail Price and Costs Survey at remote locations

Part 1

Employee questionnaire

Consumer Information Schedule (CIS)


  1. General information
  2. Miscellaneous information
  3. Local versus outside purchases
  4. Outside purchases
  6. Insurance and other home services


  • The following is an excerpt from the Isolated Post and Government Housing Directive - Appendix H, page 3:
  • When Statistics Canada is unable to measure the LCD index by reason of the lack of response to surveys by employees, the National Joint Council, on the recommendation of the Isolated Posts and Government Housing Committee, may recommend the reduction or deletion of the applicable LCD index.

When completed either

Mail to:
Isolated Posts Unit, Consumer Prices Division, Statistics Canada
A2 - 3th Floor, Jean Talon Bldg. 170 Tunney's Pasture Driveway,
Ottawa, ON K1A 0T6


Fax to:
Attn: Lloyd McKinnon,(613) 951-5141

Government Allowance Indexes Section - Consumer Prices Division

Retail price and living cost survey


The Government Allowance Indexes Section of Statistics Canada has been assigned the responsibility for carrying out surveys of retail price and living cost conditions encountered by Federal Government personnel stationed at isolated posts. The results of this study will be used to determine the Living Cost Differential allowance level payable under the Isolated Posts and Government Housing Directive. The range of goods and services included in this study are limited to those categories outlined in the Isolated Posts and Government Housing Directive as set out by the National Joint Council Committee on Isolated Posts and Government Housing.

The Government Allowance Indexes Section of Statistics Canada has been assigned the responsibility for carrying out surveys of retail price and living cost conditions encountered by Federal Government personnel stationed at isolated posts. The results of this study will be used to determine the Living Cost Differential allowance level payable under the Isolated Posts and Government Housing Directive. The range of goods and services included in this study are limited to those categories outlined in the Isolated Posts and Government Housing Directive as set out by the National Joint Council Committee on Isolated Posts and Government Housing.


We would ask that this schedule be completed by each family or individual concerned. Your co-operation in ensuring that the necessary information is supplied as soon as possible will be appreciated. The various questions have been grouped under six basic sections:

SECTION A: General information relating to yourself, your family and the location at which you are stationed.
SECTION B: Miscellaneous information.
SECTION C: Information on Local versus Outside purchases.
SECTION D: Information on Outside purchases.
SECTION E: Comments on local conditions as they affect retail price and living cost levels.
SECTION F: Information on Insurance and Other Home Services.

The information that you provide should reflect your own purchasing practises and consumption patterns. Please describe only what applies to you and your family, do not try to give answers that represent the post as a whole. Actual retail prices for your location will be collected separately by either a Statistics Canada survey officer or your Survey Co-ordinator.

Once you have completely finished sections A-F, the questionnaire should be inserted into the self-addressed postage paid envelope, if provided, or mailed to the address on the front page of this survey or faxed to: (613) 951-5141


Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from publishing any statistics which would divulge information obtained from this survey that relates to any identifiable business or institution or individual without the previous written consent of that business/individual/institution. The data reported on this questionnaire will be treated with the strictest confidence and will be used for statistical purposes that will be published in aggregate form only. The confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act are not affected by either the Access to Information Act or by any other legislation.

Thank you for your Co-operation

Section A: General information

  1. Name of employee
  2. Location
  3. Department
  4. Public service classification
  5. Amount of time at this location
    • years
    • months
  6. Telephone number
    • at work (area code):
    • at home (area code):
  7. How long have you been serving at posts designated as isolated?
    • years
    • months
  8. Number of people living in the household
    • Adults (include yourself)
    • Children
  9. Full mailing address

Section B: Miscellaneous information

  1. Services
    • (A) Dry cleaning: If this service is not available locally, please specify where you might reasonably obtain them by giving:
      • Name of location
      • Name of business establishment
      • Method of transporting
    • (B) Vehicle repairs: If this service is not available locally, please specify where you might reasonably obtain them by giving:
      • Name of location
      • Name of business establishment
  2. Transportation
    • (A)Regional centre visited most often and method(s) of travel:
    • (B)Large metropolitan centre most associated with your region and method(s) of travel:
  3. Please list the local retail grocery stores that you patronize at your location and indicate in percentage terms the amounts spent in each.
    • Local grocery outlets
    • Percentage amount (Should total to 100%)
  4. Fuel and utilities costs:
    • How much does it cost to heat your house annually?
    • What are your annual electricity costs?
  5. What type of fuel do you use to heat your home? (Please check all that apply)
    • Natural gas
    • Propane
    • Heating oil
    • Electricity
    • Wood
  6. Name of the local suppliers for:
    • Electricity
    • Heating fuel (oil, gas, propane, etc.)

Section C: Local vs outside purchases


Listed below are some of the major items or groups ot items that you probably purchase on a regular basis. For each item, indicate in column 1 the percentage of these items you normally purchase locally, and in column 2 show the percentage you normally obtain from other outside locations. The sum of the figures for each line should total 100% (as shown in the examples below).
Please indicate N/A (not applicable) for those groups of items that are not relevant to your consumption habits.

Please note that this page and the next go together and should be considered as one large spreadsheet.
See the next page (page 5) for other instructions concerning columns in this page.

Standard table symbols

Table summary
This is an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada. This table contains no data.
Item groups 1
Local Outlets
Outside Purchases
The location(s) where outside purchasesare normally made.
% if more thanone locationper group
Fresh fruits and vegetables
20% 80% Edmonton
Eggs 90% 10% Thompson ..
Groups Data entry here
Fresh milk
Other milk - evaporated, powdered, etc.
Ice cream
Fresh and/or frozen meats
Perishable fresh fruit and vegetables - all fruits, tomatoes, lettuce, etc.
Coarse vegetables - potatoes, cabbage, turnips, etc.
Frozen foods
Soft drinks
General groceries - canned goods, spreads, sauces, tea, coffee, etc.
Personal care supplies - shampoos, deodorants, tissues, etc.
Pet food
Household supplies - detergent, bleaches, foodwraps, etc.
Minor auto parts - spark plugs, oil filters, anti-freeze, etc.
Major auto parts - tires, batteries, air filters, etc.
Snowmobile / outboard motor parts
Liquor and wine
Audio / video tapes, CD's
Film and film processing, batteries
Reading supplies

Section D: outside purchases (This section is applicable only for those items obtained from outside sources)


For each entry you have made in column 2 (Outside Purchases) on page 4, please indicate in the appropriate columns below:

  1. The location where each outside purchase was normally made (if more than 1 location per item, estimate each in percentage terms).
  2. The name of the business with whom you normally deal.
  3. The method of transporting the goods to the post (i.e. parcel post, air freight, train, boat, private vehicle or a combination of these).
    If goods within one group are sometimes transported by different means, list them all and estimate each in percentage terms.
  4. Give the name of the carrier(s) that are normally used along with the shipping rate per kg. and minimun charge where applicable.

Standard table symbols

Table summary
This is an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada. This table contains no data.
The name of the business(es) with whom you normally deal
The method normally used to transport the goods to the post
% if more than one method pergroup D
Where applicable, give the name of the carrier(s) normally used, the shipping rate/kg. and the minimum charges


Cash & carry, enterprise extra foods, Yellowknife

From Edmonton by truck
From Edmonton by air
From Yellowknife by private vehicle
XYZ transport $0.90/kg - $20 minimum
ABC airline $1.50/kg - $22 minimum
Safeway Private vehicle .. N/A
Data entry here Data entry here

Section D: Outside purchases(continued)

In the event that you make large bulk purchases for food and related items, please give the approximate weight, the dollar value and the method of transportation of the single largest order you have received during the past 12 months. Do not include shipments of household furnishings, personal effects, vehicles, building supplies, etc.
  • Value ($) (excl. transportation costs)
  • Approximate weight (kg)
  • Method of transportation

If you have indicated that you use a private vehicle to bring in outside purchases, please indicate the one-way distance you must drive from the post to the location in question, the frequency these trips are made and the average value of the purchases. Please also indicate the type of road that is used to get to the location in question. (i.e. gravel, paved, etc.)

  • One way distance
    • miles
    • m
  • Frequency of the trips
    • once every _ week(s)
  • Average value of purchases (exel. gas, meals & lodging)
    • $_ /trip
    • Type of road surface:
  • If overmight meals and lodging are required - costs per day: $_
  • Approximate cost of gas (one way): $_

Section E: Comments

This section has been added to enable you to express your views and opinions about local conditions as they affect your living cost situation and those of your family. More specifically, your comments would be welcomed regarding the quality and availability of goods and services, as well as the retail outlets. (Please be as specific as possible i.e. estimate spoilage loss, etc. in percentage terms.)


I hereby that the above information is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge.

  • Signature
  • Date

Section F: Insurance and other home services

  • Motor vehicle insurance coverage
    • Type of vehicle:
      • Car
      • Truck
      • Minivan
      • SUV
    • Make:
    • Model:
    • Year:
  • Liability protection amount $:
  • Deductible amounts:
    • Forliability $:
    • For comprhensive $:
  • Name of Insurer
  • Total amount of premium $:
  • Home owners/tenants insurance coverage. Name of Insurer:
  • Type of dwelling
    • House
    • Apartment
    • Townhouse
    • Other (please specify)
    • Own
    • Rent
    • Provided by the Government
  • Home owner's package
    • Annual premium $:
    • Deductible amount $:
    • Coverage on dwelling $:
    • Coverage on contents $:
    • Liability protection amount $:
    • Other(s) $:
  • Tenant's package
    • Annual premium $:
    • Deductible amount $:
    • Coverage on contents $:
    • Liability protection amount $:
    • Other(s) $:
      Please specify other:
  • Satellite or cablevision service

    In this section, please specify if you receive satellite , cablevision and/or internet service at your home. Please indicate the type of service, the name or the service provider, the level of service that you receive and the monthly cost for this service.

    • Name of provider
    • Satellite
    • Cablevision
    • Do not receive either service
    • Basic service
      • # of channels
      • Monthly charge $:
    • Extended Package
      • # of channels
      • Monthly charge $:
    • Extended package Plus
      • # of channels
      • Monthly charge $:
    • Internet service
      • Name of Provider:
      • no service
      • # of hours access per month
      • unlimited
      • Monthly charge $:
      • 2nd telephone line (if applicable)
      • Monthly charge $:

Internet addresses

To view the "Isolated Posts and Government Housing Directive"

go to the Treasury Board Secretariat internet site:

To view past changes/updates to directive

go to the National Joint Council internet site:

  • click on "What's New"
  • you can also access the Directive by clicking on "NJC Directives"
To view the list of designated departmental coordinators for the directive

go to the Treasury Board Secretariat internet site:

Isolated posts unit - Statistics Canada:(e-mail address)

Linda Fortin-Dorion -

Denis Montreuil -