Census of Trusteed Pension Funds 2012

Confidential when completed;

Si vous préférez ce questionnaire en français,veuillez nous téléphoner au 1-800-678-7910.

Correct pre-printed mailing address, if necessary, using the corresponding boxes below:

  • C0001 Pension plan fund name
  • C0002 Organization name
  • C0008 First name
  • C0028 Last name
  • C0004 Address / P.O. Box
  • C0005 City
  • C0006 Province / Territory / State
  • C0007 Postal code/Zip code

General Information

This information is collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S-19.


Survey purpose

This survey collects financial information on the revenues, expenditures and assets of trusteed pension funds. Trusteed pension funds data are an input to Statistics Canada’s System of National Accounts. Your information may also be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes. For more information on this survey, please access www.statcan.gc.ca/survey-enquete/index-eng.htm.


The Statistics Act protects the confidentiality of information collected by Statistics Canada. Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information it collects which could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Statistics Canada will use the information from this survey for statistical purposes.

Record linkages

To enhance the data from this survey, Statistics Canada may combine it with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

Facsimile or other electronic transmission disclosure

Statistics Canada advises you that there could be a risk of disclosure during facsimile or other electronic transmission. However, upon receipt, Statistics Canada will provide the guaranteed level of protection afforded all information collected under the authority of the Statistics Act.

Return of the questionnaire

Please return the completed questionnaire to Statistics Canada by mail, using the enclosed envelope or you can send it by facsimile to 1-888-883-7999.

Further Information

If you require assistance regarding this survey, please contact Statistics Canada by telephone at 1-800-678-7910.


1. Does this organization operate, either by sponsoring or managing, the trusteed pension fund named at the top of this page? For a definition of a trusteed pension fund, please refer to "Definitions" on the "Notes/Instructions".

  • Yes – Please complete the remainder of the questionnaire and return it to Statistics Canada.
  • No – Please elaborate
    • Fund closed (MM-YYYY)
    • Fund is deposited in total with an insurance company under an insurance company contract
    • Other, please specify

      Please provide your name (bottom of this page), complete question 8 and return the questionnaire to Statistics Canada.

Name of person completing questionnaire (please print)

Name of organization completeing questionnaire (please print)

Telephone ()

Fax ()

E-mail address

Section A: Administrative Data

1. Year of Inauguration of This Fund

2. Fund Fiscal Year End (MM-DD)

3. Investment Decision made by (check one or more)

Note: If a committee is actively involved in directing the investments, indicate which of the following are represented on the committee.

  • (a) Trustee(s)
  • (b) Employer (includes investment staff of the employer and public sector funds whose investment is governed by legislation)
  • (c) Outside investment counsel
  • (d) Employee (plan members)
  • (e) Other (specify)

4. Insurance Company Holdings

Is any of the money in this pension fund invested with or managed by an insurance company?

  • Yes
  • No

If yes, what is the amount involved?

  • Market value $ (omit cents)

5. Members Covered

Note: Should be as of same time period as assets, preferably December 31.

  • (a) Number of employed plan members (including employees on temporary lay-off)
    Indicate year end used:
    • December 31, 2012
    • Other year end between April 1, 2012 and March 31, 2013
  • (b) Number of additional persons having equity in the fund (e.g. retired persons receiving pension, persons who will receive deferred pension, etc.)
    Indicate year end used:
    • December 31, 2012
    • Other year end between April 1, 2012 and March 31, 2013

6. Contributory Status(for the majority of members)

Are the majority of members required to contribute to the pension fund?

  • Yes
  • No

7. Type of Plan (for the majority of employed members participating in the fund – check one only)

  • (a) Defined benefit / flat benefit
  • (b) Defined contribution (money purchase/profit sharing)
  • (c) Combination of above or as selected by employee
  • (d) Other (specify)

8. Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Pension Plan Registration Number(s) (of all plans included in this fund)
(If space insufficient, attach another page.)

Book (cost) value of previous year’s assets

Report the net book (cost) value of assets for the year end occurring between April 1, 2011 and March 31, 2012.

  • $ (omit cents)

Section B: Receipts and Disbursements

Report for one year period ending December 31, 2012 if possible.

Indicate year end used:

  • December 31, 2012
  • Other year end between April 1, 2012 and March 31, 2013

Receipts and Net Realized Gains

Note: Do not include any unrealized gains.

  • Contributions:
    • employee $ (omit cents)
    • employer $ (omit cents)
  • Investment income (interest, dividends, etc.) $ (omit cents)
  • Net realized profit on sale of securities $ (omit cents)
  • Transfers from other pension plans (specify) $ (omit cents)
  • Other receipts and gains (specify) $ (omit cents)
  • Total receipts and gains (total of lines 100 to 105) $ (omit cents)

Disbursements and Net Realized Losses

Note: Do not include any unrealized losses.

  • Pension payments out of fund to retirees and beneficiaries $ (omit cents)
  • Cost of pensions purchased $ (omit cents)
  • Cash withdrawals (including transfers to other plans) $ (omit cents)
  • Administration costs (if charged against fund) $ (omit cents)
  • Net realized loss on sale of securities $ (omit cents)
  • Refund of surplus in the fund $ (omit cents)
  • Other disbursements and losses (specify) $ (omit cents)
  • Total disbursements and losses (total of lines 200 to 206) $ (omit cents)

Section C: Assets

* Note: Detailed asset portfolio is essential for master trust funds (see instructions). Asset detail is not necessary for the participant accounts.

Report as of December 31, 2012 if possible.

Indicate year end used:

  • December 31, 2012
  • Other year end between April 1, 2012 and March 31, 2013

Pooled, mutual and investment funds:

  • Book (cost) value $ (omit cents)
    • Canadian equity fund
    • Canadian bond fund (fixed income)
    • Canadian mortgage fund
    • Canadian real estate fund
    • Canadian money market fund
    • foreign fund
    • other Canadian fund (specify)
  • Market value $ (omit cents)
    • Canadian equity fund
    • Canadian bond fund (fixed income)
    • Canadian mortgage fund
    • Canadian real estate fund
    • Canadian money market fund
    • foreign fund
    • other Canadian fund (specify)


  • Book (cost) value $ (omit cents)
    • Canadian common and preferred stocks
    • foreign common and preferred stocks:
      • United States
      • other
  • Market value $ (omit cents)
    • Canadian common and preferred stocks
    • foreign common and preferred stocks:
      • United States
      • other


  • Book (cost) value $ (omit cents)
    • federal
    • provincial
    • municipal
    • other Canadian (corporate)
    • foreign
  • Market value $ (omit cents)
    • federal
    • provincial
    • municipal
    • other Canadian (corporate)
    • foreign


  • Book (cost) value $ (omit cents)
    • residential
    • non-residential
  • Market value $ (omit cents)
    • residential
    • non-residential

Real estate (including petroleum and natural gas properties)

  • Book (cost) value $ (omit cents)
  • Market value $ (omit cents)

Cash, deposits, short-term:

  • Book (cost) value $ (omit cents)
    • cash, deposits, GICs
    • Government of Canada t-bills
    • foreign short-term investments
    • other Canadian short-term paper
  • Market value $ (omit cents)
    • cash, deposits, GICs
    • Government of Canada t-bills
    • foreign short-term investments
    • other Canadian short-term paper


  • Book (cost) value $ (omit cents)
    • accrued interest and dividends receivable
    • accounts receivable
    • other assets (specify)
  • Market value $ (omit cents)
    • accrued interest and dividends receivable
    • accounts receivable
    • other assets (specify)

Total assets (total of lines 300 to 372)

  • Book (cost) value $ (omit cents)
  • Market value $ (omit cents)

Deduct: Debts and payables

  • Book (cost) value $ (omit cents)
  • Market value $ (omit cents)
Net assets (line 380 less line 390)
  • Book (cost) value $ (omit cents)
  • Market value $ (omit cents)

Thank you for your cooperation