The following are screening questions to determine if this business is in scope for this survey
1. In 2024, did this business sell any defence products or services?
Such products or services include:
- ammunition and firearms
- maintenance, repair or overhaul of military aircrafts, naval ships, combat vehicles and their related components
- military systems deployed in space and space launch vehicles
- communications and navigation systems
- simulation systems for military aircraft, naval ships and combat vehicles
- troop support and training.
- Yes
- No
- Don't know
2. In 2024, did this business sell any aerospace products or services?
Such products or services include:
- manufacturing, maintenance, repair or overhaul of civil aircrafts and their components
- simulation systems for civil aircrafts
- commercial and non-military government systems deployed in space and space launch vehicles.
- Yes
- No
- Don't know
3. In 2024, did this business sell any commercial and civil marine products or services?
Such products or services include:
- shipbuilding and ship components
- ship design, repair and maintenance services
- offshore oil and gas structures and components
- marine sciences and ocean technology
- manned and unmanned marine vehicles, marine robotics and components.
- Yes
- No
- Don't know
4. In 2024, did this business sell any cybersecurity products or services?
Such products or services include:
- cybersecurity solutions based on a single package of services
- compliance audits
- program development
- risk management
- industrial control system
- data acquisition
- encryption
- cybersecurity infrastructure services
- penetration testing and threat assessments
- cyberspace threat monitoring
- forensics and the investigation of cyber attacks
- cybersecurity training.
- Yes
- No
- Don't know