National Construction Industry Wage Rate Survey, 2010

For information only


Q1 For this survey we are interested in full-time employees including seasonal workers and those who have worked at least one week full-time. Full-time is 30 hours or more per week. Please exclude apprentices, supervisors, owners, forepersons, superintendents, contract workers and volunteers.

What is the maximum number of full-time employees your establishment employed at any time during the last 12 months for commercial or institutional construction work?

Q2 During the past 12 months have you had full time employees working on commercial or institutional construction sites in the following occupations?

Q3 Are the (selected occupation) unionized?

Q4 What is the maximum number of full-time (selected occupation) that have worked at any time during the last 12 months on commercial or institutional construction sites?

Q5 What is the usual number of hours worked per week by full-time (selected occupation), excluding overtime?

Q6 For the (selected occupation), what is the starting wage for full-time employees working on commercial or institutional construction sites?

Q7 For the (selected occupation), what is the wage most frequently paid for full-time employees working on commercial and institutional construction sites?

Q7c For the (selected occupation) who worked on commercial or institutional construction during the past 12 months, how many were paid the most frequently paid wage rate?

Q8 For (selected occupation), what is the maximum wage paid for full-time employees working on commercial or institutional construction sites?