Financial Information of Universities and Colleges – 2010/2011

Tourism and Centre for Education Statistics Division

Purpose of the survey

The objective of the survey is to collect financial data concerning universities and colleges across the country. The information obtained will give associations and governments a better understanding of the financial position of universities and colleges in Canada and help in the development of policies in this sector.


Statistics Canada is prohibited from publishing any statistics which would divulge information obtained from this survey that relates to any identifiable institution without the previous written consent of that institution.
The data reported on this questionnaire will be treated in confidence, used for statistical purposes and published in aggregate form only.

General information

  • Name of University (or College)
  • Address
    • Street
    • City
    • Province
    • Postal Code
  • Fiscal year ending: Day Month Year
  • Name and title of respondent
  • Telephone
    • Area code
    • Number
    • Local
  • Fax
    • Area code
    • Number
  • E-mail address
  • Name of Senior Administrative Officer (if different from above)


  1. Please read carefully the accompanying Guidelines.
  2. All amounts should be expressed in thousands of dollars ($000's).
  3. In the "Observations and Comments" section, please explain financial data that may not be comparable with the prior year.
  4. Please do not fill in shaded areas. All non-shaded cells should be completed.
    A nil entry should be indicated with a zero.

Reserved for Statistics Canada

  • Full-time equivalent
  • Report Status
  • Institution Code: nceYYIII
  • Comments


Table 1.  Income by fund
Types of income Funds
  General operating Special purpose and trust Sponsored research Ancillary Capital Endowment Total funds
      Entities consolidated Entities not consolidated Sub-total        
  thousands of dollars
Government departments and agencies - grants and contracts                  
1. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council                  
2. Health Canada                  
3. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council                  
4. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)                  
5. Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI)                  
6. Canada Research Chairs                  
7. Other federal                  
8. Provincial                  
9. Municipal                  
10. Other provinces                  
11. Foreign                  
Tuition and other fees                  
  12. Credit course tuition                  
  13. Non-credit tuition                  
  14. Other fees                  
Donations, including bequests                  
  15. Individuals                  
  16. Business enterprises                  
  17. Not-for-profit organizations                  
grants and contracts
  18. Individuals                  
  19. Business enterprises                  
  20. Not-for-profit organizations                  
  21. Endowment                  
  22. Other investment                  
  23. Sale of services and products                  
  24. Miscellaneous                  
25. Total1                  

Observations and comments

  • Description (Fund and type of income)
  • Comments


Table 2.  Expenditures by fund
Types of expenditures Funds
  General operating Special purpose and trust Sponsored research Ancillary Capital Endowment Total funds
      Entities consolidated Entities not consolidated Sub-total        
  thousands of dollars
Academic salaries                  
1. Academic ranks                  
2. Other instruction and research                  
3. Other salaries and wages                  
4. Benefits                  
5. Travel                  
6. Library acquisitions                  
7. Printing and duplicating                  
8. Materials and supplies                  
9. Communications                  
10. Other operational expenditures                  
11. Utilities                  
12. Renovations and alterations                  
13. Scholarships, bursaries and prizes                  
14. Externally contracted services                  
15. Professional fees                  
16. Cost of goods sold                  
17. Interest                  
18. Furniture and equipment purchase                  
19. Equipment rental and maintenance                  
20. Internal sales and cost recoveries                  
21. Sub-total                  
22. Buildings, land and land improvements                  
23. Lump sum payments                  
24. Total1                  

Observations and comments

  • Description (Fund and type of expenditure)
  • Comments


Table 4.  General operating expenditures by function
Types of expenditures Functions
  Instruction and non-sponsored research Non-credit instruction Library Computing and communications Administration and general Student services Physical plant External Relations Total functions1
  thousands of dollars
Academic salaries                  
1. Academic ranks                  
2. Other instruction and research                  
3. Other salaries and wages                  
4. Benefits                  
5. Travel                  
6. Library acquisitions                  
7. Printing and duplicating                  
8. Materials and supplies                  
9. Communications                  
10. Other operational expenditures                  
11. Utilities                  
12. Renovations and alterations                  
13. Scholarships, bursaries and prizes                  
14. Externally contracted services                  
15. Professional fees                  
16. Cost of goods sold                  
17. Interest                  
18. Furniture and equipment purchase                  
19. Equipment rental and maintenance                  
20. Internal sales and cost recoveries                  
21. Sub-total                  
22. Buildings, land and land improvements                  
23. Lump sum payments                  
24. Total                  

Observations and comments

  • Description (Function and type of expenditure)
  • Comments