Financial Information of Colleges - For the fiscal year ending in 2023

Canadian Centre for Education Statistics

This information is collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S19.

Confidential when completed

Voluntary survey

Although your participation in this survey is voluntary, your cooperation is important so that the information collected will be as accurate and complete as possible.

Survey purpose

Results from this survey allow users a better understanding of the financial position (income and expenditures) of all community colleges and public vocational schools in Canada. Your information may also be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes.


Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information it collects which could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Statistics Canada will use the information from this survey for statistical purposes.

Financial Year Ending: Day, Month, Year (2023)

Identification of the institution

  • Name of institution
  • Address (number and street)
  • City
  • Province
  • Postal code
  • Check the appropriate boxes
    • Type
      • Public
      • Private
    • Governing authority
      • Province or territory
      • Board

Identification of the reporting officer

  • Name and title of reporting officer
  • Address (number and street)
  • City
  • Province
  • Postal code
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Fax number
  • Signature of the reporting officer
  • Day, Month, Year

Does your institution offer courses at the elementary-secondary level, other than those academic upgrading courses such as Adult Basic Education which should be reported in this questionnaire?

  • Yes
  • No

If yes, please exclude revenues and expenditures relating to that level of education.


  1. Please read the guidelines carefully.
  2. All amounts should be expressed in thousands of dollars ($'000).
  3. Indicate estimated amounts with an asterisk (*).

Affiliated institutions or campuses included in this report

Affiliated institutions or campuses partially included in this report

Affiliated institutions or campuses excluded from this report

Schedule 1 – Operating, Sponsored Research and Capital Income
Table summary
This is an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada. This table contains no data.
Types Funds
Sponsored Research
Government Grants and Contracts        
FederalSchedule 1 footnote *        
1. Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)
2. Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI)
3. Canadian Institutes of Health Research
4. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
5. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
6. Other federal
7. Regular Grants
8. CFI Matching Fund
9. Other
10. Municipal
11. Postsecondary Programs
12. Trade Vocational Programs
13. Continuing Education Programs
14. Other
Bequests, Donations, Non-Government Grants        
15. Business Enterprises and Individuals
16. Non-profit Organizations and Foundations
17. Sub-total
18. Investment Income        
19. Ancillary Enterprises (Gross)Schedule 1 footnote **        
20. Borrowings        
21. Miscellaneous        
22. Interfund TransfersSchedule 1 footnote ***        
23. Total Income        
Schedule 1 footnote *

As highlighted in Section VI.4 in the Guidelines, amounts reported here should relate only to payments received directly by the institution.

Return to Schedule 1 footnote * referrer

Schedule 1 footnote **

Total should correspond with figures reported in the supporting schedule A.

Return to Schedule 1 footnote ** referrer

Schedule 1 footnote ***

Total interfund transfers must equal to zero.

Return to Schedule 1 footnote *** referrer

Schedule 2A – Operating, Sponsored Research and Capital Expenditures by Function and by Type
Table Summary
This is an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada. This table contains no data.
Types of Expenditures Functions
Operating Sponsored Research
Instruction and non-sponsored researchSchedule 2A footnote * ($'000) Library
General Administration
Physical Plant
Student Services
Total Operating
Salaries and Wages                  
1. Teachers
2. Other
3. Fringe Benefits                  
4. Library Acquisitions                  
5. Operational Supplies and Expenses                  
6. Utilities                  
7. Furniture and Equipment                  
8. Scholarships and Other Related Students Support                  
9. Fees and Contracted Services                  
10. Debt Services                  
11. Buildings                  
12. Land and Site Services                  
13. Miscellaneous                  
14. Transfers to/from                  
15. Ancillary Enterprises (Gross)Schedule 2 footnote **                  
16. Total Expenditures                  
Schedule 2A footnote *

The figures in this column should be identical to the appropriate ones in column 5 (column total), schedule 2B.

Return to Schedule 2A footnote * referrer

Schedule 2A footnote **

Total should correspond with figures reported in the supporting schedule A.

Return to Schedule 2A footnote ** referrer

Schedule 2B – Direct Instruction Expenditures by Program Cost Groups
Table Summary
This is an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada. This table contains no data.
Types of Expenditures Programs
Postsecondary Programs Trade and Vocational Programs
Continuing Education Programs
TotalSchedule 2B footnote * ($'000)
University Transfer
Salaries and Wages          
1. Teachers
2. Other
3. Fringe Benefits          
4. Operational Supplies and Expenses          
5. Furniture and Equipment          
6. Fees and Contracted Services          
7. Miscellaneous          
8. Transfers to/from          
9. Total Instruction Expenditures          
Schedule 2B footnote *

The figures in this column should be identical to the appropriate ones in column 1 (column instruction and non-sponsored research), schedule 2A.

Return to Schedule 2B footnote * referrer

Supporting Schedule A – Ancillary Enterprises
Table Summary
This is an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada. This table contains no data.
  Total Income Total Expenditures
Operating ($'000) Capital ($'000) Operating ($'000) Capital ($'000)
Food Services        
TotalSchedule A footnote *        
Schedule A footnote *

Total should correspond with figures reported in schedules 1 and 2A.

Return to Schedule A footnote * referrer

Observations and Comments
Table Summary
This is an empty data table used by respondents to give their observations and comments. This table contains no data.
(Fund, Function, Type of Income, Expenditure)