Food Skills - Part 1 (FS1)


In this module, respondents are asked a number of questions related to how meals are prepared such as children’s participation in meal preparation, frequency of meals eaten at home and the types of ingredients used.The module also asks questions about grocery shopping.

These questions will be used to examine the links between food habits and skills, and overall health.

Rapid response module asked in November-December 2012

External variables required:

HHLDSZ: Household size from the Entry
FNAME: first name of respondent from household block
PROXMODE: proxy identifier, from the GR block
AGE: Respondent's age
CHILDREN2TO17: application derived variable to identify hhld with children 2 to 17 years old

PE_Q01: first name of specific respondent from USU block
PE_Q02: last name of specific respondent from USU block

Screen display:
Display on header bar PE_Q01 and PE_Q02 separated by a space

If DOFS1 = 1, go to FS1_C10B.
Otherwise, go to FS1_END.

If Proxy interview, go to FS1_END.
Otherwise, go to FS1_R10.

Now, we would like to ask you some questions about eating habits and the way you prepare the food in your household.

INTERVIEWER: Press <1> to continue.

In general, would you say that your eating habits are... ?

INTERVIEWER: Read categories to respondent.

  1. Excellent
  2. Very good
  3. Good
  4. Fair
  5. Poor
    RF(Go to FS1_END)

If HHLDSIZE = 1, go to FS1_Q110.
Otherwise, go to FS1_Q20.

Are you the person who prepares most of the meals in the household?

  1. Yes
  2. Equally shared responsibility
  3. No
    DK, RF

If FS1_Q20 = 1 or 2, go to FS1_C50.
Otherwise, go to FS1_Q30.

How often do you help with the meal preparation?

INTERVIEWER: Read categories to respondent

  1. Always
  2. Often
  3. Sometimes
  4. Rarely
  5. Never
    DK, RF

If FS1_Q30 = 4 or 5, go to FS1_D40.
Otherwise, go to FS1_C50.

If FS1_Q30 = 4, DT_RARELYNEVERE = "rarely".
If FS1_Q30 = 5, DT_RARELYNEVERE = "never".

What would you say is the main reason why you ^RARELYNEVERE prepare or help prepare meals?

  1. Lack of time
  2. Not interested
  3. No Skills / Skills insufficient
  4. Not confident enough in my cooking ability
  5. Too much effort
  6. Not my responsibility
  7. Don’t have appropriate cookware or appliances
  8. Too young
  9. Other
    DK, RF

If (CHILDREN2TO17> 0)(at least one child 17 years old or younger in hhld) AND selected respondent AGE >17, go to FS1_Q50.
Otherwise, go to FS1_Q110.

Do the children in your household:

make suggestions for family meals?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

(Do the children in your household:)

participate in shopping for groceries?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

(Do the children in your household:)

help to prepare meals or help to cook foods (e.g. cutting, stirring, peeling, washing)?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Thinking about the 3 meals of the day, do the children in your household prepare meals or cook foods by themselves?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

If FS1_Q50 = 2 and FS1_Q60 = 2 and FS1_Q70 = 2 and FS1_Q80 = 2 , go to FS1_Q90.
Otherwise, go to FS1_Q100.

What are the reasons why the children in your household are not involved in meal preparation?

INTERVIEWER: Mark all that apply.

  1. Lack of time
  2. Children are not interested
  3. Parents are not interested
  4. Children don’t have sufficient skills
  5. Parents don’t have sufficient skills
  6. Too much effort
  7. Not the children’s responsibility
  8. Could be harmful or dangerous
  9. Too young
  10. Other
    DK, RF

When at home, how often do you usually eat the MAIN meal with your family sitting at the table together? By main meal we mean the meal of the day that requires the most preparation.

INTERVIEWER: Read categories to respondent. Not all family members need to be present.

  1. Every day
  2. Almost every day
  3. About 2 or 3 times a week
  4. About once a week
  5. Never
    DK, RF

How often do you usually eat at home for the MAIN meal?By main meal we mean the meal of the day that requires the most preparation.

INTERVIEWER: Read categories to respondent.

  1. Every day
  2. Almost every day
  3. About 2 or 3 times a week
  4. About once a week
  5. Never(Go to FS1_Q130)
    DK, RF

If hhldsize = 1, DT_YOURFAMILY = "do you".
Otherwise, DT_YOURFAMILY = "does your family".

When preparing the MAIN meal at home, which of the following ^YOURFAMILY do the most often?

INTERVIEWER: Read categories to respondent. Whole basic foods may also include frozen or canned fruits or vegetables.

  1. You use mostly whole, basic foods such as vegetables, fruits, pasta, legumes and meat
  2. You use mostly easy to prepare foods such as frozen lasagna
  3. You use a mix of whole, basic foods and easy to prepare foods
  4. You buy ready-to eat food or order takeout or delivery
    DK, RF

How would you describe your personal ability to cook from basic ingredients?

Would you say:

  • INTERVIEWER: Read categories to respondent.
  1. I don’t know where to start when it comes to cooking
  2. I can do things such as boil an egg or cook a grilled cheese sandwich but nothing more advanced
  3. I can prepare simple meals but nothing too complicated
  4. I can cook most dishes if I have a recipe to follow
  5. I can prepare most dishes
  6. I frequently prepare sophisticated dishes
    DK, RF

If respondent's age is <18, go to FS1_END.
Otherwise, go to FS1_Q140.

When shopping for groceries, do you sometimes:

have a budget on how much you can spend?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Never shops for groceries(Go to FS1_END)
    DK, RF

(When shopping for groceries, do you sometimes:)

use a written grocery list?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

(When shopping for groceries, do you sometimes:)

plan meals before going to the store?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

(When shopping for groceries, do you sometimes:)

use recommendations from Canada’s Food Guide?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

(When shopping for groceries, do you sometimes:)

select foods based on food nutrition labels?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF