Police Administration Annual Survey 2011

Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics

Information for Respondents

This survey is conducted under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S-19. Completion of this questionnaire is a legal requirement under the Statistics Act.

This survey was designed to produce national statistics on public policing personnel and operating expenditures for Canada. The information collected is widely used by federal and provincial policy makers as well as municipal police service and municipal government personnel. The data are also widely disseminated by the media for the purposes of general public information.

Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from publishing any statistics which would divulge information obtained from this survey that relates to any identifiable respondent/ individual without the previous written consent of that respondent/ individual. The information reported on this questionnaire will be treated in confidence, used for statistical purposes and published in aggregate form only. The confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act are not affected by either the Access to Information Act or any other legislation.

Please complete pages 2 and 3, and add any explanations on page 4.

Table 1
Actual Personnel as of May 15, by Category and Sex (rounded to the nearest full-time equivalent) (For each of the following categories: Male, Female, Total)


  • Police Officers
    • 1. Senior Officers
    • 2. Non-Commissioned Officers
    • 3. Constables
  • Total
    • 4. Police Officers (sum of lines 1 to 3)
  • Special Constables and Civilian Personnel
    • 5. Native Special Constables
    • 6. Security Officers / Guards (exclude casuals, or those who are called in as needed)
    • 7. By-Law Enforcement / Parking Control Officers
    • 8. Cadets / Trainees
    • 9. Communications / Dispatch
    • 10. Management / Professionals
    • 11. Clerical Support
    • 12. School Crossing Guards (see formula for line 12 in the scoring rules)
    • 13. Other (please specify)
  • Total
    • 14. Special Constables and Civilian Personnel (sum of lines 5 to 13)
  • Total
    • 15. Personnel (sum of lines 4 and 14)

Table 2
Authorized Strength as of May 15


  • Authorized Police Officer Strength
  • Other Personnel as of May 15
    • Auxiliary / Reserve Police
    • Casual / Temporary Police Officers
    • Casual / Temporary Civilians

Table 3
This table has been discontinued.

Table 4
Year End Operating Expenditures (For each of the following categories: Calendar Year 2010 OR Fiscal Year 2010/2011)

Actual Amount (Nearest dollar)

  • Salaries and Wages
  • Benefits
    • Paid from Police Force Budget
    • Paid from Other Government Source
  • Other Operating Expenditures
  • Total
    • Operating Expenditures (exclude capital expenditures)

Identify which budget the following items are included in by marking an “X” in the appropriate column(s). (See scoring rules.) (For each of the following categories: Police Force Operational Budget, Police Force Capital Budget, Other Government Source)


  • Vehicle Purchases
  • Vehicle Leasing
  • Computer Services
  • Accommodations
  • Emergency “911” Services

Authorization to release
Authorization: This authorizes the Chief Statistician of Canada to disseminate information reported on this questionnaire to the public.

  • Name and Signature of Contact
  • Telephone Number
  • Date
    • Year
    • Month
    • Day

Comments and/or Explanations

8-1000-4: 2011-02-16
Statistics Canada