Supplemental Police Administration Survey, 2013

Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics

Confidential when completed.

A.  Number of Police Officer Hirings/Departures within the year by Overall Years of Service

(Select one) Calendar Year 2012, Fiscal Year 2012/2013

Hirings (By Overall Years of Service for each of the following categories: Experienced Police Officers, Recruit Graduates)

Overall Years of Service

  • 1. Less than 5 years
  • 2. 5 to less than 10 years
  • 3. 10 to less than 15 years
  • 4. 15 to less than 20 years
  • 5. 20 to less than 25 years
  • 6. 25 to less than 30 years
  • 7. 30 to less than 35 years
  • 8. 35 years and over
  • 9. Information for years of service not available
  • 10. Total (sum lines 1 to 9)

Departures (By Overall Years of Service for each of the following categories: Retirements, Hired by other serviceNote1, Other)

Overall Years of Service

  • 1. Less than 5 years
  • 2. 5 to less than 10 years
  • 3. 10 to less than 15 years
  • 4. 15 to less than 20 years
  • 5. 20 to less than 25 years
  • 6. 25 to less than 30 years
  • 7. 30 to less than 35 years
  • 8. 35 years and over
  • 9. Information for years of service not available
  • 10. Total (sum lines 1 to 9)


  1. If the number of officers who were hired by another police service upon departure is not available, please report all officers who left your police service for any reason other than retirement under the category Other. In the Comments section on the last page of the Main survey form, please indicate that you are unable to report officers hired by another police service.

Police Officers Eligible to Retire as of Calendar of Fiscal Year-End (By Overall Years of Service)

Overall Years of Service

  • 1. Less than 5 years
  • 2. 5 to less than 10 years
  • 3. 10 to less than 15 years
  • 4. 15 to less than 20 years
  • 5. 20 to less than 25 years
  • 6. 25 to less than 30 years
  • 7. 30 to less than 35 years
  • 8. 35 years and over
  • 9. Information for years of service not available
  • 10. Total (sum lines 1 to 9)

B1. Number of Police Officers as of May 15th by Overall Years of Service

Overall Years of Service

  • 11. Less than 5 years
  • 12. 5 to less than 10 years
  • 13. 10 to less than 15 years
  • 14. 15 to less than 20 years
  • 15. 20 to less than 25 years
  • 16. 25 to less than 30 years
  • 17. 30 to less than 35 years
  • 18. 35 years and over
  • 19. Information not available
  • 20. Total (sum lines 11 to 19)*

* Note: This number must be the same as the number you reported for Police Officer Total (line 4 of the Blue Form).

B2. Number of Police Officers as of May 15th by Age Group (For each of the following categories: Experienced Police Officers, Recruit Graduates)

Age Group

  • 21. Less than 20 years
  • 22. 20 to less than 25 years
  • 23. 25 to less than 30 years
  • 24. 30 to less than 35 years
  • 25. 35 to less than 40 years
  • 26. 40 to less than 45 years
  • 27. 45 to less than 50 years
  • 28. 50 to less than 55 years
  • 29. 55 to less than 60 years
  • 30. 60 years and over
  • 31. Information not available
  • 32. Total (sum lines 21 to 31)

C. Number of Police Officers as of May 15th by Highest Level of Education Completed at Time of Hiring (For each of the following categories: Experienced Police Officers, Recruit Graduates)

Education Level

  • 33. High school diploma
  • 34. College, CEGEP or other certificate or diploma
  • 35. University Undergraduate degree
  • 36. University Graduate degree (i.e. master’s degree, Ph.D)
  • 37. Other
  • 38. Information not available
  • 39. Total (sum lines 33 to 38)

D. Number of Police Officers as of May 15th by Visible Minority and Aboriginal Populations (For each of the following categories: Experienced Police Officers, Recruit Graduates)

Visible Minority Status

  • 40. Aboriginal Peoples (First Nations (North American Indian), Métis or Inuit)
  • 41. Visible Minority (persons other than Aboriginal persons who are non-Caucasian in race or non-white in colour)
  • 42. Not a Visible Minority or Aboriginal Person (Caucasian in race or white in colour, regardless of place of birth)
  • 43. Information not available
  • 44. Total (sum lines 40 to 43)

E. Number of Police Officers as of May 15th by Official and Non-Official Languages Spoken (For each of the following categories: Experienced Police Officers, Recruit Graduates)

Language Spoken

Official languages

  • 45. English only
  • 46. French only
  • 47. Both English and French
  • 48. Information not available
  • 49. Total (sum lines 45 to 48)

Non-official languages

Note: Among all police officers reported (line 49), what additional non-official languages were spoken?
You can select multiple languages per officer in this table.

  • Chinese languages
  • Italian
  • German
  • Punjabi
  • Spanish
  • Arabic
  • Tagalog
  • Portuguese
  • Other
  • Information not available

Comments and/or Explanations


For all tables please include:

  • Permanent full-time (works 37.5 hours per week or more) and part-time (works less than 37.5 hours per week) employees (police officer and recruits) on the personnel roster over the past calendar year.
  • Police officers who are paid from external agencies through full or partial cost-recovery agreements, (e.g. airport policing contracts).
  • Police officer personnel actively replacing, (or ‘backfilling’ the positions held by), police officers on long-term leave from the police service, and who are paid by the police service’s annual budget.

For all tables please exclude:

  • Contract or casual workers who are not employed on a permanent basis.
  • Police officers on long-term leave (educational, disability, ‘secondment-out’) who are not being paid by the police service’s annual budget.

*Convert permanent part-time employees to a full-time equivalent. For example, four permanent part-time workers who each work ten hours a week would be considered one full-time employee.

Table A – Number of Police Officer Hirings/Departures within the year by Overall Years of Service

Overall Years of Service: Please report the number of years of service as a police officer. Depending on your source for this information, ‘overall years of service’ may exclude prior years of policing experience. For example, many Human Resource Records Management Systems rely on the concept of pensionable years of service when reporting actual years of service. In some cases, systems may not carry over years of service an officer acquired during previous employment with a different police service. Additionally, not all systems distinguish between prior years of service as a civilian employee and prior years of service as a police officer. In both these cases, please report the number of years of service that is available in your system.
Note: Reasons other than the ones mentioned above may exist for why ‘overall years of service’ may exclude prior years of experience for police officers. However, in all cases, please report your data as accurately as possible within the limits of these constraints and exclusions.

If information on the years of service accumulated by officers who were hired by or departed your police service during the past calendar or fiscal year is unavailable, please provide the number of officers who were hired or who departed in both Line 9 (Information not available) and Line 10 (Total).

Experienced Police Officers include: Senior Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Constables who achieved the status of a fully-sworn police officer prior to the previous calendar year or fiscal year.

Recruit Graduates include: Paid personnel who successfully graduated from a training program during the previous calendar year or fiscal year and have achieved the status of fully-sworn police officer.
Note: This category excludes personnel currently engaged in training programs intended to enable them to achieve the status of fully-sworn officer, but who have not yet achieved that status.

Hirings/Departures: Number of Police Officers who were either hired by your police service or who departed from your police service in the previous calendar year or fiscal year.

Retirements: Number of police officers who retired in the previous calendar year or fiscal year based on age and/or years of service.

Eligible to retire: Number of police officers who were eligible to retire with a full pension as of your previous year’s calendar or fiscal year-end, based on age and/or years of service. Do not include police officers who did retire within the calendar or fiscal year.

Calendar year: Refers to January 1 to December 31 of the previous year.

Table B – Number of Police Officers as of May 15th by Overall Years of Service and Age Group

Total Police officers include: Senior Officers, Non- Commissioned Officers and Constables.

Note: Please follow instructions for Table A regarding definitions for Experienced Police Officers and Recruit Graduates. Table B refers to Total Police Officers, Experienced Police Officers and Recruit Graduates as of the May 15th snapshot date, whereas Table A refers to counts based on the previous calendar year or fiscal year.

Table C – Number of Police Officers as of May 15th by Highest Level of Education Completed at Time of Hiring

Education level: Educational attainment at time of hiring as of the May 15th snapshot date.

Note: Please follow instructions for Table A regarding definitions for Experienced Police Officers and Recruit Graduates. Table C refers to Experienced Police Officers and Recruit Graduates as of the May 15th snapshot date whereas Table A refers to counts based on the previous calendar year or fiscal year.

Please report data even if this information is provided by police officers on a voluntary basis.

Table D – Number of Police Officers as of May 15th by Visible Minority and Aboriginal Populations

Aboriginal Peoples: Refers to whether the police officer is an Aboriginal person of Canada, that is, First Nations (North American Indian), Métis or Inuit.

Visible Minority: Refers to the visible minority group to which the respondent belongs. The Employment Equity Act defines visible minorities as ‘persons, other than Aboriginal peoples, who are non-Caucasian in race or non-white in colour’.

Not a Visible Minority: Refers to persons who are Caucasian in race or white in colour, regardless of place of birth.

Note: Please follow instructions for Table A regarding definitions for Experienced Police Officers and Recruit Graduates. Table D refers to Experienced Police Officers and Recruit Graduates as of the May 15th snapshot date whereas Table A refers to counts based on the previous calendar year or fiscal year.

Please report data even if this information is provided by police officers on a voluntary basis.

Table E – Number of Police Officers as of May 15th by Official and Non-Official Languages Spoken

Languages Spoken: Number of police officers who were able to speak with the public in the languages listed
Note: More than one non-official language can be indicated for each officer.

Chinese languages includes: Mandarin, Cantonese, Hakka, Taiwanese, Chaochow (Teochow), Fukien and Shanghainese, as well as a residual category (Chinese languages not otherwise specified).

Note: Please follow instructions for Table A regarding definitions for Experienced Police Officers and Recruit Graduates. Table E refers to Experienced Police Officers and Recruit Graduates as of the May 15th snapshot date whereas Table A refers to counts based on the previous calendar year or fiscal year.

Please report data even if this information is provided by police officers on a voluntary basis.