Confidential when completed. This survey is conducted under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, c. S-19. Completion of this questionnaire is a legal requirement under the Statistics Act.
The purpose of this survey is to obtain information on stored grains and the crops you intend to seed this year.
Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from publishing any statistics which would divulge information obtained from this survey that relates to any identifiable business, institution or individual without the previous written consent of that business, institution or individual. The data reported on this questionnaire will be treated in confidence, used for statistical purposes and published in aggregate form only. The confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act are not affected by either the Access to Information Act or any other Legislation.
Statistics Canada advises you that there could be a risk of disclosure of your information if you choose to return it by fax, e-mail or other electronic means. Upon receipt of your information, Statistics Canada will provide the level of protection required by the Statistics Act.
Review the information on the label. If any information is incorrect or missing, please make the necessary corrections in the boxes below.
- Farm Name (if applicable)
- Surname or Family Name
- Usual First Name and Initial
- Area Code
- Telephone
- R.R.
- Box No.
- Number and Street Name
- Postal Code
- Post Office (name of city, town or village where mail is received)
- E-mail Address (if applicable)
- Partner's Name (if applicable)
- Telephone
- Partner's Name (if applicable)
- Telephone
- Corporation Name (if applicable)
Section A Grains in storage
The following questions refer to grains in storage on your farm on March 31, 2010.
- grains harvested in or prior to 2009;
- grains owned by someone else but stored on your farm;
- grains purchased for animal feed or seed.
- brand name feeds that were purchased (feed rations);
- grains that you own but are stored off your farm (e.g. elevator, another farm, storage ticket, condominium storage).
Important: Any crops harvested as forage or green silage should not be included as "grains in storage".
1. Will you have any grains in storage on your farm on March 31, 2010?
- Yes
- No (go to section B.)
2. Indicate the expected quantity in storage on your farm on March 31, 2010.
Quantity in storage
Unit of measure
- bu
- mt
- it
- kg
- lb
- cwt
- Other
a. Barley
b. Canola
c. Corn for Grain (include seed corn but exclude sweet corn)
3. What is the percent moisture content of the Corn for Grain in storage? (If Quebec respondent, go to question 4. Else, go to the next crop. If this is the last crop, go to section B.)
d. Dry Beans, Coloured, total
e. Dry Beans, White Pea (Navy)
f. Mixed Grains (two or more grains sown together)
g. Oats
h. Rye (Spring and Fall)
i. Soybeans
j. Wheat, Spring
- (If Quebec respondent, go to question 5. Else, go to the next crop. If this is the last crop, go to section B.)
k. Wheat, Winter
- (If Quebec respondent, go to question 6. Else, go to section B.)
(Go to section B.)
Quebec respondents only
4. What percentage of your Corn for Grain in storage is intended for the commercial market?
5. What percentage of your Spring Wheat in storage is intended for human consumption?
6. What percentage of your Winter Wheat in storage is intended for human consumption?
(Go to the next crop. If this is the last crop, go to section B.)
The following questions deal with all land operated.
- Land rented from other operations and Crown or public land used for agricultural purposes.
- Land rented to other operations.
Section B Fall Rye and Winter Wheat
1. Did you seed any Fall Rye or Winter Wheat in the fall of 2009?
- Yes
- No (go to section C.)
2. Which crops did you seed?
- Fall Rye
- Winter Wheat
(Go to the next question.)
3. Indicate the area seeded and the area remaining to be harvested as grain.
Seeded area
- ac
- ha
- arp
Remaining to harvest as grain area
a. Fall Rye
b. Winter Wheat (If Quebec respondent, go to question 4. Else, go to section C.)
c. Total remaining to harvest as grain area (sum of 3a to 3b)
(Go to section C.)
Quebec respondents only
4. What percentage of your Winter Wheat remaining to be harvested as grain, is intended for human consumption?
(Go to section C.)
Section C Seeding intentions
1. Do you plan to seed any crops in 2010?
- Yes
- No (go to section D.)
2. Indicate the area you plan to seed.
Seeded area
- ac
- ha
- arp
a. Barley (include Winter Barley seeded in the fall of 2009)
b. Buckwheat
c. Canola (include Winter Canola seeded in the fall of 2009)
d. Corn for Grain (include seed corn but exclude sweet corn)
e. Dry Beans, Black (Black Turtle, Preto)
f. Dry Beans, Cranberry (Romano)
g. Dry Beans, Dark Red Kidney
h. Dry Beans, Faba (Fava, Broad)
i. Dry Beans, Great Northern
j. Dry Beans, Light Red Kidney
k. Dry Beans, Pinto
l. Dry Beans, Small Red (Red Mexican)
m. Dry Beans, White Pea (Navy)
n. Dry Beans, Other and unknown
o. Fodder Corn
p. Mixed Grains (two or more grains sown together)
q. Oats
r. Potatoes
s. Soybeans
t. Spring Rye
u. Sugar Beets
v. Tobacco
w. Wheat, Spring
- (If Quebec respondent, go to question 3. Else, go to the next crop. If this is the last crop, go to section D.)
x. Other Field Crops (list in comments)
y. Total seeded area (sum of 2a to 2x)
(Go to section D.)
Quebec respondents only
3. What percentage of your Spring Wheat area is intended for human consumption?
(Go to the next crop. If this is the last crop, go to section D.)
Section D Tame hay and forage seed
Alfalfa and Alfalfa mixtures
- Alfalfa and Alfalfa mixed with varieties of clover, trefoil, bromegrass, timothy, orchardgrass, canarygrass, ryegrass, fescue, soudan-sorghum and wheatgrass.
- All forage crop area harvested or to be harvested for commercial seed purposes, crops harvested or that will be harvested green to be used to feed animals and under-seeded areas.
Other Tame Hay
- Varieties of clover, trefoil, bromegrass, timothy, orchardgrass, canarygrass, ryegrass, fescue, soudan-sorghum and wheatgrass.
- Alfalfa and Alfalfa mixtures, all forage crop area harvested or to be harvested for commercial seed purposes and crops harvested or that will be harvested green to be used to feed animals.
Forage Seed
- All forage crop area harvested or to be harvested for seed purposes such as alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures, varieties of clover, trefoil, bromegrass, timothy, orchardgrass, canarygrass, ryegrass, fescue, soudan-sorghum and wheatgrass.
- Forage crops harvested or to be harvested for hay or to be used for pasture.
1. Will you have any Tame Hay or Forage Seed in 2010?
- Yes
- No (go to section E.)
2. Which crops will you have?
- Alfalfa and Alfalfa mixtures (go to question 3.)
- Other Tame Hay (go to question 4.)
- Forage Seed (go to question 5.)
Alfalfa and Alfalfa mixtures
3. Wat will be your total area of Alfalfa and Alfalfa mixtures? (Exclude under-seeded areas.)
Total area
- ac
- ha
- arp
a. Alfalfa and Alfalfa mixtures
(Go to the next crop. If this is the last crop, go to question 6.)
Other Tame Hay
4. What will be your total area of all Other Tame Hay? (Exclude under-seeded areas.)
Total area
- ac
- ha
- arp
a. Other Tame Hay
(Go to the next crop. If this is the last crop, go to question 6.)
Forage Seed
5. What will be your total area of Forage Seed? (Exclude under-seeded areas.)
Total area
- ac
- ha
- arp
a. Forage Seed
(Go to the next question.)
6. Total Tame Hay and Forage Seed areas (sum of D3 to D5)
Total area
- ac
- ha
- arp
(Go to section E.)
Section E Land Balance
Land for pasture or grazing:
All land which is being used for pasture, grazing, native pasture, native hay, rangeland and grazable bush used for the grazing or feeding of livestock.
- Areas to be harvested as dry hay, silage or forage seed;
- Community pastures, co-operative grazing associations or grazing reserves.
If a field is used the same year for harvesting Tame Hay and as a pasture, count it only once as a Tame Hay field.
Other Land:
- Area of farmstead: farm buildings, farmyard, home garden and roads;
- Idle land: improved land which was cropped, pastured or used for agricultural purposes last year, but is not being cropped this year;
- Fall crop area ploughed under but not reseeded;
- New broken land: land which has been cleared and prepared for cultivation but will not be cropped;
- Winterkilled land: winterkilled area from crops sown in the previous fall, which will not be reseeded or pastured to another crop;
- Wasteland, woodland, cut-over land, slough, swamp, marshland and irrigation ditches;
- Summerfallow land: land on which no crop will be grown during the year, but which may be cultivated or worked for weed control and/or moisture conservation, or it may simply be left to lay fallow in order to renew the soil;
- Chemfallow: summerfallow where herbicides are used without working the soil;
- Fruits and vegetables, mushrooms, maple trees, Christmas trees and sod.
What will be your total area of Land for pasture or grazing and Other Land in 2010?
Land Use
Total area
- ac
- ha
- arp
1. Land for pasture or grazing
2. Other Land
3. Total Land Balance (sum of E1 to E2)
(Go to section F.)
Section F Total Land Area
What will be the Total Land Area in 2010?
Land Use
Total area
- ac
- ha
- arp
1. Total Land Area
2. Sum of sections B3c + C2y + D6 + E3
3. Difference between F1 and F2 (F1-F2). If the difference is substantial, please explain in comments.
(Go to section G.)
Section G Federal/Provincial Agreement to Share Information
1. Federal/Provincial Agreement to Share Information
Ontario and British Columbia Residents:
To avoid duplication of enquiry, this survey is conducted under a co-operative agreement to share information with your provincial department of agriculture in accordance with Section 12 of the Statistics Act. Any information shared with a provincial ministry of agriculture is released in aggregate form only. The provincial ministry of agriculture must guarantee the confidentiality of all shared data. Statistics Canada does not provide the respondent's name or address to any provincial ministry of agriculture.
Do you agree to share this information?
- Yes
- No (go to question 2.)
Quebec Residents:
To avoid duplication of enquiry, this survey is conducted under a co-operative agreement to share information in accordance with Section 11 of the Statistics Act, with Statistics Canada and l'Institut de la statistique du Québec.
2. Request for survey results
- Yes
- No (go to question 3.)
3. Total interview time
- Time (end of survey)