Mushroom growers' survey, 2009

Confidential when completed

This survey is conducted under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, c. S-19. Completion of this questionnaire is a legal requirement under the Statistics Act.

Si vous préférez ce questionnaire en français, veuillez cocher

The purpose of this survey is to provide reliable estimates of Canadian production of mushrooms. To carry on work in your interest, government departments and producers' organizations require complete and accurate information. We depend on you to supply the facts.

Your data are kept strictly confidential and are grouped with others for statistical purposes.

Review the information on the label. If any information is incorrect or missing, please make the necessary corrections in the boxes below.

  • Farm Name (if applicable)
  • Corporation Name (if applicable)

Main operator

  • Surname or Family Name
  • Area Code
  • Telephone
  • Usual First Name and Initial
  • Area Code
  • FAX
  • Location of alternate telephone
  • Area Code
  • Telephone
  • R.R.
  • Box No.
  • Number and Street Name
  • Postal Code
  • Post Office (name of city, town or village where mail is received)
  • Email Address (if applicable)


  • Partner's Surname or Family Name
  • Area Code
  • Telephone
  • Partner's Usual First Name and Initial
  • Area Code
  • FAX
  • Location of alternate telephone
  • Area Code
  • Telephone
  • R.R.
  • Box No.
  • Number and Street Name
  • Postal Code
  • Post Office (name of city, town or village where mail is received)

Check this box if the address and telephone is the same as main operator.


  • Partner's Surname or Family Name
  • Area Code
  • Telephone
  • Partner's Usual First Name and Initial
  • Area Code
  • FAX
  • Location of alternate telephone
  • Area Code
  • Telephone
  • R.R.
  • Box No.
  • Number and Street Name
  • Postal Code
  • Post Office (name of city, town or village where mail is received)

Check this box if the address and telephone is the same as main operator.

What species of mushrooms did you grow in 2009? (Tick all that apply)

  • Agaricus (fill in Part I, on this page, 'Agaricus Mushrooms')
  • Shiitake (Lentinus edodes) - (fill in Part II, 'Specialty Mushrooms')
  • Oyster (Pleurotus) - (fill in Part II, 'Specialty Mushrooms')
  • Other (specify) - (fill in Part II, 'Specialty Mushrooms')

Part I - Agaricus Mshrooms

Section A - Agaricus Mushrooms

1. Type of Operation
What type of operation did you have for your Agaricus production in 2009?

  • bed
  • tray
  • tunnel
  • Other (specify)

What growing medium did you use for your Agaricus production in 2009?

  • straw based compost
  • hay/straw/manure based compost
  • hay based compost
  • manure based compost
  • Other (specify)

2. Crop production and sales of Agaricus mushrooms

square feet
square metres
Total growing area for Agaricus mushrooms (standing footage) in 2010
Total growing area for Agaricus mushrooms (standing footage) in 2009
Total growing area spawned in 2009 (i.e., 10,000 sq, ft, spawned three times = 30,000 sq. ft.)


  • pounds
  • kilograms


  • $

Fresh market sales of Agaricus mushrooms
Sales to processors of Agaricus mushrooms
Total Agaricus mushrooms sold in 2009

Section B - Value of investment for Agaricus mushrooms production (at current fair market value)

Total value of land only (leased or owned)
Total value of all buildings (including bed structures, heating and cooling equipment) used for Agaricus production)
Total value of all other machinery and equipment used in your Agaricus mushroom business

Section C - Labour for Agaricus mushrooms production

(Please include paid members of your family engaged in your Agaricus mushroom operation, including management salaries)

Total number of full-time employees in 2009
Total number of part-time employees in 2009 ( i.e., working less than 25 hours per week)
Total labour cost in 2009 (include all benefits paid on behalf of employees, i.e., medical, E.I.,
pension plans, workmen's compensation, etc.)

Part II - Specialty Mushrooms

Section A - Shiitake Mushrooms

1. Type of Operation
What type of operation did you have for your Shiitake production in 2009?

  • bed
  • tray
  • log
  • Other (specify)

What growing medium did you use for your Shiitake production in 2009?

  • natural wood logs
  • sawdust
  • pulp mill waste fibres
  • Other (specify)

Did you grow your Shiitake mushrooms

  • indoors or
  • outdoors in 2009?
  • Crop production and sales of Shiitake mushrooms

square feet
square metres
number of logs
Total growing area for Shiitake mushrooms (standing footage or number of logs) in 2010
Total growing area for Shiitake mushrooms (standing footage or number of logs) in 2009
Total growing area spawned in 2009 (i.e., 10,000 sq. ft. spawned three times = 30,000 sq. ft.)


  • pounds
  • kilograms


  • $

Fresh market sales of Shiitake mushrooms
Sales to processors of Shiitake mushrooms
Total Shiitake mushrooms sold in 2009

Section B - Oyster and Other Species of Mushrooms

What species of mushrooms (other than Agaricus and Shiitake) did you grow in 2009?

  • Oyster
  • Other (specify)

1. Type of Operation
What type of operation did you have for your Oyster/Other production in 2009?

  • bed
  • tray
  • tunnel
  • log
  • Other (specify)

What growing medium did you use for your Oyster/Other production in 2009?

  • straw
  • straw/manure based compost
  • hay/straw based compost
  • hay based compost
  • pulp mill waste fibres
  • Other (specify)

2. Crop production and sales of Oyster/Other mushrooms

square feet
square metres
number of logs
Total growing area for Oyster/Other mushrooms (standing footage or number of logs) in 2010
Total growing area for Oyster/Other mushrooms (standing footage or number of logs) in 2009
Total growing area spawned in 2009 (i.e., 10,000 sq. ft. spawned three times = 30,000 sq. ft.)


  • Pounds
  • kilograms


  • $

Fresh market sales of Oyster/Other mushrooms
Sales to processors of Oyster/Other mushrooms
Total Oyster/Other mushrooms sold in 2009

Section C - Value of investment for specialty mushroom production (at current fair market value)

Total value of land only (leased or owned)
Total value of all building (including bed structures, heating and cooling equipment) used for specialty mushroom production
Total value of all other machinery and equipment used in your specialty mushroom business


Section D - Labour for specialty mushroom production

(Please indicate paid members of your family engaged in your specialty mushroom operation, including management salaries.)

Total number of full-time employees in 2009
Total number of part-time employees in 2009 (i.e., working less than 25 hours per week)
Total labour cost in 2009 (include all benefits paid on behalf of employee, i.e., medical, E.I. pension plans, workmen's compensation, etc.)

Agreement to Share Information

Note to residents of Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia:

To avoid duplication of enquiry this survey is conducted under a co-operative agreement with the Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Forest Resources and Agri-Food, the New Brunswick Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives, the Saskatchewan Department of Agriculture and the British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries pursuant to Section 12 of the Statistics Act (SC 1985, Chap. S19). Address any comments or questions to the Agriculture Division, Statistics Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0T6.

The information collected and shared will be kept confidential and used only for statistical purposes. Any information shared with a provincial ministry of agriculture is released in aggregate form only. The provincial ministry of agriculture must guarantee the confidentiality of all shared data.

Statistics Canada does not provide the respondent's name or address to any provincial ministry of agriculture.

Do you agree to share this information?

  • Yes
  • No

To residents of Quebec:

To avoid duplication of enquiry, this survey is conducted under a co-operative agreement to share information in accordance with Section 11 of the Statistics Act, with Statistics Canada and l'Institut de la statistique du Québec.

Comments from Interviewer/Farm Operator: