Quarterly Stocks Survey Frozen and Chilled Meats

Reporting Period
As of the opening of the first business day of

Si vous préférez ce questionnaire en français, veuillez cocher.

Survey Purposes: The survey collects the data needed to produce statistics on the stocks of frozen and chilled meat held at establishments registered with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. These data will be aggregated with data from other sources to produce estimates of national and provincial stocks. Those estimates are used by government and the private sector to make policy and investment decisions.

Authority: This survey is conducted under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, c. S-19. Completion of this questionnaire is a legal requirement under the Statistics Act.

Confidentiality: Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from publishing any statistics which would divulge information obtained from this survey that relates to any identifiable business without the previous written consent of that business. The data reported on this questionnaire will be treated in strict confidence, used for statistical purposes and published in aggregate form only. The confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act are not affected by either the Access to Information Act or any other legislation.

Quebec Residents Only:
“To reduce response burden and to ensure more uniform statistics, Statistics Canada has entered into an agreement under section 11 of the Statistics Act with the Institut de la statistique du Québec for the sharing of information from this survey. The Quebec Statistics Act includes the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of information as the federal Statistics Act”.

New Brunswick, Ontario, Manitoba and British Columbia Residents Only:
“To reduce response burden and to ensure more uniform statistics, Statistics Canada has entered into an agreement under section 12 of the Statistics Act with the New Brunswick Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture; Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs; Manitoba Agriculture and Food and British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries for the sharing of information from this survey.

Under section 12 of the Statistics Act you may refuse to share your information with the New Brunswick Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture; Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs; Manitoba Agriculture and Food and British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries by writing to the Chief Statistician and returning your letter of objection along with the completed questionnaire in the enclosed return envelope.”


Please return by the 15th of the month

Please print
Location of stocks (City or town)
Name of person responsible for this report
Telephone Number

1. Include stocks held at this site only, regardless of ownership (do not report stocks held at another site).
2. Do not include meat that has been further processed (i.e. sausages, meat in soups or prepared dinners).
3. Do not include back fat or rendered fat.
4. Inventory reported should be for the opening of the first business day of the month (or the last business day of the previous month).

Frozen and Chilled Meat in Cold Storage

1 kilogram = 2.2046 pounds
1 pound = .4536 kilograms


Pork Domestic and imported– include smoked pork products
1. Hams
2. Loins
3. Bellies
4. Butts
5. Picnics
6. Ribs
7. Backs and shoulders
8. Trimmings
9. Unclassified – and all other pork cuts and sundries not elsewhere listed

Mutton and Lamb
1. Domestic
2. Mutton – Imported
3. Lamb – Imported

1. Bone-in domestic
2. Bone-in imported
3. Boneless domestic
4. Boneless imported

1  Bone-in domestic
2. Bone-in imported
3. Boneless domestic
4. Boneless imported

Fancy Meats (see note below)
1. Pork
2. Beef
3. Veal
4. Lamb

Note -Fancy Meats
All items Include brains, livers, sweetbreads, tongues, stomachs, kidneys, lungs, other glands for pharmaceuticals etc.
Item 1 Pork: Do not include headmeat, weasand meat, include these under Pork – Unclassified.
Items 2,3,4 Beef, Veal, Lamb: Include tails, headmeat, weasand meat, gullets, neck trim and blood plasma.

Please complete and return this questionnaire to Statistics Canada in the postage-paid envelope provided or fax to 1-902-895-7435. If you have any questions about this survey, please call collect at 1-902-893-7251. Thank you for completing the questionnaire.