2016 Census of Agriculture

COMPLETE ONLINE AT: www.census.gc.ca


Ce questionnaire est disponible en français 1-855-859-6273

  • Complete one questionnaire for each agricultural operation online or on paper (and return by mail).
  • If an extra questionnaire is received for the same agricultural operation or if additional questionnaires are required, contact us at 1-855-859-6273.

For assistance:
Visit www.census.gc.ca or call 1-855-859-6273
Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

TTY users call 1-866-753-7083.


  1. Enter the Business Number (GST/HST) issued by Canada Revenue Agency for this agricultural operation.
  2. Enter the farm name (if applicable).
  3. Enter the corporation name (if different from the farm name).
  4. Enter the name and address of the person completing this questionnaire.

Family name
Given name and initial(s)
Telephone number
Alternate telephone number
Mailing address
Name of village, town or city
Postal code


This information is collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. S-19. Completion of this questionnaire is required under this Act. Your information may be used by Statistics Canada in support of our other surveys or for analysis.


Answer the following questions about each person responsible for the MANAGEMENT DECISIONS made for this agricultural operation as of May 10, 2016.

  • Operator 1
  • Operator 2
  • Operator 3

If there are more than three operators, provide names and telephone numbers in the COMMENTS section on page 16.


  • Sex
    • Male
    • Female
  • Date of birth
  • Telephone number
  • Postal code
  1. Farm work

In 2015, what was each operator's average time contribution to this agricultural operation? (Include custom work done for others.) (Fill in one circle only per operator.)

On average:

  • more than 40 hours per week
  • 30 to 40 hours per week
  • 20 to 29 hours per week
  • fewer than 20 hours per week
  1. Other work

In 2015, did this operator receive a wage or salary from another job or operate another business not involved with this agricultural operation? (Do not include custom work done for others.) (Fill in one circle only per operator.)

  • No
  • Yes

If Yes, indicate the average time contribution to all other work.
On average:

  • more than 40 hours per week
  • 30 to 40 hours per week
  • 20 to 29 hours per week
  • fewer than 20 hours per week


  • Sex
    • Male
    • Female
  • Date of birth
  • Telephone number
  • Postal code
  1. Farm work

In 2015, what was each operator's average time contribution to this agricultural operation? (Include custom work done for others.) (Fill in one circle only per operator.)
On average:

  • more than 40 hours per week
  • 30 to 40 hours per week
  • 20 to 29 hours per week
  • fewer than 20 hours per week
  1. Other work

In 2015, did this operator receive a wage or salary from another job or operate another business not involved with this agricultural operation? (Do not include custom work done for others.) (Fill in one circle only per operator.)

  • No
  • Yes

If Yes, indicate the average time contribution to all other work.
On average:

  • more than 40 hours per week
  • 30 to 40 hours per week
  • 20 to 29 hours per week
  • fewer than 20 hours per week


  • Sex
    • Male
    • Female
  • Date of birth
  • Telephone number
  • Postal code
  1. Farm work

In 2015, what was each operator's average time contribution to this agricultural operation? (Include custom work done for others.) (Fill in one circle only per operator.)
On average:

  • more than 40 hours per week
  • 30 to 40 hours per week
  • 20 to 29 hours per week
  • fewer than 20 hours per week
  1. Other work

In 2015, did this operator receive a wage or salary from another job or operate another business not involved with this agricultural operation? (Do not include custom work done for others.) (Fill in one circle only per operator.)

  • No
  • Yes

If Yes, indicate the average time contribution to all other work.
On average:

  • more than 40 hours per week
  • 30 to 40 hours per week
  • 20 to 29 hours per week
  • fewer than 20 hours per week


Enter the MAIN FARM LOCATION of this operation.

  1. Enter the civic address. For the Prairies and parts of British Columbia, report in question 8.
    • Number
    • Road or street
    • Name of village, town, city or municipality
    • Province
    • Postal code
  2. In the Prairies and parts of British Columbia, enter:
    • Quarter
    • Section
    • Township
    • Range
    • Meridian


What UNIT OF MEASURE will be used to report land areas? Use this unit to report all areas throughout the questionnaire unless otherwise specified. (Fill in one circle only.)

    • Acres
    • Hectares
    • Arpents (Quebec only)
      1 acre = 0.40 hectare = 1.18 arpent
      1 hectare = 2.47 acres = 2.92 arpents
      1 arpent = 0.85 acre = 0.34 hectare


Answer the following questions about the TOTAL AREA OF WORKABLE and NON-WORKABLE LAND of this operation in 2016.

  • Workable land includes all cropland, nursery, sod, summerfallow, pasture, etc.
  • Non-workable land includes:
    • All idle land: woodlots, bush, ponds, bogs, marshes, buffer zones, etc.
    • All land buildings are located on: greenhouses, mushroom houses, farmhouse, barns, etc.

Area in 2016

  1. Total area owned (Include all workable and non-workable land.)
  2. Leased FROM governments (land operated under licence, permit or lease, etc.)
  3. Rented or leased FROM others
  4. Crop-shared land USED by this operation
  5. Other areas USED by this operation (land trading, rent-free, etc.)
  6. TOTAL of questions 10 to 14

LAND AREA used by others

  1. Area of land USED BY OTHERS (rented, leased or crop-shared TO others, land trading, rent-free, etc.)

NET AREA of this operation

  1. Question 15 minus question 16. This is the NET AREA.
    Report on this area throughout the questionnaire.


Answer the following questions about HAY or FIELD CROPS grown on this operation.

  • Include
    • all hay and field crops to be harvested or used as green manure in 2016, even if they were sown or planted in an earlier year;
    • all land to be seeded, even if not yet seeded.
  • Do not include land used by others.
  • Report the areas only once, even if more than one crop will be harvested in 2016.
  • Report vegetables in STEP 7 and fruits, berries and nuts in STEP 8.

Area in 2016

  1. Wheat
    • Spring wheat(Report durum wheat below.)
    • Durum wheat
    • Winter wheat (to be harvested in 2016)
  2. Oats
  3. Barley
  4. Mixed grains
  5. Corn
    • Corn for grain
      (Report sweet corn in STEP 7.)
    • Corn for silage, etc.
  6. Rye
    • Fall rye (to be harvested in 2016)
    • Spring rye
  7. Canola (rapeseed)
  8. Soybeans
  9. Flaxseed
  10. Dry field peas (Report fresh green peas in STEP 7.)
  11. Chick peas (including garbanzo beans)
  12. Lentils
  13. Dry white beans(navy and pea beans)
  14. Other dry beans (pinto, kidney, cranberry beans, lima, great northern, etc.)
  15. Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures forhay, silage, green feed,dehydrated alfalfa, etc.
  16. All other tame hay and foddercrops for hay or silage (clover,sorghum, millet, etc.) (Report pasture inSTEP 10.)
  17. Forage seed to be harvestedin 2016 for seed (including turfgrass seed) (Report sod inSTEP 9.)
  18. Potatoes
  19. Mustard seed
  20. Sunflowers(standard and dwarf varieties)
  21. Canary seed
  22. Ginseng
  23. Buckwheat
  24. Sugar beets
  25. Triticale
  26. Other field crops (caraway seed, hemp, tobacco, spelt, coriander and other spices, etc.) — Specify:
  27. TOTAL area of hay and field crops (Total of questions 18 to 43)


Are any VEGETABLES grown on this operation for sale?

  • Do not include land used by others.
  • For potatoes, dry field peas and all dry beans, report in STEP 6.
  • For greenhouse vegetables, report in STEP 19.
    • No Go to STEP 8
    • Yes
      • Report the total area planted or to be planted in 2016.
      • Report in the same unit of measure as in STEP 4.

Example: An operation grows 7 1/3 acres of sweet corn for sale. This area would be reported as: 7 1/3

Area in 2016 (Fraction)

  1. Sweet corn
  2. Tomatoes
  3. Cucumbers (all varieties)
  4. Green peas (Report dry field peas in question 27, on page 4.)
  5. Green and wax beans
  6. Cabbage (Report Chinese cabbage below.)
  7. Chinese cabbage
  8. Cauliflower
  9. Broccoli
  10. Brussels sprouts
  11. Carrots (including baby carrots)
  12. Rutabagas and turnips
  13. Beets
  14. Radishes
  15. Shallots and green onions
  16. Dry onions, yellow, Spanish, cooking, etc.
  17. Celery
  18. Lettuce (all head and leaf varieties)
  19. Spinach
  20. Peppers
  21. Pumpkins
  22. Squash and zucchini
  23. Asparagus, producing
  24. Asparagus, non-producing
  25. Other vegetables (herbs, rhubarb, melons, garlic, gourds, etc.) — Specify:
  26. TOTAL area of vegetables (Total of questions 45 to 69)


Are any FRUITS, BERRIES or NUTS grown on this operation for sale?

  • Do not include land used by others.
    • No Go to STEP 9
    • Yes Report in the same unit of measure as in STEP 4.

Area in 2016 (producing and non-producing) (Fraction)

  1. Apples
  2. Pears
  3. Plums and prunes
  4. Cherries (sweet)
  5. Cherries (sour)
  6. Peaches
  7. Apricots
  8. Grapes
  9. Strawberries
  10. Raspberries
  11. Cranberries
  12. Blueberries (highbush blueberries and wild blueberries grown on managed land)
  13. Saskatoons
  14. Other fruits, berries or nuts (nectarines, currants, blackberries, hazelnuts, etc.) Specify:
  15. TOTAL area of fruits, berries and nuts
    (Total of questions 71 to 84)


Are any SOD, NURSERY PRODUCTS or CHRISTMAS TREES grown on this operation for sale?

  • For greenhouse products, report in STEP 19.
    • No Go to STEP 10
    • Yes Report the total area under cultivation in 2016.

Area in 2016

  1. TOTAL area of SOD under cultivation for sale
  2. TOTAL area of NURSERY products grown for sale (shrubs, trees, vines, ornamentals, bulbs, etc., grown out-of-doors, or in cold frames or tunnels)
  3. TOTAL area of CHRISTMAS TREES grown for sale (Include naturally established or planted areas, regardless of stage of growth. Only include areas that are pruned or managed with the use of fertilizer or pesticides.)



  • Do not include land used by others.

Area in 2016

  1. Enter the NET AREA from question 17 on page 3

Report below how the area in question 89 is used.

Area in 2016

  1. Sum of all areas reported for field crops and hay, vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, sod, nursery products and Christmas trees (Total of questions 44, 70, 85, 86, 87 and 88)
  2. Summerfallow (Include cropland on which no crops will be grown during the year but that will have weeds controlled by tillage or chemical application.)
  3. Tame or seeded pasture (Do not include areas to be harvested for hay, silage or seed.)
  4. Natural land for pasture (Include woodland used as pasture.)
  5. Woodlands and wetlands (woodlots, sugarbush, tree windbreaks, bush, ponds, bogs, marshes, sloughs, etc.)
  6. All other land (idle land, land on which farm buildings, barnyards, lanes, home gardens, greenhouses and mushroom houses are located)
  7. TOTAL of questions 90 to 95 (This total should equal the NET AREA reported in question 89.)


If SUMMERFALLOW was reported in question 91, what is the area on which each of the following forms of weed control will be used in 2016:

Area in 2016

    • Chemfallow only
    • Summerfallow, tilled only
    • Chemical and tillage weed control on the same land (Do not include area already reported as "Chemfallow only" or "Summerfallow, tilled only".)


For the LAND SEEDED or TO BE SEEDED, report the area of each of the following practices:


  • Include the area that was prepared last fall or this spring.
  • Do not include land in summerfallow this year.
    • No-till seeding or zero-till seeding (Include direct seeding into undisturbed stubble or sod.)
    • Tillage that retains most of the crop residue on the surface (Include minimum tillage.)
    • Tillage that incorporates most of the crop residue into the soil


In 2015, did this operation

  1. practice in-field winter grazing or feeding?
    • No
    • Yes
  2. practice rotational grazing?
    • No
    • Yes
  3. plow down green crops?
    • No
    • Yes
  4. have winter cover crops (including fall rye, winter wheat, red clover, etc.)?
    • No
    • Yes
  5. have windbreaks or shelterbelts (natural or planted)?
    • No
    • Yes


In 2015, what was the area of this operation from which CROP RESIDUE (straw, stover, stalks) was BALED for bedding or sale?

  • Include residue from small grains and oilseeds, and corn stalks.
  • Do not include hay, corn silage or other forages.

Area in 2015

  1. Report the area from which crop residue was baled in 2015



  • Do not include
    • greenhouse or mushroom areas;
    • treated seed.
  • No Go to STEP 16
  • Yes Report land areas only once for each input, even if there was more than one application in 2015.
  1. Report the area of land on which each of the following inputs was used on this operation in 2015:

Area in 2015

  • Herbicides
  • Insecticides
  • Fungicides
  • Commercial fertilizer
  • Lime
  • Trace minerals and nutrients (copper, manganese, etc.)


In 2015, was MANURE applied on this operation?

  • No Go to STEP 17
  • Yes
  1. Report the area of land for each method of application:

Area in 2015

  • Solid or composted manure, incorporated into soil
  • Solid or composted manure, not incorporated
  • Liquid manure, injected or incorporated into soil
  • Liquid manure, not incorporated


In 2015, was an IRRIGATION system used on this operation to APPLY WATER ON LAND?

  • Include all methods of irrigation (pivot, sprinklers, surface, side or wheel rolls, drip, etc.)
  • Do not include greenhouse or mushroom areas.
    • No Go to STEP 18
    • Yes

Area irrigated in 2015

  1. Report the total area of land irrigated in 2015


Does this operation produce any ORGANIC products for sale?

  • Include certified products or those in the process of becoming certified.
    • No Go to STEP 19
    • Yes
  1. What is the status of the organic products in 2016? (Fill in all applicable circles.)
    • Certified by an organic certifying body
    • Transitional (in the process of becoming certified)
  2. Enter the name of the certifying body.


Are any GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS grown on this operation for sale?

  • For sod, nursery products and Christmas trees, report in STEP 9.
  • For unheated cold frames or tunnels, report these areas in STEP 7 or STEP 8.
    • No Go to STEP 20
    • Yes
  1. Will the area be reported in square feet or square metres?
    • square feet OR
    • square metres

Area in 2016

  1. TOTAL area under glass, plastic or other protection used for growing plants

Area on May 10, 2016
Of this total, report the area on May 10, 2016, for each of the following:

  1. Flowers (cut flowers, ornamental bedding and potted plants, etc.)
  2. Greenhouse vegetables
  3. Other greenhouse products (vegetable bedding plants, cuttings, tree seedlings, etc.) Specify:


Are any MUSHROOMS grown on this operation for sale?

  • No Go to STEP 21
  • Yes
  1. Will the area be reported in square feet or square metres?
    • square feet OR
    • square metres

Area on May 10, 2016

  1. TOTAL growing area (standing footage) for mushrooms on May 10, 2016


Were any MAPLE TREES TAPPED on this operation in 2016?

  • No Go to STEP 22
  • Yes

Number of taps in 2016

  1. TOTAL number of taps made on maple trees in the spring of 2016


Does this operation own any BEES for honey production or BEES for pollination?

  • No Go to STEP 23
  • Yes Report bees owned, regardless of location.

Number of colonies on May 10, 2016

  1. On May 10, 2016, how many live colonies of honeybees (used for honey production or pollination) are owned by this operation?
  2. On May 10, 2016, how many other pollinating bees (leafcutter, blue orchard, bumble, etc.) are owned by this operation?

Number on May 10, 2016

  • Select one unit of measure:
    • Gallons or
    • Number of bees or
    • Colonies


In 2015, which of the following TECHNOLOGIES were used on this operation?

  • Include work done by others on this operation. (Fill in all applicable circles.)
    • Computers/laptops for farm management
    • Smartphones/tablets for farm management
    • Automated steering (auto-steer)
    • GPS technology
    • GIS mapping (e.g., soil mapping)
    • Greenhouse automation
    • Robotic milking
    • Automated environmental controls for animal housing
    • Automated animal feeding
    • Other technology — Specify:
    • None of the above


On May 10, 2016, are there any POULTRY on this operation?

  • No Go to STEP 25
  • Yes
  • Report all poultry on this operation, regardless of ownership, including those grown under contract.
  • Include poultry for sale and poultry for personal use.
  • Do not include poultry owned but kept on an operation operated by someone else.

Number of birds on May 10, 2016

Chickens for eggs

  1. Pullets intended for laying table eggs, under 19 weeks
  2. Laying hens that produce table eggs, 19 weeks and over
  3. Layer and broiler breeders (pullets and hens)

Chickens for meat

  1. Broilers, roasters and Cornish (Report breeders in question 123.)
  2. TOTAL hens and chickens (Total of questions 121 to 124)

Other poultry

  1. Turkeys (all ages)
  2. Other poultry (geese, ducks, roosters, ostriches, emus, pheasants, quail, pigeons, etc.) Specify:


In 2015, were any CHICKENS or TURKEYS produced on this operation for sale?

  • No Go to STEP 26
  • Yes Report the production on a live weight basis
  1. Will production be reported in kilograms or pounds?
    • kilograms OR
    • pounds

Production in 2015 (live weight)

  1. Broilers, roasters and Cornish
  2. Turkeys


In 2015, were any EGGS produced on this operation for sale?

  • No Go to STEP 27
  • Yes Report the number of dozens in 2015.

Dozens of eggs in 2015

  1. Table eggs (dozens)
  2. Hatching eggs (dozens)


In 2015, was there a COMMERCIAL POULTRY HATCHERY located on this operation?

  • No Go to STEP 28
  • Yes

Number of birds hatched in 2015

  1. In 2015, how many chicks or other poultry were hatched?


On May 10, 2016, are there any LIVESTOCK on this operation?

  • No Go to STEP 29
  • Yes
  • Report all animals on this operation, regardless of ownership, including those that are boarded, custom-fed or fed under contract.
  • Include all animals kept by this operation, regardless of ownership, that are pastured on a community pasture, grazing co-op or public land.
  • Do not include animals owned but kept on a farm, ranch or feedlot operated by someone else.


  1. Are there any cattle or calves on this operation?
    • No Go to question 141
    • Yes

Number on May 10, 2016

  1. Calves, under 1 year
  2. Steers, 1 year and over
  3. Heifers, 1 year and over:
    • for slaughter or feeding
    • for beef herd replacement
    • for dairy herd replacement
  1. Cows:
    • mainly for beef purposes
    • mainly for dairy purposes
  2. Bulls, 1 year and over
  3. TOTAL cattle and calves (Total of questions 135 to 139)


  1. Are there any pigs on this operation?
    • No Go to question 148
    • Yes

Number on May 10, 2016

  1. Boars
  2. Sows and gilts for breeding
  3. Nursing pigs
  4. Weaner pigs
  5. Grower and finishing pigs
  6. TOTAL pigs (Total of questions 142 to 146)


  1. Are there any sheep or lambs on this operation?
    • No Go to question 153
    • Yes

Number on May 10, 2016

  1. Rams
  2. Ewes
  3. Lambs
  4. TOTAL sheep and lambs (Total of questions 149 to 151)


  1. Are there any sheep or lambs on this operation?
    • No Go to STEP 29
    • Yes Report animals of all ages unless otherwise specified

Number on May 10, 2016

  1. Horses and ponies
  2. Goats
  3. Llamas and alpacas
  4. Bison (buffalo)
  5. Elk (wapiti)
  6. Deer (Do not include wild deer.)
  7. Rabbits
  8. Mink (Report breeding stock only.)
  9. Other livestock (fox, wild boars, donkeys, mules, chinchillas, etc.) — Specify:


Answer the following questions about the MARKET VALUE of land and buildings on this operation.

  • Include
    • the value of all land and all structures such as houses, farm buildings, silos, etc., that are part of this operation;
    • the value of all fixed equipment such as bulk tanks, farrowing pens, etc., in farm buildings on this operation.
  • Do not include the value of any land and buildings rented or leased TO others.

Present market value (dollars only)

  1. Estimate the present market value of land and buildings that are:
    • owned
    • rented or leased FROM others or governments


Answer the following questions about FARM MACHINERY and EQUIPMENT that are owned or leased by this operation as of May 10, 2016.

  • Include all farm machinery and equipment owned or leased by this operation or jointly with a different operation.
  • Do not include machinery that is rented on a short-term basis (hourly or daily rentals).
  • Report fixed equipment in STEP 29.

Example: An operation owns one combine, valued at $100,000, and shares ownership of another combine, valued at $60,000, equally with another operation. These two combines would be reported as:
1 1/2

Number owned and leased (Fraction)
Present market value (owned and leased) (dollars only)

  1. Tractors:
    • under 60 p.t.o. hp. (including garden tractors, ATVs, etc.)
    • 60 - 149 p.t.o. hp
    • over 149 p.t.o. hp.
  2. Pick-ups, cargo vans, cars and other passenger vehicles used in the farm business
  3. Other farm trucks
  4. Grain combines and swathers
  5. Forage harvesters, balers, mower-conditioners, etc.
  6. Tillage, cultivation, seeding and planting equipment
  7. Irrigation equipment
  8. All other farm machinery and equipment not reported above, such as sprayers, elevators, wagons, manure spreaders, dryers, portable grinder-mixers, other harvesting equipment, Christmas tree balers, etc.
  9. TOTAL present market value of all farm machinery and equipment (Total of questions 164 to 171)



  • Report for the 2015 calendar year OR for the last complete accounting (fiscal) year.

GROSS FARM RECEIPTS (before deducting expenses)

  • Include
    • receipts from all agricultural and forest products sold;
    • program and insurance payments and custom work receipts.
  • Do not include
    • sales of capital items (quota, land, machinery, etc.);
    • the sale of any goods purchased only for resale.

Amount (dollars only)

  1. In 2015, what were the TOTAL gross farm receipts?
  2. Of the above, what were the sales of firewood, pulpwood, logs, fence posts and pilings?


  • Include only the farm business share of amounts paid.
  • Do not include
    • costs of any goods purchased only for resale;
    • depreciation or capital cost allowance.

Amount (dollars only)

  1. In 2015, what were the TOTAL farm operating expenses?


In 2015, did this operation pay any wages or salaries to employees?

  • Include family and non-family.
  • Do not include custom or contract workers.
    • No Go to STEP 33
    • Yes
  1. In 2015, how many employees were paid on:
    1. a year-round full-time basis (30 or more hours per week)
    2. a year-round part-time basis (less than 30 hours per week)
    3. a seasonal or temporary basis
  2. TOTAL number of employees receiving a wage or salary in 2015
  3. In 2015, how many of the total number of employees receiving a wage or salary (question 177) were family members?


In 2015, did this operation SELL any agricultural products DIRECTLY TO CONSUMERS for human consumption?

  • Do not include the sale of any goods purchased only for resale.
    • No Go to STEP 34
    • Yes
  1. In 2015, which of the following products were sold directly to consumers for human consumption? (Fill in all applicable circles.)
    • Unprocessed agricultural products (such as fruits, vegetables, meat cuts, poultry, eggs, maple syrup, honey, etc.)
    • Value-added products (such as jellies, sausages, wine, cheese, etc.)
  2. In 2015, which of the following methods were used to sell directly to consumers for human consumption? (Fill in all applicable circles.)
    • Farm gate sales, stands, kiosks, U-pick
    • Farmers' markets
    • Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)
    • Other methods — Specify:


Answer the following questions about the OPERATING ARRANGEMENT of this agricultural operation in 2016.

  1. What is the operating arrangement of this operation? (Fill in one circle only.)
    • Sole proprietorship
    • Partnership without a written agreement
    • Partnership with a written agreement
    • Family corporation (including corporations with one or more shareholders)
    • Non-family corporation

If question 181 does not describe the operating arrangement of this operation, report in the COMMENTS section on page 16.


As of May 10, 2016, did this operation have a WRITTEN SUCCESSION PLAN?

A succession plan is more extensive than a will. It is a formalized plan that ensures the future continuity of the farm business. It contains three elements: transfer of management and control; transfer of assets and ownership; and transfer of labour.

  • No Go to STEP 36
  • Yes
  1. In your written succession plan, will the successor(s) for this operation be: (Fill in all applicable circles.)
    • Family member(s)
    • Non-family member(s)


In 2015, were there any renewable energy producing systems, regardless of ownership, on this operation?

  • Include systems that produce energy for this operation or for sale.
    • No End of questionnaire, thank you.
    • Yes
  1. In 2015, which of the following renewable energy producing systems were on this operation? (Fill in all applicable circles.)
    • Solar panels
    • Wind turbines
    • Anaerobic biodigester (biogas or methane)
    • Biodiesel production systems
    • Geothermal electric power generator
    • Hydro electric power generator
    • Other renewable energy producing systems — Specify:

Purpose of the Census of Agriculture and users of the data

The Census of Agriculture provides the only comprehensive and integrated profile of the physical, economic, social and environmental aspects of Canada's agriculture industry. It is conducted every five years. The data are needed to make informed decisions about business management strategies, agricultural policies, programs and services that directly affect farmers and rural communities.

Census data provide a reliable source of information to farm organizations, government departments, agriculture suppliers and service providers, and researchers that help them to understand and respond to changes in agriculture.

But why in May?

Statistics Canada recognizes that mid-May is one of the busiest times of the year for farmers. However, collecting the data at the same time as the Census of Population streamlines procedures and saves millions of dollars.

Use of record linkages

To enhance the data from this census and to minimize the reporting burden, Statistics Canada may combine it with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

The law protects what you tell us

The confidentiality of your census responses is protected by law. All Statistics Canada employees have taken an oath of secrecy. Your personal census information cannot be given to anyone outside Statistics Canada without your consent. This is your right.

Fax or e-mail transmission disclosure

Statistics Canada advises you that there could be a risk of disclosure during facsimile or e-mail transmission. However, upon receipt, Statistics Canada will provide the guaranteed level of protection afforded all information collected under the authority of the Statistics Act.


If you have any questions on the Census of Agriculture, call us free of charge, 1-855-859-6273. Please mail your questionnaire today.

Census of Agriculture results will be available in May 2017: www.statcan.gc.ca.

Thank you for your co-operation.