June Atlantic Agricultural Survey, 2009

CONFIDENTIAL when completed. This survey is conducted under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, c. S-19. Completion of this questionnaire is a legal requirement under the Statistics Act.

The purpose of this survey is to collect information on livestock and crops. The statistics produced from the survey enable those active in the agricultural sector to observe and assess changes in the industry, measure performance and keep the agricultural community and general public informed of developments. All information will be kept confidential under the authority of the Statistics Act.

  • Corporation Name
  • Farm or Operation Name
  • Contact Name
  • Area Code
  • Telephone
  • Fax
  • Number and Street Name
  • R.R.
  • Box No.
  • Postal Code
  • Post Office (name of city, town or village where mail is received)

Section A. Crops seeded

1. Did you/do you plan to seed any crops in 2009?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to Question 3)

2. Which of the following crops did you seed or will you seed in 2009? (Include seeded area) UOM (ac, ha)

  • Spring Wheat
  • Oats
  • Barley
  • Mixed Grains (two or more sown together)
  • Corn for Grain
  • Fodder Corn
  • Potatoes
  • Soybeans
  • Other Crops

3. Did you seed any Winter Wheat in the fall of 2008?

  • Yes (Go to Question 4)
  • No (Go to Question 6)

4. What area of Winter Wheat did you seed in the fall of 2008? UOM (ac, ha)

  • Winter Wheat seeded in the fall of 2008 (Go to Question 5)

5. What area is remaining to be harvested? UOM (ac, ha)

  • Winter Wheat remaining to be harvested (Go to Question 6)

6. Will you have any area in Hay or Forage seed in 2009?

  • Yes (Go to selected crops)
  • No (Go to Question 7)

Selected Crops: Total area UOM (ac, ha)

  • All other Hay (including clover, Timothy, Alfalfa and/or alfalfa mixtures)
  • Forage seed

7. What is your total area in 2009? (Land Use) UOM (ac, ha)

  1. Pasture (Note: If a field is used the same year for harvesting hay as pasture, count it only once as a hay field.)
  2. Other Land
  3. Total Farm Area Operated

Section B. Cattle and/or calves

1. On June 1, 2009 do you expect to have any cattle or calves on this operation? Include grazing projects, community pastures or crownland.

  • Yes
  • No (Go to Section C)

2. Are cattle or calves kept (on this operation) for someone else? (If yes include them as part of inventory.)

  • Yes
  • No

Total Number at June 1, 2009:

3. Bulls, 1 year and over

4. Dairy cows (calved at least once, incl. cows that would normally have been culled)

5. Beef cows (calved at least once, incl. cows that would normally have been culled)

6. Calves, under 1 year

7. Heifers, 1 year and over

  1. for dairy replacement Heifers (1 year and over)
  2. for beef replacement Heifers (1 year and over)
  3. for slaughter or feeder Heifers (1 year and over)

8. Steers, 1 year and over

9. Total cattle and/or calves (sum of questions 3 to 8)

10. (On this operation) How many calves do you expect to be born alive between January 1 and June 30, 2009?

11. (On this operation) How many cows and heifers do you expect to calve between July 1 and December 31, 2009?

At June 1, 2009:

12. Of the dairy cows reported (Section B, Question 4), how many are more than 10 years of age? (i.e. cows born before 1999)

13. Of the beef cows reported (Section B, Question 5), how many are more than 10 years of age? (i.e. cows born before 1999)

14. Of the (Section B, Question 7c) feeder heifers reported, how many are in the following three weight categories;

  1. More than (or equal to) 1100 lb (500 kg)
  2. Between 900 lb and 1100 lb (409-500 kg)
  3. Less than (or equal to) 900 lb (409 kg)

15. Of the (Section B, Question 8) steers (1 year and over) reported, how many are in the following three weight categories;

  1. More than (or equal to) 1250 lb (568 kg)
  2. Between 1000 lb and 1250 lb (455-568 kg)
  3. Less than (or equal to) 1000 lb (455 kg)

16. Of those (Section B, Question 7c) feeder heifers and/or (Section B, Question 8) steers (1 year and over) reported as of June 1, how many are being fed a finishing ration (mostly grain)?

17. Of those feeder heifers (Section B, Question 7c) and/or steers (1 year and over) (Section B, Question 8) reported as of June 1, how many are under 21 months of age?

Section C. Pigs

1. On June 1, 2009 do you expect to have any pigs (on this operation)?

  • Yes (Go to Question 2)
  • No (Go to Question 1a)

1. (a) Were there any pigs (on this operation) during April, May and June, 2009?

  • Yes (Answer Questions 7, 8 and 9)
  • No (Go to Section D)

2. Are pigs kept (on this operation) for someone else? (If yes include them as part of inventory.)

  • Yes
  • No

Total Number at June 1, 2009:

3. Boars, 6 months and over

4. Sows, for breeding and bred gilts

5. All other pigs

  1. Under 45 pounds (-20 kg) (Include suckling pigs)
  2. 45 to 130 pounds (20 to 60 kg)
  3. Over 130 pounds (60+ kg)

6. Total pigs (sum of questions 3 to 5)

7. (On this operation) How many sows and bred gilts farrowed or are expected to farrow during April, May and June 2009?

8. How many pigs were born alive or will be born alive during the same period (April, May and June 2009)?

9. Of the number of pigs born alive, how many do you expect to die or to be destroyed before weaning during April, May and June 2009?

10. How many sows and bred gilts are expected to farrow during July, August and
September 2009?

11. How many sows and bred gilts are expected to farrow during October, November and December 2009? 

Section D. Sheep and/or lambs

1. On June 1, 2009 do you expect to have any sheep or lambs (on this operation)? Include grazing projects, community pastures or crownland.

  • Yes (Go to Question 2)
  • No (Go to Question 1a)

1. (a) Were there any sheep or lambs kept (on this operation) between January 1 and May 31, 2009?

  • Yes (Answer Questions 8, 9 and 10)
  • No

2. Are sheep or lambs kept on this operation for someone else? (If yes include them as part of inventory.)

  • Yes
  • No

Total Number at June 1, 2009:

3. Rams, 1 year and over

4. Ewes

5. Replacement lambs

6. Market lambs

7. Total sheep and lambs (sum of questions 3 to 6)

8. (On this operation) How many lambs do you expect to be born between January 1 and June 30, 2009?

9. How many sheep and lambs died or will die, including those killed by disease or predators, between January 1 and June 30, 2009?

10. (On this operation) How many lambs do you expect to be born between July 1 and December 31, 2009?