Dwelling information
The first few questions are to confirm your contact information, such as your address and phone number.
Q1. Is this your correct address and telephone number?
[Apartment number] [Civic number] [Civic suffix]
[Street name] [Street type] [Street direction]
[City] [Province or territory]
[Postal code]
[Telephone number] [Extension number]
Select "No" if the address requires any changes (e.g., a spelling mistake or the apartment number is incorrect).
- Yes
- No
Q2. Please correct your address.
- Apartment number
- Civic number
- Civic suffix
- 1/4
- 1/2
- 3/4
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
- X
- Y
- Z
- Street name
- Street type
- AV
- C
- CH
- DR
- PK
- PL
- PT
- RD
- RG
- SQ
- ST
- Street direction
Example: NW- E
- N
- NE
- NO
- NW
- O
- S
- SE
- SO
- SW
- W
- City, municipality, town, village, First Nations reserve
- Province or territory
- Postal code
Example: A9A 9A9 - Telephone number (including area code)
Example: 123-123-1234 - Extension number (if applicable)
Q3. Is this also your mailing address?
[Apartment number] [Civic number] [Civic suffix]
[Street name] [Street type] [Street direction]
[City] [Province or territory]
[Postal code]
- Yes
- No
Q4. Please provide your mailing address.
- Apartment number
- Civic number
- Civic suffix
- 1/4
- 1/2
- 3/4
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
- X
- Y
- Z
- Street name
- Street type
- AV
- C
- CH
- DR
- PK
- PL
- PT
- RD
- RG
- SQ
- ST
- Street direction
Example: NW- E
- N
- NE
- NO
- NW
- O
- S
- SE
- SO
- SW
- W
- City, municipality, town, village, First Nations reserve
- Province or territory
- Postal code
Example: A9A 9A9
The next questions refer to your household's usual place of residence and collective dwellings.
To make sure you are asked the right questions, we need to correctly identify the dwelling in which you live.
Q5. Is the address displayed on the previous screen your household's usual place of residence?
The usual place of residence is the dwelling where a household usually lives and typically corresponds to the address on the driver's licence.
- Yes
- No
Q6. Does your household live in a collective dwelling?
A collective dwelling refers to an establishment used for institutional or communal purposes.
- residences for non-autonomous senior citizens
- school residences
- hotels and motels
- halfway houses
- work camps
- camps occupied by military personnel only
- lodging and rooming houses
- a religious or communal dwelling, e.g., Hutterite colony and non-religious communes
- Yes
- No
In which type of collective dwelling does your household live?
- A residence for non-autonomous senior citizens (dwelling without a kitchenette)
- A school residence
- A hotel or a motel
- A halfway house
- A work camp
- A camp occupied by military personnel only
- A lodging or a rooming house
- A religious or other communal dwelling, e.g., a Hutterite colony
Is this your household's usual place of residence?
- Yes
- No
Was the room number included in the address?
- Yes
- No
Household information
The next few questions ask for important information about the people in your household.
Q7. Including yourself, how many persons are living at this address?
Include all persons who have their main residence at this address, even if they are temporarily away.
- Number of persons
Q8. [Please provide your first name, last name, and age./Beginning with yourself, please provide the first name, last name, and age of all persons living at this address.]
To add or remove a person, return to the previous question and change the number of persons living at this address. Review and enter the names of the household members in the table.
- First name
- Last name
- Age
Q9. Verify that you are listed first and all of the information is correct.
First name: [First name]
Last name: [Last name]
Age: [Age]
The following section asks questions about each member of your household.
Q11. What is [your/[First name]'s] date of birth?
- Year
- Month
- Day
Q12. What is [First name]'s relationship to you?
- Husband or wife
- Common-law partner
- Father or mother
- Son or daughter (birth, adopted or step)
- Brother or sister
- Foster father or mother
- Foster son or daughter
- Grandfather or grandmother
- Grandson or granddaughter
- In-law
Exclude the parent's new spouse. - Other related
- Unrelated
Q13. What is [your/[First name]'s] gender?
Gender refers to current gender which may be different from sex assigned at birth and may be different from what is indicated on legal documents.
- Male
- Female
- Or please specify
- Specify this person's gender
Q14. [Are you/Is [First name]] First Nations, Métis or Inuk (Inuit)?
First Nations (North American Indian) includes Status and Non-Status Indians.
If 'Yes', select the responses that best describes you now
- No, not First Nations, Métis or Inuk (Inuit)
OR - Yes, First Nations (North American Indian)
- Yes, Métis
- Yes, Inuk (Inuit)
The following question collects information in accordance with the Employment Equity Act and its Regulations and Guidelines to support programs that promote equal opportunity for everyone to share in the social, cultural, and economic life of Canada.
Q15. Which population group or groups best describes [you/[First name]]?
Select all that apply.
[Are you/Is [First name]]:
- White
- South Asian
e.g., East Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan - Chinese
- Black
- Filipino
- Arab
- Latin American
- Southeast Asian
e.g., Vietnamese, Cambodian, Laotian, Thai - West Asian
e.g., Iranian, Afghan - Korean
- Japanese
- Other
- Specify other group
Q16. What is [your/[First name]'s] marital status?
- Married
For Quebec residents only, select the "Married" category if your marital status is "civil union". - Living common law
Two people who live together as a couple but who are not legally married to each other. - Never married (not living common law)
- Separated (not living common law)
- Divorced (not living common law)
- Widowed (not living common law)
Q17. What is the highest certificate, diploma or degree that [you have/[First name] has] completed?
- Less than high school diploma or its equivalent
- High school diploma or a high school equivalency certificate
- Trades certificate or diploma
- College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma (other than trades certificates or diplomas)
- University certificate or diploma below the bachelor's level
- Bachelor's degree
e.g., B.A., B.A. (Hons), B.Sc., B.Ed., LL.B. - University certificate, diploma or degree above the bachelor's level
Q18. Currently, what is [your/[First name]'s] main activity?
Is it:
- Working at a job, a business or self-employed
- Looking for work
- Going to school
- Doing household work
- Caring for family members including young children
- Retired
- Experiencing a long-term illness or disability
- Doing volunteer work
- No main activity
- Other
- Specify the other main activity
Dwelling information
The next section refers to the characteristics and tenure of your dwelling.
Q19. In what type of dwelling do you live?
Would you say:
- A single detached
- A semi-detached or double
i.e., side by side - A garden home, town house or row house
- A duplex
i.e., one above the other - A low-rise apartment of fewer than 5 stories or a flat
- A high-rise apartment of 5 stories or more
- A hotel, rooming or lodging house or camp
- A mobile home
- Other
- Specify the other type of dwelling
Q20. In what year was this dwelling originally built?
If exact year is not known, give your best estimate.
- Year
Q21. Is this dwelling in need of any repairs?
Exclude desirable remodelling or additions.
- No, only regular maintenance is needed
e.g., painting, furnace cleaning - Yes, minor repairs are needed
e.g., missing or loose floor tiles, bricks or shingles; defective steps, railing or siding - Yes, major repairs are needed
e.g., defective plumbing or electrical wiring; structural repairs to walls, floors or ceilings
Q22. How many bedrooms are in this dwelling?
Count all rooms designed as bedrooms, even if they are now used for something else. Also count basement bedrooms and rooms that are used as bedrooms now, even if they were not originally built as bedrooms.
Do not count rooms used solely for business purposes.
- Number of bedrooms
Q23. In what year and month did [you/your household] move to this dwelling?
Report the first year and month that any current household member moved to the dwelling.
- Year
- Month
Q24. Is this dwelling owned by a member of this household?
Would you say:
- Yes, owned, even if it is still being paid
- No, rented, even if no cash rent is paid
Q25. Is there a mortgage on this dwelling?
Exclude other types of financing.
- Yes
- No
Q26. If you were to sell this dwelling today, how much would you expect to sell it for?
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q27. How many cellphones [do you/does your household] have?
Exclude cellphones used for work only.
- Number of cellphones
Q28. Which of the following services [do you/does your household] have?
Include services received from telecommunication providers.
Exclude online streaming services, e.g., Netflix and Crave.
Select all that apply.
- Landline telephone service
Include IP and VOIP services. - Television service
- Internet access from your dwelling
- None of the above
What type of television services [do you/does your household] have?
Select all that apply.
- Cable
- Satellite dish
- Phone line or IPTV
- Fibre-optic
- Other
- Specify the other type of service
What type of Internet connections [do you/does your household] have?
Select all that apply.
- Fibre-optic
- Cable
- High speed telephone or DSL
- Dial-up through telephone line
- Satellite
- Wireless
Include cellphones, tables, sticks and fixed wireless connections.
Exclude wireless routers - Other
- Specify the other type of connection
Dwelling expenses
The survey only collects information about household expenses.
Exclude expenses charged against business or rental income.
The next section refers to mortgage related expenses.
Q29. How many mortgages [do you/does your household] currently have on this dwelling?
- Number of mortgages
Q31. How much was the last regular payment for this mortgage?
Include premiums for mortgage-related insurance and property taxes if they are part of the mortgage payments.
Exclude any irregular or lump sum payments.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q32. What was the payment frequency?
Was it:
- Weekly
- Biweekly
- Semi-monthly
- Monthly
- Every two months
- Quarterly
- Annually
- Other
- Specify the other payment frequency
Q33. Were the premiums for mortgage-related insurance included in this mortgage payment?
Mortgage-related insurance includes mortgage life insurance, loan insurance and disability insurance.
- Yes
- No
Q34. Were the property taxes included in this mortgage payment?
- Yes
- No
Q35. In the 12-month period between [reference period], what was the total premium paid for mortgage-related insurance for this mortgage?
Include mortgage life insurance, loan insurance and disability insurance even if included in the mortgage payments.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q36. What is the balance owing for this mortgage?
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q37. For this mortgage, in which of the following groups is your current balance owing?
Is it:
- Less than $25,000
- $25,000 to less than $50,000
- $50,000 to less than $75,000
- $75,000 to less than $100,000
- $100,000 to less than $150,000
- $150,000 to less than $200,000
- $200,000 to less than $250,000
- $250,000 to less than $300,000
- $300,000 to less than $500,000
- $500,000 or more
Q38. What is the amortization period for this mortgage, i.e., the total number of years you agreed to pay off the mortgage in full?
Is it:
- Less than 10 years
- 10 to 14 years
- 15 to 19 years
- 20 to 24 years
- 25 years
- 30 years
- 35 years
- 40 years
- Other
- Specify the other amortization period
[This section refers to other expenses related to this dwelling./The survey only collects information about household expenses.
Exclude expenses charged against business or rental income.
The next section refers to expenses related to this dwelling.]
Q39. How much was [your/your household's] last payment for the following?
a. Home insurance
- Round to nearest CAN$
- Payment frequency
- Monthly
- Every two months
- Quarterly
- Annually
b. Condominium fees
Include strata fees.
- Round to nearest CAN$
- Payment frequency
- Monthly
- Every two months
- Quarterly
- Annually
Q40. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on the following?
a. Property and school taxes
Include special service charges and local improvements.
Include taxes even if included in mortgage payments.
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Legal charges related to the dwelling
Include title searches and title transfers.
- Round to nearest CAN$
c. Registration fees, renewal fees, early renewal fees or closing penalties associated with mortgages
Exclude mortgage payments.
- Round to nearest CAN$
d. Other fees related to the dwelling - Specify the other fees
- building permits
- appraisals and inspections
- surveying fees
- special assessments for condo owners
- pad rental for mobile homes.
- Round to nearest CAN$
The next section refers to the purchase and sale of your principal residences.
- purchase and sale of secondary residences
- dwellings bought or sold solely for business purposes, e.g., dwellings purchased solely for renting
- dwellings bought or sold for persons who are not household members.
Q41. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how many principal residences did [you/your household] purchase?
- Number of residences purchased
Q43. What was the purchase price of this principal residence?
Exclude adjustments to property taxes and heating oil.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q44. How much did [you/your household] pay for the land transfer tax, the welcome tax and the land registration fees for this residence?
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q45. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how many principal residences did [you/your household] sell?
- Number of residences sold
Q47. What was the selling price of the previous principal residence?
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q48. How much did [you/your household] pay for real estate commissions for this residence?
Include fixed fees paid to online real estate brokers, e.g., FairSquare, For Sale By Owner and DuProprio.
Report as an amount or a percentage.
- Amount
- Specify the amount
- Percentage
- Specify the percentage
At two decimal places, e.g., 4.25%
- Specify the percentage
The survey only collects information about household expenses.
Exclude expenses charged against business or rental income.
The next section refers to expenses related to this dwelling.
Q49. How much was [your/your household's] last payment for the following?
a. Rent
- Round to nearest CAN$
- Payment frequency
- Monthly
- Every two months
- Quarterly
- Annually
b. Tenant's insurance
- Round to nearest CAN$
- Payment frequency
- Monthly
- Every two months
- Quarterly
- Annually
c. Parking
Exclude parking included in rent.
- Round to nearest CAN$
- Payment frequency
- Monthly
- Every two months
- Quarterly
- Annually
Q50. In the 12-month period between [reference period], what additional amounts were paid to the landlord which were not included in regular rent payments, e.g., security deposits?
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q51. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on improvements, renovations, repairs and maintenance for this dwelling?
Exclude amounts reimbursed by the landlord.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q52. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on the following?
a. Legal charges related to the sale of the residence
Include title searches and title transfers.
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Registration fees, renewal fees, early renewal fees or closing penalties associated with mortgages
- Round to nearest CAN$
c. Other fees related to the sale of the residence - Specify the other fees
- building permits
- appraisals and inspections
- surveying fees.
- Round to nearest CAN$
The next section refers to spending on utilities.
Exclude expenses already included in condo fees and rent payments.
Q53. How much was [your/your household's] last payment for the following?
Exclude rental of heating equipment.
a. Water and sewage charges
Include pumping services and water tankers that deliver water and fill water tanks at private homes.
- Round to nearest CAN$
- Payment frequency
- Monthly
- Every two months
- Quarterly
- Annually
b. Electricity
- Round to nearest CAN$
- Payment frequency
- Monthly
- Every two months
- Quarterly
- Annually
c. Natural gas
- Round to nearest CAN$
- Payment frequency
- Monthly
- Every two months
- Quarterly
- Annually
Q54. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] receive in credits or subsidies to help pay utility bills for the following?
Report the total amount received.
Credits and subsidies are funds received from provincial or municipal support programs, energy provider assistance programs, emergency financial assistance or social assistance allowances.
a. Electricity
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Natural gas
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q55. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on the following?
a. Propane
Include propane for barbecues.
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Heating oil
- Round to nearest CAN$
c. Wood and other fuel
Include wood, charcoal and wood pellets used for heating, cooking or for pleasure, e.g., fireplace.
- Round to nearest CAN$
d. Rental of heating equipment
e.g., hot water tank and propane tank
- Round to nearest CAN$
The next section refers to spending on repairs, maintenance, improvements and renovations.
- expenses for vacation homes, secondary residences, rented principal residences and other properties
- expenses charged against business or rental income.
Q56. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on the following for [the principal residence which was sold/the current principal residence/all residences including the current principal residence and the principal residence which was sold]?
a. Repairs and maintenance
Work to keep the property in working order without improving its quality.
e.g., painting a fence, replacing a broken windowpane or replacing a furnace filter
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Improvements and renovations
Work that leads to an increase in value and overall quality of the property.
e.g., adding to the structure, installing a pool, adding a new fence, replacing windows or installing a new furnace
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q57. How much was spent on contract work or hired labour for the following?
Include the cost of materials if they were billed with the labour.
Report as an amount or a percentage.
a. Repairs and maintenance
- Round to nearest CAN$
- Percentage
b. Improvements and renovations
- Round to nearest CAN$
- Percentage
Q58. Of the [improvements and renovations amount] reported, in the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on the following for [the principal residence which was sold/the current principal residence/all residences including the current principal residence and the principal residence which was sold] in terms of improvements and renovations?
Exclude expenses charged against business or rental income.
a. Exterior improvements
e.g., work done to a deck, garage or siding
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Roofing
e.g., replacing all shingles, complete re-tarring, eaves troughing
- Round to nearest CAN$
c. Property improvements
e.g., landscaping, driveway work, fencing
- Round to nearest CAN$
d. Interior improvement or remodels
e.g., basement finishing, aging-in-place, room extensions or remodels
- Round to nearest CAN$
e. Flooring
e.g., carpeting, tiling, wood floors
- Round to nearest CAN$
f. Windows and doors
e.g., interior and exterior doors, closet or French doors, garage doors
- Round to nearest CAN$
g. Heating and conditioning
e.g., heat pump, fireplace conversions to gas furnace
- Round to nearest CAN$
h. Plumbing fixtures and equipment
e.g., shower or sink unit, hot water tank, bathtub, water softener
- Round to nearest CAN$
i. Solar panels
- Round to nearest CAN$
j. Other - Specify the other improvements and renovations
- Round to nearest CAN$
Secondary residence expenses
The next section refers to spending on secondary residences and other properties.
Exclude dwellings owned by the household, but rented out for the whole year, as they are considered a business.
Q59. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how many secondary residences did [you/your household] own?
A secondary residence is defined as any other dwelling used by the household as secondary living quarters, e.g., cottages, hobby farms or summer residences.
Include timeshares and properties outside of Canada.
Exclude moveable secondary residences, e.g., trailers or motor homes.
- Number of secondary residences
Q61. Was this secondary residence purchased in the 12-month period between [reference period]?
- Yes
- No
What was the purchase price?
If [you are/your household is] not the sole owner of the secondary residence, report only [your/your household's] portion of the expense.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q62. Is there a mortgage on this secondary residence?
- Yes
- No
Q63. How much was the last regular payment for this mortgage?
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q64. What was the payment frequency?
Was it:
- Weekly
- Bi-weekly
- Semi-monthly
- Monthly
- Every two months
- Quarterly
- Annually
- Other
- Specify the other payment frequency
Q65. What is your best estimate of the amount owing on this mortgage?
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q66. What is the amortization period for this mortgage, i.e., the total number of years you agreed to pay off the mortgage in full?
Is it:
- Less than 10 years
- 10 to 14 years
- 15 to 19 years
- 20 years to 24 years
- 25 years
- 30 years
- 35 years
- 40 years
- Other
- Specify the other amortization period
Q67. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend for this secondary residence on the following?
Exclude expenses charged against business or rental income.
a. Property taxes. school taxes, water and sewage charges
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Property insurance
- Round to nearest CAN$
c. Electricity and fuel charges
Include natural gas and wood.
- Round to nearest CAN$
d. Home security and communication services
Include landline telephone, television, satellite radio and Internet.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q68. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend for this secondary residence on the following?
Exclude expenses charged against business or rental income.
a. Repairs and maintenance
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Improvements and renovations
- Round to nearest CAN$
c. Other expenses
- condominium and strata fees
- survey costs
- timeshare arrangements
- legal fees, such as notary and lawyer fees
- mortgage-related insurance premiums.
- Exclude snow removal, garbage disposal and groundskeeping services.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q69. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how many secondary residences did [you/your household] sell?
- Number of secondary residences sold
Q71. What was the selling price?
If [you are/your household is] not the sole owner of the secondary residence, report only [your/your household's] portion of the sale.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q72. What were the real estate commissions?
Include fixed fees paid to online real estate brokers, e.g., FairSquare, For Sale By Owner and DuProprio.
Report as an amount or a percentage.
- Amount
- Specify the amount
- Percentage
- Specify the percentage
At two decimal places, e.g., 4.25%
- Specify the percentage
Other property expenses
Q73. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how many other properties did [you/your household] own?
Include land, lots and dwellings owned and not used.
- Exclude:
- principal and secondary residences
- rental or business property
- farm property.
- Number of other properties
Q75. Was this other property purchased in the 12-month period between [reference period]?
- Yes
- No
What was the purchase price?
If [you are/your household is] not the sole owner of this property, report only [your/your household's] portion of the expense.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q76. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend for this other property on the following?
Exclude expenses charged against business or rental income.
a. Mortgage payments
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Improvements, renovations, repairs and maintenance
- Round to nearest CAN$
c. Other expenses
- property taxes
- survey costs
- appraisal fees
- utilities.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q77. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how many other properties did [you/your household] sell?
Include land, lots and dwellings owned and not used.
- principal and secondary residences
- rental or business property
- farm property.
- Number of other properties sold
Q79. What was the selling price?
If [you are/your household is] not the sole owner of the property, report only [your/your household's] portion of the sale.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q80. What were the real estate commissions?
Include fixed fees paid to online real estate brokers, e.g., FairSquare, For Sale By Owner and DuProprio.
Report as an amount or a percentage.
- Amount
- Specify the amount
- Percentage
- Specify the percentage
At two decimal places, e.g., 4.25%
- Specify the percentage
Household furnishing expenses
The next section refers to spending on household furnishings and equipment.
- new and used goods
- gifts purchased for persons who are not household members
- purchases for use in principal residences, secondary residences or other properties
- the total cost of goods purchased even if not fully paid at the time of purchase, e.g., installment plans and "buy now, pay later" agreements
- taxes, customs duties and any additional charges.
- purchases for a dwelling rented to another household
- expenses charged against business or rental income.
Q81. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on the following?
a. Furniture for indoor and outdoor use
Include mattresses, home-made and home-finished furnishings.
Exclude rental costs.
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Rugs, mats and under-padding
Exclude wall-to-wall carpeting.
- Round to nearest CAN$
c. Works of art, carvings and other decorative ware
Include vases, candlesticks, figurines and wall hangings.
Exclude curtains.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q82. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on the following household appliances?
Include built-in appliances.
a. Refrigerators and freezers
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Cooking appliances
Include stoves, ranges, convection ovens and barbecues.
- Round to nearest CAN$
c. Microwave ovens
- Round to nearest CAN$
d. Small appliances
Include small electric food preparation appliances, e.g., electric grills, toaster ovens, pressure cookers, air fryers, coffee makers, blenders and bread makers.
- Round to nearest CAN$
e. Washers, dryers and dishwashers
- Round to nearest CAN$
f. Air conditioners, portable humidifiers and dehumidifiers
Exclude central air conditioners and heat pumps.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q83. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on the following?
a. Power lawn, garden and snow removal equipment
Include mowers, tractors, snowblowers, rotary tillers and hedge trimmers.
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Power tools
Include electric drills, circular saws, sanders, jigsaws, motors and pumps.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q84. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on rental, maintenance, repair and services for household items?
e.g., services for carpet cleaning, rental of power tools, service agreements for appliances, lawn or snow removal equipment tune-ups and making keys.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q85. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on the following?
Exclude value of equipment when part of a plan with a communications service provider.
a. Purchase of telephones, cellphone, answering and fax machines
Include devices only.
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Smartwatches, fitness trackers, other wearable technology devices and accessories
- Round to nearest CAN$
c. Tablets
e.g., iPad and Galaxy Tab
- Round to nearest CAN$
d. E-book readers
e.g., Kobo and Kindle
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q86. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on the following?
a. Portable and non-portable audio equipment and home theatre systems
Include headphones and smart speakers, e.g., Google Home and Amazon Echo.
Exclude televisions, DVD and Blu-Ray players.
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Cameras, camcorders and drones
Include parts, accessories and equipment.
- Round to nearest CAN$
c. Televisions
- Round to nearest CAN$
d. Video and television components
Include media streaming players, video recorders, DVD and Blu-Ray players and other related parts and accessories.
Exclude game consoles.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q87. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on desktop computers, laptops and other types of computer hardware?
Include accessories, parts and equipment.
Exclude video game consoles and tablet computers.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q88. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on rental, maintenance, repair and services for electronic equipment?
Include repairs of cellphones, computers, audio and video equipment, configuration and restoration of computers, maintenance, protection or insurance plans offered by telecommunication service providers or electronic devices sellers.
Exclude expenses for communication services.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Communication service expenses
The next section refers to spending on home security and communication services.
Communication services include landline telephone, cellphone, pager, television, satellite radio and Internet.
Include services used in your principal residence and rented accommodations, e.g., vacation homes rentals, campgrounds and accommodations rented by household members while away at school or working away from home.
- services associated with secondary residences and other owned properties
- services included in rent or condominium fees
- expenses charged against business or rental income.
Q89. [Do you/Does your household] pay for two or more services together as a package or bundle?
- home security services
- landline telephone
- cellphone and pager
- television and satellite radio
- Internet.
- Yes
- No
Q90. How many bundles [do you/does your household] have?
- Number of bundles
Q92. How much was [your/your household's] last payment for [bundle]
- installation
- service charges
- long distance charges after discounts
- equipment rental charges.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q93. What was the payment frequency for [bundle]
- Payment frequency
- Monthly
- Every two months
- Quarterly
- Annually
Q94. Which of the following services are included in [bundle]
Select all that apply.
- Landline telephone
- Cellphone and pager
- Television and satellite radio
- Internet
- Home security services
Q95. Are you able to provide the cost of each service included in [bundle]
- Yes
- No
Q96. What was the cost for each service included in [bundle]
a. Landline telephone
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Cellphone and pager
- Round to nearest CAN$
c. Television and satellite radio
- movie rentals and special events paid to television providers
- satellite radio for vehicles, e.g., Sirius XM.
Exclude video streaming subscriptions, e.g., Netflix.
- Round to nearest CAN$
d. Internet
- Round to nearest CAN$
e. Home security services
Include monitoring and response.
Exclude installation charges and equipment, e.g., fire extinguishers and alarm system.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q97. [Do you/Does your household] pay for additional home security and communication services, e.g., landline telephone, cellphone, pager, television, satellite radio and Internet?
Remember to include any payments made for non-household members.
- Yes
- No
Q98. [Excluding any bundles, how much was/[How much was] [your/your household's] last payment for the following services?
[Remember to include/Include] any payments made for non-household members.
- service charges
- long distance charges after discounts
- equipment rental charges
- installation charges, except for home security.
a. Landline telephone
- Round to nearest CAN$
- Payment frequency
- Monthly
- Every two months
- Quarterly
- Annually
b. Cellphone and pager
- Round to nearest CAN$
- Payment frequency
- Monthly
- Every two months
- Quarterly
- Annually
c. Television and satellite radio
- movie rentals and special events paid to television providers
- satellite radio for vehicles, e.g., Sirius XM.
Exclude video streaming subscriptions, e.g., Netflix.
- Round to nearest CAN$
- Payment frequency
- Monthly
- Every two months
- Quarterly
- Annually
d. Internet
- Round to nearest CAN$
- Payment frequency
- Monthly
- Every two months
- Quarterly
- Annually
e. Home security services
Include monitoring and response.
Exclude installation charges and equipment, e.g., fire extinguishers and alarm system.
- Round to nearest CAN$
- Payment frequency
- Monthly
- Every two months
- Quarterly
- Annually
Child care expenses
The next question refers to spending on child care and children's camps.
Q99. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on the following?
a. Child care outside the child's home
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Child care inside the child's home
Include occasional babysitting.
- Round to nearest CAN$
c. Children's camps
e.g., day camps and summer camps
- Round to nearest CAN$
Regular expenses
The next section refers to spending on food, beverages, cannabis, cigarettes and gasoline and other fuels. The reference period is 2 weeks.
- expenses for all household members
- all taxes, tips and delivery fees.
Q100 In the 2-week period between [Start Date] and [End Date], how much did [you/your household] spend on food and non-alcoholic beverages purchased in stores and markets?
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q101. Of the [food and non-alcoholic beverages amount] you reported above, how much did [you/your household] spend on the following food items?
a. Bakery products
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Grains and cereal products
- Round to nearest CAN$
c. Fruit, fruit preparations and nuts
Include fruit juice, canned or bottled fruit, fruit pie filling, frozen fruit, dried fruit, jams and similar preserves, ready-to-serve salads and side dishes, canned, bottled or frozen fruit drinks.
- Round to nearest CAN$
d. Vegetables and vegetable preparations
Include frozen and dried vegetables, canned or bottled vegetables, ready-to-serve or ready-to-cook prepared salads and side dishes, canned or bottled vegetable juice.
- Round to nearest CAN$
e. Dairy products and eggs
Include dairy product substitutes such as almond milk.
- Round to nearest CAN$
f. Meat
- Round to nearest CAN$
g. Fish and seafood
- Round to nearest CAN$
h. Non-alcoholic beverages
Include carbonated beverages, meal replacement and sport drinks.
Exclude non-dairy milks.
- Round to nearest CAN$
i. Other food products
Include condiments and margarine.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q102. In the 2-week period between [Start Date] and [End Date], how much did [you/your household] spend on the following?
a. Alcoholic beverages purchased in stores
Include purchases made in liquor stores, beer stores, wine stores and grocery stores.
Exclude non-alcoholic beer and wine.
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Alcoholic beverages purchased in bars, cocktail lounges and restaurants
- Round to nearest CAN$
c. Food and non-alcoholic beverages purchased from restaurants, vending machines and lunch programs
- home delivery, fast-food restaurants, snack bars, cafeterias, bars, coffee shops and caterers
- online food ordering services, e.g., Uber Eats and SkipTheDishes.
Exclude alcoholic beverages.
- Round to nearest CAN$
d. Ready-to-cook meal delivery services
Include meal kit delivery businesses, e.g., Goodfood, Chefs Plate and HelloFresh.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q103. In the 2-week period between [Start Date] and [End Date], how much did [you/your household] spend on the following?
a. Cannabis for non-medical use
Include all cannabis products.
Exclude cannabis prescribed by a doctor.
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Cigarettes
Exclude e-cigarettes.
- Round to nearest CAN$
c. Other tobacco products and smokers' supplies
Include e-cigarettes.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q104. In the 2-week period between [Start Date] and [End Date], how much did [you/your household] spend on gasoline and other fuels?
Include gasoline and other fuels for all vehicles and tools. e.g., gasoline and diesel for cars, trucks, recreational vehicles, lawn mowers, power tools and equipment.
Exclude fuels for cooking and heating.
Exclude expenses charged against business income and expenses that will be reimbursed.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Clothing expenses
The next section refers to spending on clothing and footwear. The reference period is 3 months.
- new and second-hand clothing
- gifts for persons who are not household members
- purchases for unborn children
- sales taxes.
Q105. In the 3-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on the following footwear categories?
Include shoes, sandals, boots and slippers.
Exclude sport or activity-specific footwear, e.g., running shoes, cleats or skates.
a. Footwear for women and girls 14 and over
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Footwear for men and boys 14 and over
- Round to nearest CAN$
c. Footwear for children under 14
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q106. In the 3-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on the following clothing categories?
Exclude renting clothing.
a. Clothing for women and girls 14 and over
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Clothing for men and boys 14 and over
- Round to nearest CAN$
c. Clothing for children under 14
Include cloth diapers.
Exclude diaper service.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q107. In the 3-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on the following?
a. Athletic footwear
Include running shoes.
Exclude sport or activity-specific footwear, e.g., skates, cleats, dance shoes, bowling shoes and fisherman's boots.
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Accessories
Include gloves, hats, mitts, purses, ties, belts, wallets and umbrellas.
- Round to nearest CAN$
c. Watches and other jewellery
Exclude smartwatches, fitness trackers and other wearable electronic devices.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q108. In the 3-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on material used to make clothing, e.g., fabric, knitting yarn, thread and other notions?
Exclude yarn used for crafting and cloth for curtains and furnishings.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q109. In the 3-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on coin-operated washers or dryers, dry-cleaning and laundry services?
Include diaper service and self-service dry cleaning.
Exclude disposable items, e.g., diaper liners.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q110. In the 3-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on services related to footwear, jewellery and clothing?
- tailoring and dressmaking
- clothing and costume rental
- clothing repair, alteration and storage
- purse, shoe, jewellery and watch repair
- engraving of jewellery.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Health care expenses
The next section refers to spending on health care.
- direct costs, i.e., out-of-pocket expenses incurred by household members for all personal health care received
- amounts not covered by insurance, e.g., exclusions, deductibles and expenses over limits.
Exclude payments that have been or will be reimbursed.
Q111. In the 3-month period between [reference period], what were [your direct costs/the direct costs to members of your household] for the following?
a. Medicines, drugs and pharmaceutical products prescribed by a doctor
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Cannabis for medical use prescribed by a doctor
Include all cannabis products.
- Round to nearest CAN$
c. Non-prescribed medicines, drugs and pharmaceutical products
Include headache and pain remedies, vitamins, herbal and homeopathic remedies.
- Round to nearest CAN$
d. Non-prescribed eyewear and eye care goods
Include eyeglass cases and supplies for contact lenses.
- Round to nearest CAN$
e. Other health care supplies and goods
Include first aid kits, bandages, thermometers and elastic hosiery.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q112. In the 12-month period between [reference period], what were [your direct costs/the direct costs to members of your household] for health care equipment?
- CPAP machines
- hearing aids
- wheelchairs
- three or four-wheeled scooters
- hospital beds
- patient lifts.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q113. In the 12-month period between [reference period], what were [your direct costs/the direct costs to members of your household] for the following?
a. Contact lenses
Include amounts paid for additional coverage or protection plan.
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Corrective eyeglass lenses
Include amounts paid for additional coverage or protection plan.
- Round to nearest CAN$
c. Eyeglass frames
Include amounts paid for additional coverage or protection plan.
- Round to nearest CAN$
d. Eye care services
Include eye exams, eye surgery, e.g., laser eye surgery.
- Round to nearest CAN$
e. Dental care
- Round to nearest CAN$
f. Orthodontics
- Round to nearest CAN$
g. Periodontics and other dental treatments
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q114. In the 12-month period between [reference period], what were [your direct costs/the direct costs to members of your household] for weight control programs, quit-smoking programs and other medical services, e.g., ambulances, rental of medical equipment and laboratory services?
Exclude expenses for weight control and smoking cessation programs in a hospital or from a physician or other health care practitioner.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q115. In the 12-month period between [reference period], what were [your direct costs/the direct costs to members of your household] for the following?
a. Hospital care, nursing homes and other residential care facilities
Include all charges, e.g., telephone and TV rentals.
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. General practitioners, family doctors and specialists
Include uninsured services, e.g., doctor's notes, renewals of prescriptions by phone, tests required for insurance and services received in private clinics.
Include acupuncture expenses if the acupuncturist is a medical doctor.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q116. In the 12-month period between [reference period], what were [your direct costs/the direct costs to members of your household] for other health care practitioners?
Include physiotherapists, massage therapists, chiropractors, dietitians, nutritionists, homeopaths, podiatrists, osteopaths, acupuncturists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, naturopaths, nurses and attendant care workers.
Exclude non-therapeutic massage therapists and acupuncturists who are medical doctors.
a. For in-home care
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. For care outside the home
- Round to nearest CAN$
The next question refers to premiums for health care insurance and life insurance.
Q117. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much [you/your household] spend on premiums for the following?
a. Private health and dental insurance plans
Include group insurance plans financed in part by employers.
Exclude public health plans, e.g., provincially or territorially administered hospital, medical and drug plans.
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Life, term and endowment insurance
- disability insurance if included in a life insurance plan
- group insurance
- loan insurance.
- Exclude premiums paid for mortgage life insurance.
- Round to nearest CAN$
c. Accident or disability insurance
Include group insurance plans financed in part by employers.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Vehicle expenses
The next section refers to spending on vehicles, e.g., cars, vans and trucks.
Include all vehicles owned, leased, traded-in, sold or operated at any time during the last 12 months.
Exclude expenses charged against business income.
Q118. How many vehicles did [you/your household] own, lease, trade-in, sell or operate in the 12-month period between [reference period]?
Include vehicles not owned by your household only if expenses were incurred, e.g., parking, insurance premiums or registration fees.
Exclude rented or recreational vehicles.
- Number of vehicles
Q120. Describe the year, make and model of this vehicle.
If unable to provide year, make and model, enter any other description, e.g., blue car.
- Year, make and model
Q121. Which of the following best describes this vehicle?
Is it:
- A car
- A van or mini-van
- A truck or SUV
Include jeeps.
Q122. What type of fuel or power does your vehicle use?
Is it:
- Gasoline or diesel
- Electric
- Hybrid
Q123. What was the status of this vehicle at the end of last month?
Was it:
- Owned by a member of your household
- Leased by a member of your household
- Sold, traded-in or returned to dealership
- Owned or leased by non-household member
- Other
- Specify the other ownership status
Q124. Was this vehicle purchased in the 12-month period between [reference period]?
Include vehicles previously leased and purchased during the last 12 months.
Exclude vehicles purchased exclusively for business.
- Yes
- No
Q125. Was this vehicle purchased from a dealer or private household?
- A dealer
- A private household
Was this vehicle new or used?
- New
- Used
Q126. What was the purchase price [after the trade-in allowance and manufacturer's rebates were deducted] for this vehicle?
Include all sales taxes.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q127. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on the following for this vehicle?
a. Lease payments
Exclude operating costs and vehicles leased exclusively for business.
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Other leasing costs
Include deposits and closing costs.
Exclude any amounts credited for a trade-in vehicle used towards a lease down payment or vehicles leased exclusively for business.
- Round to nearest CAN$
[For the next questions, combine expenses for all vehicles./[The next questions refer to other vehicle-related expenses.]
Q128. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on the following?
a. Vehicle maintenance and repairs
Include oil and tire changes, tune-ups, car washes, emissions tests, brakes and body work.
Exclude amounts paid by insurance, amounts paid by persons who were not members of
your household and towing fees.
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Tires, batteries and other parts and supplies purchased separately
Include mufflers, spark plugs, oil and windshield washer fluid.
- Round to nearest CAN$
c. Accessories and attachments
Include alarm systems, car starters, radios, block heaters, car top carriers and seat
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q129. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on the following fees?
a. Vehicle registration fees
Registration fees are also referred to as "renewing plates", "tags" or "vehicle licence".
Include insurance that is paid with registration fees.
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Insurance premiums
Exclude insurance that is paid with registration fees.
- Round to nearest CAN$
c. Auto association fees, towing, toll and bridge fees, security and communication services, e.g., OnStar
Exclude satellite radio, e.g., Sirius XM.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q130. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on the following?
a. Drivers' licences and tests
Include government insurance if part of the fee
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Driving lessons
- the cost of using a driving school vehicle to take a driving test
- driving lessons for other types of vehicles, e.g., motorcycles.
- Round to nearest CAN$
c. Rental fees for cars, vans and trucks
- mileage
- insurance charges
- taxes
- drop-off fees
- rental fees for moving vehicles
- annual dues and usage fees for car sharing services, e.g., Vrtucar, Communauto and Zipcar.
- Exclude amounts paid by insurance.
- Round to nearest CAN$
d. Children's car seats and boosters
Include gifts.
Exclude combination stroller, carrier and car seat systems.
- Round to nearest CAN$
The reference period for the next few questions is 3 months.
Q131. In the 3-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on all parking costs?
[Include parking costs at place of residence./Exclude parking costs at place of residence.]
Include parking at work, school, hospital, airport, park-and-ride and parking meters.
Exclude money paid for traffic and parking tickets.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Transportation and accommodation expenses
The next section refers to spending on transportation services and accommodations.
- deposits even if services will be received after the reference period
- expenses made in Canada and outside Canada.
Exclude expenses charged against business income and expenses that will be reimbursed.
Q132. In the 3-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on the following?
a. City or commuter bus, subway, streetcar and commuter train
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Peer-to-peer ride services, e.g., Uber and Lyft
Exclude car sharing services, e.g., Vrtucar, Communauto and Zipcar.
- Round to nearest CAN$
c. Taxi
- Round to nearest CAN$
d. Other local passenger transportation, e.g., carpool, airport shuttle, limousine or ferry services and sightseeing tours
Include annual subscription fees and additional fees for bicycle rental, e.g., Bixi
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q133. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on package trips that included transportation?
Package trips are sometimes referred to as "all-inclusive trips" and offer a combination of services for which costs are not identified separately, e.g., transportation, accommodation, meals and sightseeing.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q134. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on the following?
Exclude expenses previously reported in packages.
a. Airplane
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Train, e.g., VIA Rail
Include sleeping cars.
- Round to nearest CAN$
c. Inter-city bus, e.g., Greyhound
Inter-city buses run between cities and towns or between points on highways.
- Round to nearest CAN$
d. Other inter-city passenger transportation, e.g., sightseeing tours, ferries, water taxis, river shuttles and carpooling
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q135. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on the following?
Exclude expenses previously reported in packages with transportation.
a. Hotels or motels.
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Any other accommodations, e.g., cottage rentals, vacation home rentals, Airbnb rentals and campgrounds
Include accommodations for household members away at school or temporarily away from home.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q136. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on the following?
a. Moving services
Include expenses paid to companies offering moving and packing services.
Exclude fees for moving trucks rented by the household.
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Rental of storage space, e.g., storage locker
- Round to nearest CAN$
Recreational vehicle expenses
The next section refers to spending on bicycles and recreational vehicles. The reference period is 12 months.
Include all sales taxes.
Report purchase price after the trade-in allowance was deducted.
Q137. In the 12-month period between [reference period], which of these vehicles did [you/your household] own or operate?
Exclude rented or leased vehicles.
- Bicycles
Exclude children's bicycles with wheels under 35 centimetres (14 inches). - Kayaks, canoes, rowboats, paddleboats or stand-up paddle boards (SUP boards)
- Sailboats
- Motorized watercraft
Include boats and personal watercraft. - Snowmobiles
- Motorcycles, scooters or dirt bikes
- Motor homes
- Tent trailers
- Fifth wheel or travel trailers
- Truck campers
- All-terrain vehicles (ATV)
- Utility trailers
- Other
- None of the above
How much did [you/your household] spend on the purchase of bicycles?
Include amount only if purchased in the last 12 months.
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on maintenance and repairs for all bicycles?
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on parts and supplies for all bicycles?
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on the of these items?
Include amount only if purchased in the last 12 months.
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on maintenance and repairs for these items?
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on parts and supplies for these items?
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on the purchase of sailboats?
Include amount only if purchased in the last 12 months.
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on maintenance and repairs for sailboats?
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on parts and supplies for all sailboats?
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on registration fees and licences for all sailboats?
- Round to nearest CAN$
In some provinces, government insurance fees are paid with registration fees.
Include insurance that is paid with registration fees.
How much did [you/your household] spend on insurance premiums for all sailboats?
Exclude insurance that is paid with registration fees.
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on the purchase of motorized watercraft?
Include amount only if purchased in the last 12 months.
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on maintenance and repairs for motorized watercraft?
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on parts and supplies for all motorized watercrafts?
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on registration fees and licences for all motorized watercrafts?
- Round to nearest CAN$
In some provinces, government insurance fees are paid with registration fees.
Include insurance that is paid with registration fees.
How much did [you/your household] spend on insurance premiums for all motorized watercrafts?
Exclude insurance that is paid with registration fees.
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on the purchase of snowmobiles?
Include amount only if purchased in the last 12 months.
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on maintenance and repairs for snowmobiles?
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on parts and supplies for all snowmobiles?
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on registration fees and licences for all snowmobiles?
- Round to nearest CAN$
In some provinces, government insurance fees are paid with registration fees.
Include insurance that is paid with registration fees.
How much did [you/your household] spend on insurance premiums for all snowmobiles?
Exclude insurance that is paid with registration fees.
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on the purchase of motorcycles, scooters or dirt bikes?
Include amount only if purchased in the last 12 months.
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on maintenance and repairs for motorcycles, scooters or dirt bikes?
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on parts and supplies for all motorcycles, scooters or dirt bikes?
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on registration fees and licences for all motorcycles, scooters or dirt bikes?
- Round to nearest CAN$
In some provinces, government insurance fees are paid with registration fees.
Include insurance that is paid with registration fees.
How much did [you/your household] spend on insurance premiums for all motorcycles, scooters or dirt bikes?
Exclude insurance that is paid with registration fees.
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on the purchase of motor homes?
Include amount only if purchased in the last 12 months.
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on maintenance and repairs for motor homes?
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on parts and supplies for all motor homes?
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on registration fees and licences for all motor homes?
- Round to nearest CAN$
In some provinces, government insurance fees are paid with registration fees.
Include insurance that is paid with registration fees.
How much did [you/your household] spend on insurance premiums for all motor homes?
Exclude insurance that is paid with registration fees.
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on the purchase of tent trailers?
Include amount only if purchased in the last 12 months.
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on maintenance and repairs for tent trailers?
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on parts and supplies for all tent trailers?
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on registration fees and licences for all tent trailers?
- Round to nearest CAN$
In some provinces, government insurance fees are paid with registration fees.
Include insurance that is paid with registration fees.
How much did [you/your household] spend on insurance premiums for all tent trailers?
Exclude insurance that is paid with registration fees.
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on the purchase of fifth wheel or travel trailers?
Include amount only if purchased in the last 12 months.
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on maintenance and repairs for fifth wheel or travel trailers?
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on parts and supplies for all fifth wheel or travel trailers?
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on registration fees and licences for all fifth wheel or travel trailers?
- Round to nearest CAN$
In some provinces, government insurance fees are paid with registration fees.
Include insurance that is paid with registration fees.
How much did [you/your household] spend on insurance premiums for all fifth wheel or travel trailers?
Exclude insurance that is paid with registration fees.
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on the purchase of truck campers?
Include amount only if purchased in the last 12 months.
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on maintenance and repairs for truck campers?
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on parts and supplies for all truck campers?
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on registration fees and licences for all truck campers?
- Round to nearest CAN$
In some provinces, government insurance fees are paid with registration fees.
Include insurance that is paid with registration fees.
How much did [you/your household] spend on insurance premiums for all truck campers?
Exclude insurance that is paid with registration fees.
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on the purchase of ATVs?
Include amount only if purchased in the last 12 months.
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on maintenance and repairs for ATVs?
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on parts and supplies for all ATVs?
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on registration fees and licences for all ATVs?
- Round to nearest CAN$
In some provinces, government insurance fees are paid with registration fees.
Include insurance that is paid with registration fees.
How much did [you/your household] spend on insurance premiums for all ATVs?
Exclude insurance that is paid with registration fees.
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on the purchase of utility trailers?
Include amount only if purchased in the last 12 months.
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on maintenance and repairs for utility trailers?
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on parts and supplies for all utility trailers?
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on registration fees and licences for all utility trailers?
- Round to nearest CAN$
In some provinces, government insurance fees are paid with registration fees.
Include insurance that is paid with registration fees.
How much did [you/your household] spend on insurance premiums for all utility trailers?
Exclude insurance that is paid with registration fees.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Specify the other types of vehicles
How much did [you/your household] spend on the purchase of other vehicles?
Include amount only if purchased in the last 12 months.
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on maintenance and repairs for other vehicles?
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on parts and supplies for all other vehicles?
- Round to nearest CAN$
How much did [you/your household] spend on registration fees and licences for all other vehicles?
- Round to nearest CAN$
In some provinces, government insurance fees are paid with registration fees.
Include insurance that is paid with registration fees.
How much did [you/your household] spend on insurance premiums for all other vehicles?
Exclude insurance that is paid with registration fees.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q138. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on parking, storage fees and other dues for all recreational vehicles combined?
- boat storage
- harbour dues and mooring fees
- hangar and airport fees.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q139. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on rented or leased recreational vehicles?
- Round to nearest CAN$
Education and recreation expenses
The next section refers to spending on education, personal interest courses and recreation.
- day care expenses
- lodging expenses
- expenses that have been or will be reimbursed.
Q140. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on the following tuition expenses?
Include direct costs only, i.e., out-of-pocket costs.
Exclude textbooks, school supplies, school trips and other educational services.
a. Nursery school, kindergarten, elementary or secondary school
Include special and private schools.
Exclude day care expenses.
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. University
- Round to nearest CAN$
c. Other training, e.g., college, CEGEP, trade and professional institutions
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q141. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on the following?
a. Textbooks
Include digital and electronic textbooks.
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. School supplies
- Round to nearest CAN$
c. Other educational services - Specify the other educational services
- tutoring
- outings and field trips
- school application fees
- textbook rental
- fees charged by the school for learning materials.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q142. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on personal interest courses and lessons, e.g., music, dance, language, photography, cooking, pottery, computer and first aid?
- sports-related courses and lessons
- membership fees and dues to join a sports team or a league
- driving lessons.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q143. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on the following?
Exclude textbooks, magazines and magazine subscriptions.
a. Paperback and hardcover books
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. e-books and audiobooks
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q144. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on admission to the following?
a. Movie theatres
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Live sporting events
- Round to nearest CAN$
c. Live performing arts events
Include plays, concerts and dance performances.
- Round to nearest CAN$
d. Museums, historic sites, zoos, heritage facilities, ice shows, craft shows, fairs and festivals
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q145. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on the following?
a. Sporting services
- entry fees and dues for ski hills, sports clubs, fitness centres, golf courses, fishing and hunting clubs
- out-of-school individual and group lessons, e.g., aerobics, skating, swimming and other sports
- hunting and fishing licences
- rental of sport and activity-specific footwear, e.g., ski boots, golf shoes and skates.
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Recreational and leisure services
- admission fees to water parks, amusement parks and provincial parks
- pin-ball machines, arcade games and other games for adults
- party planning for receptions and events, e.g., children's birthday parties and weddings
- services of mountain guides and tour guides
- entrance fees for dancing establishments and nightclubs.
Exclude games of chance.
- Round to nearest CAN$
c. Rental, maintenance and repairs of recreation, sports, fitness and photographic equipment or musical instruments
Exclude expenses for rental, maintenance and repairs of recreational vehicles, e.g., bicycles and kayaks.
- Round to nearest CAN$
d. Collectors' items, e.g., stamps, coins
Exclude works of art.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Miscellaneous expenses
The next section refers to miscellaneous expenses.
Q146. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on the following?
a. Administration fees for brokers and commissions on stocks and bonds
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Legal services, e.g., notary and lawyer fees
Exclude expenses related to dwellings, e.g., purchase or sale of homes.
- Round to nearest CAN$
c. Funeral and cremation services, tombstones, urns, cemetery plot purchase and upkeep
Include pre-paid funeral services.
Exclude food and flowers.
- Round to nearest CAN$
d. Fines
Include money paid for traffic and parking tickets.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q147. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on the following?
a. Service charges for banks and other financial institutions
- monthly bank charges
- withdrawal fees
- safety deposit box charges
- annual fees for credit cards
- fees related to annuity contracts and transfers to RRIFs.
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Financial services
- financial planning
- tax preparation advice
- accounting services
- Exclude income tax software.
- Round to nearest CAN$
c. Government services
- passports and visas
- birth certificates and citizenship certificates
- marriage licences
- NEXUS membership fees.
- vehicle registrations and drivers' licences
- passport photo services and drivers' licence photo services
- licences for hunting, fishing and firearms.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q148. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on the following?
a. Online and other wholesale and retail memberships
Include memberships that provide advantages to members, e.g., Costco and Amazon Prime.
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Contributions and dues for social clubs, co-operatives, political and fraternal organizations and alumni associations
Exclude professional association dues, union dues and charitable donations.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q149. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on the following?
a. Housekeepers, cleaners and house-sitters
A house-sitter is a person who lives in or takes care of a home by agreement with the usual occupants while they are away.
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Snow removal, garbage disposal and groundskeeping services
- lawn mowing, trimming of hedges and shrubs
- tree removal, planting, weeding, pruning and spraying
- soil and plant testing
- landscape design services and consulting services
- water analysis.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q150. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on the following digital services, i.e., online services?
- audiobooks and e-books
- Internet versions of newspapers and magazines
- expenses for goods and services purchased via Internet, e.g., clothes, books and plane tickets.
a. Streaming services, e.g., Spotify and Netflix
Include podcasts.
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Movies, music and video downloads, e.g., iTunes
- Round to nearest CAN$
c. Online gambling
Include sports betting and online casinos.
Exclude government managed gambling platforms and lotteries.
- Round to nearest CAN$
d. Video games, e.g., online gaming, and gaming apps
Include single player and virtual reality games, gaming subscriptions and downloads, and gift cards for video games in-game purchases.
Exclude video game systems and console games.
- Round to nearest CAN$
e. Other digital services, e.g., online software subscriptions, online storage, dating and genealogy services, wellness and weight loss applications - Specify the other digital services
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q151. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on the following?
a. Purchase of pets
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Pet food and pet-related goods
- Round to nearest CAN$
c. Veterinarian services, kennels, grooming and other pet-related services
Include pet insurance and items prescribed by a veterinarian, e.g., medicine and shampoo.
- Round to nearest CAN$
The reference period for the next few questions is 3 months.
Q152. In the 3-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on the following?
Include tips.
a. Hairdressing and barber services
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Other personal care services
- hair removal, manicures and facials
- non-therapeutic massages
- tattoos and piercings
- spa services and non-surgical cosmetic services.
- Exclude expenses for massages as part of a medical treatment.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q153. In the 3-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on the following?
a. Postal and delivery services
- parcel delivery and shipping
- postage stamps
- couriers
- registered mail
- post office boxes
- fax services.
- Exclude memberships that provide free or faster shipping, e.g., Amazon Prime.
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Services related to reading materials
- photocopying services
- library charges
- book rentals
- announcements, e.g., wedding, birth and death
- classified ads in newspapers and online.
- Round to nearest CAN$
c. Photographic services
- printing and mounting of photographs and posters
- film processing and processing of digital images
- school pictures
- passport and drivers' licence photos
- photographer's fees.
- Exclude cameras, photo paper and ink cartridges.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Donations and gifts of money
The next question refers to donations and gifts of money, including cheques and pre-paid credit cards.
Q154. In the 12-month period between [reference period], how much did [you/your household] spend on the following?
a. Donations to religious and other charitable organizations
e.g., workplace charitable campaigns, Heart & Stroke Foundation, Canadian Cancer Society, Red Cross and Amnesty International.
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Gifts of money given directly to persons living in Canada
Exclude gifts of money exchanged between household members.
- Round to nearest CAN$
c. Gifts of money given directly to persons living outside Canada
- Round to nearest CAN$
The next section asks about income and weeks worked. The questions are asked for each member of the household aged 16 years and over.
Now a question about total personal income.
Q156. What is your best estimate of [your/[First name]'s] total personal income, before taxes and deductions, from all sources during the year ending December 31, [reference year - 1]?
Income can come from various sources such as from work, investments, pensions or government. Examples include Employment Insurance, social assistance, child benefits and other income such as child support, spousal support (alimony) and rental income.
Capital gains should not be included in the personal income.
- Round to nearest CAN$
Q157. In which of the following groups did [your/[First name]'s] total personal income fall for the year ending December 31, [reference year - 1]?
Would you say:
- Less than $30,000 including income loss
- $30,000 or more
Q158. In which of the following groups did [your/[First name]'s] total personal income fall for the year ending December 31, [reference year - 1]?
Would you say:
- Less than $5,000
- $5,000 to less than $10,000
- $10,000 to less than $15,000
- $15,000 to less than $20,000
- $20,000 to less than $25,000
- $25,000 to less than $30,000
Q159. In which of the following groups did [your/[First name]'s] total personal income fall for the year ending December 31, [reference year - 1]?
Would you say:
- $30,000 to less than $40,000
- $40,000 to less than $50,000
- $50,000 to less than $60,000
- $60,000 to less than $70,000
- $70,000 to less than $80,000
- $80,000 to less than $90,000
- $90,000 to less than $100,000
- $100,000 and over
Q160. In [reference year - 1], how many weeks [did you/did [First name]] work?
Include paid holidays.
a. 30 hours or more per week
- Number of weeks
b. Less than 30 hours per week
- Number of weeks
Q161. In [reference year - 1], how much [did you/did [First name]] pay or receive for support payments?
A support payment is an amount payable or receivable as an allowance on a periodic basis to support the recipient, children of the recipient or both.
Include alimony, separation allowance and child support.
Exclude gifts.
a. Support payments paid to a former spouse or partner
- Round to nearest CAN$
b. Support payments received from a former spouse or partner
- Round to nearest CAN$