Labour Force Survey – Fast Track Option on Quality of Employment

AC_Q01 – During the past 12 months, was your main activity working at a paid job, self-employed or something else?

  • If "Working at a paid job", go to AC_Q02
  • If "Self-employed", go to AC_Q04
  • If "Something else", go to AC_Q05

AC_Q02 – During the past 12 months, was your main job permanent, or is there some way that it was not permanent?

  • If "Permanent" and age 15 to 29, go to AC_Q10A
  • If "Permanent" and age 30 to 59, go to end of questionnaire
  • If "Permanent" and age 60 or over, go to AC_Q09
  • If "Not permanent", go to AC_Q03

AC_Q03 – What was the main reason you were in a non-permanent job?

  • If age 15 to 29, go to AC_Q10A
  • If age 30 to 59, go to end of questionnaire
  • If age 60 or over, go to AC_Q09

AC_Q04 – What was the main reason you were self-employed?

  • If age 15 to 29, go to AC_10A
  • If age 30 to 59, go to end of questionnaire
  • If age 60 or over, go to AC_Q09

AC_Q05 – In the past 12 months, what was your main activity?

  • If "Long term illness", go to end of questionnaire

AC_Q06 – Did you work at a job or business at any time in the past 12 months?

  • If age 15 to 29, go to AC_10A
  • If age 30 to 59, go to end of questionnaire
  • If yes and age 60 or over, go to AC_Q09
  • If no and age 60 or over, go to AC_Q07

AC_Q07 (If main activity not "Looking for paid work") – Did you want to work in the past 12 months?

  • If yes, go to AC_Q08
  • If no, go to end of questionnaire

AC_Q08 – What was your main reason for wanting to work in the past 12 months?

  • Go to end of questionnaire

AC_Q09 – What was your main reason for working in the past 12 months?

  • Go to end of questionnaire

AC_Q10A – In the past 12 months, how often did you volunteer for a group or organization?

AC_Q10B – In the past 12 months, how often did you carry out any of these types of activities without pay?

End of questionnaire