Labour Force Survey: Additional Content – Fast Track Option on Internet Non-Adopters

AC_Q01 – Do you or anyone in your household have access to the Internet at home?

  1. Yes (go to AC_Q02)
  2. No (go to AC_Q03)

AC_Q02 – Is this access through

  1. A smartphone or mobile data plan? (go to AC_Q03)
  2. A home-based Internet connection, such as a cable or Wi-Fi? (go to end of questionnaire)
  3. Both? (go to end of questionnaire)

AC_Q03 – What are the reasons your household does not have a home-based Internet connection?

  1. Cost
  2. Acceptable service is not available
  3. Do not need or do not want a home connection
  4. Use the Internet somewhere else
  5. Do not have the skills or knowledge to use the Internet
  6. Other - Specify

AC_Q04 – Do you or anyone in your household regularly use the Internet

  1. At work?
  2. At school?
  3. At the home of a friend or family member?
  4. In a public place such as a coffee shop, a library, or community centre?
  5. Somewhere else?
  6. Nobody in my household regularly uses the Internet

End of questionnaire