Collected under authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S19.
The purpose of this survey
Statistics Canada, in partnership with Natural Resources Canada and Environment Canada, is conducting this survey to collect detailed information on the energy consumption patterns of Canadian buildings. This survey collects data on the types and quantities of energy (such as electricity, natural gas etc.) consumed by buildings in Canada. One of the principal goals of Natural Resources Canada is to continually improve energy efficiency in Canada through various measures. Improving energy efficiency reduces greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change. Given the current energy situation, this survey will be used to assess how well Canada is fulfilling its commitment both to increasing energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
This worksheet is designed to help you gather the required information prior to our personal interview that will take place. Gathering this information prior to your personal interview is crucial to the success of this initiative. You will be contacted shortly to set up an interview time that works for you.
Your participation is important
This survey is conducted under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S19. Completion of this survey is mandatory and your co-operation is essential to ensure the accuracy of the information collected.
The data you report are confidential
Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from publishing or releasing any statistics which would divulge information obtained from this survey that relates to any identifiable business, organization or institution without the previous consent of that business or institution.The data reported on the worksheet will be treated in strict confidence, used for statistical purposes and published in aggregate form only.The confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act are not affected by either the Access to Information Act or any other legislation.
Data sharing agreements
For information on data-sharing agreements, please refer to the letter included in this package.
For the purpose of this worksheet, please indicate the 12 month period in which you are reporting. The target of this survey is to capture data for 2009. If a fiscal period is being reported, please report for the fiscal year in which the most months are in 2009.
Please indicate the month and year of the start and end of the period.
As of December 2009, what was the gross building area?
Include all enclosed floors of the building, such as indoor parking, mechanical areas, common areas and basements.
If you don’t know the exact area, please provide your best estimate (i.e. multiply the length of your building by width of building by the number of floors).
- What is the area measured in?
- Square meters
- Square feet
In which year was construction completed for the largest portion of the building(s).
If portions of the building were constructed at different times, please provide the year in which construction was completed for the largest portion.
If your building is a warehouse space, please provide the volume of refrigerated space for each the following categories:
Volume of space cooled to 1 degree Celsius or higher
Volume of space cooled between 0 and -28 degrees Celsius
Volume of space cooled below -28 degree Celsius
- What are these volumes measured in?
- Cubic feet
- Cubic meters
Please indicate the total number of normal operating hours for your building during a typical week.
Please exclude any time when maintenance, house-keeping, or security staff are working outside of the normal operating hours. If the hours vary for different parts of the building or complex, report for that area which is open the longest.
If your building is an elementary or secondary school, how many students can be seated in all of the classrooms in this building at one time?
If your building is an elementary or secondary school with portables, are the portables electrically powered by the main building supply?
If your building is a hospital or nursing and residential care facility, what is the inpatient licensed bed capacity?
How many people worked in the building during its main shift in 2009?
By main shift, we mean the shift when most people are in the building.
Please indicate the number of computers including laptops and other electronic devices with a micro-processor that were in use in your building as of December 2009.
Exclude cash registers and battery-operated hand-held devices
Please indicate the number of computer servers that were in use in your building as of December 2009.
A computer server is a computer system that provides essential services over a computer network.
Do not include personal computers or laptops.
Please indicate the number of cash registers that were in use in your building as of December 2009.
If your building is a hospital or medical office building, please indicate the number of medical diagnosis or treatment machines (e.g., X-ray, CAT scan, MRI, dialysis, ultrasound) that were in use in your building as of December 2009.
If this building is a retail space, does it have open or closed refrigerated cases or freezer cases? If yes, continue. If no, skip to question 19.
What is the total length of the open refrigerated cases?
- Is that measured in:
- Feet
- Meters
- Is that measured in:
What is the total length of the closed refrigerated cases?
- Is that measured in:
- Feet
- Meters
- Is that measured in:
What is the total length of the open freezer cases?
- Is that measured in:
- Feet
- Meters
- Is that measured in:
What is the total length of the closed freezer cases?
- Is that measured in:
- Feet
- Meters
- Is that measured in:
Which of the following types of heating equipment were used for spacing heating in this building?
Furnaces that heat air directly, without using steam or hot water
Packaged central unit (roof mounted)
Boilers inside (or adjacent to) the building that produce steam or hot water
District steam or hot water piped in from outside the building
Heat pumps – packaged
Heat pump – residential-type split system
Heat pump - Individual room system
Individual space heaters, other than heat pumps
Other (Please Specify)
Which of the following types of cooling equipment were used for space cooling?
Residential-type central air conditioners, other than heat pumps, that cool air directly and circulate it without using chilled water
Packaged air conditioning units, other than heat pumps
Central chillers inside the building that chill water for air conditioning
District chilled water piped in from outside the building
Heat pumps for cooling – packaged unit
Heat pumps for cooling – residential-type split system
Heat pumps for cooling – individual room heat pump
"Swamp" coolers or evaporative coolers
Other (Please Specify)
Were any of the following renovations or retrofits executed during the years 2005 to 2009? Check all that apply.
Cooling equipment
Heating equipment
Insulation of basement roof or walls
Addition or annex
Reduction of enclosed floor space
Other (Please specify)
For the 2009 calendar year, please indicate the total quantity of energy consumed, the unit of measure, and the total amount spent for each source of energy consumed by your building.
Please indicate only the energy consumed at the physical location of your building, relating to the floor area you have reported in question 2. If your landlord pays your energy bills please forward this question to the appropriate person
Do not include fuel or energy used for transportation.
For amount spent, please report in Canadian dollars the total including taxes, service charges and any rebates.
Electricity. (Exclude electricity generated at your building):
Unit: kWh, MWh, GJ, Other:
Amount Spent: $
Natural Gas:
Unit: m3, L, ft3, GJ, MMBtu, Other:
Amount Spent: $
Light Fuel Oil:
Unit: L, GJ, Gallons (US), Gallons (UK), Other:
Amount Spent: $
Unit: L, GJ, Gallons (US), Gallons (UK), Other:
Amount Spent: $
Unit: L, GJ, Gallons (US), Gallons (UK), Other:
Amount Spent: $
Propane or Other Bottle Gas:
Unit: L, kg, GJ, lbs, MMBtu, Other:
Amount Spent: $
District Steam purchased from an offsite plant:
Unit: GJ, MMBtu, Other:
Amount Spent: $
District hot water purchased from an offsite plant:
Unit: GJ, MMBtu, Other:
Amount Spent: $
District chilled water purchased from an offsite plant:
Unit: GJ, MMBtu, Other:
Amount Spent: $
Wood and wood by-products:
Unit: Full cords, Pellets (tonnes), Tonnes (metric), lbs, Other:
Amount Spent: $
Electricity generated on-site including emergency generator use:
Unit: kWh, GJ, Other:
Domestic Water Consumed:
Unit: L, m3, Not Metered, Other: