Archived - Survey of Innovation and Business

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Integrated Business Statistics Program (IBSP)

Confidential once completed.

This information is collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S-19.

Completion of this questionnaire is a legal requirement under this Act.


Survey purpose

This survey collects information on the strategic decisions, innovation activities, operational tactics and global value chain activities of businesses in Canada.

The results from this survey will be used by governments to better understand the impact of business strategy and innovation decisions, and operational adaptations on the Canadian economy including business competitiveness, efficiency and productivity. This will enable governments to develop policies intended to improve Canada's industrial productivity and competitiveness.

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Statistics Canada advises you that there could be a risk of disclosure during facsimile or email. However upon receipt, Statistics Canada will provide the guaranteed level of protection afforded all information collected under the authority of the Statistics Act. Note: Our online questionnaires are secure, there is no risk of data interception when responding to Statistics Canada online surveys.


The Statistics Act protects the confidentiality of information collected by Statistics Canada.

Data-sharing agreements

To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into data-sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government organizations, which have agreed to keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes.

Please return the questionnaire within 20 days.

Please mail the completed questionnaire in the enclosed envelope or fax it to Statistics Canada at 1-800-755-5514.

If you are unable to complete within 20 days OR if you need help, call us at 1-877-949-9492 or TTY 1-888-883-7999

Statistics Canada
Operations and Integration Division
150 Tunney's Pasture Driveway Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0T6

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Reporting instructions

  • Please print in ink.
  • Report all dollar amounts in thousands of Canadian dollars ('000).
  • Report all dollar amounts rounded to the nearest thousands of dollars.
  • Report all personnel numbers in full-time equivalent (FTE).
  • Report all FTE numbers rounded to the nearest whole number.
  • Report all percentages rounded to the nearest whole number.
  • When exact figures are not available, please provide your best estimates.
  • If value is null please indicate "0".
  • Consult the reporting guide at Integrated Business Statistics Program (IBSP) for further information.

Business or organization and contact information

Q1. Please provide the business or organization's legal and operating name.

  • Legal name
  • Operating name (if applicable)

Q2. Please provide the contact information of the designated business or organization contact person for this questionnaire.

Note: The designated contact person is the person who should receive this questionnaire. The designated contact person may not always be the one who actually completes the questionnaire.

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Title
  • Preferred language of communication
    • English
    • French
  • Mailing address
    • Number and street
    • City
    • Province, territory or state
    • Postal code or Zip code, Example: A9A 9A9 or 12345-1234
    • Country
  • Email address, Example:
  • Telephone number (including area code), Example: 123-123-1234
    • Extension number (if applicable)
  • Fax number (including area code), Example: 123-123-1234

Q3. Please provide the current operational status of the business or organization identified by the legal and operating name.

  • Operational Go to question 4
  • Not currently operational, e.g., temporarily or permanently closed, change of ownership
    • Why is this business or organization not currently operational?
      • Seasonal operations Go to question 3a.
      • Ceased operations Go to question 3b.
      • Sold operations Go to question 3c.
      • Amalgamated with other businesses or organizations Go to question 3d.
      • Temporarily inactive but will re-open Go to question 3e.
      • No longer operating due to other reasons Go to question 3f.

Q3a. Seasonal operations

  • When did this business or organization close for the season?
    • Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
  • When does this business or organization expect to resume operations?
    • Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Go to question 4

Q3b. Ceased operations

  • When did this business or organization cease operations?
    • Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
  • Why did this business or organization cease operations? Go to question 4
    • Bankruptcy
    • Liquidation
    • Dissolution
    • Specify the other reasons for ceased operations

Q3c. Sold operations

  • When was this business or organization sold?
    • Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
  • What is the legal name of the buyer? Go to question 4

Q3d. Amalgamated with other businesses or organizations

  • When did this business or organization amalgamate?
    • Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
  • What is the legal name of the resulting or continuing business or organization?
  • What are the legal names of the other amalgamated businesses or organizations? Go to question 4

Q3e. Temporarily inactive but will re-open

  • When did this business or organization become temporarily inactive?
    • Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
  • When does this business or organization expect to resume operations?
    • Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
  • Why is this business or organization temporarily inactive? Go to question 4

Q3f. No longer operating due to other reasons

  • When did this business or organization cease operations?
    • Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
  • Why did this business or organization cease operations?

Q4. Please verify or provide the current main activity of the business or organization identified by the legal and operating name.

Note: The described activity was assigned using the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).

  • This is the current main activity. Go to next section
  • This is not the current main activity.
    • Please provide a brief but precise description of this business or organization's main activity.
    • e.g., breakfast cereal manufacturing, shoe store, software development

Q5. Was this business or organization's main activity ever classified as:

  • Yes
  • No Go to next section

Q6. When did the main activity change?

  • Date (YYYY-MM-DD)

Business strategy

Q1. What is the end date of this business's fiscal year?

This business's fiscal year end date should fall after January 1, 2017 and on or before December 31, 2017.

  • Fiscal Year End date (YYYY-MM-DD)

Q2. Over the next five years, 2018 to 2022, which of these long-term strategies is most important to this business?

Check only one.

  • Main focus on good or service positioning
    e.g., good or service leadership, market segmentation, good or service diversification, improving quality
  • Main focus on low-price and cost leadership
    e.g., mass market
  • They are equally important

Q3. Over the next five years, 2018 to 2022, which of the following statements best describes the strategic focus of this business with respect to its goods or services (products)?

Check only one.

  • Maintain sales of existing goods or services
  • Expand the sales of existing goods or services
  • Introduce new or significantly improved goods or services regularly
  • Don't know

Q4. Over the next five years, 2018 to 2022, which of the following statements best describes the strategic focus of this business with respect to its marketing practices or methods?

Check only one.

  • Maintain current marketing practices or methods
  • Intensify current marketing practices or methods
  • Introduce new or significantly improved marketing practices or methods
  • Don't know

Q5. Over the next five years, 2018 to 2022, which of the following statements best describes the strategic focus of this business with respect to its operations and business activities?

Check only one.

  • Maintain current operations and business activities
  • Optimize current operations and business activities
  • Introduce new or significantly improved business activities or processes to its operations
  • Don't know

Q6. Over the next five years, 2018 to 2022, which of the following statements best describes the strategic focus of this business with respect to its organizational and management practices?

Check only one.

  • Maintain current organizational and management practices
  • Optimize current organizational and management practices
  • Introduce new or significantly improved management practices or change its organizational structure
  • Don't know

Main market and competitive landscape

Q7. In 2017, did this business sell goods or services?
In 2017 refers to the calendar year, January 1 to December 31, 2017.

  1. Goods
    Include raw and processed foods, oil, gas, pharmaceuticals, machinery, equipment, packaging or any other goods.
    • Yes
    • No If question 7 a. is 'No' then go to question 11.
  2. Services
    Include computer systems design, architectural, engineering, insurance, consulting, courier, warehousing, storage, rental, leasing, financial, travel, education, or any other services.
    • Yes
    • No

Q8. In 2017, did this business produce or manufacture any of the goods that it sold?

Refers to goods sold in the calendar year, January 1 to December 31, 2017.

  • Yes
  • No

Q9. In 2017, did this business offer the following services to complement the sale of its goods?
In 2017 refers to the calendar year, January 1 to December 31, 2017.

Response options:

  • Yes
  • No
  1. After-sales maintenance or repair
    e.g., periodic, ongoing or as-required maintenance or repair of goods produced by this business
  2. Installation or implementation
    e.g., installing goods or implementing processes to ensure goods produced by this business are functional or ready to be used
  3. Training or technical support
    e.g., troubleshooting 6 months after the purchase of a good produced by this business
  4. After-sales condition monitoring or quality control
    e.g., providing reports on usage or determining if a good needs to be repaired over a defined period
  5. Customization
    e.g., working with a client to develop a tailored solution or good that responds to the clients' specific needs
  6. Distribution or transportation
    e.g., distribution or transportation of this business's goods
  7. Leasing or rental agreements
  8. Other services
    e.g., any other services complementing the sale of this business's goods

If 'No' was selected for all of question 9 then go to question 11.

Q10. During the three years 2015 to 2017, did this business expand capacity for the following services to complement the sale of its goods?

e.g., increase staff, acquire additional machinery and equipment, open new facilities or other

During the three years 2015 to 2017 refers to the calendar years, January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2017.

Complete the lines in question 10 that correspond with 'Yes' in question 9.

Response options:

  • Yes
  • No
  1. After-sales maintenance or repair
    e.g., periodic, ongoing or as-required maintenance or repair of goods produced by this business
  2. Installation or implementation
    e.g., installing goods or implementing processes to ensure goods produced by this business are functional or ready to be used
  3. Training or technical support
    e.g., troubleshooting 6 months after the purchase of a good produced by this business
  4. After-sales condition monitoring or quality control
    e.g., providing reports on usage or determining if a good needs to be repaired over a defined period
  5. Customization
    e.g., working with a client to develop a tailored solution or good that responds to the clients' specific needs
  6. Distribution or transportation
    e.g., distribution or transportation of this business's goods
  7. Leasing or rental agreements
  8. Other services
    e.g., any other services complementing the sale of this business's goods

Main geographical market

Q11. In this business's fiscal year ending in 2017, estimate the percentage of this business's total sales that came from each of the following geographic markets.

If percentage is null please indicate "0".

  1. Local market(s)
    Include the region in which this business has its main Canadian operations
  2. Rest of Canada
  3. United States of America
  4. Rest of the world

Total: 100%

Complete question 12 if there is a tie for the highest percentage in question 11.

Q12. There is a tie for your main market based on the percentages you provided in the previous question. Of the markets below, which would you consider your main market?

Check only one.

  • Local market(s)
    Include the region in which this business has its main Canadian operations.
  • Rest of Canada
  • United States of America
  • Rest of the world

Main market: the geographical region from which this business derived the highest percentage of total sales revenue.

Q13. In 2017, how many competitors did this business face in its main geographical market?
In 2017 refers to the calendar year, January 1 to December 31, 2017.

Check only one.

  • Zero
  • One
  • Two to three
  • Four to five
  • Six to ten
  • Eleven and higher

Q14. In 2017, were there any multinational organizations among competitors for this business's main geographical market?
In 2017 refers to the calendar year, January 1 to December 31, 2017.

  • Yes
  • No
  • Don't know

Q15. In 2017, did the following occur in this business's main geographical market?
In 2017 refers to the calendar year, January 1 to December 31, 2017.

Response options:

  • Yes
  • No
  • Don't know
  1. Entry of new competitor(s)
  2. Exit of competitor(s)
  3. Increase in competitive behaviour from existing competitors
    e.g., lowering prices, stronger marketing, new good or service (product) introduction or other
  4. Decrease in competitive behaviour from existing competitors
    e.g., raising prices, weaker marketing or other

Q16. In 2017, in response to the change in competition in this business's main geographical market, did this business implement any of the following changes?
In 2017 refers to the calendar year, January 1 to December 31, 2017.

If 'Yes' was selected for question 15 a., b., c., or d. complete question 16.

Response options:

  • Yes
  • No
  1. Change the quality of its goods or services (products)
  2. Adopt new technology or a new process
  3. Change its marketing expenditures or marketing strategy
  4. Introduce or accelerate the introduction of new goods or services (products)
  5. Change prices of its goods or services (products)
  6. Take other actions


Throughout this section, you will be asked about this business's innovation activities related to four types of innovation: good or service innovation, process innovation, marketing innovation and organizational innovation.

Note: Innovations are new to this business, but do not need to be new to one of its markets.

Q17. During the three years 2015 to 2017, did this business introduce any of the following innovations?

  • innovations new to this business, but not necessarily new to the industry or markets
  • innovations developed by this business or other organizations.

During the three years 2015 to 2017 refers to the calendar years, January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2017.

Response options:

  • Yes
  • No

Good or service innovation
Market introduction of new or significantly improved goods or services with respect to their capabilities, user friendliness, components or sub-systems.

  1. New or significantly improved goods
    Exclude the simple resale of new goods purchased from other businesses and changes of a solely aesthetic nature.
  2. New or significantly improved services

Process innovation
Implementation of new or significantly improved production process, distribution methods, or support activity for this business's goods or services.

  1. New or significantly improved methods of manufacturing or producing goods or services
  2. New or significantly improved logistics, delivery or distribution methods for inputs, goods or services
  3. New or significantly improved supporting activities for processes
    e.g., maintenance systems, operations for purchasing, accounting or computing

Organizational innovation
Implementation of a new organizational method in business practices (including knowledge management), workplace organization or external relations that has not been previously used by this business. It must be the result of strategic decisions taken by management.
Exclude mergers or acquisitions, even if for the first time.

  1. New business practices for organizing procedures
    e.g., supply chain management, business reengineering, knowledge management, lean production, quality management
  2. New methods of organizing work responsibilities and decision making
    e.g., first use of a new system of employee responsibilities, team work, decentralisation, co-ideation, integration or de-integration of departments, education or training systems
  3. New methods of organizing external relations with other unrelated businesses or organizations
    e.g., first use of alliances, partnerships, outsourcing or sub-contracting

Marketing innovation
Implementation of a new marketing concept or strategy that differs significantly from this business's existing marketing methods and which has not been used before.

  1. New media or techniques for good or service promotion
    e.g., the first time use of a new advertising media, a new brand image, social media, introduction of loyalty cards or programs
  2. New methods for good or service placement or sales channels
    e.g., first time use of franchising or distribution licenses, direct selling, exclusive retailing, new concepts for product presentation
  3. New methods of pricing goods or services
    e.g., first time use of variable pricing by demand, discount systems
  4. Significant changes to the aesthetic design or packaging of a good or service
    Exclude changes that alter the product function or user characteristics as these are product innovations.

Good or service innovation

Good or service innovation is the market introduction of a new or significantly improved good or service with respect to its capabilities, user friendliness, components or sub-systems.

Q18. Who developed these good or service innovations introduced during the three years, 2015 to 2017?

During the three years 2015 to 2017 refers to the calendar years, January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2017.

If 'Yes' was selected for question 17 a. or b. complete questions 18 to 20.

  • Mainly this business, parent, affiliated or subsidiary businesses
  • Collaboratively, this business together with other businesses or organizations
    Exclude outsourcing or contracting or granting out work.
  • Mainly other businesses or organizations
    Include outsourcing or contracting or granting out work.

Q19. During the three years 2015 to 2017, were any of this business's good or service innovations introduced new to one of its markets or new to this business?

Response options

  • Yes
  • No
  1. New to one of its markets
    e.g., introduced a new or significantly improved good or service onto one of this business's markets before its competitors (it may have already been available in other markets)
  2. New to this business only
    e.g., introduced a new or significantly improved good or service that was already available from competitors in this business's markets

Q20. In this business's fiscal year ending in 2017, what percentage of this business's total sales came from the following types of goods or services?

If percentage is null please indicate "0".

Good or service innovations introduced between 2015 to 2017

  1. New to one of its markets
    Note: only provide an answer for a. if 'Yes' was selected in question 19 a.
    e.g., introduced a new or significantly improved good or service onto one of this business's markets before its competitors (it may have already been available in other markets)
  2. New to this business only
    Note: only provide an answer for b. if 'Yes' was selected in question 19 b.
    e.g., introduced a new or significantly improved good or service that was already available from competitors in this business's markets

Goods or services unchanged or only marginally modified between 2015 to 2017

  1. Unchanged or marginally modified


Process innovation

Process innovation is the implementation of a new or significantly improved production process, distribution method or support activity for this business's goods or services (products).

Q21. Who developed these process innovations introduced during the three years, 2015 to 2017?
During the three years 2015 to 2017 refers to the calendar years, January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2017.

If 'Yes' was selected for question 17 c., d., or e. complete questions 21 and 22.

  • Mainly this business, parent, affiliated or subsidiary businesses
  • Collaboratively, this business together with other businesses or organizations
    Exclude outsourcing or contracting or granting out work.
  • Mainly other businesses or organizations
    Include outsourcing or contracting or granting out work.

Q22. In this business's fiscal year ending in 2017, did this business's process innovations introduced during the three years 2015 to 2017 result in cost savings related to its products?
During the three years 2015 to 2017 refers to the calendar years, January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2017.

  • Yes
    • Less than 5%
    • 5% to 9.9%
    • 10% to 25%
    • More than 25%
    • Don't know
  • No
  • Don't know

Organizational innovation

An organizational innovation is a new organizational method in business practices (include knowledge management), workplace organization or external relations that has not been previously used by this business.

Note: It must be the result of strategic decisions taken by management.

Q23. In this business's fiscal year ending in 2017, did this business's organizational innovations introduced during the three years 2015 to 2017 result in cost savings related to its operations?

If 'Yes' was selected for question 17 f., g., or h. complete question 23.

  • Yes
    • Less than 5%
    • 5% to 9.9%
    • 10% to 25%
    • More than 25%
    • Don't know
  • No
  • Don't know

Expenditures on innovation activity

Q24. In this business's fiscal year ending in 2017, did this business conduct any of the following innovation activities?

Include activities for good or service, process, organizational and marketing innovation.

Response options

  • Yes
  • No
  1. Research and experimental development, both in-house and outsourced (contracted out or granted), to other organizations
  2. Acquisition or development of advanced technology including machinery and equipment, facilities, software and intellectual property to realize innovation projects
  3. Design activities related, both in-house and outsourced (contracted out or granted), to other organizations
  4. Employee training specifically for innovation projects
  5. Consultation activities with external experts or internal workgroups to devise new ways to organize business activities within the business
  6. Activities related to the development and implementation of new marketing methods
  7. Market preparation activities directly linked to the introduction of new goods or services
  8. Other innovation activities

Innovation expenditures include labour costs and investments for activities, previously listed in question 24 that led or contributed to the development and introduction of new or significantly improved goods, services or processes or new marketing strategies or organizational methods.

Q25. In this business's fiscal year ending in 2017, what were this business's expenditures on the following innovation activities?

If exact figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

If expenditure details are not available for each innovation activity, please enter the total expenditure for all innovation activities.

If 'Yes' was selected for any of question 24 a. to h. complete question 25.

Expenditures, CAN$ '000

  1. Research and experimental development, both in-house and outsourced (contracted out or granted), to other organizations
  2. Acquisition or development of advanced technology including machinery and equipment, facilities, software and intellectual property to realize innovation projects
  3. Design activities related, both in-house and outsourced (contracted out or granted), to other organizations
  4. Employee training specifically for innovation projects
  5. Consultation activities with external experts or internal workgroups to devise new ways to organize business activities within the business
  6. Activities related to the development and implementation of new marketing methods
  7. Market preparation activities directly linked to the introduction of new goods or services
  8. Other innovation activities

Total expenditures for innovation activities

Q26. In this business's fiscal year ending in 2017, please estimate the percentage of this business's innovation expenditures attributable to the development or introduction of each of the four types of innovation.

If percentage is null please indicate "0".

Please complete only if expenditures were reported in question 25.

  1. New or significantly improved goods or services
  2. New marketing strategies, concepts or significant design changes
  3. New or significantly improved processes
  4. New organizational methods or practices

Total (100%)

Co-operation for innovation

Q27. During the three years 2015 to 2017, did this business co-operate on any innovation activities with other businesses or organizations?

Active co-operation is participation with other businesses or organizations on innovation activities. Both partners do not need to commercially benefit.

Exclude outsourcing or contracting or granting out work.

During the three years 2015 to 2017 refers to the calendar years, January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2017.

  • Yes
  • No Go to question 31

Q28. During the three years 2015 to 2017, please indicate the type of innovation co-operation partner.

Exclude outsourcing or contracting or granting out of work with no active co-operation.

Note: Refers to innovation co-operation partners during the three years 2015 to 2017.

Check all that apply.

  • Parent, affiliated or subsidiary businesses
  • Suppliers of equipment, materials, components or software
  • Clients or customers from the private sector
  • Clients or customers from the public sector
  • Competitors or other businesses in the sector
  • Consultants and commercial laboratories
  • Universities, colleges or other higher education institutions
  • Government, public or private research institutes
  • Other co-operation partners

Q29. During the three years 2015 to 2017, please indicate the location of these co-operation partners.

Note: Refers to innovation co-operation partners during the three years 2015 to 2017.

Check all that apply for those co-operation partners selected in question 28.

Response options

  • Canada
  • United States of America
  • Rest of the world
  • Parent, affiliated or subsidiary businesses
  • Suppliers of equipment, materials, components or software
  • Clients or customers from the private sector
  • Clients or customers from the public sector
  • Competitors or other businesses in the sector
  • Consultants and commercial laboratories
  • Universities, colleges or other higher education institutions
  • Government, public or private research institutes
  • Other co-operation partners

Q30. During the three years 2015 to 2017, which type of co-operation partner was the most critical to this business's innovation activities?

Note: Refers to innovation co-operation partners during the three years 2015 to 2017.

If only one check box was selected for question 28, then go to question 31.

  • Parent, affiliated or subsidiary businesses
  • Suppliers of equipment, materials, components or software
  • Clients or customers from the private sector
  • Clients or customers from the public sector
  • Competitors or other businesses in the sector
  • Consultants and commercial laboratories
  • Universities, colleges or other higher education institutions
  • Government, public or private research institutes
  • Other co-operation partners

Innovation with environmental benefits

Q31. During the three years 2015 to 2017, did this business introduce an innovation with any of the following environmental benefits?

Include innovations introduced where environmental benefits were either intentional or incidental.
During the three years 2015 to 2017 refers to the calendar years, January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2017.

If 'Yes' was selected for any of question 17 a. to l. complete question 31.

Response options:

  • Yes
  • No

Benefits from production through efficient use of resources

  1. Improved resource efficiency through reduced material use per unit of output
  2. Improved resource efficiency through reduced energy use per unit of output
  3. Improved resource efficiency by replacing material with less greenhouse gas intensive alternatives
  4. Reduced consumption of resources through recycling (water, waste or material)
  5. Renewable fuels: ethanol, biodiesel, biogas, biochar, hydrogen

Benefits related to increased environmental protection activities

  1. Reduced air, water, soil or noise pollution
  2. Reduced greenhouse gas emissions

Benefits related to end user/consumer

  1. Reduced energy use or increased energy efficiency for the consumer or end user
  2. Reduced material use or increased recycling for the consumer or end user
  3. Reduced air, water, soil or noise pollution for the consumer or end user
  4. Reduced greenhouse gas emissions for the consumer or end user
    e.g., carbon capture and storage, carbon capture and utilization, carbon removal, clean coal processing

Q32. During the three years 2015 to 2017, were any of the innovations with environmental benefits new to one of this business's markets?
Note: Refers to innovations implemented during the three years 2015 to 2017.

Complete the lines in question 32 that correspond with 'Yes' in question 31.

Response options:

  • Yes
  • No

Benefits from production through efficient use of resources

  1. Improved resource efficiency through reduced material use per unit of output
  2. Improved resource efficiency through reduced energy use per unit of output
  3. Improved resource efficiency by replacing material with less greenhouse gas intensive alternatives
  4. Reduced consumption of resources through recycling (water, waste or material)
  5. Renewable fuels: ethanol, biodiesel, biogas, biochar, hydrogen

Benefits related to increased environmental protection activities

  1. Reduced air, water, soil or noise pollution
  2. Reduced greenhouse gas emissions

Benefits related to end user/consumer

  1. Reduced energy use or increased energy efficiency for the consumer or end user
  2. Reduced material use or increased recycling for the consumer or end user
  3. Reduced air, water, soil or noise pollution for the consumer or end user
  4. Reduced greenhouse gas emissions for the consumer or end user
    e.g., carbon capture and storage, carbon capture and utilization, carbon removal, clean coal processing

Use of government support programs for innovation-related activities

Q33. During the three years 2015 to 2017, did this business use any of the following types of government programs (federal, provincial, territorial, municipal or indigenous) to aid innovation-related activities?
During the three years 2015 to 2017 refers to the calendar years, January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2017.

Response options:

  • Yes
  • No
  1. Government tax incentive or tax credit programs
    Include programs intended to support innovation activities such as research and development or capital expenditures
  2. Government grants and contributions programs
    Include programs intended to support innovation activities such as research and development, business development or commercialization of intellectual property.
  3. Government training and hiring programs
    Include programs intended to support innovation activities such as hiring and training of researchers, interns or other personnel.
  4. Government procurement
    Include programs intended to support innovation activities such as the procurement of new or significantly improved products and processes or new marketing or organizational practices or methods.
  5. Other government programs
    Include programs and activities not included elsewhere such as access to facilities, export incentives, technical assistance, market information or loans.

Q34. During the three years 2015 to 2017, which type of government program did this business find was the most critical for its innovation activities?
Note: Refers to innovations implemented during the three years 2015 to 2017.

If 'Yes' was selected only once or not at all for question 33, then go to question 35.

  • Government tax incentive or tax credit programs
  • Government grants and contributions programs
  • Government training and hiring programs
  • Government procurement
  • Other government programs


Q35. In 2017, did this business face any obstacles to innovation resulting from any of the following?
In 2017 refers to the calendar year, January 1 to December 31, 2017.

Response options:

  • Yes
  • No
  1. Market size
  2. External financing
  3. Internal financing
  4. Lack of skills
  5. Finding and reaching agreements with external collaborators
  6. Uncertainty and risk
  7. Regulatory or government competition policy
  8. Intellectual property protection
  9. Other obstacles to innovation

If 'No' was selected for all of question 35, go to question 39.

Complete the lines in question 36 that correspond with 'Yes' in question 35.

Q36. In 2017, were measures taken to overcome obstacles to innovation?
In 2017 refers to the calendar year, January 1 to December 31, 2017.

Response options:

  • Yes
  • No
  1. Market size
  2. External financing
  3. Internal financing
  4. Lack of skills
  5. Finding and reaching agreements with external collaborators
  6. Uncertainty and risk
  7. Regulatory or government competition policy
  8. Intellectual property protection
  9. Measures were taken to overcome other obstacles to innovation

If 'No' was selected for all of question 36, go to question 39.

Q37. In 2017, were these measures successful in mitigating obstacles to innovation?
In 2017 refers to the calendar year, January 1 to December 31, 2017.

Complete the lines in question 37 that correspond with 'Yes' in question 36.

Response options:

  • Yes
  • No
  1. Market size
  2. External financing
  3. Internal financing
  4. Lack of skills
  5. Finding and reaching agreements with external collaborators
  6. Uncertainty and risk
  7. Regulatory or government competition policy
  8. Intellectual property protection
  9. Measures were successful in mitigating other obstacles to innovation

Q38. In 2017, were any government programs used to overcome obstacles to innovation?
In 2017 refers to the calendar year, January 1 to December 31, 2017.

Response options:

  • Yes
  • No
  1. Market size
  2. External financing
  3. Internal financing
  4. Lack of skills
  5. Finding and reaching agreements with external collaborators
  6. Uncertainty and risk
  7. Regulatory or government competition policy
  8. Intellectual property protection
  9. Government programs were used to overcome other obstacles to innovation

Advanced technology use

Technology is broadly defined to include the technical means and know-how required for the production of products. It takes the form of equipment, materials, processes, blue prints and knowledge.

Advanced technologies are new technologies (equipment and software) that perform a new function or improve some function significantly better than commonly used technologies in the industry or by competitors.

Q39. In 2017, did this business use any of the following types of advanced or emerging technologies?
In 2017 refers to the calendar year, January 1 to December 31, 2017.

Response options:

  • Yes
  • No

Advanced technologies

  1. Material handling, supply chain or logistics technologies
  2. Design or information control technologies
  3. Processing or fabrication technologies
  4. Clean technologies
    Note: Clean technology refers to any goods or services that reduce environmental impacts through environmental protection activities or through the substantial use of natural resources.
  5. Security or advanced authentication systems
  6. Business intelligence technologies
    e.g., cloud-based computing systems and big data analytic tools
  7. Other types of advanced technologies

Emerging technologies

  1. Nanotechnology
  2. Biotechnology
  3. Geomatics or geospatial technologies
  4. Artificial intelligence (AI)
  5. Integrated Internet of Things (IoT) systems
    Include systems where devices and objects have communication connectivity.
  6. Blockchain technologies
    e.g., crypto-currency, distributed ledgers, secure value exchange protocols, smart contracts
  7. Other types of emerging technologies

If 'No' was selected for all of question 39, complete question 40.

Q40. In 2017, why did this business not adopt or use advanced technologies?
In 2017 refers to the calendar year, January 1 to December 31, 2017.

Check all that apply.

  • Not convinced of economic benefit
  • Difficulty in obtaining financing
  • High cost of advanced technologies
  • Investment not necessary for continuing operations
  • Lack of technical skills required to support this type of investment
  • Organizational culture too inflexible
  • Decisions made by parent, affiliates or subsidiary businesses
  • Lack of technical support or services (from consultants or vendors)
  • Lack of information regarding advanced technology
  • Difficulty in integrating new advanced technologies with existing systems, standards and processes
  • Other reasons for not adopting or using advanced technologies
  • Not applicable to this business's activities

If 'Yes' was selected for question 39 d. complete question 41.

Q41. In 2017, were any of these clean technologies used by this business related to the following?
In 2017 refers to the calendar year, January 1 to December 31, 2017.

Check all that apply.

Environmental protection

  • Air and environment protection or remediation
  • Waste management, reduction or recycling
  • Water or wastewater treatment

Sustainable resource management

  • Alternative fuels
  • Non-emitting energy supply
    e.g., solar, wind, hydro, nuclear
  • Bio-products
  • Smart grid
  • Energy storage
  • Energy management and efficiency improvements
  • Water management or recycling
  • Agriculture, aquaculture, forestry or biodiversity improvements
  • Sustainable mining

Adapted goods

  • Energy efficient transportation
  • Energy efficient equipment or appliances
  • Advanced or lightweight materials

Business practices

Q42. In 2017, did this business regularly use any of the following business practices?
In 2017 refers to the calendar year, January 1 to December 31, 2017.

Check all that apply.

Product development and control management practices

  • Concurrent engineering (simultaneous design)
  • Cross-functional design teams
  • Electronic work order management
  • Distribution resource planning (DRP)

Quality management practices

  • Continuous improvement (including total quality management (TQM))
  • Business certification or certification renewals
  • Quality management system (QMS)

Other business practices

  • Competitive technological intelligence (CTI) or benchmarking
  • Sustainable development strategy or environmental stewardship plan (ESP)
  • Product data management (PDM)
  • Life cycle management (LCM)

Imports and exports

Q43. In 2017, did this business import goods or services from a business operating outside Canada?
In 2017 refers to the calendar year, January 1 to December 31, 2017.

  • Yes
    • 2017, how were these imported goods or services used by this business?
      Check all that apply.
      • Resold "as-is" in Canada
      • Used in production of other goods or services in Canada (intermediary goods or services)
      • Used to support business activities in Canada
  • No

Q44. In 2017, did this business export goods or services outside of Canada?
In 2017 refers to the calendar year, January 1 to December 31, 2017.

  • Yes
    • In 2017, did this business attempt to export goods or services to any additional market outside Canada, but was not successful?
      • Yes
      • No
    • In 2017, did this business attempt to export any additional goods or services outside of Canada, but was not successful?
      • Yes
      • No
  • No
    • In 2017, did this business attempt to export goods or services to any market outside Canada, but was not successful?
      • Yes
      • No Do not answer question 47

Q45. In 2017, did this business sell goods or services to another business operating in Canada that were then exported "as-is"?
In 2017 refers to the calendar year, January 1 to December 31, 2017.

  • Yes
  • No
  • Don't know

Q46. In 2017, did this business sell goods or services to another business operating in Canada that used the goods as intermediate inputs in a final good that was then exported?
In 2017 refers to the calendar year, January 1 to December 31, 2017.

  • Yes
  • No
  • Don't know

Obstacles to exports

Q47. In 2017, how difficult were the following obstacles to exporting or attempting to export goods or services?
In 2017 refers to the calendar year, January 1 to December 31, 2017.

Response options:

  • Not at all difficult
  • Somewhat difficult
  • Difficult
  • Very difficult
  • Not applicable

Administrative obstacles and resource limitations

  1. Canadian legal or administrative obstacles
  2. Foreign legal or administrative obstacles
  3. Foreign tariffs or trade barriers
  4. Concerns over intellectual property (IP) protection
  5. Access to financing
  6. Lack of internal resources or capacity
  7. Lack of management know-how

External barriers

  1. Efficiency, capacity or reliability of transportation infrastructures
  2. Shipping costs

Market obstacles

  1. Identifying foreign customers
  2. Obtaining knowledge on markets of interest
  3. Identifying foreign partners, suppliers or distributers
  4. Uncertainty of foreign or international standards
  5. Receiving payments from foreign customer

Other obstacles

  1. All other obstacles to exporting or attempting to export

Purchased goods or services

Q48. In this business's fiscal year ending in 2017, did this business purchase any of the following goods or services?

Response options:

  • Yes
  • No
  • Not applicable


  1. Goods for use as intermediate input for domestic production
  2. Goods for resale "as-is"


  1. Distribution and logistics services
  2. Call and help center services
  3. Marketing and sales services
  4. Information and communication technology (ICT) services
    Include software development, data processing or other.
  5. Professional services
    Include finance, accounting, human resources, legal or other.
  6. Engineering and research and development (R&D) services

Other goods or services

  1. Other types of goods or services purchased

If 'No' was selected for all of question 48, then go to question 53.

Q49. In this business's fiscal year ending in 2017, what was the total value of the goods or services purchased?

Complete the lines in question 49 that correspond with 'Yes' in question 48.

Total value of goods or services purchased in CAN$ '000


  1. Goods for use as intermediate input for domestic production
  2. Goods for resale "as-is"


  1. Distribution and logistics services
  2. Call and help center services
  3. Marketing and sales services
  4. Information and communication technology (ICT) services
    Include software development, data processing or other.
  5. Professional services
    Include finance, accounting, human resources, legal or other.
  6. Engineering and research and development (R&D) services

Other goods or services

  1. Other types of goods or services purchased

Q50. In this business's fiscal year ending in 2017, did this business purchase goods or services from outside Canada from an unaffiliated foreign business?

Exclude parent, affiliated or subsidiary businesses.

  • Yes
  • No
  • Don't know

Q51. In this business's fiscal year ending in 2017, what proportions of goods or services were purchased from Canadian and foreign sources?

Complete the lines in question 51 that correspond with 'Yes' in question 48.

Do not report Foreign unaffiliated if you selected 'No' for question 50.


  1. Goods produced for use as intermediate input for domestic production
    • Canadian sources
    • Foreign affiliates
    • Foreign unaffiliated
    • Total (100%)
  2. Goods produced for resale "as-is"
    • Canadian sources
    • Foreign affiliates
    • Foreign unaffiliated
    • Total (100%)


  1. Distribution and logistics services
    • Canadian sources
    • Foreign affiliates
    • Foreign unaffiliated
    • Total (100%)
  2. Call and help center services
    • Canadian sources
    • Foreign affiliates
    • Foreign unaffiliated
    • Total (100%)
  3. Marketing and sales service desk
    • Canadian sources
    • Foreign affiliates
    • Foreign unaffiliated
    • Total (100%)
  4. Information and communication technology (ICT) services
    Include software development, data processing or other.
    • Canadian sources
    • Foreign affiliates
    • Foreign unaffiliated
    • Total (100%)
  5. Professional services
    Include finance, accounting, human resources, legal or other.
    • Canadian sources
    • Foreign affiliates
    • Foreign unaffiliated
    • Total (100%)
  6. Engineering and research and development (R&D) services
    • Canadian sources
    • Foreign affiliates
    • Foreign unaffiliated
    • Total (100%)

Other goods or services

  1. Other types of goods or services
    • Canadian sources
    • Foreign affiliates
    • Foreign unaffiliated
    • Total (100%)

Purchased goods or services - unaffiliated foreign businesses

If 'Yes' was selected for question 50, complete question 52.

Q52. In this business's fiscal year ending in 2017, how important were the following reasons for purchasing goods or services from an unaffiliated (other foreign) business outside of Canada?

Response options:

  • Not at all important
  • Somewhat important
  • Important
  • Very important
  • Not applicable
  1. Reduce labour costs
  2. Reduce costs other than labour costs
  3. Better quality goods or services
  4. No suppliers available in Canada
  5. Reduce delivery times
  6. Increase access to supply chains or regional trade networks
  7. Access to specialized knowledge or technologies
  8. Tax or other financial incentives
  9. Lack of available labour in Canada
  10. Other reasons for purchasing goods or services from an unaffiliated business outside of Canada

Business structure and ownership

Q53. In 2017, was this business an affiliate of a foreign parent?
In 2017 refers to the calendar year, January 1 to December 31, 2017.

  • Yes
    • In 2017, where was this business's parent company located?
      • United States of America
      • Mexico
      • Other Latin America and Caribbean countries (LAC)
      • Europe
      • China
      • Other Asian countries
      • All other countries
  • No

Q54. In 2017, did this business have affiliates abroad?
In 2017 refers to the calendar year, January 1 to December 31, 2017.

  • Yes
  • No Go to question 56

Q55. In this business's fiscal year ending in 2017, what was the approximate number of personnel employed outside of Canada by this business?

Full-time equivalent (FTE) is the ratio of total hours worked within the calendar year on an activity by all employees divided by the total hours conventionally worked in the calendar year by a full-time employee.

  1. United States of America
  2. Mexico
  3. Other Latin America and Caribbean countries (LAC)
  4. Europe
  5. China
  6. Other Asian countries
  7. All other countries

Employment in Canada and abroad

Q56. In this business's fiscal year ending in 2017, what was the approximate number of personnel employed by this business in the following activities within Canada and outside Canada?

Full-time equivalent (FTE) is the ratio of total hours worked within the calendar year on an activity by all employees divided by the total hours conventionally worked in the calendar year by a full-time employee.

Do not report Outside Canada number of FTE personnel if you selected 'No' for question 54.

  1. Production of goods
    Include manufacturing, assembly, resource extraction and all positions related to maintaining production equipment.
    • In Canada number of FTE personnel
    • Outside Canada number of FTE personnel
  2. Distribution and logistics
    • In Canada number of FTE personnel
    • Outside Canada number of FTE personnel
  3. Call and help centers
    • In Canada number of FTE personnel
    • Outside Canada number of FTE personnel
  4. Marketing and sales services
    • In Canada number of FTE personnel
    • Outside Canada number of FTE personnel
  5. Information and communication technology (ICT) services
    Include software development, data processing or other.
    • In Canada number of FTE personnel
    • Outside Canada number of FTE personnel
  6. Professional services
    Include finance, accounting, human resources, legal or other.
    • In Canada number of FTE personnel
    • Outside Canada number of FTE personnel
  7. Engineering and research and development (R&D) service
    • In Canada number of FTE personnel
    • Outside Canada number of FTE personnel
  8. General management
    • In Canada number of FTE personnel
    • Outside Canada number of FTE personnel
  9. All other business activities
    • In Canada number of FTE personnel
    • Outside Canada number of FTE personnel


  • In Canada number of FTE personnel
  • Outside Canada number of FTE personnel

If only the column 'In Canada' was reported, then go to question 59.

Q57. In this business's fiscal year ending in 2017, what was the approximate number of personnel employed by this business in the following activities outside Canada?

Core business activities are activities of an enterprise yielding income: the production of final goods or services intended for the market or for third parties. Usually the core business functions make up the primary activity of the enterprise.

Support business activities are ancillary (supporting) activities carried out by the enterprise in order to permit or to facilitate the core business functions, its production activity. The outputs are not themselves intended directly for the market or for third parties.

Complete the lines in question 57 that correspond with reported values for "Outside Canada" in question 56.

  1. Production of goods
    Include manufacturing, assembly, resource extraction and all positions related to maintaining production equipment.
    • Core activities number of FTE personnel
    • Support activities number of FTE personnel
  2. Distribution and logistics
    • Core activities number of FTE personnel
    • Support activities number of FTE personnel
  3. Call and help centers
    • Core activities number of FTE personnel
    • Support activities number of FTE personnel
  4. Marketing and sales services
    • Core activities number of FTE personnel
    • Support activities number of FTE personnel
  5. Information and communication technology (ICT) services
    Include software development, data processing or other.
    • Core activities number of FTE personnel
    • Support activities number of FTE personnel
  6. Professional services
    Include finance, accounting, human resources, legal or other.
    • Core activities number of FTE personnel
    • Support activities number of FTE personnel
  7. Engineering and research and development (R&D) service
    • Core activities number of FTE personnel
    • Support activities number of FTE personnel
  8. General management
    • Core activities number of FTE personnel
    • Support activities number of FTE personnel
  9. All other business activities
    • Core activities number of FTE personnel
    • Support activities number of FTE personnel


  • Core activities number of FTE personnel
  • Support activities number of FTE personnel

Q58. In this business's fiscal year ending in 2017, how important were the following reasons for this business in employing personnel outside of Canada?

Response options:

  • Not at all important
  • Somewhat important
  • Important
  • Very important
  • Not applicable
  1. Reduce labour costs
  2. Reduce costs other than labour costs
  3. Access to new markets
  4. Increase access to supply chains or regional trade networks
  5. Increase sales
  6. Proximity to important customers
  7. Access to specialized knowledge or technologies
  8. Tax or other financial incentives
  9. Improve logistics
  10. Lack of available labour in Canada
  11. Other reasons for employing personnel outside of Canada

Locating activities into Canada

Q59. During the three years 2015 to 2017, did this business move activities from outside of Canada into Canada?
Include activities brought into Canada by switching from a foreign supplier to a Canadian supplier, by switching from foreign manufacturing or services providers to Canadian manufacturing or services providers or other.

During the three years 2015 to 2017 refers to the calendar years, January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2017.

  • Yes
  • No Go to question 62

Q60. During the three years 2015 to 2017, were any of the following activities moved to Canada?
During the three years 2015 to 2017 refers to the calendar years, January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2017.

Response options:

  • Yes
  • No
  1. Production of goods
    Include manufacturing, assembly, resource extraction and all positions related to maintaining production equipment.
  2. Distribution and logistics
  3. Call and help centers
  4. Marketing and sales services
  5. Information and communication technology (ICT) services
    Include software development, data processing or other.
  6. Professional services
    Include finance, accounting, human resources, legal or other.
  7. Engineering and research and development (R&D) service
  8. General management
  9. All other business activities

Q61. During the three years 2015 to 2017, how important were the following reasons for bringing the previous activities to Canada?
Note: Refers to activities moved to Canada during the three years 2015 to 2017.

Response options:

  • Not at all important
  • Somewhat important
  • Important
  • Very important
  • Not applicable

Only complete for the activities in question 61 that correspond with 'Yes' in question 60.

Production of goods

  1. Cost savings from locating abroad did not materialize (lower operating costs)
  2. Labour costs abroad have risen (lower labour costs in Canada)
  3. Better quality of labour or resources in Canada
  4. Lower Canadian dollar
  5. Consolidating number of suppliers
  6. Tax or other financial incentives
  7. Concerns about intellectual property
    Include patents, trademarks, copyrights or other intellectual property.
  8. Proximity to customers or other logistical issues
  9. Other reasons related to production of goods

Distribution and logistics services

  1. Cost savings from locating abroad did not materialize (lower operating costs)
  2. Labour costs abroad have risen (lower labour costs in Canada)
  3. Better quality of labour or resources in Canada
  4. Lower Canadian dollar
  5. Consolidating number of suppliers
  6. Tax or other financial incentives
  7. Concerns about intellectual property
    Include patents, trademarks, copyrights or other intellectual property.
  8. Proximity to customers or other logistical issues
  9. Other reasons related to production of goods

Call and help center services

  1. Cost savings from locating abroad did not materialize (lower operating costs)
  2. Labour costs abroad have risen (lower labour costs in Canada)
  3. Better quality of labour or resources in Canada
  4. Lower Canadian dollar
  5. Consolidating number of suppliers
  6. Tax or other financial incentives
  7. Concerns about intellectual property
    Include patents, trademarks, copyrights or other intellectual property.
  8. Proximity to customers or other logistical issues
  9. Other reasons related to production of goods

Marketing and sale services

  1. Cost savings from locating abroad did not materialize (lower operating costs)
  2. Labour costs abroad have risen (lower labour costs in Canada)
  3. Better quality of labour or resources in Canada
  4. Lower Canadian dollar
  5. Consolidating number of suppliers
  6. Tax or other financial incentives
  7. Concerns about intellectual property
    Include patents, trademarks, copyrights or other intellectual property.
  8. Proximity to customers or other logistical issues
  9. Other reasons related to production of goods

Information and communication technology (ICT) services

  1. Cost savings from locating abroad did not materialize (lower operating costs)
  2. Labour costs abroad have risen (lower labour costs in Canada)
  3. Better quality of labour or resources in Canada
  4. Lower Canadian dollar
  5. Consolidating number of suppliers
  6. Tax or other financial incentives
  7. Concerns about intellectual property
    Include patents, trademarks, copyrights or other intellectual property.
  8. Proximity to customers or other logistical issues
  9. Other reasons related to production of goods

Professional services

  1. Cost savings from locating abroad did not materialize (lower operating costs)
  2. Labour costs abroad have risen (lower labour costs in Canada)
  3. Better quality of labour or resources in Canada
  4. Lower Canadian dollar
  5. Consolidating number of suppliers
  6. Tax or other financial incentives
  7. Concerns about intellectual property
    Include patents, trademarks, copyrights or other intellectual property.
  8. Proximity to customers or other logistical issues
  9. Other reasons related to production of goods

Engineering and research and development (R&D) services

  1. Cost savings from locating abroad did not materialize (lower operating costs)
  2. Labour costs abroad have risen (lower labour costs in Canada)
  3. Better quality of labour or resources in Canada
  4. Lower Canadian dollar
  5. Consolidating number of suppliers
  6. Tax or other financial incentives
  7. Concerns about intellectual property
    Include patents, trademarks, copyrights or other intellectual property.
  8. Proximity to customers or other logistical issues
  9. Other reasons related to production of goods

General management services

  1. Cost savings from locating abroad did not materialize (lower operating costs)
  2. Labour costs abroad have risen (lower labour costs in Canada)
  3. Better quality of labour or resources in Canada
  4. Lower Canadian dollar
  5. Consolidating number of suppliers
  6. Tax or other financial incentives
  7. Concerns about intellectual property
    Include patents, trademarks, copyrights or other intellectual property.
  8. Proximity to customers or other logistical issues
  9. Other reasons related to production of goods

All other business activities

  1. Cost savings from locating abroad did not materialize (lower operating costs)
  2. Labour costs abroad have risen (lower labour costs in Canada)
  3. Better quality of labour or resources in Canada
  4. Lower Canadian dollar
  5. Consolidating number of suppliers
  6. Tax or other financial incentives
  7. Concerns about intellectual property
    Include patents, trademarks, copyrights or other intellectual property.
  8. Proximity to customers or other logistical issues
  9. Other reasons related to production of goods


Q62. In this business's fiscal year ending in 2017, what was the value of this business's total sales?
Include domestic sales and sales made to other countries.

If exact figures are not available, provide your best estimate

  • Total sales, 2017
    CAN$ '000

Q63. In this business's fiscal year ending in 2017, what percentage of this business's sales were made in the following markets?
If percentage is null please indicate "0".

  1. Canada
  2. United States of America
  3. Mexico
  4. Other Latin America and Caribbean countries (LAC)
  5. Europe
  6. China
  7. Other Asian countries
  8. All other countries


If '0' was indicated for all of question 63, then go to question 66.

Complete the lines in question 64 that correspond with reported values in question 63.

Q64. In this business's fiscal year ending in 2017, what percentage of this business's sales to each market were goods rather than services?
If percentage is null please indicate "0".

  1. Canada
    • Goods percentage
    • Services percentage
    • Total (100%)
  2. United States of America
    • Goods percentage
    • Services percentage
    • Total (100%)
  3. Mexico
    • Goods percentage
    • Services percentage
    • Total (100%)
  4. Other Latin America and Caribbean countries (LAC)
    • Goods percentage
    • Services percentage
    • Total (100%)
  5. Europe
    • Goods percentage
    • Services percentage
    • Total (100%)
  6. China
    • Goods percentage
    • Services percentage
    • Total (100%)
  7. Other Asian countries
    • Goods percentage
    • Services percentage
    • Total (100%)
  8. All other countries
    • Goods percentage
    • Services percentage
    • Total (100%)

If 'Yes' was selected for question 54, complete question 65.

Q65. In this business's fiscal year ending in 2017, what percentage of this business's international sales were made through exports rather than sales by this business's foreign affiliates?
If percentage is null please indicate "0".

  1. United States of America
    • Exports percentage
    • Foreign affiliate sales percentage
    • Total (100%)
  2. Mexico
    • Exports percentage
    • Foreign affiliate sales percentage
    • Total (100%)
  3. Other Latin America and Caribbean countries (LAC)
    • Exports percentage
    • Foreign affiliate sales percentage
    • Total (100%)
  4. Europe
    • Exports percentage
    • Foreign affiliate sales percentage
    • Total (100%)
  5. China
    • Exports percentage
    • Foreign affiliate sales percentage
    • Total (100%)
  6. Other Asian countries
    • Exports percentage
    • Foreign affiliate sales percentage
    • Total (100%)
  7. All other countries
    • Exports percentage
    • Foreign affiliate sales percentage
    • Total (100%)

Comments and feedback

Q66. How many people were consulted for the completion of this questionnaire?

  • Number of people

Q67. What is business's website address?

  • Website address, Example:

Contact person

Q1. Statistics Canada may need to contact the person who completed this questionnaire for further information.

If the contact person is the same as on cover page, please check Go to "Feedback"

Otherwise, who is the best person to contact about this questionnaire?

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Title
  • Email address, Example:
  • Telephone number (including area code), Example: 123-123-1234
    • Extension number (if applicable)
  • Fax number (including area code), Example: 123-123-1234


Q2. How long did it take to complete this questionnaire?

Include the time spent gathering the necessary information.

  • Hours
  • Minutes

Q3. We invite your comments about this questionnaire.

General information


Your answers are confidential. By law, Statistics Canada is prohibited from releasing any information it collects that could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent, or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Statistics Canada will use the information from this survey for statistical purposes only.

Data-sharing agreements

To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into data-sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government organizations, which have agreed to keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes. Statistics Canada will only share data from this survey with those organizations that have demonstrated a requirement to use the data.

Section 11 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with provincial and territorial statistical agencies that meet certain conditions. These agencies must have the legislative authority to collect the same information, on a mandatory basis, and the legislation must provide substantially the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of confidential information as the Statistics Act. Because these agencies have the legal authority to compel businesses to provide the same information, consent is not requested and businesses may not object to the sharing of the data.

For this survey, there are Section 11 agreements with the provincial and territorial statistical agencies of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia and the Yukon.

The shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Section 12 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with federal, provincial or territorial government organizations. Under Section 12, you may refuse to share your information with any of these organizations by writing a letter of objection to the Chief Statistician specifying the organizations with which you do not want Statistics Canada to share your data. Send us this letter with your completed questionnaire.

For this survey, there are Section 12 agreements with the statistical agencies of Prince Edward Island, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

For agreements with provincial and territorial government organizations, the shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory. This text is in accordance with the standard text for Section 11 and 12 Data Sharing Agreements for Business Surveys, specific to paper questionnaires.

Record linkages

To enhance the data from this survey and to reduce the reporting burden, Statistics Canada may combine the acquired data with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.