Survey of Innovation and Business Strategy, 2009
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Information for respondents
Survey Purpose
Statistics Canada is undertaking this survey to provide useful statistical information on strategic decisions, innovation activities and operational tactics used by Canadian enterprises. The survey also collectsinformation on enterprise involvement in global value chains.
The information compiled by this survey will be used by the Canadian government to better understand the impact of strategy and innovation decisions and the operational adaptations on the Canadian economy, including productivity and competitiveness. This enables the government to develop policies to support industry in their efforts to improveproductivity and competitiveness.
Your response is required by law
The Statistics Act, requires businesses and other organizations that receive this questionnaire to answer the questions and return the reportto Statistics Canada.
Canada owes the success of its statistical system to a long-standing co-operation involving Statistics Canada, the citizens of Canada, its businesses, governments and other institutions. Accurate and timely statistical information could not be produced without their continued co-operation and goodwill.
Planned record linkage
To increase the analytical potential of this survey, Statistics Canada plans to combine the data obtained from this survey with data from other Statistics Canada surveys or from administrative sources. Statistics Canada may combine the information collected through this survey with information collected from publicly available sources, including websites.
Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from publishing any statistics which would divulge information obtained from this survey that relates to any identifiable organisation without the previous consent of that organization or as permitted by the Statistics Act. The data provided by this questionnaire will be treated in strict confidence. The confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act are not affected by either the Access to Information Act or any other legislation.
Who should complete this questionnaire?
The entrepreneur, CEO or a senior manager with thorough knowledge of the enterprise and its strategic vision.
Please report amounts in Canadian currency for reference year 2009.
If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact us:
Telephone: 1-800-461-1662
Fax: 1-800-787-3161
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5-5300-542.1: 2009-10-07 STC/SAT-465-75452
Business strategies and monitoring
1. Indicate which of the following long term strategies is the MOST IMPORTANT to your enterprise.
Check only one
- Main focus on good or service positioning (e.g. product leadership, market segmentation, product diversification, improving quality)
- Main focus on low-price and cost leadership (e.g. mass market)
2. When was your current long term strategy implemented? Year
3. When do you plan to make major changes to your current long term strategy?
Check only one
- Never
- Within one month
- Within six months
- Within one year
- After more than one year
4. In 2009, which performance indicators did your enterprise use to monitor the performance of its LONG TERM strategic objectives?
Check all that apply
- Gross margin/operating margin growth
- Sales/income growth
- Shareholder dividends growth
- Market/customer share growth
- Increased customer satisfaction
- Increased sale of new products
- Improved delivery time
- Other, please specify:
5. Which of the following statements best describes the strategic focus of your enterprise with respect to its goods or services?
Check only one
- My enterprise focuses on maintaining or expanding the sales of existing goods or services
- My enterprise focuses on introducing new or significantly improved goods or services regularly
- Do not know
6. Which of the following statements best describes the strategic focus of your enterprise with respect to its marketing practices or methods?
Check only one
- My enterprise’s long term focus mainly seeks to maintain or intensify existing marketing practices or methods
- My enterprise’s long term focus mainly seeks to introduce new orsignificantly improved marketing practices or methods
- Do not know
7. Which of the following statements best describes the strategic focus of your enterprise with respect to its operations and business activities?
Check only one
- My enterprise’s long term focus mainly seeks to maintain or optimize its current operations and business activities
- My enterprise’s long term focus mainly seeks to introduce new or significantly improved business activities or processes to its operations
- Do not know
8. Which of the following statements best describes the strategic focus of your enterprise with respect to its organizational and management practices?
Check only one
- My enterprise’s long term focus mainly seeks to maintain or optimize its current organizational and management practices
- My enterprise’s long term focus mainly seeks to introduce new or significantly improved management practices or change its organizational structure
- Do not know
Enterprise structure
9. Is your enterprise a subsidiary of another enterprise? (Yes, No)
10. Where is your enterprise’s head office located?
Check only one
- Canada
- United States
- Europe
- Asia Pacific
- All other countries
11. Does your enterprise have a subsidiary in the following locations?
- Canada (Yes, No)
- United States (Yes, No)
- Europe (Yes, No)
- Asia Pacific (Yes, No)
- All other countries (Yes, No)
12. Does your enterprise have more than one profit centre? (Yes, No) If yes, how many?
13. Please indicate where the following types of decisions are made in your enterprise.
Please check only one option for each type of decision
Where decisions are made | Does not apply | ||||
Type of decision | Primarily the Canadian head office | Primarily Canadian establishments (operations or profit centres) | Joint between the Canadian head office and foreign parent | Primarily foreign parent | |
a. Decisions on which suppliers will be used | |||||
b. Decisions on the location of production or service facilities | |||||
c. Decisions on the location of research and development facilities | |||||
d. Decisions on the focus of research and development activities | |||||
e. Decisions on the adoption and implementation of major advanced technologies | |||||
f. Decisions on the source and type of financing arrangements | |||||
g. Decisions related to distribution and logistics | |||||
h. Decisions related to support services (i.e. human resources, payroll, accounting and bookkeeping, legal, marketing, etc.) |
14. In 2009, indicate which of the following business activities were undertaken by your enterprise in each of the following locations?
Check all that apply for each business
Performed in Canada | Performed outside of Canada | ||||
Business activities | Within your enterprise | Outsourced (contracted out) | Within your enterprise | Outsourced (contracted out) | Does not apply |
a. Production of goods | |||||
b. Provision of services | |||||
c. Distribution and logistics | |||||
d. Call centers and help centers | |||||
e. Marketing, sales and after sales service | |||||
f. Software development | |||||
g. Data processing | |||||
h. Information and communication technology (ICT) services | |||||
i. Legal services | |||||
j. Accounting and book-keeping | |||||
k. Human resource management | |||||
l. Financial management | |||||
m. Engineering and related technical services | |||||
n. Research and development (R&D) | |||||
o.Other types of activities, please specify: |
15. Please indicate which of the following changes occurred to your enterprise’s business activities in Canada in the last three years, 2007 to 2009.
Check all that apply for each
Business activities | Obtained capacity by merger or acquisition | Opened new facility or expanded capacity | Closed an existing facility or contracted capacity |
No change | Does not apply |
Production of goods | |||||
Provision of services | |||||
Distribution and logistics | |||||
Call centers and help centers | |||||
Marketing, sales and after sales service | |||||
Software development | |||||
Data processing | |||||
Information and communication technology (ICT) services | |||||
Legal services | |||||
Accounting and book-keeping | |||||
Human resource management | |||||
Financial management | |||||
Engineering and related technical services | |||||
Research and development (R&D) | |||||
Other types of activities, please specify: |
16. Did your enterprise have any business activities outside of Canada in the last three years, 2007 to 2009? (Yes, No)
If no, please go to question 27
17. Did your enterprise carry out business activities in support of its operations outside of Canada in the last three years, 2007 to 2009? (include business activities for enterprises that are part of your larger company) (Yes, No)
If no, Please go to question 19
18. Please indicate which of the following business activities were carried out by your enterprise in support of its operations outside of Canada in 2007 and in 2009. (Yes, No, Does not apply)
Business activities
- Production of goods
- Provision of services
- Distribution and logistics
- Call centers and help centers
- Marketing, sales and after sales services
- Software development
- Data processing
- Information and communication technology (ICT) services
- Legal services
- Accounting and book-keeping
- Human resource management
- Financial management
- Engineering and related technical services
- Research and development (R&D)
- Other types of business activities, please specify:
19. Please indicate which of the following changes occurred to your enterprise’s business activities outside of Canada in the last three years, 2007 to 2009
Check all that apply for each
Changes outside Canada | ||||||
Business activities | Obtained capacity by merger or acquisition | Opened new facility or expanded capacity | Closed an existing facility or contracted capacity | No change | Does not apply | |
Production of goods | ||||||
Provision of services | ||||||
Distribution and logistics | ||||||
Call centers and help centers | ||||||
Marketing, sales and after sales service | ||||||
Software development | ||||||
Data processing | ||||||
Information and communication technology (ICT) services | ||||||
Legal services | ||||||
Accounting and book-keeping | ||||||
Human resource management | ||||||
Financial management | ||||||
Engineering and related technical services | ||||||
Research and development (R&D) | ||||||
Other types of activities, please specify: |
20. Please write the names of the three most important countries in which your enterprise made changes to its operational activities.
Relocation of business activities from Canada to another country
21. Did your enterprise relocate any business activities from Canada to another country in the last three years, 2007 to 2009? (Yes, No)
If no Please go to question 23
22. Indicate which of the following business activities your enterprise relocated from Canada to another country in the last three years, 2007 to 2009. (Yes, No, Does not apply)
Check only one option for each business activity
Business activities
- Production of goods
- Provision of services
- Distribution and logistics
- Call centers and help centers
- Marketing, sales and after sales services
- Software development
- Data processing
- Information and communication technology (ICT) services
- Legal services
- Accounting and book-keeping
- Human resource management
- Financial management
- Engineering and related technical services
- Research and development (R&D)
- Other types of business activities, please specify:
23. Did your enterprise outsource (contract out) any business activities from Canada to another country in the last three years, 2007 to 2009? (Yes, No)
If no, please go to question 26
24. Indicate which of the following business activities your enterprise outsourced (contracted out) from Canada to another country in the last three years, 2007 to 2009. (Yes, No, Does not apply)
Check only one option for each business activity
Business activities
- Production of goods
- Provision of services
- Distribution and logistics
- Call centers and help centers
- Marketing, sales and after sales services
- Software development
- Data processing
- Information and communication technology (ICT) services
- Legal services
- Accounting and book-keeping
- Human resource management
- Financial management
- Engineering and related technical services
- Research and development (R&D)
- Other types of business activities, please specify:
25. Please write the names of the three most important foreign countries where business activities of your enterprise were most recently relocated or outsourced (contracted out).
26. If you answered “yes” to relocation in question 21 or to outsourcing in question 23, indicate the importance of the reasons why your enterprise decided to relocate or outsource (contract out) business activities from Canada to another country in the last three years, 2007 to 2009. Otherwise, go to question 29 Check only one option for each reason (Low, medium, high and does not apply)
- Reduction of labour costs
- Reduction of costs other than labour costs
- Access to new markets
- Following the behaviour or example of competitors or clients
- Improved quality or introduction of new goods or services
- Focus on core business
- Access to specialized knowledge or technologies
- Tax or other financial incentives
- Improved logistics (including concerns with respect to US border)
- Lack of available labour
- Improved delivery time
- Other reasons, please specify:
27. Did your enterprise face any significant obstacles that slowed down or caused problems when relocating or outsourcing business activities from Canada to another country in the last three years, 2007 to 2009? (Yes, No)
If no, please go to question 29
28. Please rate the importance of the following obstacles when relocating or outsourcing business activities from Canada to another country in the last three years, 2007 to 2009. (Low, medium, high and does not apply)
Check only one for each obstacle
- Canadian legal or administrative obstacles
- Foreign legal or administrative obstacles
- Taxation obstacles
- Trade tariffs
- Uncertainty of international standards
- Concerns of employees (including trade unions)
- Concern of violation of patents and/or intellectual property rights
- Conflict with social values of your business (e.g. corporate social responsibility issues)
- Distance to producers
- Distance to customers
- Linguistic or cultural obstacles
- Difficulties in identifying potential or suitable providers
- Lack of management expertise
- Lack of financing
- Other obstacle, please specify:
Relocation of business activities into Canada
29. Did your enterprise relocate any business activities from another country into Canada in the last three years, 2007 to 2009? (Yes, No)
If no, please go to question 32
30. Indicate whether your enterprise relocated the following business activities from another country into Canada in the last three years, 2007 to 2009. (Yes, No and Does not apply)
Check only one option for each business activity
Business activities
- Production of goods
- Provision of services
- Distribution and logistics
- Call centers and help centers
- Marketing, sales and after sales services
- Software development
- Data processing
- Information and communication technology (ICT) services
- Legal services
- Accounting and book-keeping
- Human resource management
- Financial management
- Engineering and related technical services
- Research and development (R&D)
- Other types of business activities, please specify:
31. Please write the names of the three most important countries from where your enterprise most recently relocated business activities into Canada.
Sales activities
32. In 2009, did your enterprise manufacture any goods? (Yes, No)
If no please go to question 35
33. In 2009, did your enterprise sell any of its manufactured goods to another enterprise operating in Canada that in turn exported them “as is”? (Yes, No, Do not know)
34. In 2009, did your enterprise sell any of its manufactured goods to another enterprise operating in Canada that used them as an intermediate input in final goods that were then exported? (Yes, No, Do not know)
35. In 2009, did your enterprise buy and subsequently sell any goods outside of Canada without them entering Canada? (Yes or No)
If yes, what percentage of your enterprise’s total sales revenues did this represent?
36. Did your enterprise export or attempt to export goods or provide services to an enterprise outside of Canada during the three years 2007 to 2009? (exclude enterprises that are part of your larger company) (Yes or No)
If no Please go to question 38
37. Please rate the importance of the following obstacles to your enterprise exporting or attempting to export goods or providing services to an enterprise outside of Canada during the three years 2007 to 2009. (exclude enterprises that are part of your larger company) Check only one for each obstacle (Low, Medium and High, and not an obstacle)
- Canadian legal or administrative obstacles
- Canadian export taxes or trade obstacles
- Uncertainty of international standards
- Access to financing
- Concern of violation of patents and/or intellectual property rights
- Foreign tariffs or trade barriers
- Border security issues
- Distance to customers
- Linguistic or cultural obstacles
- Customer requirements to use specific technologies/systems
- Meeting cost requirements of customers
- Meeting quality requirements of customers
- Other obstacles, please specify:
Changes to business practices
38. In 2009, please indicate whether your enterprise carried out substantial or significant changes to respond to specific customer requirements.
Types of changes
- Implemented specific cost reductions
- Improved good or service quality
- Decreased lead-times
- Increased after-sales functions
- Accepted greater risk sharing (i.e. accepted consignment-based payments)
- Incurred greater up-front or non-recurring costs (e.g. investments in new technology, design
- Entered into a new geographic region or expanded existing operations
- Undertook a new business activity or expand existing business activities
- Extended business hours to accommodate employees, customers or suppliers in other
- Other changes, please specify
Relationship with main suppliers
39. For 2009, indicate the best description of your enterprise’s relationship with its main suppliers in Canada. (exclude suppliers that are part of your larger company)
Relationship with main suppliers in Canada
Check only one
- We have no suppliers in Canada
- It is easy to switch suppliers because purchase is based primarily on price
- Suppliers provide goods and services according to our specifications but it is relatively easy to switch suppliers
- We know our suppliers and they know us. There are challenges in changing suppliers due to the learning curve required to provide goods or services
- We have few or one main supplier who makes our requirements a priority in many aspects of their businesses. It is difficult to switch suppliers
40. For 2009, indicate the best description of your enterprise’s relationship with its main suppliers in the United States. (exclude suppliers that are part of your larger company)
Relationship with main suppliers in the United States
Check only one
- We have no suppliers in the United States
- It is easy to switch suppliers because purchase is based primarily on price
- Suppliers provide goods and services according to our specifications but it is relatively easy to switch suppliers
- We know our suppliers and they know us. There are challenges in changing suppliers due to the learning curve required to provide goods or services
- We have few or one main supplier who makes our requirements a priority in many aspects of their businesses. It is difficult to switch suppliers
41. For 2009, indicate the best description of your enterprise’s relationship with its main suppliers in Europe. (exclude suppliers that are part of your larger company)
Relationship with main suppliers in Europe
Check only one
a. We have no suppliers in Europe
b. It is easy to switch suppliers because purchase is based primarily on price
c. Suppliers provide goods and services according to our specifications but it is relatively easy to switch suppliers
d. We know our suppliers and they know us. There are challenges in changing suppliers due to the learning curve required to provide goods or services
e. We have few or one main supplier who makes our requirements a priority in many aspects of their businesses. It is difficult to switch suppliers
42. For 2009, indicate the best description of your enterprise’s relationship with its main suppliers in Asia Pacific countries. (exclude suppliers that are part of your larger company)
Relationship with main suppliers in Asia Pacific countries
Check only one
- We have no suppliers in Asia Pacific countries
- It is easy to switch suppliers because purchase is based primarily on price
- Suppliers provide goods and services according to our specifications but it is relatively easy to switch suppliers
- We know our suppliers and they know us. There are challenges in changing suppliers due to the learning curve required to provide goods or services
- We have few or one main supplier who makes our requirements a priority in many aspects of their businesses. It is difficult to switch suppliers
43. For 2009, indicate the best description of your relationship with its main suppliers in countries other than Canada, United States, Europe, and Asia Pacific countries. (exclude suppliers that are part of your larger company)
Check only one
- We have no suppliers in all other countries
- It is easy to switch suppliers because purchase is based primarily on price
- Suppliers provide goods and services according to our specifications but it is relatively easy to switch suppliers
- We know our suppliers and they know us. There are challenges in changing suppliers due to the learning curve required to provide goods or services
- We have few or one main supplier who makes our requirements a priority in many aspects of their businesses. It is difficult to switch suppliers
Advanced technology use
Technology is broadly defined to include the technical means and know-how required for the production of goods or services. It takes the form of equipment, materials, processes, blue prints and knowledge.
Advanced technologies are new technologies (equipment or software) that perform a new function or improve some function significantly better than commonly used technologies in the industry or by your competitors.
44. In 2009, did your enterprise use any of the following types of advanced technologies (equipment or software)? (Yes or No)
- Advanced computerized design and engineering (Yes or No)
- Advanced computerized processing, fabrication, and assembly technologies (Yes or No)
- Advanced computerized inspection technologies (Yes or No)
- Advanced communication technologies (Yes or No)
- Advanced automated material handling technologies (Yes or No)
- Advanced information integration and control technologies (Yes or No)
- Advanced biotechnologies/bioproducts (Yes or No)
- Advanced nanotechnologies (Yes or No)
- Advanced green technologies (Yes or No)
- Other types of advanced technologies, (Yes or No) please specify:
45. How did your enterprise acquire or integrate the advanced technologies (equipment or software) listed in previous question?
Check all that apply
- By purchasing off-the-shelf advanced technology (equipment or software)
- By leasing off-the-shelf advanced technology (equipment or software)
- By licensing advanced technology
- By customizing or significantly modifying existing advanced technology
- By developing new advanced technologies either alone or in conjunction with others
- Through merger or acquisition of another enterprise with advanced technologies
Process innovation
A process innovation is the implementation of a new or significantly improved production process, distribution method, or support activity for your goods or services.
- Process innovations must be new to your enterprise, but they do not need to be new to your market.
- The innovation could have been originally developed by your enterprise or by other enterprises.
- Exclude purely organizational innovations.
46. During the three years 2007 to 2009, did your enterprise introduce:
- New or significantly improved methods of manufacturing or producing goods or services? (Yes, No)
- New or significantly improved logistics, delivery or distribution methods for your inputs, goods or services? (Yes, No)
- New or significantly improved supporting activities for your processes, such as maintenance systems or operations for purchasing, accounting, or computing? (Yes, No)
If “no” to all options please go to question 52
Otherwise Continue with question 47
47. Who developed these process innovations?
Check only one
- Mainly your enterprise
- Mainly your enterprise together with other enterprises or institutions
- Mainly other enterprises or institutions
48. In 2009, approximately how many new or significantly improved processes were introduced? Number of process innovations
49. In 2009, what was your enterprise’s total expenditure on your process innovations? ($)
50. Did your enterprise’s process innovations, introduced in 2007 to 2009, reduce the average cost (per unit or per operation) of existing goods or services? (Yes, No)
If yes, please estimate the percentage of cost savings (as a percentage of average cost) from process innovations introduced in 2009. (%)
51. Did the introduction of your enterprise’s process innovations during the three years 2007 to 2009 require:
- Changes to marketing activities? (Yes or No)
- Changes to operational activities? (Yes or No)
- Changes to organizational activities? (Yes or No)
Production performance management practices
52. Does your enterprise have a systematic process or procedure to resolve problems associated with production of goods or delivery of services? (Yes or No)
53. How many key production performance indicators are monitored in your enterprise? Number of key production performance indicators
If none, go to question 60
Otherwise, continue with question 54
54. How frequently are these key production performance indicators shown to managers of operations in your enterprise?
Check all that apply
- Quarterly
- Monthly
- Weekly
- Daily
- Hourly or more frequently
- Never
- Other frequency, please specify
- Do not know
55. How frequently are these key production performance indicators shown to workers in your enterprise?
Check all that apply
- Quarterly
- Monthly
- Weekly
- Daily
- Hourly or more frequently
- Never
- Other frequency, please specify
- Do not know
56. How often are these key production performance indicators reviewed by top or middle managers in your enterprise?
Check only one
- They are continually reviewed
- They are periodically reviewed
- They are rarely reviewed
- Do not know
57. In your enterprise, who decides the pace of work to achieve production performance targets?
Check only one
- Only managers
- Mostly managers but some employee participation
- Mostly employees and some managers
- Only employees
58. What is the time frame of your enterprise’s production performance targets for its highest selling good or service?
Check only one
- Short-term only (less than one year)
- Long-term only
- A mix of short and longer term
- No performance targets
59. How does your enterprise reward production performance target achievement?
Check only one
- There are no rewards
- Only management is rewarded
- All staff are rewarded
Human resource management practices
60. Which of the following best describes the main way employees are promoted in your enterprise?
How employees are promoted
Check only one
- Promotions are based solely on effort and ability
- Promotions are based partly on effort and ability and partly on other factors such as tenure (how long they have worked at the firm)
- Promotions are based mainly on factors other than on effort and ability, such as tenure
- Other ways, please specify:
61. Which of the following best describes your enterprise’s main policy when dealing with employees who do not meet expectations?
Check only one
- They are rarely or never moved from their positions
- They are given a certain number of warnings before further action is taken
- They are warned, and re-trained, but are rarely removed from their position
- They are immediately removed from their position
62. In your enterprise, are employees involved in the decision-making process on task allocation? (Yes or No)
63. Please estimate the percentage of employees in your enterprise that have a university degree.
64. In 2009, which of the following human resource practices were used in your enterprise?
Human resource practices
Check all that apply
- At least one of the following selection methods to select candidates: personality/attitude tests, intelligence or aptitude tests, work samples
- Formal training programs to teach new hires the skills they need to perform their job
- The enterprise provides formal training or development programs to employees in order to increase their promotability
- Formal performance agreements based on objective, quantifiable results are prepared for managerial, supervisory and executive employees at least annually
- Formal appraisals are conducted of the majority of non-managerial staff at least annually
- Formal appraisals are conducted of the majority of managerial staff at least annually
- At least one of the following incentive programs is available to non-managerial and non-supervisory employees: employee stock ownership, profit-sharing, gain-sharing, merit bonus
- At least one of the following incentive programs is available to managerial, supervisory, or executive employees: employee stock ownership, profit-sharing, gain-sharing, merit bonus
- At least one of the following incentive programs is available to all employees: employee stock ownership, profit-sharing, gain-sharing, merit bonus
Organizational innovation
An organizational innovation is a new organizational method in your enterprise’s business practices (including knowledge management), workplace organization or external relations that has not been previously used by your enterprise.
- It must be the result of strategic decisions taken by management.
- Exclude mergers or acquisitions, even if for the first time.
65. During the three years 2007 to 2009, did your enterprise introduce:
- New business practices for organizing procedures (i.e. supply chain management, business reengineering, knowledge management, lean production, quality management, etc.)? (Yes or No)
- New methods of organizing work responsibilities and decision making (i.e. first use of a new system of employee responsibilities, team work, decentralisation, integration or de-integration of departments, education/training systems, etc.)? (Yes or No)
- New methods of organizing external relations with other firms or public institutions (i.e. first use of alliances, partnerships, outsourcing or sub-contracting, etc.)? (Yes or No)
If “no” to all options, please go to question 69
Otherwise, continue with question 66
66. In 2009, approximately how many of the above-mentioned organizational innovations were introduced? Number of organizational innovations
67. Please estimate the percentage of workers affected by your enterprise’s organizational innovations introduced in 2009.
68. In 2009, did the introduction of your organizational innovations require:
- Changes to marketing activities? (Yes, No)
- Changes to operational activities? (Yes, No)
Highest selling good or service and main market
69. In 2009, how many distinct product lines were offered by your enterprise? Number of distinct product lines
70. In 2009, how many distinct goods or services were offered by your enterprise? Number of distinct goods or services
71. Please describe your enterprise’s highest selling (in terms of total sales revenues) good or service (name and use).
72. Is your highest selling good or service described in the previous question a product line? (Yes or No)
73. In 2009, estimate how much your enterprise’s highest selling good or service represented as a proportion of your total sales revenues.
74. In 2009, estimate the percentage of the total sales from your enterprise’s highest selling good or service that came from the following geographic market regions.
- Local market (same municipality or region) (%)
- Rest of province or territory (%)
- Rest of Canada (%)
- United States (%)
- Europe (%)
- Asia Pacific (%)
- Rest of the world (%)
Total sales of highest selling good or service (%)
Your enterprise’s main market for its highest selling good or service is the geographical region from which your enterprise derived the highest percentage of total sales revenue (the line in the table in question 74 with the highest percentage).
75. In 2009, estimate your enterprise’s market share for its highest selling good or service in its main market. (%)
76. In 2009, estimate the number of goods or services that directly competed with your enterprise’s highest selling good or service in its main market. Number of competing goods or services
77. In 2009, how many competitors did your enterprise face in its main market for your highest selling good or service?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4-5
- 6–10
- 11–20
- More than 20
78. In 2009, were there any multinational enterprises among your competitors for your highest selling good or service in its main market? (Yes or No)
79. In 2009, which of the following statements best describes the performance of your enterprise’s highest selling good or service in its main market?
Check only one
- Gained market share over rival products
- Lost market share over rival products
- Unchanged market share
- Do not know
80. In 2009, did any new competitors enter your enterprise’s main market for its highest selling good or service? (Yes, No) If no, please go to question 82
81. In response to this increase in the number of competitors who entered the main market of your highest selling good or service, did your enterprise:
- Change the quality of your good or service? (Yes, No)
- Adopt a new technology or process? (Yes, No)
- Change marketing expenditures? (Yes, No)
- Introduce a new good or service? (Yes, No)
- Speed up the introduction of a new good or service? (Yes, No)
- Change the price of your good or service? (Yes, No)
- Take other action? (Yes, No) Please specify:
- Take no action? (Yes, No)
Good or service innovations
A product innovation is the market introduction of a new or significantly improved good or service with respect to its capabilities, user friendliness, components or sub-systems.
- Product innovations (new or improved) must be new to your enterprise, but they do not need to be new to your market.
- Product innovations could have been originally developed by your enterprise or by other enterprises.
82. During the three years 2007 to 2009, did your enterprise introduce:
- New or significantly improved goods? (exclude the simple resale of new goods purchased from other enterprises and changes of a solely aesthetic nature) (Yes No)
- New or significantly improved services? (Yes No)
If “No” to both options Please go to question 94 Otherwise Continue with question 83
83. Who developed these good or service innovations?
Check the most appropriate response
- Mainly your enterprise
- Mainly your enterprise together with other enterprises or institutions
- Mainly other enterprises or institutions
84. During the three years 2007 to 2009, were any of your enterprise’s good or service innovations:
- New to a market? Your enterprise introduced a new or significantly improved good or service onto one of your markets before your competitors (it may have already been available in other markets) (Yes, No)
- Only new to your enterprise? Your enterprise introduced a new or significantly improved good or service that was already available from your competitors in your market. (Yes, No)
85. Using the definitions above, please give the percentage of your enterprise’s total revenue in 2009 from:
- New or significantly improved goods and services introduced during 2007 to 2009 that were new to your market (%)
- New or significantly improved goods and services introduced during 2007 to 2009 that were only new to your enterprise (%)
- Goods and services that were unchanged or only marginally modified during 2007 to 2009 (include the resale of new goods and services purchased from other enterprises) (%)
Total revenue in 2009 (%)
86. Did the introduction of your enterprise’s good or service innovations require:
- Changes to marketing activities? (Yes or No)
- Changes to operational activities? (Yes or No)
- Changes to organizational activities? (Yes or No)
- The introduction of new production processes? (Yes or No)
87. In 2009, how many new or significantly improved goods or services did your enterprise introduce onto the market?
- Number of new or significantly improved goods
- Number of new or significantly improved services
88. In 2009, what was your enterprise’s total expenditure on your good or service innovations? ($)
89. Please describe your enterprise’s most innovative good or service introduced during the three years 2007 to 2009.
90. When did your enterprise introduce its most innovative good or service during the three years 2007 to 2009?
Check only one
- 2007
- 2008
- 2009
91. Is your enterprise’s most innovative good or service the same as its highest selling good or service? (Yes or No)
92. Is your enterprise’s most innovative good or service in the same product line as its highest selling good or service? (Yes or No)
93. How unique is your enterprise’s most innovative good or service?
Check only one
- It has unique innovative features and there are no or few substitutes for this innovative good or service and/or its innovative features
- It has some unique innovative features but there are substitutes for this innovative good or service and/or its innovative features
- Similar innovative features and/or innovative goods or services are widely available on the market
Marketing innovation
A marketing innovation is the implementation of a new marketing concept or strategy that differs significantly from your enterprise’s existing marketing methods and which has not been used before.
- It requires significant changes in product design or packaging, product placement, product promotion or pricing.
- Exclude seasonal, regular and other routine changes in marketing methods.
94. During the three years 2007 to 2009, did your enterprise introduce:
- Significant changes to the aesthetic design or packaging of a good or service (exclude changes that alter the product’s functional or user characteristics – these are product innovations)? (Yes or No)
- New media or techniques for good or service promotion (i.e. the first time use of a new advertising media, a new brand image, introduction of loyalty cards, etc.)? (Yes or No)
- New methods for good or service placement or sales channels (i.e. first time use of franchising or distribution licenses, direct selling, exclusive retailing, new concepts for good or service presentation, etc.)? (Yes or No)
- New methods of pricing goods or services (i.e. first time use of variable pricing by demand, discount systems, etc.)? (Yes or No)
If “no” to all four options, please go to question 97
Otherwise continue with question 95
95. Did the introduction of your enterprise’s marketing innovations in 2009 involve:
- Existing goods or services? (Yes or No)
- New or significantly improved goods or services introduced during the years 2007 to 2009? (Yes or No)
96. For 2009, please estimate the percentage of marketing expenditures that were assigned to marketing innovations. (%)
97. For 2009, please estimate your enterprise’s total marketing expenditures. ($)
98. Did your enterprise use any of the following types of government programs during the three years, 2007 to 2009?
Check all that apply for each business activity
Level of Government | ||||
Type of Government Program | Federal Government | Provincial/Territorial government | Municipal government | Did not use government program |
a. Government training programs | ||||
b. Government grants | ||||
c. Government tax credits | ||||
d. Government procurements | ||||
e. Government hiring program for recent graduates | ||||
f. Access to government research facilities | ||||
g. Government export incentives and services | ||||
h. Government information and technical assistance programs | ||||
i. Government market information services | ||||
j. Other type of government program, please specify: |
99. Which type of government program did your enterprise find most critical for your innovative activities? (Provide the corresponding letter from question 98 above)
Measures/activities implemented to mitigate obstacles to innovation
This question explores the problems and obstacles to innovation that your enterprise has confronted, the extent to which your enterprise has implemented specific measures or specific activities to mitigate these problems and obstacles, and whether government support programs were used to support the measures and activities undertaken by your enterprise.
- In 2009, did your enterprise face any market size obstacles to innovation? (Yes or No)
- If yes, were measures taken to overcome the obstacles? (Yes or No)
- If yes, were the measures successful in mitigating all market size obstacles to innovation? (Yes or No)
- Were any government support programs used to overcome market size obstacles to innovation? (Yes or No)
- In 2009, did your enterprise face any internal financing obstacles to innovation? (Yes or No)
- If yes, were measures taken to overcome the obstacles? (Yes or No)
- If yes, were the measures successful in mitigating all internal financing obstacles to innovation? (Yes or No)
- Were any government support programs used to overcome internal financing obstacles to innovation? (Yes or No)
- In 2009, did your enterprise face any external financing obstacles to innovation? (Yes or No)
- If yes, were measures taken to overcome the obstacles? (Yes or No)
- If yes, were the measures successful in mitigating all external financing obstacles to innovation? (Yes or No)
- Were government support programs used to overcome external financing obstacles to innovation? (Yes or No)
- In 2009, did your enterprise face any obstacles to innovation due to a lack of skills within your enterprise? (Yes or No)
- If yes, were measures taken to overcome the obstacles? (Yes or No)
- If yes, were the measures successful in mitigating all obstacles due to a lack of skills within your enterprise? (Yes or No)
- Were any government support programs used to overcome obstacles due to a lack of skills within your enterprise? (Yes or No)
- In 2009 did your enterprise face any obstacles to innovation related to finding and reaching agreements with external collaborators?
- If yes, were measures taken to overcome the obstacles? (Yes or No)
- If yes, were the measures successful in mitigating all obstacles to innovation related to finding and reaching agreements with external collaborators? (Yes or No)
- Were any government support programs used to overcome obstacles to innovation related to finding and reaching agreements with external collaborators? (Yes or No)
- In 2009, was uncertainty and risk an obstacle to innovation in your enterprise?
- If yes, were measures taken to overcome the obstacles? (Yes or No)
- If yes, were the measures successful in mitigating all uncertainty and risk obstacles to innovation? (Yes or No)
- Were any government support programs used to overcome uncertainty and risk obstacles to innovation? (Yes or No)
- In 2009, were regulatory issues an obstacle to innovation in your enterprise?
- If yes, were measures taken to overcome the obstacles? (Yes or No)
- If yes, were the measures successful in mitigating all regulatory issue obstacles to innovation? (Yes or No)
- Were any government support programs used to overcome regulatory issue obstacles to innovation? (Yes or No)
- In 2009, was intellectual property protection an obstacle to innovation in your enterprise? (Yes or No)
- If yes, were measures taken to overcome the obstacles? (Yes or No)
- If yes, were the measures successful in mitigating all intellectual property protection obstacles to innovation? (Yes or No)
- Were any government support programs used to overcome intellectual property protection obstacles to innovation? (Yes or No)
- In 2009, was government competition policy an obstacle to innovation in your enterprise? (Yes or No)
- If yes, were measures taken to overcome the obstacles? (Yes or No)
- If yes, were the measures successful in mitigating all government competition policy obstacles to innovation? (Yes or No)
- Were any government support programs used to overcome government competition policy obstacles to innovation? (Yes or No)
General questions
101. How long did you spend collecting the data and completing the questionnaire? hour(s) minutes
102. How many people were consulted for the completion of the questionnaire?
We invite your comments below. Please be assured that we review all comments with the intent of improving the survey.
Thank you for completing this questionnaire. Please retain a copy for your records.
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