Canada's Core Public Infrastructure Survey 2022

Why are we conducting this survey?

Statistics Canada is undertaking this survey to provide useful statistical information on the stock, condition, performance and asset management strategies of Canada's core public infrastructure assets owned or leased by the various levels of government and Indigenous entities.

The information compiled by this survey will be used by analysts and policy-makers to better understand the current condition of Canada's core infrastructure. This will enable all levels of government to develop policies to support the efforts in improving Canada's core public infrastructure and help monitor and report progress on achievement of desired outcomes.

Your information may also be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes.

Other important information

Authorization to collect this information.

Data are collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S-19.


By law, Statistics Canada is prohibited from releasing any information it collects that could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent, or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Statistics Canada will use the information from this survey for statistical purposes only.

Approved Disclosure

Section 17 of the federal Statistics Act allows for the disclosure of certain information relating to an individual, business or organization. Statistics Canada will only disclose information where there is a demonstrated statistical need and for the public good, and when it will not harm individuals, organizations or businesses if data were disclosed. For Canada's Core Public Infrastructure Survey, the Chief Statistician has authorized the release of data relating to individual government entities and public utilities. These include data on assets at the aggregate and individual level. Additionally, the names of provincial, regional and municipal government organizations will be released, as well as the variables used in sampling and estimation.

Record linkages

To enhance the data from this survey and to reduce the reporting burden, Statistics Canada may combine the acquired data with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

Data-sharing agreements

To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into data-sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government organizations, which have agreed to keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes. Statistics Canada will only share data from this survey with those organizations that have demonstrated a requirement to use the data.

Section 11 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with provincial and territorial statistical agencies that meet certain conditions. These agencies must have the legislative authority to collect the same information, on a mandatory basis, and the legislation must provide substantially the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of confidential information as the Statistics Act. Because these agencies have the legal authority to compel businesses to provide the same information, consent is not requested and businesses may not object to the sharing of the data.

For this survey, there are Section 11 agreements with the provincial and territorial statistical agencies of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia and the Yukon. The shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Section 12 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with federal, provincial or territorial government organizations. Under Section 12, you may refuse to share your information with any of these organizations by writing a letter of objection to the Chief Statistician, specifying the organizations with which you do not want Statistics Canada to share your data and mailing it to the following address:

Chief Statistician of Canada
Statistics Canada
Attention Director of, Centre for Production, Distribution and Investment Statistics
150 Tunney's Pasture Driveway
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0T6

For this survey, there are Section 12 agreements with the statistical agencies of Prince Edward Island, Northwest Territories and Nunavut, as well as with Infrastructure Canada.

For agreements with provincial and territorial government organizations, the shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Reporting period

For the purposes of this survey, report information for the 12-month period ending December 31, 2022. If your 12-month fiscal period has not yet ended, provide your best estimate for the entire year.

Reporting instructions

  • Report dollar amounts in thousands of Canadian dollars.
  • Report distances or lengths in kilometers.
  • Report counts in whole numbers.
  • Percentages should be rounded to whole numbers.
  • When precise figures are not available, provide your best estimates.
  • Enter '0' if there is no value to report.

Who should complete this questionnaire?

This questionnaire should be completed by the asset manager.

Deadline for completing this questionnaire.

Please complete this questionnaire and submit it within 30 days of receipt.

Canada's Core Infrastructure Survey, 2022


Non-Linear Assets: assets that can't be measured in linear units (feet, metres) and have one specific address or location. Examples include: wastewater treatment plants, pump stations and water drainage pump stations.

Linear Assets: assets that can be measured in linear units (feet, metres) and do not have one specific address. Examples include: open ditches, local water pipes and sewer pipes.

1. In 2022, did your organization own or lease any potable water assets?

Non-linear potable water system assets

  1. Yes
  2. No

List any other municipalities or organizations that provided your organization with any non-linear potable water services in 2022.

  • Specify alternate linear potable water system provider 1
  • Specify alternate linear potable water system provider 2
  • Specify alternate linear potable water system provider 3

Linear potable water system assets

  1. Yes
  2. No

List any other municipalities or organizations that provided your organization with any linear potable water services in 2022.

  • Specify alternate non-linear potable water system provider 1
  • Specify alternate non-linear potable water system provider 2
  • Specify alternate non-linear potable water system provider 3

2. In 2022, did your organization own or lease any wastewater assets?

Non-linear wastewater system assets

  1. Yes
  2. No

List any other municipalities or organizations that provided your organization with any non-linear wastewater services in 2022.

  • Specify alternate non-linear wastewater system provider 1
  • Specify alternate non-linear wastewater system provider 2
  • Specify alternate non-linear wastewater system provider 3

Linear wastewater system assets

  1. Yes
  2. No

List any other municipalities or organizations that provided your organization with any linear wastewater services in 2022.

  • Specify alternate non-linear wastewater system provider 1
  • Specify alternate non-linear wastewater system provider 2
  • Specify alternate non-linear wastewater system provider 3

3. In 2022, did your organization own or lease any stormwater assets?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Non-linear stormwater system assets

List any other municipalities or organizations that provided your organization with any non-linear stormwater services in 2022.

  • Specify alternate non-linear stormwater system provider 1
  • Specify alternate non-linear stormwater system provider 2
  • Specify alternate non-linear stormwater system provider 3

Linear stormwater system assets

  1. Yes
  2. No

List any other municipalities or organizations that provided your organization with any linear stormwater services in 2022.

  • Specify alternate linear stormwater system provider 1
  • Specify alternate linear stormwater system provider 2
  • Specify alternate linear stormwater system provider 3

4. In 2022, did your organization own or lease any road assets?

  1. Yes
  2. No

List any other municipalities or organizations that provided your organization with any road services in 2022.

  • Specify alternate non-linear road system provider 1
  • Specify alternate non-linear road system provider 2
  • Specify alternate non-linear road system provider 3

5. In 2022, did your organization own or lease any bridge and tunnel assets?

  1. Yes
  2. No

List any other municipalities or organizations that provided your organization with any bridge and tunnel services in 2022.

  • Specify alternate non-linear bridge and tunnel system provider 1
  • Specify alternate non-linear bridge and tunnel system provider 2
  • Specify alternate non-linear bridge and tunnel system provider 3

6. In 2022, did your organization own or lease any solid waste assets?

Solid waste collection assets

  1. Yes
  2. No

List any other municipalities or organizations that provided your organization with any solid waste collection services in 2022.

  • Specify alternate solid waste collection provider 1
  • Specify alternate solid waste collection provider 2
  • Specify alternate solid waste collection provider 3

Solid waste transfer station assets

  1. Yes
  2. No

List any other municipalities or organizations that provided your organization with any solid waste transfer station services in 2022.

  • Specify alternate solid waste transfer station provider 1
  • Specify alternate solid waste transfer station provider 2
  • Specify alternate solid waste transfer station provider 3

Solid waste diversion assets

  1. Yes
  2. No

List any other municipalities or organizations that provided your organization with any solid waste diversion services in 2022.

  • Specify alternate solid waste diversion provider 1
  • Specify alternate solid waste diversion provider 2
  • Specify alternate solid waste diversion provider 3

Solid waste disposal assets

  1. Yes
  2. No

List any other municipalities or organizations that provided your organization with any solid waste disposal services in 2022.

  • Specify alternate solid waste disposal provider 1
  • Specify alternate solid waste disposal provider 2
  • Specify alternate solid waste disposal provider 3

7. In 2022, did your organization own or lease any culture, recreation and sport facilities?

  1. Yes
  2. No

List any other municipalities or organizations that had a formal arrangement to provide your organization with any culture, recreation and sports facilities in 2022.

  • Specify alternate culture, recreation and sport facilities provider 1
  • Specify alternate culture, recreation and sport facilities provider 2
  • Specify alternate culture, recreation and sport facilities provider 3

8. In 2022, did your organization own or lease any public transit assets?

  1. Yes
  2. No

List any other municipalities or organizations that provided your organization with any public transit services in 2022.

  • Specify alternate public transit provider 1
  • Specify alternate public transit provider 2
  • Specify alternate public transit provider 3

9. In 2022, did your organization own or lease any active transportation assets?

  1. Yes
  2. No

List any other municipalities or organizations that provided your organization with any active transportation services in 2022.

  • Specify alternate active transportation provider 1
  • Specify alternate active transportation provider 2
  • Specify alternate active transportation provider 3

10. In 2022, did your organization own or lease any natural infrastructure assets?

  1. Yes
  2. No

List any other municipalities or organizations (e.g., Indigenous groups or partners) that had a formal arrangement to provide your organization with any natural infrastructure services in 2022.

  • Specify alternate natural infrastructure provider 1
  • Specify alternate natural infrastructure provider 2
  • Specify alternate natural infrastructure provider 3

11. In 2022, did your organization own or lease any shelter and homeless service assets?

  1. Yes
  2. No

List any other municipalities or organizations that provided your organization with any shelters and homeless services in 2022.

  • Specify alternate shelter and homeless service provider 1
  • Specify alternate shelter and homeless service provider 2
  • Specify alternate shelter and homeless service provider 3

12. In 2022, did your organization own or lease any public social and affordable housing assets?

  1. Yes
  2. No

List any other municipalities or organizations that provided your organization with any public social and affordable housing services in 2022.

  • Specify alternate public social and affordable housing provider 1
  • Specify alternate public social and affordable housing provider 2
  • Specify alternate public social and affordable housing provider 3

Potable Water

Non-Linear Assets: assets that can't be measured in linear units (feet, metres) and have one specific address or location. Examples include: wastewater treatment plants, pump stations and water drainage pump stations.

Linear Assets: assets that can be measured in linear units (feet, metres) and do not have one specific address. Examples include: open ditches, local water pipes and sewer pipes.

13. What was your organization's final inventory count of potable water assets as of December 31, 2022?

Provide your best estimate when exact figures are not available.
Report "0" when the organization does not own or lease the asset.

Non-linear potable water assets

a. Water treatment facilities

Capacity (volume) cubic metres per day

b. Water storage assets

Capacity (volume) cubic metres

c. Water pump stations

Capacity (volume) cubic metres per day

Linear potable water assets (Indicate length in kilometres)

d. Local water pipes (diameter less than 416 mm)


e. Transmission pipes (diameter greater than or equal to 416 mm)


f. Pipes of unknown diameter


14. Of the reported count for reported water storage assets in question 13b, how many were before the intake of a treatment plant?


15. Provide the distribution of your organization's potable water assets inventory based on the year of completed construction below.

Provide your best estimate when exact figures are not available.

Report "0" when the organization does not own or lease the asset.

Non-linear potable water assets

a. Water treatment facilities

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

b. Water storage assets

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

c. Water pump stations

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

Linear potable water assets (Indicate length in kilometres)

d. Local water pipes (diameter less than 416 mm)

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

e. Transmission pipes (diameter greater than or equal to 416 mm)

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

f. Pipes of unknown diameter

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

16. In 2022, what was the overall physical condition of your organization's potable water assets?

Indicate the percent distribution of your assets by using the condition rating scale. This includes items to be decommissioned. Each reporting asset must total to 100%.

Non-linear potable water assets

a. Water treatment facilities

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

b. Water storage assets

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

c. Water pump stations

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

Linear potable water assets

d. Local water pipes (diameter less than 416 mm)

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

e. Transmission pipes (diameter greater than or equal to 416 mm)

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

f. Pipes of unknown diameter

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

17. What is the 2022 estimated replacement value, required renewal budget, and actual renewal budget of potable water assets owned by your organization?

Provide your best estimate when exact figures are not available.

Report "0" when the organization does not own or lease the asset.

If a breakdown is not available, please provide the total.

Please report all amounts in thousands of Canadian dollars.

Non-linear potable water assets

a. Water treatment facilities

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

b. Water storage assets

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

c. Water pump stations

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

Total for all non-linear potable water assets

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

Linear potable water assets (Indicate length in kilometres)

d. Local water pipes (diameter less than 416 mm)

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

e. Transmission pipes (diameter greater than or equal to 416 mm)

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

f. Pipes of unknown diameter

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

Total for all linear potable water assets

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

18. In 2022, did your organization acquire or bring into service any new potable water assets for the following categories? For the new assets acquired, please provide the expected useful life.

Indicate the useful life (in years) for new assets acquired or brought into service during the year.

Non-linear potable water assets

a. Water treatment facilities

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

b. Water storage assets

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

c. Water pump stations

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

Linear potable water assets

d. Local water pipes (diameter less than 416 mm)

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

e. Transmission pipes (diameter greater than or equal to 416 mm)

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

f. Pipes of unknown diameter

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

19. How many sustained boil water advisories were in place on December 31, 2022?

Note: Sustained boil water advisory: A boil water advisory exceeding 15 days in duration.

Number of sustained water advisories
Do not know

20. Of the number of sustained boil water advisories, how many were in place for:

a. Over five years


b. Over one year


c. Over six months


21. In 2022, what were the volumetric flow rates of your organizations linear potable water assets?

Indicate the percentage distribution of your assets.

a. Less than 99 litres per second

Percentage of linear potable water assets

b. Between 100 litres per second and 399 litres per second

Percentage of linear potable water assets

c. Greater than 400 litres per second

Percentage of linear potable water assets

22. In 2022, how many major leaks or bursts were repaired?

a. Watermains


b. Service lines


23. Of the major leaks or bursts reported on question 22, what is the average number of days between detection and repair?

a. Watermains

Number of days

b. Service lines

Number of days

24. What was the length in kilometres of asbestos cement water pipes as of December 31, 2022?

Total length in kilometres

25. Does your organization have an inventory of the number of lead water service connections or lead water pipes?

If "yes" please answer the sub questions below.
If "no" go to question 26.

What was the total amount of lead water service connections or lead water service pipes as of December 31, 2022?


What percentage of your organization's service connections or pipes contained lead in 2022?


Does your organization's inventory of lead service connections or lead water pipes identify partial lead service connections (homeowner or municipal)?

  1. Yes
  2. No

What percentage of your organization's inventory of lead service connections or lead water pipes was identified as full service connections (i.e., municipal and homeowner portions) in 2022?


26. Did your organization have a lead service line replacement program in place in 2022?

If "yes" please answer the sub questions below.

Did the program address both the municipal and homeowner portions of the replacement?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Did the program include incentives or loans to the homeowner to replace their portion of the lead service connection?

  1. Yes
  2. No

When was this program implemented?

Date (example: YYYY-MM-DD)

What was the budget for this program?

Budget CAN$ '000

If "no" What were the identified barriers for implementing such a program?

Specify the barriers

27. What percentage of the inventory of lead service connections or lead pipes was replaced in 2022?


28. Of the lead service connections or lead water pipes replaced in 2022, what percentage was full replacement (i.e., municipal and homeowner portions)?


29. What was the cost of the lead service connections or lead water pipes was replaced in 2022?

Cost CAN$ '000

30. Did your organization have a corrosion control program in place in 2022?

  1. Yes
  2. No

31. Does your organization have the resources or capacity to track information regarding lead service connections or the lead concentrations in tap water?

  1. Yes
  2. No

32. Did your organization conduct sampling to measure lead concentrations in tap water in 2022?

If "yes" please answer the sub questions below.

If "no" go to question 33.

What percentage of the most recent lead concentration results was sampled in residences supplied by a lead water service connection?


What was the average lead concentration for samples taken in residences supplied by a lead service connection?

Concentration (micrograms per litre or µg/L)

33. Does your organization have a documented asset management plan for potable water?

Yes - At what frequency is the asset management plan for potable water updated?
the frequency in years, if applicable.

Number of years

No - When does your organization plan to have a documented asset management plan in place for potable water?
in how many years a plan will be implemented, if applicable.

Number of years

34. What type of asset management information system does your organization use for potable water?

Select only one answer.

Type of system

  1. Custom software
  2. Off-the-shelf software
  3. Spreadsheet
  4. Paper records
  5. Do not know
  6. Other

35. In 2022, what was the maturity level of your organization's asset management planning for potable water?

Select only one answer.

Maturity level

  1. Aware
  2. Developing
  3. Competent
  4. Optimizing
  5. Excellent
  6. Do not know

36. Do climate change adaptation or mitigation factor into your organization's decision-making process for potable water?

Select only one answer.

Climate change adaptation and mitigation

  1. Climate change adaptation
  2. Climate change mitigation
  3. Both adaptation and mitigation
  4. Not a factor
  5. Do not know

This completes questions for potable water.


Non-Linear Assets: assets that can't be measured in linear units (feet, metres) and have one specific address or location. Examples include: wastewater treatment plants, pump stations and water drainage pump stations.

Linear Assets: assets that can be measured in linear units (feet, metres) and do not have one specific address. Examples include: open ditches, local water pipes and sewer pipes.

37. What was your organization's final inventory count of wastewater assets as of December 31, 2022?

Provide your best estimate when exact figures are not available.
Report "0" when the organization does not own or lease the asset.

Non-Linear wastewater assets

a. Wastewater treatment plants (include sludge handling plants)

Design capacity (volume) cubic metres per day

b. Lagoon systems

Design capacity (volume) cubic metres per day

c. Wastewater pump stations

Design capacity (volume) cubic metres per day

d. Wastewater lift stations

Design capacity (volume) cubic metres per day

e. Wastewater storage tanks

Design capacity (volume) cubic metres

Linear wastewater assets (indicate length in kilometres)

f. Sewer pipes (diameter less than 450 mm)


g. Sewer pipes (diameter greater than or equal to 450 mm and less than 1500 mm)


h. Sewer pipes (diameter greater than or equal to 1500 mm)


i. Sewer pipes (of unknown diameter)


j. Sanitary forcemains


38. Provide the distribution of your organization's wastewater asset inventory based on the year of construction completion below.

Provide your best estimate when exact figures are not available.
Report "0" when the organization does not own or lease the asset.

Non-Linear wastewater assets

a. Wastewater treatment plants

Include sludge handling plants

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

b. Lagoon systems

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

c. Wastewater pump stations

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

d. Wastewater lift stations

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

e. Wastewater storage tanks

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

Linear wastewater assets (Indicate length in kilometres)

f. Sewer pipes (diameter less than 450 mm)

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

g. Sewer pipes (diameter greater than or equal to 450 mm and less than 1500 mm)

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

h. Sewer pipes (diameter greater than or equal to 1500 mm)

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

i. Sewer pipes (of unknown diameter)

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

j. Sanitary forcemains

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

39. In 2022, what was the overall physical condition of your organization's wastewater assets?

Indicate the percent distribution of your assets by using the condition rating scale.
This includes items to be decommissioned. Each reporting asset must total to 100%.

Non-Linear wastewater assets

a. Wastewater treatment plants (include sludge handling plants)

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

b. Lagoon systems

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

c. Wastewater pump stations

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

d. Wastewater lift stations

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

e. Wastewater storage tanks

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

Linear wastewater assets

f. Sewer pipes (diameter less than 450 mm)

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

g. Sewer pipes (diameter greater than or equal to 450 mm and less than 1500 mm)

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

h. Sewer pipes (diameter greater than or equal to 1500 mm)

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

i. Sewer pipes (of unknown diameter)

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

j. Sanitary forcemains

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

40. In 2022, what were the volumetric flow rates of your organizations linear wastewater assets?

Indicate the percent distribution of your assets.

a. Less than 400 litres per second

Percentage of wastewater assets

b. Between 400 litres per second and 1049 litres per second

Percentage of wastewater assets

c. Greater than 1050 litres per second

Percentage of wastewater assets

41. In 2022, how many major leaks or bursts were repaired?

a. Sanitary sewer mains


b. Lateral sewer lines


42. Of the major leaks or bursts reported on question 41, what is the average number of days between detection and repair?

a. Sanitary sewer mains

Number of days

b. Lateral sewer lines

Number of days

43. In 2022, what was the volume of untreated wastewater released as a result of a disruption or planned maintenance to your organization's wastewater system (collection or treatment)?

Do not include wastewater released due to precipitation (including snowmelt) from combined sewers, unless this release was also as a result of a disruption.

Volume of untreated wastewater in cubic metres
Did not calculate
Do not know

44. What were the causes of the service disruptions in 2022?

Select all that apply.

  1. Pump station or lift station failure not due to power outage
  2. Power outage
  3. Flooding
  4. Planned maintenance
  5. Other- Specify the other cause of service disruption

45. Does your organization's wastewater system need to be upgraded to meet the effluent quality standards of the Federal Wastewater Systems Effluent Regulations?

  1. Yes
  2. No

46. In 2022, how many total hours and days was untreated wastewater released from combined sewers?

Do not know

47. What is the 2022 estimated replacement value, required renewal budget, and actual renewal budget of wastewater assets owned by your organization?

Provide your best estimate when exact figures are not available.
Report "0" when the organization does not own or lease the asset.
If a breakdown is not available, please provide the total.
Please report all amounts in thousands of Canadian dollars.

Non-Linear wastewater assets

a. Wastewater treatment plants (include sludge handling plants)

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

b. Lagoon systems

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

c. Wastewater pump stations

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

d. Wastewater lift stations

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

e. Wastewater storage tanks

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

Total for all non-linear wastewater assets

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

Linear wastewater assets

f. Sewer pipes (diameter less than 450 mm)

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

g. Sewer pipes (diameter greater than or equal to 450 mm and less than 1500 mm)

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

h. Sewer pipes (diameter greater than or equal to 1500 mm)

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

i. Sewer pipes (of unknown diameter)

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

j. Sanitary forcemains

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

Total for all linear wastewater assets

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

48. In 2022, did your organization acquire or bring into service any new wastewater assets for the following categories? For the new assets acquired, please provide the expected useful life.

Indicate the useful life (in years) for new assets acquired or brought into service during the year.

Non-Linear wastewater assets

a. Wastewater treatment plants (Include sludge handling plants)

Expected useful life (in years)

b. Lagoon systems

Expected useful life (in years)

c. Wastewater pump stations

Expected useful life (in years)

d. Wastewater lift stations

Expected useful life (in years)

e. Wastewater storage tanks

Expected useful life (in years)

Linear wastewater assets

f. Sewer pipes (diameter less than 450 mm)

Expected useful life (in years)

g. Sewer pipes (diameter greater than 450 mm and less than 1500 mm)

Expected useful life (in years)

h. Sewer pipes (diameter greater than or equal to 1500 mm)

Expected useful life (in years)

i. Sewer pipes (of unknown diameter)

Expected useful life (in years)

j. Sanitary forcemains

Expected useful life (in years)

49. Does your organization have a documented asset management plan for wastewater?

Yes - At what frequency is the asset management plan for wastewater updated?
the frequency in years, if applicable.

Number of years

No - When does your organization plan to have a documented asset management plan in place for wastewater?
in how many years a plan will be implemented, if applicable.

Number of years

50. What type of asset management information system does your organization use for wastewater?

Select only one answer.

Type of system:

  1. Custom software
  2. Off-the-shelf software
  3. Spreadsheet
  4. Paper records
  5. Do not know
  6. Other

51. In 2022, what was the maturity level of your organization's asset management planning for wastewater?

Select only one answer.

Maturity level:

  1. Aware
  2. Developing
  3. Competent
  4. Optimizing
  5. Excellent
  6. Do not know

52. Do climate change adaptation or mitigation factor into your organization's decision-making process for potable water?

Select only one answer.

Climate change adaptation and mitigation:

  1. Climate change adaptation
  2. Climate change mitigation
  3. Both adaptation and mitigation
  4. Not a factor
  5. Do not know

This completes questions for wastewater.

Storm Water

Non-Linear Assets: assets that can't be measured in linear units (feet, metres) and have one specific address or location. Examples include: wastewater treatment plants, pump stations and water drainage pump stations.

Linear Assets: assets that can be measured in linear units (feet, metres) and do not have one specific address. Examples include: open ditches, local water pipes and sewer pipes."

53. What was your organization's final inventory count of stormwater assets as of December 31, 2022?

Provide your best estimate when exact figures are not available.
Report "0" when the organization does not own or lease the asset.

Non-linear stormwater assets

a. Stormwater drainage pump stations

Capacity (volume) cubic metres per day

b. Stormwater management ponds and stormwater wetlands

Capacity (volume) cubic metres per day

c. Storm water management facilities - all other permitted end-of-pipe facilities

Capacity (volume) cubic metres per day

Linear stormwater assets (Indicate length in kilometres)

d. Culverts (diameter less than 3 m)


e. Open ditches


f. Stormwater pipes (diameter less than 450 mm)


g. Stormwater pipes (diameter greater or equal to 450 mm and less than 1500 mm)


h. Stormwater pipes (diameter greater or equal to 1500 mm)


i. Stormwater pipes (of unknown diameter)


54. Provide the distribution of your organization's stormwater assets inventory based on the year of completed construction below.

Provide your best estimate when exact figures are not available.
Report "0" when the organization does not own or lease the asset.

Non-linear stormwater assets

a. Stormwater drainage pump stations

  1. 2020- 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

b. Stormwater management ponds and stormwater wetlands

  1. 2020- 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

c. Stormwater management facilities - all other permitted end-of-pipe facilities

  1. 2020- 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

Linear stormwater assets (Indicate length in kilometres)

d. Culverts (diameter less than 3 m)

  1. 2020- 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

e. Open ditches

  1. 2020- 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

f. Stormwater pipes (diameter less than 450 mm)

  1. 2020- 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

g. Stormwater pipes (diameter greater or equal to 450 mm and less than 1500 mm)

  1. 2020- 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

h. Stormwater pipes (diameter greater or equal to 1500 mm)

  1. 2020- 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

i. Stormwater pipes (of unknown diameter)

  1. 2020- 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

55. In 2022, what was the overall physical condition of your organization's stormwater assets?

Indicate the percent distribution of your assets by using the condition rating scale. This includes items to be decommissioned. Each reporting asset must total to 100%.

Non-linear stormwater assets

a. Stormwater drainage pump stations

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

b. Stormwater management ponds and stormwater wetlands

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

c. Stormwater management facilities - all other permitted end-of-pipe facilities

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

Linear stormwater assets

d. Culverts (diameter less than 3 m)

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

e. Open ditches

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

f. Stormwater pipes (diameter less than 450 mm)

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

g. Stormwater pipes (diameter greater or equal to 450 mm and less than 1500 mm)

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

h. Stormwater pipes (diameter greater or equal to 1500 mm)

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

i. Stormwater pipes (of unknown diameter)

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

56. What is the 2022 estimated replacement value, required renewal budget, and actual renewal budget of stormwater assets owned by your organization?

Provide your best estimate when exact figures are not available.
Report "0" when the organization does not own or lease the asset.
If a breakdown is not available, please provide the total.
Please report all amounts in thousands of Canadian dollars.

Non-linear stormwater assets

a. Stormwater drainage pump stations

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

b. Stormwater management ponds and stormwater wetlands

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

c. Stormwater management facilities - all other permitted end-of-pipe facilities

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

Total for all non-linear stormwater assets

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

Linear stormwater assets

d. Culverts (diameter less than 3 m)

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

e. Open ditches

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

f. Stormwater pipes (diameter less than 450 mm)

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

g. Stormwater pipes (diameter greater or equal to 450 mm and less than 1500 mm)

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

h. Stormwater pipes (diameter greater or equal to 1500 mm)

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

i. Stormwater pipes (of unknown diameter)

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

Total for all linear stormwater assets

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

57. In 2022, did your organization acquire or bring into service any new stormwater assets for the following categories? For the new assets acquired, please provide the expected useful life.

Indicate the useful life (in years) for new assets acquired or brought into service during the year.

Non-linear stormwater assets

a. Stormwater drainage pump stations

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

b. Stormwater management ponds and stormwater wetlands

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

c. Stormwater management facilities - all other permitted end-of-pipe facilities

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

Linear stormwater assets

d. Culverts (diameter less than 3 m)

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

e. Open ditches

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

f. Stormwater pipes (diameter less than 450 mm)

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

g. Stormwater pipes (diameter greater or equal to 450 mm and less than 1500 mm)

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

h. Stormwater pipes (diameter greater or equal to 1500 mm)

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

i. Stormwater pipes (of unknown diameter)

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

58. In 2022, what were the volumetric flow rates of your organizations linear stormwater assets?

Indicate the percent distribution of your assets.

a. Less than 500 litres per second

Percentage of stormwater assets

b. Between 500 litres per second and 1499 litres per second

Percentage of stormwater assets

c. Greater than 1500 litres per second

Percentage of stormwater assets

59. In 2022, how many major leaks or bursts were repaired?

a. Storm sewer mains


b. Storm cross-connections


60. Of the major leaks or bursts reported on question 59, what is the average number of days between detection and repair?

a. Storm sewer mains

Number of days

b. Storm cross-connections

Number of days

61. As of December 31, 2022, does your organization make use of real-time controls for stormwater management?

This refers to control systems used to manage stormwater volumes in real time during storm events - essentially a system wherein valves on various stormwater structures and parts of a network can be opened and closed to optimize storage and minimize the risk of sewer overflows.  They are either automatic or programmed according to models or operated manually during storms.

  1. Yes
  2. No

62. Does your organization have a documented asset management plan for stormwater?

Yes - At what frequency is the asset management plan for stormwater updated?
Indicate the frequency in years, if applicable.

Number of years

No - When does your organization plan to have a documented asset management plan in place for stormwater?
Indicate in how many years a plan will be implemented, if applicable.

Number of years

63. What type of asset management information system does your organization use for stormwater?

Select only one answer.

Type of system:

  1. Custom software
  2. Off-the-shelf software
  3. Spreadsheet
  4. Paper records
  5. Do not know
  6. Other

64. In 2022, what was the maturity level of your organization's asset management planning for potable water?

Select only one answer.

Maturity level:

  1. Aware
  2. Developing
  3. Competent
  4. Optimizing
  5. Excellent
  6. Do not know

65. Do climate change adaptation or mitigation factor into your organization's decision-making process for potable water?

Select only one answer.

Climate change adaptation and mitigation:

  1. Climate change adaptation
  2. Climate change mitigation
  3. Both adaptation and mitigation
  4. Not a factor
  5. Do not know

This completes questions for storm water.


66. In 2022, what was the total length in kilometres of your organization's road network?

Report the length of road assets in terms of two-lane equivalent kilometres, where one kilometre of a four-lane highway is counted as two kilometres. Two-lane equivalent kilometres can be calculated by dividing the total lane kilometres by two, where a single lane one-way road would count for 0.5 kilometres for each lane kilometre in length.

Provide your best estimate when exact figures are not available.
Report "0" when the organization does not own or lease the asset.
Indicate the length in kilometres.

Road assets

a. Highways

Total length in kilometres

b. Rural highways

Total length in kilometres

c. Arterial roads

Total length in kilometres

d. Collector roads

Total length in kilometres

e. Local roads

Total length in kilometres

f. Lanes and alleys

Total length in kilometres

67. Provide the distribution of your organization's road network in kilometres based on the year of completed construction below.

Provide your best estimate when exact figures are not available.
Report "0" when the organization does not own or lease the asset.
Report the length of the road assets in two-lane equivalent kilometres.

Road assets

a. Highways

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 -2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

b. Rural highways

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 -2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

c. Arterial roads

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 -2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

d. Collector roads

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 -2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

e. Local roads

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 -2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

f. Lanes and alleys

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 -2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

68. In 2022, what was the overall physical condition of your organization's road assets?

Indicate the percent distribution of your assets by using the condition rating scale. This includes items to be decommissioned. Each reporting asset must total to 100%.

Road assets

a. Highways

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

b. Rural highways

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

c. Arterial roads

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

d. Collector roads

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

e. Local roads

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

f. Lanes and alleys

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

69. What is the 2022 estimated replacement value, required renewal budget, and actual renewal budget of road assets owned by your organization?

Provide your best estimate when exact figures are not available.
Report "0" when the organization does not own or lease the asset.
If a breakdown is not available, please provide the total.
Please report all amounts in thousands of Canadian dollars.

Road assets

a. Highways

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

b. Rural highways

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

c. Arterial roads

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

d. Collector roads

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

e. Local roads

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

f. Lanes and alleys

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

Total for all roads

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

70. In 2022, did your organization acquire or bring into service any new road assets for the following categories? For the new assets acquired, please provide the expected useful life.

Indicate the useful life (in years) for new assets acquired or brought into service during the year.

Road assets

a. Highways

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

b. Rural highways

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

c. Arterial roads

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

d. Collector roads

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

e. Local roads

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

f. Lanes and alleys

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

71. Does your organization have a documented asset management plan for roads?

Yes - At what frequency is the asset management plan for roads updated?
Indicate the frequency in years, if applicable.

Number of years

No - When does your organization plan to have a documented asset management plan in place for roads?
Indicate in how many years a plan will be implemented, if applicable.

Number of years

72. What type of asset management information system does your organization use for roads?

Select only one answer.

Type of system:

  1. Custom software
  2. Off-the-shelf software
  3. Spreadsheet
  4. Paper records
  5. Do not know
  6. Other

73. In 2022, what was the maturity level of your organization's asset management planning for roads?

Select only one answer.

Maturity level:

  1. Aware
  2. Developing
  3. Competent
  4. Optimizing
  5. Excellent
  6. Do not know

74. Do climate change adaptation or mitigation factor into your organization's decision making process for roads?

Select only one answer.

Climate change adaptation and mitigation:

  1. Climate change adaptation
  2. Climate change mitigation
  3. Both adaptation and mitigation
  4. Not a factor
  5. Do not know

75. Does accessibility and universal design factor into your organization's decision-making process for roads?

Select only one answer.

Accessibility and universal design:

  1. Accessibility
  2. Universal design
  3. Both accessibility and universal design
  4. Not a factor
  5. Do not know

This completes questions for roads.

Bridges and Tunnels

76. What was your organization's final inventory count of bridge and tunnel assets as of December 31, 2022?

Report the length of bridge and tunnel assets in terms of two-lane equivalent kilometres, where one kilometre of a four-lane highway is counted as two kilometres. Two-lane equivalent kilometres can be calculated by dividing the total lane kilometres by two, where a single lane one-way road would count for 0.5 kilometres for each lane kilometre in length.

Provide your best estimate when exact figures are not available.
Report "0" when the organization does not own or lease the asset.


a. Highways

Length (two-lane equivalent kilometres)

b. Rural highways

Length (two-lane equivalent kilometres)

c. Arterials

Length (two-lane equivalent kilometres)

d. Collector

Length (two-lane equivalent kilometres)

e. Local

Length (two-lane equivalent kilometres)


f. Culverts (diameter greater than or equal to 3 metres)

Length (two-lane equivalent kilometres)

g. Tunnels

Length (two-lane equivalent kilometres)

77. Provide the distribution of your organization's bridge and tunnel asset inventory count based on the year of completed construction below.

Provide your best estimate when exact figures are not available.
Report "0" when the organization does not own or lease the asset.


a. Highways

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

b. Rural highways

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

c. Arterials

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

d. Collector

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

e. Local

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940


f. Culverts (diameter greater than or equal to 3 metres)

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

g. Tunnels

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

78. In 2022, what was the overall physical condition of your organization's bridge and tunnel assets?

Indicate the percent distribution of your assets by using the condition rating scale. This includes items to be decommissioned. Each reporting asset must total to 100%.


a. Highways

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

b. Rural highways

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

c. Arterials

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

d. Collector

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

e. Local

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know


f. Culverts (diameter greater than or equal to 3 metres)

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

g. Tunnels

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

79. What is the 2022 estimated replacement value, required renewal budget, and actual renewal budget of bridges and tunnels assets owned by your organization?

Provide your best estimate when exact figures are not available.
Report "0" when the organization does not own or lease the asset.
If a breakdown is not available, please provide the total.
Please report all amounts in thousands of Canadian dollars.


a. Highways

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

b. Rural highways

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

c. Arterials

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

d. Collector

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

e. Local

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget


f. Culverts (diameter greater than or equal to 3 metres)

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

g. Tunnels

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

Total for all bridges, culverts and tunnels

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

80. In 2022, did your organization acquire or bring into service any new bridge and tunnel assets for the following categories? For the new assets acquired, please provide the expected useful life.

Indicate the useful life (in years) for new assets acquired or brought into service during the year.


a. Highways

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

b. Rural highways

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

c. Arterials

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

d. Collector

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

e. Local

Expected Useful Life (in Years)


f. Culverts (diameter greater than or equal to 3 metres)

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

g. Tunnels

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

81. Does your organization have a documented asset management plan for bridge and tunnel assets?

Yes - At what frequency is the asset management plan for bridges and tunnels updated?
Indicate the frequency in years, if applicable.

Number of years

No - When does your organization plan to have a documented asset management plan in place for bridges and tunnels?
Indicate in how many years a plan will be implemented, if applicable.

Number of years

82. What type of asset management information system does your organization use for bridges and tunnels?

Select only one answer.

Type of system:

  1. Custom software
  2. Off-the-shelf software
  3. Spreadsheet
  4. Paper records
  5. Do not know
  6. Other

83. In 2022, what was the maturity level of your organization's asset management planning for bridges and tunnels?

Select only one answer.

Maturity level:

  1. Aware
  2. Developing
  3. Competent
  4. Optimizing
  5. Excellent
  6. Do not know

84. Do climate change adaptation or mitigation factor into your organization's decision-making process for bridges and tunnels?

Select only one answer.

Climate change adaptation and mitigation:

  1. Climate change adaptation
  2. Climate change mitigation
  3. Both adaptation and mitigation
  4. Not a factor
  5. Do not know

85. Does accessibility and universal design factor into your organization's decision-making process for bridges and tunnels?

Select only one answer.

Accessibility and universal design:

  1. Accessibility
  2. Universal design
  3. Both accessibility and universal design
  4. Not a factor
  5. Do not know

This completes questions for bridges and tunnels.

Solid Waste

86. What was your organization's final inventory count of solid waste assets on December 31, 2022?

Provide your best estimate when exact figures are not available.
Report "0" when the organization does not own or lease the asset.

Solid Waste Assets

a. Transfer station assets

Capacity (tonnes)

Waste Diversion Assets

b. Composting facilities

Capacity (tonnes)

c. Materials recovery facilities

Capacity (tonnes)

d. Anaerobic digestion facilities

Capacity (tonnes)

Waste Disposal Assets

e. Active engineered landfills

Capacity (tonnes)

f. Active dump sites

Capacity (tonnes)

g. Closed sites (inactive engineered landfills and dumps)

Capacity (tonnes)

h. Incinerators

Capacity (tonnes)

i. Energy from waste facilities

Capacity (tonnes)

87. Provide the distribution of your organization's solid waste asset inventory count based on the year of completed construction below.

Provide your best estimate when exact figures are not available.
Report "0" when no assets completed construction during the period.

Solid Waste Assets

a. Transfer station assets

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

Waste Diversion Assets

b. Composting facilities

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

c. Materials recovery facilities

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

d. Anaerobic digestion facilities

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

Waste Disposal Assets

e. Active engineered landfills

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

f. Active dump sites

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

g. Closed sites (inactive engineered landfills and dumps)

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

h. Incinerators

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

i. Energy from waste facilities

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

88. In 2022, what was the overall physical condition of your organization's solid waste assets?

Indicate the percent distribution of your assets by using the condition rating scale. This includes items to be decommissioned. Each reporting asset must total to 100%.

Solid Waste Assets

a. Transfer station assets

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

Waste Diversion Assets

b. Composting facilities

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

c. Materials recovery facilities

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

d. Anaerobic digestion facilities

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

Waste Disposal Assets

e. Active engineered landfills

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

f. Active dump sites

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

g. Closed sites (inactive engineered landfills and dumps)

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

h. Incinerators

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

i. Energy from waste facilities

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

89. What is the 2022 estimated replacement value, required renewal budget, and actual renewal budget of solid waste assets owned by your organization?

Provide your best estimate when exact figures are not available.
Report "0" when the organization does not own or lease the asset.
If a breakdown is not available, please provide the total.
Please report all amounts in thousands of Canadian dollars.

Solid Waste Assets

a. Transfer station assets

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

Waste Diversion Assets

b. Composting facilities

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

c. Materials recovery facilities

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

d. Anaerobic digestion facilities

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

Waste Disposal Assets

e. Active engineered landfills

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

f. Active dump sites

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

g. Closed sites (inactive engineered landfills and dumps)

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

h. Incinerators

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

i. Energy from waste facilities

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

Total for all solid waste facilities

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

90. In 2022, did your organization acquire or bring into service any new solid waste assets for the following categories? For the new assets acquired, please provide the expected useful life.

Indicate the useful life (in years) for new assets acquired or brought into service during the year.

Solid Waste Assets

a. Transfer station assets

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

Waste Diversion Assets

b. Composting facilities

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

c. Materials recovery facilities

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

d. Anaerobic digestion facilities

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

Waste Disposal Assets

e. Active engineered landfills

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

f. Active dump sites

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

g. Closed sites (inactive engineered landfills and dumps)

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

h. Incinerators

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

i. Energy from waste facilities

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

91. Does your organization have a documented asset management plan for solid waste?

Yes - At what frequency is the asset management plan for solid waste updated?
Indicate the frequency in years, if applicable.

Number of years

No - When does your organization plan to have a documented asset management plan in place for solid waste?
Indicate in how many years a plan will be implemented, if applicable.

Number of years

92. What type of asset management information system does your organization use for solid waste?

Select only one answer.

Type of system:

  1. Custom software
  2. Off-the-shelf software
  3. Spreadsheet
  4. Paper records
  5. Do not know
  6. Other

93. In 2022, what was the maturity level of your organization's asset management planning for solid waste?

Select only one answer.

Maturity level:

  1. Aware
  2. Developing
  3. Competent
  4. Optimizing
  5. Excellent
  6. Do not know

94. Do climate change adaptation or mitigation factor into your organization's decision-making process for solid waste?

Select only one answer.

Climate change adaptation and mitigation:

  1. Climate change adaptation
  2. Climate change mitigation
  3. Both adaptation and mitigation
  4. Not a factor
  5. Do not know

95. Does accessibility and universal design factor into your organization's decision-making process for solid waste?

Select only one answer.

Accessibility and universal design:

  1. Accessibility
  2. Universal design
  3. Both accessibility and universal design
  4. Not a factor
  5. Do not know

This completes questions for solid waste.

Culture, Recreation and Sports Facilities

96. What was your organization's final inventory count of culture, recreation and sport facilities as of December 31, 2022?

Provide your best estimate when exact figures are not available.
Report "0" when the organization does not own or lease the asset.


a. Indoor ice arenas (excluding performance or spectator 1,000 plus seats)

Area (square metres)

b. Indoor ice arenas ((performance/spectator (1,000 plus seats))

Area (square metres)

c. Curling rinks

Area (square metres)

d. Indoor pools

Area (square metres)

e. Multi-purpose sports centre

Area (square metres)

f. Art galleries

Area (square metres)

g. Libraries

Area (square metres)

h. Museums and archives

Area (square metres)

i. Performing arts theatres

Area (square metres)

j. Indigenous culture facilities

Area (square metres)

k. Community Centres (senior and youth centres)

Area (square metres)

l. Multi-purpose facilities, not elsewhere classified

Area (square metres)

m. Parks (e.g., sports fields, children's parks, nature parks)


n. Other outdoor sports facilities


o. Outdoor speciality areas (e.g., off-leash dog parks, skateparks etc.)


97. What was your organization's final inventory count of culture, recreation and sport amenities included in the facilities reported in question 96 as of December 31, 2022?

Provide your best estimate when exact figures are not available.
Report "0" when the organization does not own or lease the asset.

Ice amenities

a. Indoor ice pads and rinks


b. Outdoor skating areas and rinks


Aquatics amenities

c. Indoors pools, 50 metres or longer


d. Indoor pools, less than 50 metres


e. Outdoor pools, 50 metres or longer


f. Outdoor pool, less than 50 metres


g. Outdoor spray parks, splash pads and wading pools


Other amenities

h. Indoor gymnasiums


i. Indoor racquet courts


j. Indoor walking and jogging tracks


k. Indoor fitness areas (e.g., weight and cardio equipment spaces)


l. Indoor fields (e.g., multipurpose turf area)


m. Outdoor playgrounds


n. Outdoor racquet courts


o. Ball diamonds


p. Rectangular sports fields (natural turf)


q. Artificial turf sports fields


98. Provide the distribution of your organization's culture, recreation and sport facility inventory count based on the year of construction completion below.

Provide your best estimate when exact figures are not available.
Report "0" when the organization does not own or lease the asset.


a. Indoor ice arenas (excluding performance or spectator 1,000 plus seats)

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

b. Indoor ice arenas ((performance or spectator (1,000 plus seats))

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

c. Curling building

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

d. Indoor pools

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

e. Multi-purpose sports centre

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

f. Art Galleries

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

g. Libraries

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

h. Museums and archives

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

i. Performing arts theatres

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

j. Indigenous culture facilities

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

k. Community centres (senior and youth centres)

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

l. Multi-purpose facilities, not elsewhere classified

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

m. Parks (e.g., sports fields, children's parks, nature parks)

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

n. Other outdoor sports facilities

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

o. Outdoor speciality areas (e.g., off-leash dog parks, skateparks etc.)

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

99. In 2022, what was the overall physical condition of your organization's culture, recreation and sport facility assets?

Indicate the percent distribution of your assets by using the condition rating scale. This includes items to be decommissioned. Each reporting asset must total to 100%.


a. Indoor ice arenas (excluding performance or spectator 1,000 plus seats)

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

b. Indoor ice arenas ((performance or spectator (1,000 plus seats))

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

c. Curling building

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

d. Indoor pools

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

e. Multi-purpose sports centre

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

f. Art Galleries

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

g. Libraries

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

h. Museums and archives

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

i. Performing arts theatres

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

j. Indigenous culture facilities

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

k. Community centres (senior and youth centres)

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

l. Multi-purpose facilities, not elsewhere classified

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

m. Parks (e.g., sports fields, children's parks, nature parks)

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

n. Other outdoor sports facilities

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

o. Outdoor speciality areas (e.g., off-leash dog parks, skateparks etc.)

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

100. As of December 31, 2022, what was your inventory count of culture, recreation and sports facilities that were accessible?

Provide your best estimate when exact figures are not available.
Report "0" when the organization does not own or lease the asset.

a. Ice facilities


b. Aquatics facilities


c. Arts and culture facilities


d. Multi-purpose facilities


e. Other facilities


101. In 2022, what is the maximum distance residents in your municipality have to travel in order to access the following facilities?

a. Ice facilities


b. Aquatics facilities


c. Arts and culture facilities


d. Multi-purpose facilities


e. Other facilities


102. What is the 2022 estimated replacement value, required renewal budget, and actual renewal budget of culture, recreation and sports facilities owned by your organization?

Provide your best estimate when exact figures are not available.
Report "0" when the organization does not own or lease the asset.
If a breakdown is not available, please provide the total.
Please report all amounts in thousands of Canadian dollars.

Ice facilities

a. Indoor ice arenas (excluding performance or spectator 1,000 plus seats)

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

b. Indoor ice arenas ((performance/spectator (1,000 plus seats))

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

c. Curling building

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

d. Indoor pools

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

e. Multi-purpose sports centre

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

f. Art galleries

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

g. Libraries

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

h. Museums and archives

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

i. Performing arts theatres

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

j. Indigenous culture facilities

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

k. Community Centres (senior and youth centres)

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

l. Multi-purpose facilities, not elsewhere classified

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

Total culture, recreation and sport buildings

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

Outdoor facilities

m. Parks (e.g., sports fields, children's parks, nature parks)

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

n. Other outdoor sports facilities

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

o. Outdoor speciality areas (e.g., off-leash dog parks, skateparks etc.)

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

Total culture, recreation and sport outdoor facilities

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

103. In 2022, did your organization acquire or bring into service any new culture, recreation and sport facilities for the following categories? For the new assets acquired, please provide the expected useful life.

Indicate the useful life (in years) for new assets acquired or brought into service during the year.


a. Indoor ice arenas (excluding performance or spectator 1,000 plus seats)

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

b. Indoor ice arenas: Performance/spectator (1,000 plus seats)

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

c. Curling buildings

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

d. Indoor pools

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

e. Multi-purpose sports centres

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

f. Art galleries

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

g. Libraries

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

h. Museums and archives

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

i. Preforming arts theatres

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

j. Indigenous culture facilities

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

k. Community centres (include senior and youth centres)

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

l. Multi-purpose facilities, not elsewhere classified

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

Outdoor facilities

m. Parks (e.g., sports fields, children's parks, nature parks)

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

n. Other outdoor sports facilities

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

o. Outdoor speciality areas (e.g., off-leash dog parks, skateboard parks etc.)

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

104. Does your organization have a documented asset management plan for culture, recreation and sports facilities?

Yes - At what frequency is the asset management plan for culture, recreation and sports facilities updated?
Indicate the frequency in years, if applicable.

Number of years

No - When does your organization plan to have a documented asset management plan in place for culture, recreation and sports facilities?
Indicate in how many years a plan will be implemented, if applicable.

Number of years

105. What type of asset management information system does your organization use for culture, recreation and sports facilities?

Select only one answer.

Type of system:

  1. Custom software
  2. Off-the-shelf software
  3. Spreadsheet
  4. Paper records
  5. Do not know
  6. Other

106. In 2022, what was the maturity level of your organization's asset management planning for culture, recreation and sports facilities?

Select only one answer.

Maturity level:

  1. Aware
  2. Developing
  3. Competent
  4. Optimizing
  5. Excellent
  6. Do not know

107. Do climate change adaptation or mitigation factor into your organization's decision-making process for culture, recreation and sports facilities??

Select only one answer.

Climate change adaptation and mitigation:

  1. Climate change adaptation
  2. Climate change mitigation
  3. Both adaptation and mitigation
  4. Not a factor
  5. Do not know

108. Does accessibility and universal design factor into your organization's decision-making process for culture, recreation and sports facilities?

Select only one answer.

Accessibility and universal design:

  1. Accessibility
  2. Universal design
  3. Both accessibility and universal design
  4. Not a factor
  5. Do not know

This completes questions for culture, recreation and sport facilities.

Public Transit

109. What was your organization's final inventory count of public transit assets as of December 31, 2022?

Provide your best estimate when exact figures are not available.
Report "0" when the organization does not own or lease the asset.


a. Diesel


b. Bio-diesel


c. Electric (including battery electric, hydrogen fuel cell electric, and trolley)


d. Natural gas


e. Hybrid (includes diesel, biodiesel and natural gas)


f. Gasoline


g. Other buses


Other rolling stock assets

h. Streetcars


i. Ferries


j. Heavy railcars (Include subway cars)


k. Commuter railcars (Include locomotives and passenger)


l. Light railcars


m. Specialized transit (Include para or handi transpo and dial a ride vehicles)


Other permanent public transit assets

n. Passenger stations and terminals


o. Transit shelters


p. Exclusive rights-of ways


Other integrated assets of public transit

q. Parking lots


r. Bicycle racks and shelters


s. Passenger drop off facilities


Maintenance and storage facilities

t. Maintenance and storage facilities


Transit exclusive bridges and tunnels

u. Bridges (Transit exclusive only)


v. Tunnels (Transit exclusive only)


Track and road network (Transit exclusive)

w. Tracks (indicate length in kilometres)


x. Roads (indicate length in kilometres)


110. As of December 31, 2022, hat was your organization's final inventory count of public transit assets that allow for the accessibility features below?

Provide your best estimate when exact figures are not available.
Report "0" when the organization does not own or lease the asset.

Standard buses

a1. Standard buses low floor buses


a2. Standard buses with a lift or retractable ramp to support use by wheelchairs


a3. Standard buses with priority or dedicated seating for people with disabilities


a4. Standard buses with electronic signage which displays stop information


a5. Standard buses that broadcast audio alerts with stop information


a6. Standard buses which offer cashless fare payment


Para-transit buses

b1. Para-transit buses low floor buses


b2. Para-transit buses with a lift or retractable ramp to support use by wheelchairs


b3. Para-transit buses with priority or dedicated seating for people with disabilities


b4. Para-transit buses with electronic signage which displays stop information


b5. Para-transit buses that broadcast audio alerts with stop information


b6. Para-transit buses which offer cashless fare payment



c1. Streetcars wheelchair accessible trains


c2. Streetcars with priority or dedicated seating for people with disabilities


c3. Streetcars with electronic signage which displays stop information


c4. Streetcars that broadcast audio alerts with stop information


c5. Streetcars which offer cashless fare payment


Heavy railcars

d1. Heavy railcars wheelchair accessible trains


d2. Heavy railcars with priority or dedicated seating for people with disabilities


d3. Heavy railcars with electronic signage which displays stop information


d4. Heavy railcars that broadcast audio alerts with stop information


d5. Heavy railcars which offer cashless fare payment


Commuter railcars

e1. Commuter railcars wheelchair accessible trains


e2. Commuter railcars with priority or dedicated seating for people with disabilities


e3. Commuter railcars with electronic signage which displays stop information


e4. Commuter railcars that broadcast audio alerts with stop information


e5. Commuter railcars which offer cashless fare payment


Light railcars

f1. Light railcars wheelchair accessible trains


f2. Light railcars with priority or dedicated seating for people with disabilities


f3. Light railcars with electronic signage which displays stop information


f4. Light railcars that broadcast audio alerts with stop information


f5. Light railcars which offer cashless fare payment


Passenger stations and terminals

g1. Passenger stations and terminals fully wheelchair accessible


g2. Passenger stations and terminals with audio announcements with arrival or departure information


g3. Passenger stations and terminals with video signage with arrival or departure information


Transit shelters

h1. Transit shelters fully wheelchair accessible


h2. Transit shelters with audio announcements with arrival or departure information


h3. Transit shelters with video signage with arrival or departure information


111. Provide the distribution of your organization's public transit infrastructure asset inventory based on the year of construction completion below.

Provide your best estimate when exact figures are not available.
Report "0" when the organization does not own or lease the asset.


a. Diesel

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

b. Bio-diesel

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

c. Electric (including battery electric, hydrogen fuel cell electric, and trolley)

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

d. Natural gas

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

e. Hybrid (Including diesel, biodiesel and natural gas)

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

f. Gasoline

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

g. Other buses 2020 - 2022

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

Other rolling stock assets

h. Streetcars

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

i. Ferries

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

j. Heavy railcars (Include subway cars)

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

k. Commuter railcars (Include locomotives)

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

l. Light railcars

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

m. Specialized transit (Include para or handi transpo and dial a ride vehicles)

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

Other permanent public transit assets

n. Passenger stations and terminals

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

o. Transit shelters

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

p. Exclusive rights-of ways

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

Other integrated assets of public transit

q. Parking lots

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

r. Bicycle racks and shelters

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

s. Passenger drop off facilities

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

Maintenance and storage facilities

t. Maintenance and storage facilities

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

Transit exclusive bridges and tunnels

u. Bridges

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

v. Tunnels

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

Track and road network assets (Transit exclusive)

w. Tracks (indicate length in kilometres)

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

x. Roads (indicate length in kilometres)

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

112. In 2022, what was the overall physical condition of your organization's public transit assets?

Indicate the percent distribution of your assets by using the condition rating scale. This includes items to be decommissioned. Each reporting asset must total to 100%.


a. Diesel

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

b. Bio-diesel

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

c. Electric (including battery electric, hydrogen fuel cell electric, and trolley)

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

d. Natural gas

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

e. Hybrid (includes diesel, biodiesel and natural gas)

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

f. Gasoline

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

g. Other buses

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

Other rolling stock assets

h. Streetcars

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

i. Ferries

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

j. Heavy railcars (Include subway cars)

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

k. Commuter railcars (Include locomotives)

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

l. Light railcars

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

m. Specialized transit (Include para or handi transpo and dial a ride vehicles)

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

Other permanent public transit assets

n. Passenger stations and terminals

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

o. Transit shelters

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

p. Exclusive rights-of ways

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

Other integrated assets of public transit

q. Parking lots

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

r. Bicycle racks and shelters

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

s. Passenger drop off facilities

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

Maintenance and storage facilities

t. Maintenance and storage facilities

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

Transit exclusive bridges and tunnels

u. Bridges (Transit exclusive only)

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

v. Tunnels (Transit exclusive only)

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

Track and road network (Transit exclusive)

w. Tracks

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

x. Roads

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

113. What is the 2022 estimated replacement value, required renewal budget, and actual renewal budget of public transit assets owned by your organization?

Provide your best estimate when exact figures are not available.
Report "0" when the organization does not own or lease the asset.
If a breakdown is not available, please provide the total.
Please report all amounts in thousands of Canadian dollars.


a. Diesel

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

b. Bio-diesel

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

c. Electric (including battery electric, hydrogen fuel cell electric, and trolley)

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

d. Natural gas

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

e. Hybrid (including diesel, biodiesel and natural gas)

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

f. Gasoline

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

g. Other buses (includes battery, fuel cell, trolley and all other types of buses)

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

Total buses

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

Other rolling stock assets

h. Streetcars

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

i. Ferries

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

j. Heavy railcars (Include subway cars)

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

k. Commuter railcars (Include locomotives)

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

l. Light railcars

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

m. Specialized transit (Include para or handi transpo and dial a ride vehicles)

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

Total rolling stock

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

Other permanent public transit assets

n. Passenger stations and terminals

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

o. Transit shelters

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

p. Exclusive rights-of ways

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

Other integrated assets of public transit

q. Parking lots

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

r. Bicycle racks and shelters

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

s. Passenger drop off facilities

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

Maintenance and storage facilities

t. Maintenance and storage facilities

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

Total other facilities

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

Transit exclusive bridges and tunnels

u. Bridges (Transit exclusive only)

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

v. Tunnels (Transit exclusive only)

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

Total bridges and tunnels

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

Track and road network assets

w. Tracks (indicate length in kilometres)

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

x. Roads (indicate length in kilometres)

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

Total tracks and roads

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

114. In 2022, did your organization acquire or bring into service any new public transit assets for the following categories? For the new assets acquired, please provide the expected useful life.

Indicate the useful life (in years) for new assets acquired or brought into service during the year.


a. Diesel

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

b. Bio-diesel

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

c. Electric (including battery electric, hydrogen fuel cell electric, and trolley)

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

d. Natural gas

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

e. Hybrid (includes diesel, biodiesel and natural gas)

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

f. Gasoline

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

g. Other buses

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

Other rolling stock assets

h. Streetcars

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

i. Ferries

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

j. Heavy railcars (Include subway cars)

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

k. Commuter railcars

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

l. Light railcars

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

m. Specialized transit (Include para or handi transpo and dial a ride vehicles)

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

Other permanent public transit assets

n. Passenger stations and terminals

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

o. Transit shelters

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

p. Exclusive rights-of ways

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

Other integrated assets of public transit

q. Parking lots

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

r. Bicycle racks and shelters

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

s. Passenger drop off facilities

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

Maintenance and storage facilities

t. Maintenance and storage facilities

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

Transit exclusive bridges and tunnels

u. Bridges

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

v. Tunnels

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

Track and road network (Transit exclusive)

w. Tracks

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

x. Roads

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

115. What is the capacity of your bus depots (in 40-foot bus equivalents)?


116. What is the bus charging capacity of your fixed assets in kilowatthours (kWh)?


117. Does your organization have geographical information available about public transit systems?

Yes - Please answer the following questions.
No – go to the next question.

Type of information – select all that apply.

  1. Transit routes
  2. Schedules
  3. Stop locations
  4. Other – specify other type of information.

Data format

  1. General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS)
  2. Real Time General Transit Feed Specification (RT-GTFS API)
  3. Shapefile
  4. KML or KMZ
  5. Static map image (pdf or jpg) 
  6. Excel or csv
  7. JSON
  9. Other – specify other data format.

Frequency of the data updates – select all that apply.

  1. Weekly
  2. Monthly
  3. Quarterly
  4. Annually
  5. Other – specify other frequency.

Date of the last update


Public data sharing platform or tool or service – select all that apply.

  1. Web services (WMS, WFS)
  2. Web application
  3. Data portal
  4. Other – specify other sharing tool

Please provide URL or Links (if available)

118. Does your organization have a documented asset management plan for public transit?

Yes - At what frequency is the asset management plan for public transit updated?
the frequency in years, if applicable.

Number of years

No - When does your organization plan to have a documented asset management plan in place for public transit?
in how many years a plan will be implemented, if applicable.

Number of years

119. What type of asset management information system does your organization use for public transit?

Select only one answer.

Type of system:

  1. Custom software
  2. Off-the-shelf software
  3. Spreadsheet
  4. Paper records
  5. Do not know
  6. Other

120. In 2022, what was the maturity level of your organization's asset management planning for public transit?

Select only one answer.

Maturity level:

  1. Aware
  2. Developing
  3. Competent
  4. Optimizing
  5. Excellent
  6. Do not know

121. Do climate change adaptation or mitigation factor into your organization's decision-making process for public transit?

Select only one answer.

Climate change adaptation and mitigation:

  1. Climate change adaptation
  2. Climate change mitigation
  3. Both adaptation and mitigation
  4. Not a factor
  5. Do not know

122. Does accessibility and universal design factor into your organization's decision-making process for public transit?

Select only one answer.

Accessibility and universal design:

  1. Accessibility
  2. Universal design
  3. Both accessibility and universal design
  4. Not a factor
  5. Do not know

This completes questions for public transit.

Active Transportation

123. What was your organization's final inventory count or length of active transportation assets as of December 31, 2022?

Provide your best estimate when exact figures are not available.
Report "0" when the organization does not own or lease the asset.

a. Bikeways or Cycleways

a1. High-comfort bikeways

Length in kilometres

a2. Medium-comfort bikeways

Length in kilometres

a3. Low-comfort bikeways

Length in kilometres

b. Paved pathways (excludes bikeways)

Length in kilometres

c. Non-paved trails

Length in kilometres

d. Sidewalks

Length in kilometres

e. Footbridges

Length in kilometres


f. Pedestrian tunnels

Length in kilometres


124. Provide the distribution of your organization's active transportation assets inventory count based on the year of construction completion below.

Provide your best estimate when exact figures are not available.
Report "0" when the organization does not own or lease the asset.

a. Bikeways or Cycleways

a1. High-comfort bikeways

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

a2. Medium-comfort bikeways

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

a3. Low-comfort bikeways

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

b. Paved pathways (excludes bikeways)

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

c. Non-paved trails

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

d. Sidewalks

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

e. Footbridges

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

f. Pedestrian tunnels

  1. 2020 - 2022
  2. 2010 - 2019
  3. 2000 – 2009
  4. 1970 – 1999
  5. 1940 - 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

125. In 2022, what was the overall physical condition of your organization's active transportation assets?

Indicate the percent distribution of your assets by using the condition rating scale. This includes items to be decommissioned. Each reporting asset must total to 100%.

a. Bikeways or Cycleways

a1. High-comfort bikeways

  1. Very poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very good
  6. Do not know

a2. Medium-comfort bikeways

  1. Very poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very good
  6. Do not know

a3. Low-comfort bikeways

  1. Very poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very good
  6. Do not know

b. Paved pathways (excludes bikeways)

  1. Very poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very good
  6. Do not know

c. Non-paved trails

  1. Very poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very good
  6. Do not know

d. Sidewalks

  1. Very poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very good
  6. Do not know

e. Footbridges

  1. Very poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very good
  6. Do not know

f. Pedestrian tunnels

  1. Very poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very good
  6. Do not know

126. As of December 31, 2022, what percentage of your active transportation assets are accessible (for example, sloped curbs at intersections)?

Provide your best estimate when exact figures are not available.
Report "0" when the organization does not own or lease the asset.

a. Bikeways or Cycleways

a1. High-comfort bikeways


a2. Medium-comfort bikeways


a3. Low-comfort bikeways


b. Paved pathways (excludes bikeways)


c. Non-paved trails


d. Sidewalks


e. Footbridges


f. Pedestrian tunnels


127. What is the 2022 estimated replacement value, required renewal budget, and actual renewal budget of active transportation assets owned by your organization?

Provide your best estimate when exact figures are not available.
Report "0" when the organization does not own or lease the asset.
If a breakdown is not available, please provide the total.
Please report all amounts in thousands of Canadian dollars.

a. Bikeways or Cycleways

a1. High-comfort bikeways

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

a2. Medium-comfort bikeways

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

a3. Low-comfort bikeways

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

Total bikeways and cycleways

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

b. Paved pathways (excludes bikeways)

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

c. Non-paved trails

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

d. Sidewalks

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

e. Footbridges

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

f. Pedestrian tunnels

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

Total all other pathways

  1. Estimated Replacement Value
  2. Required Renewal Budget
  3. Actual Renewal Budget

128. In 2022, did your organization acquire or bring into service any new active transportation assets for the following categories? For the new assets acquired, please provide the expected useful life.

Indicate the useful life (in years) for new assets acquired or brought into service during the year.

a. Bikeways or Cycleways

a1. High-comfort bikeways

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

a2. Medium-comfort bikeways

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

a3. Low-comfort bikeways

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

b. Paved pathways (excludes bikeways)

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

c. Non-paved trails

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

d. Sidewalks

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

e. Footbridges

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

f. Pedestrian tunnels

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

129. Does your organization have geographical information available about active transportation systems?

Yes – Please answer the following questions.
No – Go to the next question.

Type of information – select all that apply

  1. Trails (non-paved)
  2. Paved pathways
  3. Sidewalks
  4. Cycling paths
  5. Other – specify other types of information

Data format – select all that apply

  1. Shapefile
  2. KML or KMZ
  3. Static map image (pdf or jpg)  
  4. Excel or csv 
  5. JSON
  7. Other – specify other data format

Frequency of the data updates – select all that apply

  1. Weekly
  2. Monthly
  3. Quarterly
  4. Annually
  5. Other – specify other frequency

Date of the last update


Public data sharing platform or tool or service – select all that apply

  1. Web services (WMS, WFS)
  2. Web application
  3. Data portal
  4. Other – specify other sharing tool

Please provide URL or Links (if available)

130. Does your organization have a documented asset management plan for active transportation?

Yes - At what frequency is the asset management plan for active transportation updated?
Indicate the frequency in years, if applicable.

Number of years

No - When does your organization plan to have a documented asset management plan in place for active transportation?
in how many years a plan will be implemented, if applicable.

Number of years

131. What type of asset management information system does your organization use for active transportation?

Select only one answer.

Type of system:

  1. Custom software
  2. Off-the-shelf software
  3. Spreadsheet
  4. Paper records
  5. Do not know
  6. Other

132. In 2022, what was the maturity level of your organization's asset management planning for active transportation?

Select only one answer.

Maturity level:

  1. Aware
  2. Developing
  3. Competent
  4. Optimizing
  5. Excellent
  6. Do not know

133. Do climate change adaptation or mitigation factor into your organization's decision-making process for active transportation?

Select only one answer.

Climate change adaptation and mitigation:

  1. Climate change adaptation
  2. Climate change mitigation
  3. Both adaptation and mitigation
  4. Not a factor
  5. Do not know

134. Does accessibility and universal design factor into your organization's decision-making process for active transportation?

Select only one answer.

Accessibility and universal design:

  1. Accessibility
  2. Universal design
  3. Both accessibility and universal design
  4. Not a factor
  5. Do not know

This completes questions for active transportation.

Natural Infrastructure

135. What was your organization's final inventory of natural infrastructure assets as of December 31, 2022?

Provide your best estimate when exact figures are not available.
Report "0" when the organization does not own or lease the asset.

Water-related, non-linear assets

a. Naturalized stormwater ponds

Area (square metres)

b. Wetlands and restored flood plains

Area (square metres)

c. Rain gardens

Area (square metres)

d. Permeable land cover

Area (square metres)

e. Infiltration basins

Area (square metres)

f. Floating treatment wetlands or islands

Area (square metres)

Water-related, linear assets

g. Bioswales

Length (metres)

h. Living dykes

Length (metres)

i. Vegetated filter strip

Length (metres)

j. Riparian buffers

Length (m)

k. Infiltration trenches

Length (metres)

Non-water related, non-linear assets

l. Urban forests

Area (square metres)

m. Green roofs

Area (square metres)

n. Community gardens

Area (square metres)

o. Grasslands

Area (square metres)

p. Living walls or green walls

Area (square metres)

q. Ecological corridors

Area (square metres)

All other linear and non-linear features

r. Other linear – please describe other linear

Length (metres)

s. Other non-linear – please describe other non-linear

Area (square metres)

136. For the following, what percentage was used for the hybrid infrastructure approaches?

Provide your best estimate when exact figures are not available.
Report "0" when the organization does not own or lease the asset.

Water-related, non-linear assets

a. Naturalized stormwater ponds

Hybrid percentage

b. Wetlands and restored flood plains

Hybrid percentage

c. Rain gardens

Hybrid percentage

d. Permeable land cover

Hybrid percentage

e. Infiltration basins

Hybrid percentage

f. Floating treatment wetlands or islands

Hybrid percentage

Water-related, linear assets

g. Bioswales

Hybrid percentage

h. Living dykes

Hybrid percentage

i. Vegetated filter strip

Hybrid percentage

j. Riparian buffers

Hybrid percentage

k. Infiltration trenches

Hybrid percentage

Non-water related, non-linear assets

l. Urban forests

Hybrid percentage

m. Green roofs

Hybrid percentage

n. Community gardens

Hybrid percentage

o. Grasslands

Hybrid percentage

p. Living walls or green walls

Hybrid percentage

q. Ecological corridors

Hybrid percentage

All other linear and non-linear features

r. Other linear – please describe other linear

Hybrid percentage

s. Other non-linear – please describe other non-linear

Hybrid percentage

137. Provide the distribution of your organization's natural infrastructure assets inventory count based on the year of construction completion below.

Provide your best estimate when exact figures are not available.
Report "0" when the organization does not own or lease the asset.

Water-related, non-linear assets

a. Naturalized stormwater ponds

  1. 2020 to 2022
  2. 2010 to 2019
  3. 2000 to 2009
  4. 1970 to 1999
  5. 1940 to 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

b. Wetlands and restored flood plains

  1. 2020 to 2022
  2. 2010 to 2019
  3. 2000 to 2009
  4. 1970 to 1999
  5. 1940 to 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

c. Rain gardens

  1. 2020 to 2022
  2. 2010 to 2019
  3. 2000 to 2009
  4. 1970 to 1999
  5. 1940 to 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

d. Permeable land cover

  1. 2020 to 2022
  2. 2010 to 2019
  3. 2000 to 2009
  4. 1970 to 1999
  5. 1940 to 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

e. Infiltration basins

  1. 2020 to 2022
  2. 2010 to 2019
  3. 2000 to 2009
  4. 1970 to 1999
  5. 1940 to 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

f. Floating treatment wetlands or islands

  1. 2020 to 2022
  2. 2010 to 2019
  3. 2000 to 2009
  4. 1970 to 1999
  5. 1940 to 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

Water-related, linear assets

g. Bioswales

  1. 2020 to 2022
  2. 2010 to 2019
  3. 2000 to 2009
  4. 1970 to 1999
  5. 1940 to 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

h. Living dykes

  1. 2020 to 2022
  2. 2010 to 2019
  3. 2000 to 2009
  4. 1970 to 1999
  5. 1940 to 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

i. Vegetated filter strip

  1. 2020 to 2022
  2. 2010 to 2019
  3. 2000 to 2009
  4. 1970 to 1999
  5. 1940 to 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

j. Riparian buffers

  1. 2020 to 2022
  2. 2010 to 2019
  3. 2000 to 2009
  4. 1970 to 1999
  5. 1940 to 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

k. Infiltration trenches

  1. 2020 to 2022
  2. 2010 to 2019
  3. 2000 to 2009
  4. 1970 to 1999
  5. 1940 to 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

Non-water related, non-linear assets

l. Urban forests

  1. 2020 to 2022
  2. 2010 to 2019
  3. 2000 to 2009
  4. 1970 to 1999
  5. 1940 to 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

m. Green roofs

  1. 2020 to 2022
  2. 2010 to 2019
  3. 2000 to 2009
  4. 1970 to 1999
  5. 1940 to 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

n. Community gardens

  1. 2020 to 2022
  2. 2010 to 2019
  3. 2000 to 2009
  4. 1970 to 1999
  5. 1940 to 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

o. Grasslands

  1. 2020 to 2022
  2. 2010 to 2019
  3. 2000 to 2009
  4. 1970 to 1999
  5. 1940 to 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

p. Living walls or green walls

  1. 2020 to 2022
  2. 2010 to 2019
  3. 2000 to 2009
  4. 1970 to 1999
  5. 1940 to 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

q. Ecological corridors

  1. 2020 to 2022
  2. 2010 to 2019
  3. 2000 to 2009
  4. 1970 to 1999
  5. 1940 to 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

All other linear and non-linear features

r. Other linear – please describe other linear

  1. 2020 to 2022
  2. 2010 to 2019
  3. 2000 to 2009
  4. 1970 to 1999
  5. 1940 to 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

s. Other non-linear – please describe other non-linear

  1. 2020 to 2022
  2. 2010 to 2019
  3. 2000 to 2009
  4. 1970 to 1999
  5. 1940 to 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

138. In 2022, what was the overall physical condition of your organization's natural infrastructure assets?

Indicate the percent distribution of your assets by using the condition rating scale. This includes items to be decommissioned. Each reporting asset must total to 100%.

Water-related, non-linear assets

a. Naturalized stormwater ponds

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

b. Wetlands and restored flood plains

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

c. Rain gardens

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

d. Permeable land cover

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

e. Infiltration basins

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

f. Floating treatment wetlands or islands

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

Water-related, linear assets

g. Bioswales

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

h. Living dykes

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

i. Vegetated filter strip

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

j. Riparian buffers

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

k. Infiltration trenches

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

Non-water related, non-linear assets

l. Urban forests

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

m. Green roofs

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

n. Community gardens

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

o. Grasslands

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

p. Living walls or green walls

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

q. Ecological corridors

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

All other linear and non-linear features

r. Other linear – please describe other linear

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

s. Other non-linear – please describe other non-linear

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very Good
  6. Do not know

139. As of December 31, 2022, which of the following community services does your organization use natural infrastructure to address?

Select all that apply.
Climate change resilience
Increased access to nature
Improved environmental quality
Enhanced biodiversity
Climate change mitigation
Other – specify the other community service

140. As of December 31, 2022, for which of the following climate hazards is your organization using natural infrastructure to address?

Select all that apply.

Coastal erosion
Extreme rainfall or precipitation
Extreme heat
Other – specify the other climate hazards

141. What is the 2022 estimated replacement value, required renewal budget, and actual renewal budget of natural infrastructure assets owned by your organization?

Provide your best estimate when exact figures are not available.
Report "0" when the organization does not own or lease the asset.
If a breakdown is not available, please provide the total.
Please report all amounts in thousands of Canadian dollars.

Water-related, non-linear assets

a. Naturalized stormwater ponds

  1. Estimated replacement value
  2. Required renewal budget
  3. Actual renewal budget

b. Wetlands and restored flood plains

  1. Estimated replacement value
  2. Required renewal budget
  3. Actual renewal budget

c. Rain gardens

  1. Estimated replacement value
  2. Required renewal budget
  3. Actual renewal budget

d. Permeable land cover

  1. Estimated replacement value
  2. Required renewal budget
  3. Actual renewal budget

e. Infiltration basins

  1. Estimated replacement value
  2. Required renewal budget
  3. Actual renewal budget

f. Floating treatment wetlands or islands

  1. Estimated replacement value
  2. Required renewal budget
  3. Actual renewal budget

Total water-related, non-linear assets

  1. Estimated replacement value
  2. Required renewal budget
  3. Actual renewal budget

Water-related, linear assets

g. Bioswales

  1. Estimated replacement value
  2. Required renewal budget
  3. Actual renewal budget

h. Living dykes

  1. Estimated replacement value
  2. Required renewal budget
  3. Actual renewal budget

i. Vegetated filter strip

  1. Estimated replacement value
  2. Required renewal budget
  3. Actual renewal budget

j. Riparian buffers

  1. Estimated replacement value
  2. Required renewal budget
  3. Actual renewal budget

k. Infiltration trenches

  1. Estimated replacement value
  2. Required renewal budget
  3. Actual renewal budget

Total water-related, linear assets

  1. Estimated replacement value
  2. Required renewal budget
  3. Actual renewal budget

Non-water related, non-linear assets

l. Urban forests

  1. Estimated replacement value
  2. Required renewal budget
  3. Actual renewal budget

m. Green roofs

  1. Estimated replacement value
  2. Required renewal budget
  3. Actual renewal budget

n. Community gardens

  1. Estimated replacement value
  2. Required renewal budget
  3. Actual renewal budget

o. Grasslands

  1. Estimated replacement value
  2. Required renewal budget
  3. Actual renewal budget

p. Living walls or green walls

  1. Estimated replacement value
  2. Required renewal budget
  3. Actual renewal budget

q. Ecological corridors

  1. Estimated replacement value
  2. Required renewal budget
  3. Actual renewal budget

Total non-water related, non-linear assets

  1. Estimated replacement value
  2. Required renewal budget
  3. Actual renewal budget

All other linear and non-linear features

r. Other linear – please describe other linear

  1. Estimated replacement value
  2. Required renewal budget
  3. Actual renewal budget

s. Other non-linear – please describe other non-linear

  1. Estimated replacement value
  2. Required renewal budget
  3. Actual renewal budget

Total other linear and non-linear features

  1. Estimated replacement value
  2. Required renewal budget
  3. Actual renewal budget

142. Does your organization have a documented asset management plan for natural infrastructure assets?

Yes - At what frequency is the asset management plan for natural infrastructure updated?
the frequency in years, if applicable.

Number of years

No - When does your organization plan to have a documented asset management plan in place for natural infrastructure assets?
in how many years a plan will be implemented, if applicable.

Number of years

143. What type of asset management information system does your organization use for natural infrastructure?

Select only one answer.

Type of system:

  1. Custom software
  2. Off-the-shelf software
  3. Spreadsheet
  4. Paper records
  5. Do not know
  6. Other

144. In 2022, what was the maturity level of your organization's asset management planning for natural infrastructure assets?

Select only one answer.

Maturity level:

  1. Aware
  2. Developing
  3. Competent
  4. Optimizing
  5. Excellent
  6. Do not know

145. Do climate change adaptation or mitigation factor into your organization's decision-making process for natural infrastructure?

Select only one answer.

Climate change adaptation and mitigation:

  1. Climate change adaptation
  2. Climate change mitigation
  3. Both adaptation and mitigation
  4. Not a factor
  5. Do not know

146. Does accessibility and universal design factor into your organization's decision-making process for natural infrastructure?

Select only one answer.

Accessibility and universal design:

  1. Accessibility
  2. Universal design
  3. Both accessibility and universal design
  4. Not a factor
  5. Do not know

This completes questions for natural infrastructure.

Shelters and homeless services

147. What was your organization's final inventory count of shelters and homeless service assets as of December 31, 2022?

Include structures owned by your organization even if operated or managed by other organizations.
Exclude structures operated or managed by your organization but not owned by your organization.
Provide your best estimate when exact figures are not available.
Report "0" when the organization does not own or lease the asset.
Report according to the main purpose of the structure (where structures are used for multiple purposes).

Shelters and homeless services

a. Emergency shelters

Count of structures
Count of beds within structures

b. Transitional shelters

Count of structures
Count of beds within structures

c. Domestic violence shelters

Count of structures
Count of beds within structures

d. Other homeless service not elsewhere classified

Count of structures
Count of beds within structures

148. How many private or public sector entities were funded by your organization to operate shelters and homeless service assets as of December 31, 2022?

Include structures owned, operated, or managed by your organization or other organizations (e.g., private-sector or non-governmental organizations) with the funding provided by your organization. Provide your best estimate when exact figures are not available.
Report "0" if your organization has not provided any funding to organizations (private or public) to operate shelters or homeless services.
Report according to the main purpose of the structure (where structures are used for multiple purposes).

Shelters and homeless service

a. Emergency shelters

Number of organizations received funding
Funding amount (CAN $ 000)

b. Transitional shelters

Number of organizations received funding
Funding amount (CAN $ 000)

c. Domestic violence shelters

Number of organizations received funding
Funding amount (CAN $ 000)

d. Other homeless service not elsewhere classified

Number of organizations received funding
Funding amount (CAN $ 000)

149. Provide the distribution of your organization's shelters and homeless service assets inventory count based on the year of construction completion below.

Provide your best estimate when exact figures are not available.
Report "0" when the organization does not own or lease the asset.

Shelters and homeless service

a. Emergency shelters

  1. 1. 2020 to 2022
  2. 2010 to 2019
  3. 2000 to 2009
  4. 1970 to 1999
  5. 1940 to 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

b. Transitional shelters

  1. 1. 2020 to 2022
  2. 2010 to 2019
  3. 2000 to 2009
  4. 1970 to 1999
  5. 1940 to 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

c. Domestic violence shelters

  1. 2020 to 2022
  2. 2010 to 2019
  3. 2000 to 2009
  4. 1970 to 1999
  5. 1940 to 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

d. Other homeless service not elsewhere classified

  1. 2020 to 2022
  2. 2010 to 2019
  3. 2000 to 2009
  4. 1970 to 1999
  5. 1940 to 1969
  6. Prior to 1940

150. In 2022, what was the overall physical condition of your organization's shelter and homeless service assets?

Indicate the percent distribution of your assets by using the condition rating scale. This includes items to be decommissioned. Each reporting asset must total to 100%.

a. Emergency shelters

  1. Very poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very good
  6. Do not know

b. Transitional shelters

  1. Very poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very good
  6. Do not know

c. Domestic violence shelters

  1. Very poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very good
  6. Do not know

d. Other homeless service not elsewhere classified

  1. Very poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Very good
  6. Do not know

151. What is the 2022 estimated replacement value, required renewal budget, and actual renewal budget of shelters and homeless service assets owned by your organization?

Provide your best estimate when exact figures are not available.
Report "0" when the organization does not own or lease the asset.
If a breakdown is not available, please provide the total.
Please report all amounts in thousands of Canadian dollars.

Shelters and homeless service

a. Emergency shelters

  1. Estimated replacement value
  2. Required renewal budget
  3. Actual renewal budget

b. Transitional shelters

  1. Estimated replacement value
  2. Required renewal budget
  3. Actual renewal budget

c. Domestic violence shelters

  1. Estimated replacement value
  2. Required renewal budget
  3. Actual renewal budget

Total shelters

  1. Estimated replacement value
  2. Required renewal budget
  3. Actual renewal budget

d. Other homeless service not elsewhere classified

  1. Estimated replacement value
  2. Required renewal budget
  3. Actual renewal budget

Total homeless service

  1. Estimated replacement value
  2. Required renewal budget
  3. Actual renewal budget

152. In 2022, did your organization acquire or bring into service any new shelters and homeless service assets for the following categories? For the new assets acquired, please provide the expected useful life.

Indicate the useful life (in years) for new assets acquired or brought into service during the year.

Shelters and homeless service

a. Emergency shelters

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

b. Transitional shelters

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

c. Domestic violence shelters

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

d. Other homeless service not elsewhere classified

Expected Useful Life (in Years)

153. Does your organization have a documented asset management plan for shelters and homeless service?

Yes - At what frequency is the asset management plan for shelters and homeless services updated?
Indicate the frequency in years, if applicable.

Number of years

No - When does your organization plan to have a documented asset management plan in place for shelters and homeless services?
Indicate in how many years a plan will be implemented, if applicable.

Number of years

154. What type of asset management information system does your organization use for shelters and homeless services?

Select only one answer.

Type of system:

  1. Custom software
  2. Off-the-shelf software
  3. Spreadsheet
  4. Paper records
  5. Do not know
  6. Other

155. In 2022, what was the maturity level of your organization's asset management planning for shelters and homeless services?

Select only one answer.

Maturity level:

  1. Aware
  2. Developing
  3. Competent
  4. Optimizing
  5. Excellent
  6. Do not know

156. Do climate change adaptation and mitigation factor into your organization's decision-making process for shelters and homeless services?

Select only one answer.

Climate change adaptation and mitigation:

  1. Climate change adaptation
  2. Climate change mitigation
  3. Both adaptation and mitigation
  4. Not a factor
  5. Do not know

157. Does accessibility and universal design factor into your organization's decision-making process for shelters and homeless services?

Select only one answer.

Accessibility and universal design:

  1. Accessibility
  2. Universal design
  3. Both accessibility and universal design
  4. Not a factor
  5. Do not know

This completes questions for shelters and homeless services.

Social and affordable housing

158. As of December 31, 2022, what was your organization's final inventory count of public social and affordable housing structures and units?

Include structures owned by your organization even if operated or managed by other organizations.
Exclude structures operated or managed by your organization but not owned by your organization.
Provide your best estimate when exact figures are not available.
Report "0" when the organization does not own or lease the asset.

a. Single detached house

Count of structures
Count of units within structures

b. Semi detached house (Include duplex / triplex housing)

Count of structures
Count of units within structures

c. Row house (i.e., a set of row houses represents one structure)

Count of structures
Count of units within structures

d. Apartment building (fewer than five storeys)

Count of structures
Count of units within structures

e. Apartment building (five or more storeys)

Count of structures
Count of units within structures

159. As of December 31, #{__RefYear}, what percentage of your organization's inventory of public social and affordable housing structures have a barrier-free design?

Include buildings that have a barrier free entrance and path of travel.

a. Single detached house

Percentage of total count of structures

b. Semi-detached house (Include duplex / triplex housing)

Percentage of total count of structures

c. Row house (i.e., a set of row houses represents one structure)

Percentage of total count of structures

d. Apartment building (fewer than 5 storeys)

Percentage of total count of structures

e. Apartment building (five or more storeys)

Percentage of total count of structures

160. Does your organization have a documented asset management plan for public social and affordable housing?

Yes - At what frequency is the asset management plan for public social and affordable housing updated?
Indicate the frequency in years, if applicable.

Number of years

No - When does your organization plan to have a documented asset management plan in place for public social and affordable housing?
Indicate in how many years a plan will be implemented, if applicable.

Number of years

161. What type of asset management information system does your organization use for public social and affordable housing?

Select only one answer.

Type of system:

  1. Custom software
  2. Off-the-shelf software
  3. Spreadsheet
  4. Paper records
  5. Do not know
  6. Other

162. In 2022, what was the maturity level of your organization's asset management planning for public social and affordable housing?

Select only one answer.

Maturity level:

  1. Aware
  2. Developing
  3. Competent
  4. Optimizing
  5. Excellent
  6. Do not know

163. Do climate change adaptation and mitigation factor into your organization's decision-making process for public social and affordable housing?

Select only one answer.

Climate change adaptation and mitigation:

  1. Climate change adaptation
  2. Climate change mitigation
  3. Both adaptation and mitigation
  4. Not a factor
  5. Do not know

164. Does accessibility and universal design factor into your organization's decision-making process for public social and affordable housing?

Select only one answer.

Accessibility and universal design:

  1. Accessibility
  2. Universal design
  3. Both accessibility and universal design
  4. Not a factor
  5. Do not know

This completes questions for public, social and affordable housing.