Archived - Canadian Survey on Business Conditions, May 2020

Archived information

Archived information is provided for reference, research or recordkeeping purposes. It is not subject to the Government of Canada Web Standards and has not been altered or updated since it was archived. Please contact us to request a format other than those available.

Business characteristics

1. Which of the following categories best describes this business?

1: Government agency
2: Private sector business
3: Non-profit organization serving households
e.g., child and youth services, community food services, food bank, women's shelter, community housing services, emergency relief services, religious organization, grant and giving services, social advocacy group, arts and recreation group
4: Non-profit organization serving businesses
e.g., business association, chamber of commerce, condominium association, environment support or protection services, group benefit carriers (pensions, health, medical)
5: Don't know

2. In what year was this business first established?

Year business was first established:
1: Don't know

3. In the last 12 months, did this business conduct any of the following business activities?

Select all that apply.

1: Export goods or services outside of Canada
2: Make investments outside of Canada
3: Sell goods to businesses in Canada who then resold them outside of Canada
4: Import goods or services from outside of Canada
5: Relocate any business activities or employees from another country into Canada
6: Engage in other international business activities
7: None of the above

Teleworking and working remotely

4. Prior to February 1st, 2020, what percentage of this business's workforce was teleworking or working remotely?

Provide your best estimate rounded to the nearest percentage.

1: Don't know

5. On May 29th, 2020, what percentage of this business's workforce was teleworking or working remotely?

Provide your best estimate rounded to the nearest percentage.

1: Don't know

6. What percentage of this business's workforce is expected to continue to regularly telework or work remotely once the COVID-19 pandemic is over?

Provide your best estimate rounded to the nearest percentage.

1: Don't know

Remote sales

7. Prior to February 1st, 2020, which of the following methods did this business use to conduct sales or secure orders remotely?

Select all that apply.

1: Business's own website
2: Business's own app
3: Social media account
4: E-mail
5: Telephone
6: Third-party website, platform, app or online marketplace
7: This business did not conduct sales or secure orders remotely prior to February 1st, 2020

8. On May 29th, 2020, which of the following methods did this business use to conduct sales or secure orders remotely?

Select all that apply.

1: Business's own website
2: Business's own app
3: Social media account
4: E-mail
5: Telephone
6: Third-party website, platform, app or online marketplace
7: This business did not conduct sales or secure orders remotely on May 29th, 2020

Cyber security

9. Compared to February 2020, did this business experience an increase in cyber security incidents during the month of May 2020?

Cyber security incident: Any unauthorized attempt, whether successful or not, to gain access to, modify, destroy, delete or render unavailable any computer network or system resource.

1: Yes
3: No
5: Don't know

Business adaptations

10. Which of the following changes has this business made to adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic?

Select all that apply.

1: Altered methods of production
2: Altered products or services offered to customers
3: Discontinued a product or service
4: Added new ways to interact with or sell to customers
e.g., curbside pickup, physical distancing measures between staff and customers
5: Increased use of virtual connections internally
6: Increased use of virtual connections externally or e-commerce
7: Voluntarily closed temporarily
8: Closed temporarily as mandated by government
9: Closed permanently
10: Invested in equipment to produce new products or expand existing product lines
11: Postponed a merger or acquisition
12: Temporarily halted exports
13: Cancelled contracts
14: Altered research and development
15: Increased maintenance costs
16: Decreased maintenance costs
17: Other
Specify other change:
18: No changes have been made to adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic

Staffing actions

11. Which of the following staffing actions did this business take due to COVID-19?

Select all that apply.

1: Reduced staff hours or shifts
2: Increased staff hours or shifts
3: Reduced salaries or wages
4: Froze salaries or wages
5: Increased salaries or wages
e.g., bonuses for essential workers
6: Froze bonus payments
7: Delayed payment of salaries or wages
8: Hired more staff
9: Laid off staff
What percentage of this business's workforce has been laid off due to COVID-19?
Provide your best estimate rounded to the nearest percentage.
10: Cancelled or delayed planned hiring
Exclude contractors or seasonal workers.
11: Cancelled hiring contractors or seasonal workers
12: Implemented an Employment Insurance (EI) work-sharing program
13: Introduced temporary cost-reduction measures
e.g., mandatory vacation
14: Altered or changed contributions to pension or benefit plans
15: Other
Specify other staffing action taken:
16: No changes have been implemented with regards to staffing
17: Not applicable
e.g., business has no staff

Financial impacts

12. Compared to April 2019, how did the revenues of this business change in April 2020?

1: Revenues were higher in April 2020
By what percentage were revenues higher?
When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

  1. 1% to less than 10%
  2. 10% to less than 20%
  3. 20% to less than 30%
  4. 30% or more

2: Revenues were lower in April 2020
By what percentage were revenues lower?
When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

  1. 1% to less than 10%
  2. 10% to less than 20%
  3. 20% to less than 30%
  4. 30% to less than 40%
  5. 40% to less than 50%
  6. 50% or more

3: Revenues have stayed the same

4: Not applicable
e.g., started operating after April 30th, 2019

13. Compared to April 2019, how did the expenses of this business change in April 2020?

Exclude wages and salaries.

1: Expenses were higher in April 2020
By what percentage were expenses higher?
When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

  1. 1% to less than 10%
  2. 10% to less than 20%
  3. 20% to less than 30%
  4. 30% to less than 40%
  5. 40% to less than 50%
  6. 50% or more

2: Expenses were lower in April 2020
By what percentage were expenses lower?
When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

  1. 1% to less than 10%
  2. 10% to less than 20%
  3. 20% to less than 30%
  4. 30% or more

3: Expenses have stayed the same

4: Not applicable
e.g., started operating after April 30th, 2019

Funding or credit

14. Due to COVID-19, was funding or credit for this business approved from any of the following sources?

Select all that apply.

1: Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA)
2: Temporary 10% Wage Subsidy
3: Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS)
What percentage of this business's workforce has the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) allowed this business to hire back?
Provide your best estimate rounded to the nearest percentage.
1. Not applicable
4: Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA)
5: Export Development Canada (EDC) Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Loan and Guarantee program
6: Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) Co-Lending Program for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
7: Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP)
8: Regional development agencies
e.g., Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency (CanNor), Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD), Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario (FedNor), FedDev Ontario, Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions (CEDQ), Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)
9: Provincial, Territorial or Municipal government programs
10: Grant or loan funding from philanthropic or mutual-aid sources
11: Financial institution
12: Other
Specify other approved source of funding or credit:
13: None of the above

Rent or mortgage payments

15. Due to COVID-19, have rent or mortgage payments owed by this business been deferred?

1: Yes, payments have been deferred

2: No, payments have not been deferred
For which of the following reasons were payments not deferred?

  1. Business has not asked or been offered to defer payments owed
  2. Deferral of rent or mortgage payments was rejected
  3. Other

3: This business does not make rent or mortgage payments

5: Don't know

New products manufactured

16. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which of the following new products has this business begun manufacturing?

Select all that apply.

1: Ventilators
2: Masks and eye protection
3: Gloves
4: Swabs
5: Disinfectant wipes
6: Lab testing equipment or chemicals
7: Gowns
8: Hospital beds
9: Hand sanitizer
10: Plexiglass or sneeze guards
11: Ear protection
e.g., ear bands, ear guards
12: Other
Specify other new products manufactured:
13: None of the above
14: Don't know

Personal protective equipment or supplies

17. What types of personal protective equipment or supplies does this business need or expect to need as physical distancing measures are relaxed?

Select all that apply.

1: Masks and eye protection
2: Gloves
3: Gowns
4: Cleaning products
5: Plexiglass or sneeze guards
6: Testing kits
7: Thermometers
8: Other
Specify other type of personal protective equipment or supplies:
9: None

18. Is this business currently experiencing or does it expect to experience difficulty procuring personal protective equipment or supplies?

1: Yes
3: No
5: Don't know

19. Where does this business source or expect to source personal protective equipment or supplies from?

1: Domestic producer
2: International producer
3: Domestic wholesaler
4: International wholesaler
5: Other
Specify other source:
6: Don't know

Recruitment and training challenges

20. To what extent will each of the following be a challenge for this business with regards to recruitment and training as the economy returns to a normal state of activity?

a. Finding qualified workers

1: Very challenging
2: Somewhat challenging
3: Not challenging
4: Not applicable
5: Don't know

b. Recruiting qualified workers

1: Very challenging
2: Somewhat challenging
3: Not challenging
4: Not applicable
5: Don't know

c. Retaining qualified workers

1: Very challenging
2: Somewhat challenging
3: Not challenging
4: Not applicable
5: Don't know

d. Finding time and resources for training current staff

1: Very challenging
2: Somewhat challenging
3: Not challenging
4: Not applicable
5: Don't know

e. Finding time and resources for training new staff

1: Very challenging
2: Somewhat challenging
3: Not challenging
4: Not applicable
5: Don't know

f. Convincing staff that have been working remotely to return to working on-site

1: Very challenging
2: Somewhat challenging
3: Not challenging
4: Not applicable
5: Don't know

g. Hiring temporary foreign workers

1: Very challenging
2: Somewhat challenging
3: Not challenging
4: Not applicable
5: Don't know

Measures permanently adopted

21. Using a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 means "very likely" and 5 means "very unlikely", how likely is this business to permanently adopt each of the following measures once the COVID-19 pandemic is over?

a. Offer more employees the possibility of teleworking or working remotely

1: 1 – very likely
2: 2
3: 3
4: 4
5: 5 – very unlikely
6: Not applicable
95: Don't know

b. Require more employees to telework or work remotely

1: 1 – very likely
2: 2
3: 3
4: 4
5: 5 – very unlikely
6: Not applicable
95: Don't know

c. Increase IT telework capacity

1: 1 – very likely
2: 2
3: 3
4: 4
5: 5 – very unlikely
6: Not applicable
95: Don't know

d. Make investments to increase the security of telework systems

1: 1 – very likely
2: 2
3: 3
4: 4
5: 5 – very unlikely
6: Not applicable
95: Don't know

e. Automate certain tasks
e.g., through the use of robots or computer algorithms

1: 1 – very likely
2: 2
3: 3
4: 4
5: 5 – very unlikely
6: Not applicable
95: Don't know

f. Adopt shiftwork to increase the distance between employees

1: 1 – very likely
2: 2
3: 3
4: 4
5: 5 – very unlikely
6: Not applicable
95: Don't know

g. Modify the work space to increase the distance between employees

1: 1 – very likely
2: 2
3: 3
4: 4
5: 5 – very unlikely
6: Not applicable
95: Don't know

h. Diversify supply chains

1: 1 – very likely
2: 2
3: 3
4: 4
5: 5 – very unlikely
6: Not applicable
95: Don't know

i. Reduce hiring of temporary foreign workers

1: 1 – very likely
2: 2
3: 3
4: 4
5: 5 – very unlikely
6: Not applicable
95: Don't know

j. Increase online sales capacity

1: 1 – very likely
2: 2
3: 3
4: 4
5: 5 – very unlikely
6: Not applicable
95: Don't know

k. Increase contactless delivery or pickup options

1: 1 – very likely
2: 2
3: 3
4: 4
5: 5 – very unlikely
6: Not applicable
95: Don't know

l. Reduce physical space used by the business

1: 1 – very likely
2: 2
3: 3
4: 4
5: 5 – very unlikely
6: Not applicable
95: Don't know

Measures implemented

22. Using a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 means "very likely" and 5 means "very unlikely", how likely is this business to implement each of the following measures when it transitions back to on-site work as COVID-19 restrictions are eased?

a. Screen employees upon entry into the workplace for a fever, cough, or other signs of illness

1: 1 – very likely
2: 2
3: 3
4: 4
5: 5 – very unlikely
6: Not applicable
95: Don't know

b. Insist that employees displaying any signs of illness stay home

1: 1 – very likely
2: 2
3: 3
4: 4
5: 5 – very unlikely
6: Not applicable
95: Don't know

c. Provide facemasks, gloves, and other personal protective equipment to employees

1: 1 – very likely
2: 2
3: 3
4: 4
5: 5 – very unlikely
6: Not applicable
95: Don't know

d. Increase sanitization of the workplace

1: 1 – very likely
2: 2
3: 3
4: 4
5: 5 – very unlikely
6: Not applicable
95: Don't know

e. Offer more mental health services to employees

1: 1 – very likely
2: 2
3: 3
4: 4
5: 5 – very unlikely
6: Not applicable
95: Don't know

Future operations

23. How much longer can this business continue to operate at its current level of revenue and expenditures before having to consider further staffing actions, closure or bankruptcy?

1: Less than 1 month
2: 1 month to less than 3 months
3: 3 months to less than 6 months
4: 6 months to less than 12 months
5: 12 months or more
95: Don't know

24. Over the next three months, does this business expect its overall number of employees to increase, stay the same, or decrease?

1: Increase
2: Stay the same
3: Decrease
5: Don't know

Majority ownership

(i) The following question collects information in accordance with the Employment Equity Act and its Regulations and Guidelines to support programs that promote equal opportunity for everyone to share in the social, cultural, and economic life of Canada. The groups identified within the question are included in order to gain a better understanding of the impact of COVID-19 on businesses owned by members of various communities across Canada.

25. Is this business majority-owned by individuals in any of the following groups?

Majority-owned: Ownership is comprised of 51% or more.

Select all that apply.

1: Woman
2: First Nations, Métis or Inuit
3: Immigrant to Canada
4: Person with a disability
Include visible and non-visible disabilities.
The term LGBTQ2 refers to persons who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and/or two-spirited.
6: Visible minority
A member of a visible minority in Canada may be defined as someone (other than an Indigenous person) who is non-white in colour or race, regardless of place of birth.
Please select the categories that describe the majority owners.
Select all that apply.

  1. South Asian
    e.g., East Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan
  2. Chinese
  3. Black
  4. Filipino
  5. Latin American
  6. Arab
  7. Southeast Asian
    e.g., Vietnamese, Cambodian, Laotian, Thai
  8. West Asian
    e.g., Afghan, Iranian
  9. Korean
  10. Japanese
  11. Other group
    Specify other group:
  12. Prefer not to say

7: Prefer not to say
8: None of the above
9: Don't know