Archived - Canadian Survey on Business Conditions, August 2020

Archived information

Archived information is provided for reference, research or recordkeeping purposes. It is not subject to the Government of Canada Web Standards and has not been altered or updated since it was archived. Please contact us to request a format other than those available.

Business or organization information

1. Which of the following categories best describes this business or organization?

  • 1: Government agency
  • 2: Private sector business
  • 3: Non-profit organization serving households or individuals
    e.g., child and youth services, community food services, food bank, women's shelter, community housing services, emergency relief services, religious organization, grant and giving services, social advocacy group, arts and recreation group
  • 4: Non-profit organization serving businesses
    e.g., business association, chamber of commerce, condominium association, environment support or protection services, group benefit carriers (pensions, health, medical)
  • 5: Don't know

2. In what year was this business or organization first established?

  • Year business or organization was first established:
  • 1: Don't know

3. In the last 12 months, did this business or organization conduct any of the following activities?

Select all that apply.

  • 1: Export goods or services outside of Canada
  • 2: Have operations outside of Canada
    What measures has this business or organization undertaken to respect human rights in its operations outside of Canada?
    Select all that apply.
    • 1: Hired an external advisor
    • 2: Has an internal advisor
    • 3: Adopted a policy
    • 4: Conducted internal consultations
    • 5: Conducted external consultations
    • 6: Undertook a human rights impact assessment or other due diligence exercise
    • 7: Conducted regular audits and evaluations
    • 8: Implemented specific programs internally
    • 9: Implemented specific programs externally
    • 10: Other
      Specify other:
    • 11: None of the above
    • 12: Don't know
  • 3: Make investments outside of Canada
  • 4: Sell goods to businesses or organizations in Canada who then resold them outside of Canada
  • 5: Import goods or services from outside of Canada
    Include both intermediate and final goods.
  • 6: Relocate any business or organizational activities or employees from another country into Canada
  • 7: Engage in other international business or organizational activities
  • 8: None of the above

Business or organization obstacles

4. Over the last three months, which of the following are obstacles for this business or organization?

Select all that apply.

  • 1: Shortage of labour force
  • 2: Recruiting and retaining skilled employees
  • 3: Shortage of space or equipment
  • 4: Financial constraints
  • 5: Insufficient demand for goods or services offered
  • 6: Fluctuations in consumer demand
  • 7: Obtaining financing
  • 8: Government regulations
  • 9: Rising cost of inputs
    An input is an economic resource used in a firm's production process.
    e.g., labour, capital, energy and raw materials
  • 10: Increasing competition
  • 11: Challenges related to exporting goods and services
  • 12: Corporate tax rate
  • 13: Maintaining sufficient cash flow or managing debt
  • 14: Broadband access
  • 15: Other
    Specify other:
  • 16: None of the above

Teleworking and working remotely

5. During the 2020 calendar year, is teleworking or working remotely a possibility for any employees of this business or organization?

  • 1: Yes
    • On August 31st, 2020, what percentage of the workforce was teleworking or working remotely?
      Provide your best estimate rounded to the nearest percentage.
      • Percentage:
      • 1: Don't know
    • Once the COVID-19 pandemic is over, what percentage of the workforce is anticipated to continue to primarily telework or work remotely
      Provide your best estimate rounded to the nearest percentage.
      • Percentage:
      • 1: Don't know
  • 2: No

Remote sales

6. Over the next three months, is the extent to which this business or organization uses any of the following methods for providing good or services to customers or users expected to change?

If method is used only for advertising good or services, select "Method not used".

a. Business's own website

  • 1: Increase
  • 2: Stay the same
  • 3: Decrease
  • 4: Method not used by this business

b. Business's own app

  • 1: Increase
  • 2: Stay the same
  • 3: Decrease
  • 4: Method not used by this business

c. Social media account

  • 1: Increase
  • 2: Stay the same
  • 3: Decrease
  • 4: Method not used by this business

d. E-mail

  • 1: Increase
  • 2: Stay the same
  • 3: Decrease
  • 4: Method not used by this business

e. Telephone

  • 1: Increase
  • 2: Stay the same
  • 3: Decrease
  • 4: Method not used by this business

f. External website, platform, app, or online marketplace not owned by the business or organization
An online platform is an online marketplace that places one party in touch with another, such as buyers and sellers. e.g., eBay, Craigslist, Amazon Marketplace, Airbnb and Uber. The online system may be entirely self-controlled or it may allow third-party apps to connect via the platform's programming interface.

  • 1: Increase
  • 2: Stay the same
  • 3: Decrease
  • 4: Method not used by this business

Business or organization status

7. How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect the status of this business or organization?

Select all that apply.

  • 1: This business or organization shut down temporarily but has since reopened
  • 2: This business or organization shut down temporarily and remains shut down
  • 3: This business or organization has remained partially operational
    e.g., reduced hours, reduced services
  • 4: This business or organization has remained fully operational

Current or planned measures

8. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, what actions or measures does this business or organization have currently in place or plans to implement?

Select all that apply.

  • 1: Restriction on the number of people allowed into the businesses space at one time
    Include restrictions on access to the workplace.
  • 2: Rental or acquisition of more physical space for the business or organization
  • 3: Expansion of business or organization into existing outdoor space
  • 4: Addition of signage or floor markers to promote physical distancing
  • 5: Modification of the office space
  • 6: Adding plexiglass or sneeze guards
  • 7: Reduction of business hours
  • 8: Screen employees upon entry into the workplace for a fever, cough, or other signs of illness
  • 9: Screen customers upon entry into the workplace for a fever, cough, or other signs of illness
  • 10: Insist that employees displaying any signs of illness stay home
  • 11: Request that customers displaying any signs of illness do not enter
  • 12: Provide hand sanitizer to employees and customers
  • 13: Provide facemasks, gloves, or other personal protective equipment to employees
  • 14: Provide facemasks, gloves, or other personal protective equipment to customers
  • 15: More janitorial staff
  • 16: Frequent cleaning of high-touch areas or surfaces
  • 17: Fill positions with less skilled workers
  • 18: Subcontract out more work
  • 19: Other
    Specify other:
  • 20: No measures implemented

9. In many locations, schools and child care facilities are not fully operational. Which of the following options are provided or could possibly be provided to parents employed by this business or organization?

Select all that apply.

  • 1: Allow parents to telework or work remotely
  • 2: Allow parents to change their schedules
  • 3: Assign parents alternate tasks that can be done outside of normal business hours
  • 4: Create weekend, evening, or overnight shifts to provide more flexibility for parents
  • 5: Allow parents to switch to part-time status on a temporary or limited basis
  • 6: Offer an extended leave of absence with reduced or no pay
  • 7: Allow parents to bring children to work
  • 8: Other
    Specify other:
  • 9: Not considering any special accommodation for parents
  • 10: Not applicable — schools and child care facilities in our area are expected to have a normal schedule
  • 11: Not applicable — all work can be performed on a flexible schedule


10. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, did this business or organization lay off any of its workforce?

Include employees that have been laid off and have since been rehired.

An employee is someone who would be issued a T4 from this business or organization. This excludes business owners, contract workers and other personnel who would not be issued a T4.

  • 1: Yes
    • What percentage of the workforce was laid off?
      Provide your best estimate rounded to the nearest percentage.
      • Percentage:
      • 1: Don't know
    • Of the workforce laid off by this business or organization, what percentage has since been rehired?
      If no staff has been rehired, please enter "0".
      Provide your best estimate rounded to the nearest percentage.
      • Percentage:
      • 1: Don't know
  • 2: No
  • 3: This business or organization has no staff
  • 5: Don't know

August 2020 revenues compared with August 2019

11. Compared to August 2019, how did the revenues of this business or organization change in August 2020?

Include grants.

  • 1: Revenues were higher in August 2020
    By what percentage were revenues higher?
    When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.
    • 1% to less than 10%
    • 10% to less than 20%
    • 20% to less than 30%
    • 30% to less than 40%
    • 40% to less than 50%
    • 50% or more
  • 2: Revenues were lower in August 2020
    By what percentage were revenues lower?
    When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.
    • 1% to less than 10%
    • 10% to less than 20%
    • 20% to less than 30%
    • 30% to less than 40%
    • 40% to less than 50%
    • 50% or more
  • 3: Revenues have stayed the same
  • 4: Not applicable
    e.g., started operating after August 31st, 2019

August 2020 expenses compared with August 2019

12. Compared to August 2019, how did the expenses of this business or organization change in August 2020?

Exclude wages and salaries.

  • 1: Expenses were higher in August 2020
    By what percentage were expenses higher?
    When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.
    • 1% to less than 10%
    • 10% to less than 20%
    • 20% to less than 30%
    • 30% to less than 40%
    • 40% to less than 50%
    • 50% or more
  • 2: Expenses were lower in August 2020
    By what percentage were expenses lower?
    When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.
    • 1% to less than 10%
    • 10% to less than 20%
    • 20% to less than 30%
    • 30% to less than 40%
    • 40% to less than 50%
    • 50% or more
  • 3: Expenses have stayed the same
  • 4: Not applicable
    e.g., started operating after August 31st, 2019

Impact on expenditures

13. For each of the following, indicate whether this business or organization has increased or decreased expenditures as a result of COVID-19.

a. Sanitization and cleaning

  • 1: Increased
  • 2: No change
  • 3: Decreased
  • 4: Does not have this expense
  • 5: Do not know

b. Repair and maintenance

  • 1: Increased
  • 2: No change
  • 3: Decreased
  • 4: Does not have this expense
  • 5: Do not know

c. Personal protective equipment and supplies

  • 1: Increased
  • 2: No change
  • 3: Decreased
  • 4: Does not have this expense
  • 5: Do not know

d. Rent

  • 1: Increased
  • 2: No change
  • 3: Decreased
  • 4: Does not have this expense
  • 5: Do not know

e. Technology and equipment for teleworking
e.g., laptops, office chairs

  • 1: Increased
  • 2: No change
  • 3: Decreased
  • 4: Does not have this expense
  • 5: Do not know

f. Research and development

  • 1: Increased
  • 2: No change
  • 3: Decreased
  • 4: Does not have this expense
  • 5: Do not know

g. Research and development personnel

  • 1: Increased
  • 2: No change
  • 3: Decreased
  • 4: Does not have this expense
  • 5: Do not know

Funding or credit

14. Due to COVID-19, was funding or credit for this business or organization approved or received from any of the following sources?

Select all that apply.

  • 1: Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA)
    e.g., loan of up to $40,000 for eligible small businesses and non-profits
  • 2: Temporary 10% Wage Subsidy
  • 3: Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS)
  • 4: Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA)
  • 5: Export Development Canada (EDC) Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Loan and Guarantee program
  • 6: Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) Co-Lending Program for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
  • 7: Innovation Assistance Program
  • 8: Regional Relief and Recovery Fund
  • 9: Provincial, Territorial or Municipal government programs
  • 10: Grant or loan funding from philanthropic or mutual-aid sources
  • 11: Financial institution
    e.g., term loan or line of credit
  • 12: Loan from family or friends
  • 13: Other
    Specify other approved source of funding or credit:
  • 14: None of the above

Flow condition: If "None of the above" is selected in Q14, go to Q15, otherwise skip to Q16.

15. For which of the following reasons has this business or organization not accessed any funding or credit due to COVID-19?

Select all that apply.

  • 1: Eligibility requirements
  • 2: Public perception
  • 3: Application requirements or complexity
  • 4: Lack of awareness
  • 5: Funding or credit not needed
  • 6: Other
    Specify other:


16. Does this business or organization have the cash or liquid assets required to operate?

  • 1: Yes
  • 3: No
    Will this business or organization be able to acquire the cash or liquid assets required?
    • 1: Yes
    • 3: No
    • 5: Don't know
  • 5: Don't know


17. Does this business or organization have the ability to take on more debt?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: Don't know

Business space

18. Does this business or organization own or rent/lease space?

If there are multiple locations, report for the largest location based on square footage.

  • 1: Own
    Does this business or organization intend to:
    • Move to another location
    • Sublet space to others
    • Fully maintain occupancy of current location
  • 2: Rent or lease
    Does this business or organization intend to:
    • Maintain its full lease
    • Break its lease
    • Sublet space to others
  • 3: Neither

Personal protective equipment or supplies

19. Does business or organization expect to experience difficulty procuring any of the following personal protective equipment or supplies?

a. Masks

  • 1: Significant difficulty
  • 2: Some difficulty
  • 3: No difficulty
  • 4: Not needed

b. Eye protection

  • 1: Significant difficulty
  • 2: Some difficulty
  • 3: No difficulty
  • 4: Not needed

c. Face shields
e.g., visors

  • 1: Significant difficulty
  • 2: Some difficulty
  • 3: No difficulty
  • 4: Not needed

d. Gloves

  • 1: Significant difficulty
  • 2: Some difficulty
  • 3: No difficulty
  • 4: Not needed

e. Gowns

  • 1: Significant difficulty
  • 2: Some difficulty
  • 3: No difficulty
  • 4: Not needed

f. Cleaning products

  • 1: Significant difficulty
  • 2: Some difficulty
  • 3: No difficulty
  • 4: Not needed

g. Disinfecting wipes

  • 1: Significant difficulty
  • 2: Some difficulty
  • 3: No difficulty
  • 4: Not needed

h. Hand sanitizer

  • 1: Significant difficulty
  • 2: Some difficulty
  • 3: No difficulty
  • 4: Not needed

i. Plexiglass or sneeze guards

  • 1: Significant difficulty
  • 2: Some difficulty
  • 3: No difficulty
  • 4: Not needed

j. COVID-19 testing kits

  • 1: Significant difficulty
  • 2: Some difficulty
  • 3: No difficulty
  • 4: Not needed

k. Thermometers

  • 1: Significant difficulty
  • 2: Some difficulty
  • 3: No difficulty
  • 4: Not needed

l. Other

  • 1: Significant difficulty
  • 2: Some difficulty
  • 3: No difficulty
  • 4: Not needed

Flow condition: If there are any responses of "significant difficulty" or "some difficulty" in Q19, go to Q20. Otherwise, skip Q20 and go to Q21.

20. Indicate why this business or organization expects to have difficulty procuring personal protective equipment or supplies.

Select all that apply.

  • 1: Do not know where to procure personal protective equipment or supplies from
  • 2: Normal source of personal protective equipment or supplies is unable to meet demand
  • 3: Cost of personal protective equipment or supplies is too high
  • 4: Cannot source enough personal protective equipment or supplies to meet consumption
  • 5: Other
    Specify other:

Measures permanently adopted

21. Using a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 means "very unlikely" and 5 means "very likely", how likely is this business or organization to permanently adopt each of the following measures once the COVID-19 pandemic is over?

An employee is someone who would be issued a T4 from this business or organization.

a. Offer more employees the possibility of teleworking or working remotely

  • 1: 1 – very unlikely
  • 2: 2
  • 3: 3
  • 4: 4
  • 5: 5 – very likely
  • 6: Not relevant

b. Require more employees to telework or work remotely

  • 1: 1 – very unlikely
  • 2: 2
  • 3: 3
  • 4: 4
  • 5: 5 – very likely
  • 6: Not relevant

c. Require employees to come back to on-site work

  • 1: 1 – very unlikely
  • 2: 2
  • 3: 3
  • 4: 4
  • 5: 5 – very likely
  • 6: Not relevant

d. Increased IT infrastructure to support teleworking

  • 1: 1 – very unlikely
  • 2: 2
  • 3: 3
  • 4: 4
  • 5: 5 – very likely
  • 6: Not relevant

e. Make investments to increase the security of telework systems

  • 1: 1 – very unlikely
  • 2: 2
  • 3: 3
  • 4: 4
  • 5: 5 – very likely
  • 6: Not relevant

f. Automate certain tasks
e.g., through the use of robots or computer algorithms

  • 1: 1 – very unlikely
  • 2: 2
  • 3: 3
  • 4: 4
  • 5: 5 – very likely
  • 6: Not relevant

g. Adopt shiftwork to increase the distance between employees

  • 1: 1 – very unlikely
  • 2: 2
  • 3: 3
  • 4: 4
  • 5: 5 – very likely
  • 6: Not relevant

h. Modify the work space to increase the distance between employees

  • 1: 1 – very unlikely
  • 2: 2
  • 3: 3
  • 4: 4
  • 5: 5 – very likely
  • 6: Not relevant

i. Diversify supply chains within Canada

  • 1: 1 – very unlikely
  • 2: 2
  • 3: 3
  • 4: 4
  • 5: 5 – very likely
  • 6: Not relevant

j. Diversify supply chains outside Canada

  • 1: 1 – very unlikely
  • 2: 2
  • 3: 3
  • 4: 4
  • 5: 5 – very likely
  • 6: Not relevant

k. Reduce hiring of temporary foreign workers

  • 1: 1 – very unlikely
  • 2: 2
  • 3: 3
  • 4: 4
  • 5: 5 – very likely
  • 6: Not relevant

l. Increase online sales capacity

  • 1: 1 – very unlikely
  • 2: 2
  • 3: 3
  • 4: 4
  • 5: 5 – very likely
  • 6: Not relevant

m. Increase contactless delivery or pickup options

  • 1: 1 – very unlikely
  • 2: 2
  • 3: 3
  • 4: 4
  • 5: 5 – very likely
  • 6: Not relevant

n. Reduce the physical space used by this business or organization

  • 1: 1 – very unlikely
  • 2: 2
  • 3: 3
  • 4: 4
  • 5: 5 – very likely
  • 6: Not relevant

o. Increase the physical space used by this business or organization

  • 1: 1 – very unlikely
  • 2: 2
  • 3: 3
  • 4: 4
  • 5: 5 – very likely
  • 6: Not relevant

Future operations

22. Using a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 means "strongly agree" and 5 means "strongly disagree", indicate how well each of the following statements apply to this business or organization.

a. Before the pandemic, the general outlook for this business or organization was positive

  • 1: 1 – strongly agree
  • 2: 2
  • 3: 3
  • 4: 4
  • 5: 5 – strongly disagree
  • 6: Don't know

b. This business or organization is actively considering bankruptcy or closing as a result of COVID-19

  • 1: 1 – strongly agree
  • 2: 2
  • 3: 3
  • 4: 4
  • 5: 5 – strongly disagree
  • 6: Don't know

c. This business or organization is prepared financially for a possible second wave of COVID-19

  • 1: 1 – strongly agree
  • 2: 2
  • 3: 3
  • 4: 4
  • 5: 5 – strongly disagree
  • 6: Don't know

d. The revenue of this business or organization over the next 3 months will be higher than it was over the last 3 months

  • 1: 1 – strongly agree
  • 2: 2
  • 3: 3
  • 4: 4
  • 5: 5 – strongly disagree
  • 6: Don't know

23. How long can this business or organization continue to operate at its current level of revenue and expenditures before having to consider staffing actions, closure or bankruptcy?

  • 1: Less than 1 month
  • 2: 1 month to less than 3 months
  • 3: 3 months to less than 6 months
  • 4: 6 months to less than 12 months
  • 5: 12 months or more
  • 6: Don't know

Expectations over the next 3 months

24. Over the next 3 months, does this business or organization expect the prices it charges to increase, stay about the same, or decrease?

  • 1: Increase
  • 2: Stay about the same
  • 3: Decrease
  • 4: Don't know
  • 5: Not applicable

25. Over the next 3 months, does this business or organization expect its overall number of employees to increase, stay about the same, or decrease?

  • 1: Increase
  • 2: Stay about the same
  • 3: Decrease
  • 4: Don't know

Flow condition: If the business or organization is a government agency or non-profit organization, skip to Q28. Otherwise, go to Q26.

Expectations for the next year

26. In the next year, are there any plans to expand this business or organization or acquire or invest in other businesses or organizations?

  • 1: Yes
    Does this business or organization plan to:
    Select all that apply.
    • 1: Expand current location of this business or organization
    • 2: Expand this business or organization to other locations
    • 3: Acquire other businesses or organizations or franchises
    • 4: Invest in other businesses or organizations
  • 2: No
  • 3: Don't know

27. In the next year, are there any plans to transfer, sell or close this business or organization?

  • 1: Yes
    Does this business or organization plan to:
    • 1: Transfer to family members without money changing hands
    • 2: Sell to family members
    • 3: Sell to employees
    • 4: Sell to external parties
    • 5: Close the business or organization
    • 6: Don't know
  • 3: No
  • 5: Don't know


(i) The groups identified within the following questions are included in order to gain a better understanding of the impact of COVID-19 on businesses or organizations owned by members of various communities across Canada.

28. What percentage of this business or organization is owned by women?

Provide your best estimate rounded to the nearest percentage.

  • Percentage:
  • 1: Don't know

29. What percentage of this business or organization is owned by First Nations, Métis or Inuit peoples?

Provide your best estimate rounded to the nearest percentage.

  • Percentage:
  • 1: Don't know

30. What percentage of this business or organization is owned by immigrants to Canada?

Provide your best estimate rounded to the nearest percentage.

  • Percentage:
  • 1: Don't know

31. What percentage of this business or organization is owned by persons with a disability?

Provide your best estimate rounded to the nearest percentage.

  • Percentage:
  • 1: Don't know

32. What percentage of this business or organization is owned by LGBTQ2 individuals?

The term LGBTQ2 refers to persons who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and/or two-spirited.

Provide your best estimate rounded to the nearest percentage.

  • Percentage:
  • 1: Don't know

33. What percentage of this business or organization is owned by members of visible minorities?

A member of a visible minority in Canada may be defined as someone (other than an Indigenous person) who is non-white in colour or race, regardless of place of birth.

Provide your best estimate rounded to the nearest percentage.

  • Percentage:
  • 1: Don't know

Flow condition: If more than 50% of this business or organization is owned by members of visible minorities, go to Q34. Otherwise, go to "Contact person".

34. It was indicated that a percentage of this business or organization is owned by members of visible minorities. Please select the categories that describe the owner or owners.

Select all that apply.

  • 1: South Asian
    e.g., East Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan
  • 2: Chinese
  • 3: Black
  • 4: Filipino
  • 5: Latin American
  • 6: Arab
  • 7: Southeast Asian
    e.g., Vietnamese, Cambodian, Laotian, Thai
  • 8: West Asian
    e.g., Afghan, Iranian
  • 9: Korean
  • 10: Japanese
  • 11: Other group
    Specify other group:
  • 12: Prefer not to say