Archived - Labour Market Indicators - February 2022

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In February 2022, questions measuring the Labour Market Indicators were added to the Labour Force Survey as a supplement.

Question wording within the collection application is controlled dynamically based on responses provided throughout the survey.

Labour Market Indicators

WFH_Q01 / EQ1 – At the present time, in which of the following locations does (respondent's name/this person) usually work as part of (his/her/their) main job or business?

WFH_Q02 / EQ2 – Last week, what proportion of (his/her/their) work hours did (respondent's name/this person) work at home as part of (his/her/their) main job or business?

WFH_Q03 / EQ3 – Would (respondent's name/this person) move to another location in the province if a suitable job were offered?

WFH_Q04 / EQ4 – Would (respondent's name/this person) move to another province if a suitable job were offered?

WFH_Q05 / EQ5 – Imagine that (respondent's name/this person) found a suitable job. What is the lowest amount of pay, before taxes, that (he/she/they) would be prepared to accept?

WFH_Q06 / EQ6 – Over the last month, that is since (previous month) 15 to today, has (respondent's name/this person) received a payment for any of the following types of benefits?