Archived - Labour Market Indicators – March 2024

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In March 2024, questions measuring the Labour Market Indicators were added to the Labour Force Survey as a supplement.

Questionnaire flow within the collection application is controlled dynamically based on responses provided throughout the survey. Therefore, some respondents will not receive all questions, and there is a small chance that some households will not receive any questions at all. This is based on their answers to certain LFS questions.

Labour Market Indicators

ENTRY_Q01 / EQ 1 - From the following list, please select the household member that will be completing this questionnaire on behalf of the entire household.

CAR_Q01 / EQ 2 - To what extent [do/does] [you/Respondent name/this person] agree or disagree with the following statement?

[Your/Respondent’s Name/This person’s] main job offers good prospects for career advancement.

  1. Strongly agree
  2. Agree
  3. Neither agree nor disagree
  4. Disagree
  5. Strongly disagree

RES_Q01 / EQ 3 - Imagine that [you/Respondent name/this person] found a suitable job. What is the lowest amount of pay, before taxes, that [you/he/she/they] would be prepared to accept. 

  1. Per hour
  2. Per day
  3. Per week
  4. Per two weeks
  5. Per month
  6. Per year
  7. Minimum wage
  8. Other