Culture Statistics
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The Culture statistics portal brings together reliable government data, tools and reports to provide you with key information on culture, arts, heritage and sport in Canada. This portal has been developed by Statistics Canada in partnership with the Department of Canadian Heritage and will be updated regularly as new data becomes available.
Find data on
Key indicators
Selected geographical area: ~ ' ' ~ Canada ~ ''; ?>
$10.4 billion-9.5%(period-to-period change)
$4.4 billion16.6%(annual change)
More key indicators
Selected geographical area: ~ ' ' ~ Canada ~ ''; ?>
$903.3 million21.2%(period-to-period change)
$491.9 million13.3%(period-to-period change)
$169.0 million10.2%(period-to-period change)
$1.0 billion1.9%(period-to-period change)
-0.0%(quarterly change)
641,485 jobs0.0%(quarterly change)

Arts and Culture Data Viewer

The Arts and Culture Data Viewer, is a tool that allows users to easily break down economic and social data from Statistics Canada on arts and culture by geographic area and other dimensions.
Visual and applied arts

- Canada Council for the Arts: Research, Evaluation and Performance Measurement
- Literature review on the Canadian art market and the socio-economic conditions of the visual arts market
- Impact of the Inuit Arts economy
- The Visual Arts in Canada: A Synthesis and Critical Analysis of Recent Research
- Artist Career Research Methods
- Waging Culture 2017 - Art Gallery of York University (non-governmental link)
Culture satellite account

Additional resources
Canadian Heritage
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)
Statistics Canada
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