Infrastructure Statistics
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Canada's Core Public Infrastructure Survey: Recent releases

The Linkable Open Data Environment

The Open Database of Infrastructure contains the locations of bridges, tunnels, solid waste facilities, pedestrian and cycling paths, public transit stops, and potable water, stormwater and wastewater infrastructure.
Infrastucture Statistics Hub

The Infrastructure Statistics Hub showcases the infrastructure economic accounts which represent a set of statistical statements that record the economic, social and environmental impacts related to the production and use of infrastructure in Canada and each province and territory.
Transportation Data and Information Hub

Transportation Data and Information Hub, developed in partnership by Transport Canada and Statistics Canada provides you with an authoritative source of data and information about transportation in Canada. The Hub is part of the Canadian Centre on Transportation Data (CCTD).
Infrastructure Project Planning Tool

Infrastructure Project Planning Tool is a decision-making support tool for early phases of infrastructure projects. It combines several socio-economic datasets from Statistics Canada to support decision-making for users. It allows users to search these datasets by area of interest, to export data, and to uses them in the context of infrastructure projects.
Other releases
- Non-residential capital and repair expenditures, 2022 (revised), 2023 (preliminary) and 2024 (intentions)
- Capital expenditures, infrastructure assets, by ownership
- Capital expenditures, infrastructure assets, by ownership and geography
- Sources and Methods: Capital Investment in Infrastructure
- Remaining useful service life ratios of non-residential capital stock
- Public transit in a post-COVID-19 Canada