Courts Statistics
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Integrated Criminal Court Survey: Interactive Dashboard on Annual Key Indicators
The Integrated Criminal Court Survey: Interactive Dashboard on Annual Key Indicators provides an overview of the annual data on criminal courts program in Canada. The dashboard features statistics on the complexity, the processing time and the outcome of cases in youth courts and adult criminal courts.
Integrated Criminal Court Survey: Interactive Dashboard on Preliminary Quarterly Data
The Integrated Criminal Court Survey: Interactive Dashboard on Preliminary Quarterly Data provides an overview of the preliminary quarterly data on criminal courts program in Canada. The dashboard features statistics on the complexity, the processing time and the outcome of cases in youth courts and adult criminal courts.
Crime and justice statistics

Crime and justice statistics provides an overview of the information on the subject of Crime and justice at Statistics Canada.
Recently released articles and data tables
- Monetary penalties in adult criminal courts
- Adult criminal courts, number of cases and charges by type of decision
- Year-over-year percentage change, key indicators for preliminary quarterly data, adult criminal court and youth court
- Civil court cases, by level of court and type of case, Canada and selected provinces and territories
- Fewer adult criminal court cases were completed during the first three quarters of 2020/2021
- Survey of Maintenance Enforcement Programs: Child and spousal support, 2019/2020
- A monthly analysis of adult criminal court cases in Canada, 2008/2009 to 2018/2019
Overview of the Adult Criminal Justice System

Overview of the Adult Criminal Justice System provides a visual overview of the criminal justice system in Canada as of 2017 and covers key stages of the process from police to sentencing.