Digital economy and society Statistics
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Articles and publications

Economic accounts
- Digital supply and use tables, 2017 to 2019
- The value of data in Canada: Experimental estimates
- Measuring digital economic activities in Canada: initial estimates
- Measuring private short-term accommodation in Canada
- Measuring investment in data, databases and data science: Conceptual framework
- Canada's international trade in information and communications technologies (ICT) and ICT-enabled services
Cyber security and cybercrime
- Impact of cybercrime on Canadian businesses, 2023
- Impact of cybercrime on Canadian businesses, 2021
- The changing landscape of cyber security following the COVID-19 pandemic
- One-fifth of Canadian businesses were impacted by cyber security incidents in 2019
- Canadians spend more money and time online during pandemic and over two-fifths report a cyber incident
- Cybercrime in Canada
- Women and men who experienced cyberstalking in Canada
Digital technology and Internet use by individuals
- Canadian Internet Use Survey, 2022
- The spread of misinformation: A multivariate analysis of the relationship between individual characteristics and fact-checking behaviours of Canadians
- Digital well-being: the relationship between technology use, mental health and interpersonal relationships
- Concerns with misinformation online, 2023
- Canadian Internet Use Survey, 2020
- Access to the Internet in Canada, 2020
- Internet use and COVID-19: How the pandemic increased the amount of time Canadians spend online
- Online shopping in Canada, 2018
- Evolving Internet Use Among Canadian Seniors
Digital technology and Internet use by businesses and governments
- Survey of Digital Technology and Internet Use, 2023
- Robotics Technologies Adoption: Insights from the Survey of Advanced Technology
- Innovation in focus: Exploring trends in the development of advanced technology through patent applications
- Digital technology and Internet use, 2021
- What happens with your personal contact information when you share it with Canadian businesses?
- Changes in the e-commerce strategies of Canadian businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Survey of Digital Technology and Internet Use: Data tables, 2019
- Survey of Digital Technology and Internet Use, 2019
- The Effect of Robots on Firm Performance and Employment
- The Employment Consequences of Robots: Firm-level Evidence
- How to Build a Robots! Database
- Canadian's Views on Automation and Net Job Creation in 1989: Were they Right?
Infographics and other visualizations

- Canadians online in 2020
- Canadian e-commerce: Measuring domestic vs. cross-border e-commerce
- Online shopping in Canada in 2020: Results from Canadian Internet Use Survey
- Seniors online
- Cyberstalking
- Results from the Digital Economy Survey
Interactive data visualizations
The Going Digital Toolkit

Available only in English, the Going Digital Toolkit is an interactive tool that allows users to explore indicators reflecting the state of digital development in member countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), including Canada.
Digital economy and society statistics in an international context

Surveys of individuals and households

This section provides more information on individual and household surveys that collect digital economy and society indicators, such as measures related to Internet and technology use, and online purchases.
Canadian Internet Use Survey
The Canadian Internet Use Survey (CIUS) measures household access to the Internet and the online behaviour, including intensity of Internet use, online security, privacy and trust, and e-commerce.
General Society Survey
The General Social Survey provides a variety of data on social trends, including some data on technology use and victimization online.
Digital Economy Survey
The Digital Economy Survey (DES) was a one-time survey that measured purchases and use of digital products.
Surveys of businesses

This section provides more information on surveys that collect digital economy indicators for Canadian businesses, such as measures related to cybercrime and technology use.
Canadian Survey of Cyber Security and Cybercrime
The Canadian Survey of Cyber Security and Cybercrime (CSCSC) measures the impact of cybercrime on Canadian businesses and examines the measures businesses use to prevent and recover from cyber security incidents.
Survey of Digital Technology and Internet Use
The Survey of Digital Technology and Internet Use (SDTIU) measures the impact of technologies, including the Internet and specific information and communication technologies (ICTs), on the operation of Canadian enterprises.
More information on digital economy and society

Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions on Digital economy and society.
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